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1、Unite1 Whats the matter? 【重点单词】,Unite1 Whats the matter?,1.重要,要紧,有关系2.怎么了?出什么事了?3.疼痛的,酸痛的4.感冒5.胃,腹部6.胃痛,腹痛7.胃痛8.脚9.颈,脖子10.喉咙11.发烧,发热12.躺,平躺13.躺下14.剩余部分,其余;放松,休息,matter mt v.,Whats the matter?,sore s:(r) adj.,have a cold,stomach stmk n.,stomachache stmkek n.,have a stomachache,foot(复数feet) fu:t n.,ne

2、ck nek n.,throat rt n,fever fi:v n.,lie la v.,lie down,rest rest n.,1.重要,要紧,有关系2.怎么了?出什么事了?3.疼痛的,15.咳嗽16.X光,X射线17.牙痛18.量体温19.头痛20.发烧21.休息,暂停;打破22.休息23.伤害,损害,使受伤24.乘客,旅客25.离开(某处);从去掉26.下车27.使惊讶,出乎意料,cough kf n. & v.,X-ray eksre n.,toothache tu:ek n.,take ones temperature,headache hedek n.,have a feve

3、r,break brek n. & v.,take breaks(take a break),hurt h:t v.,passenger psnd n.,off f adv. prep.,get off,to ones surprise,15.咳嗽16.X光,X射线17.牙痛18.量体温1,28.向,朝29.麻烦,烦扰,问题30.碰撞,打,打击31.立即,马上32.陷入,参与33.她自己,她本身(she的反身代词)34.绷带.用绷带包扎35.患病的,不适的36.膝盖37.鼻出血38.呼吸,onto nt prep.,trouble trbl n.,hit hit n. & v.,right a

4、way,get into,herself h:self pron.,bandage bndd n. & v.,sick sk adj.,knee ni: n.,nosebleed nzbli:d n.,breathe bri: v.,28.向,朝onto nt prep.troubl,39.我们自己(we的反身代词)40.登山者41.习惯于 适应于42.风险,危险;冒险43.冒险44.意外事件;事故45.状况,形式,情况46.公斤,千克47.岩石48.用尽,耗尽49.刀,餐刀50.切除,ourselves :selvz pron.,climber klam(r) n.,be used to,r

5、isk rsk n. & v.,take risks(take a risk),accident ksidnt n.,situation sitjuein n.,kg=kilogram klgrm n.,rock rk n.,run out (of),knife naif n.,cut off,39.我们自己(we的反身代词)40.登山者41.习惯于,晒伤的血意味着,意思是,意欲离开,从 出来重要性决心,决定,抉择控制,支配,操纵掌管,管理勇气,意志死亡放弃护士,sunburned snb:nd adj.,blood bld n.,mean mi:n v.,get out of,importa

6、nce mp:tns n.,decision dsn n.,control kntrl v.,be in control of,spirit sprt n.,death de n.,give up,nurse n:s n.,晒伤的血意味着,意思是,意欲离开,从 出来重要性,短语归纳,Unit 1.Whats the matter?,短语归纳Unit 1.Whats the matter?,1.感冒 2.胃痛 3.太多 4.喉咙疼5.看牙医6.躺下来7.拍个x光片8.量一下体温9.在上敷些药10.头痛,11.听起来好像,have a cold,have a stomachache.,too mu

7、ch,have a sore throat,see a dentist.,lie down,get an x- ray,take ones temperature,put some medicine on,have a stomachache.,sound like.,1.感冒 have a coldhave a,12.玩电脑游戏13.发烧14.整个周末15.休息16.看医生17.没多想18.下车19.有心脏病20.去医院21.带某人去医院22.等待23.使惊讶的是.出乎意料是24.多亏多亏了,play computer games,have a fever,on weekend.,take

8、breaks/ take a break,go to a doctor,without thinking twice,get out,have a heart problem,go to the hospital,take somebody to the hospital,wait for.,to ones surprise,thanks to,12.玩电脑游戏play computer gameshav,25.及时26.考虑27.立即,马上28.到达29.陷入中30.伤到自己31.割伤自己32.一些,几个33.进来.34.被击中 被晒伤、 35.对于感到兴趣.对感兴趣的36.冒险37.失去生

9、命,in time,think about,right away=at once,get to,get into,hurt oneself,cut oneself,a few,come in,get hit,sunburned,be interested in,,take risks/take a risk.,lose ones life,25.及时in timethink aboutright a,38.由于39.独自40.切除41.用耗,进靠近42.做决定43.掌管,管理44.去爬山45.放弃46.摔倒47.离开,从出来,because of,by oneself,cut off,run

10、out of,make a decision/ make decisions,be in control of,go mountain climbing,give up,fall down,get out of,38.由于because ofby oneselfcut o,用法集萃: 需要某物 1. 需要做某事 某事需要被做2. 看见某人正在做某事 看见某人做了某事3 意味着某事 打算做某事4. 期待/预料某人做某事 想要某人做某事 过去常常做某事 习惯于做某事 被用来做某事,need sth,need to do sth,need doing sth,see sb doing sth,see

11、 sb to do sth,mean doing sth,mean to do sth,expect sb to dosth,want sb to do sth,used to do sth,be /get used to doing sth,be used to do sth,用法集萃:need sthneed to do sthnee,6好像7好像做某事8好像做某事9同意做某事10帮助某人做某事11做某事有困难12使用有某物做某事12继续做某事13介意做某事14专注于做某事,seem to be +形容词,seem to do sth,seem+that从句,,agree to do st

12、h,help sb to do sth,have problems in doing sth,use sth to do sth= use sth for doing sth,keep on doing sth,mind doing sth,pay attention to doing sth,6好像seem to be +形容词seem to,Part,语法透析,考点大观易错辨析通关训练,Part语法透析考点大观,语法透视,考点大观,易错辨析,通关训练,should的用法,should属于情态动词,意为“应该;应当”,不能单独作谓语,后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。should的否定形式为

13、should not,缩写形式为shouldnt。在疑问句中should谓语主语前面。We should go home at once.我们应该马上回家。You shouldnt smoke here. 你不应该在这里抽烟。,语法透视考点大观易错辨析通关训练should的用法shoul,考点大观,易错辨析,通关训练,should用法荟萃,语法透视,1. 用来向别人提出建议或劝告别人做某事,意为“应该;应当”。Tom, I have a toothache. 汤姆,我牙痛You should see a dentist. 你应当去看牙医。,考点大观易错辨析通关训练should用法荟萃语法透视1

14、. 用,考点大观,易错辨析,通关训练,should用法荟萃,语法透视,2. 表示现在或将来的某种义务或责任。We should respect the old. 我们应该尊重老人。You should leave her a note. 你应该给她留个字条。,考点大观易错辨析通关训练should用法荟萃语法透视2. 表,考点大观,易错辨析,通关训练,should用法荟萃,语法透视,3. 用来表示要求、命令。You should listen to the teacher carefully in class.在课堂上 你应该认真听老师讲课。,考点大观易错辨析通关训练should用法荟萃语法透视

15、3. 用,考点大观,易错辨析,通关训练,should用法荟萃,语法透视,4. 表示可能性、期望以及推测即将发生的情况。They should be there by now.他们现在可能到那儿了。,考点大观易错辨析通关训练should用法荟萃语法透视4. 表,考点大观,易错辨析,通关训练,should用法荟萃,语法透视,5.表示某种感情色彩,如惊讶、愤怒、失望等。Why should I go? 我干嘛要去?Why should I know? 我怎么会知道?,考点大观易错辨析通关训练should用法荟萃语法透视5.表示,考点大观,易错辨析,通关训练,should用法荟萃,语法透视,6.Sho

16、uld I ?用来征求意见、提供帮助或请求指示。Should I help you clean the bedroom?要不要我帮你打扫卧室?,考点大观易错辨析通关训练should用法荟萃语法透视6.Sh,考点大观,易错辨析,通关训练,语法透视,解析,We_ be more careful, or we will make the same mistake in the experiment.A. might B. can C. may D. should,Next,考点大观易错辨析通关训练【解析】本句话意为“我们应该更仔细,,考点大观,易错辨析,通关训练,A country has drea

17、ms. We teenagers _ also have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be created. A. may B. must C. should,语法透视,解析,考点大观易错辨析通关训练A country has drea,Unit 1Whats the matter?,Unit 1Whats the matter?,Language objectives,1. Master main words 、phrases and sentences , and use them freely. 2. C

18、an talk about health. 3. Can give some advice.4. 主动去救助处于危险境地的人。,Language objectives1.,head,eye,nose,arm,mouth,tooth,neck,hand,stomach,leg,foot,ear,back,face,Free talk,headeyenosearmmouthtoothneckha,I have a (bad) cold.,I have a stomachache.,感冒,胃痛,Whats the matter?,I have a (bad) cold.I have a s,have

19、 a toothache,have a headache,have a (high) fever,发烧,牙痛,头痛,Whats the matter with her / him?,have a toothachehave a head,Pair work,Pair work,知识小结1:,1.Whats the matter with sb?= Whats the trouble with sb?= Whats wrong with sb?注:with为介词,后跟人称代词宾格, 如her,him,them等。eg:Whats the matter with your mother? What

20、s wrong with you? Whats the trouble with her?,怎么了,知识小结1:1.Whats the matter with,在英语中,表达“疼痛或不舒服”时的常用结构: (1)主语+have/has+病症 (2)主语+have/has+a+sore+发病部位 sore 是一个独立的形容词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。如:sore back, sore throat,sore neck. (3)主语+have/has+a+部位-ache -ache作后缀,常与表示身体部位的名词合成一个新词,表身体某部位疼痛,如:toothache , headache , st

21、omachache . (4)(There is)something wrong with +ones+部位 某人某部位不舒服/出了毛病。,在英语中,表达“疼痛或不舒服”时的常用结构:,A: Whats the matter?A: I have_,a toothache,A: You should_. You shouldnt _.,see a dentist,eat sweet things,.,Give advice,A: Whats the matter?a tootha,Whats the matter?,I have a_.,sore back,You should _.,see a

22、 doctor,You shouldnt_.,exercise,Whats the matter?I have a_,A: Whats the matter?,B: Im not feeling well. I have a _.What should I do?A: You should_.,cold,lie down and rest,You shouldnt _.,play soccer,Pairwork,A: Whats the matter?B: Im no,A: Whats the matter?,B: I have a_.,sore back,A: You should _.,s

23、ee a doctor,You shouldnt _.,surf the Internet,A: Whats the matter?B: I have,A:Whats the matter?B:I have a _.A:You should _ _. You shouldnt_,sore throat,drink some hot tea with honey,drink cola,A:Whats the matter?sore throa,A: Whats the matter?B:I have a _.A:You should_.You shouldnt_.,fever,drink lot

24、s of water,exercise,A: Whats the matter?feverdrin,A:Whats the matter?B:I have a _.A:You should_. You shouldnt _ _.,stomachache,lie down and rest,eat anything for two hours,A:Whats the matter?stomachach,1) 看到某人正在做某事2) 让某人吃惊的是3) 下车4) 上车5) 多亏,幸亏6) 考虑7) 同意做某事8) 造成麻烦,see sb. doing sth.to ones surpriseget

25、 off the busget on the busthanks tothink aboutagree to do sth.get into trouble,Practice,1) 看到某人正在做某事see sb. doing sth.,摔倒对感兴趣习惯于因为用完,fall downbe interested inbe used to because of run out of,Important phrases,准备做切除离开掌管,管理继续或坚持(做某事),be ready to do sth.cut off get out of in control of keep on doing st

26、h.,摔倒fall downImportant phrases准备,词汇串记 Yesterday Mr. black, the bus driver, was not feeling well. He1(感冒了). His wife took his temperature and found that he had a2(发烧). He took some medicine and drank lots of water. His wife said that he3(应该)have a day off to lie down and rest or go to a doctor. But

27、he made a4(决定)to keep on working. Unluckily, a bus accident5(发生)while he was driving. The bus accident was near a bridge. The bus ran off the road. Eight people were6(受伤). The bus driver was too tired and he was going too fast. The road is a two-lane road. (双向车道),had a cold,fever,should,decision,hap

28、pened,hurt,词汇串记had a cold fever shoulddec,It is a narrow (狭窄的) road. The road is not straight. It bends (弯曲) a lot. The speed limit is 25 mph. The bus was going 50 mph. The7(乘客)were afraid. The bus ran into a guard rail. (防护栏) Some yelled. (大叫) Some8(摔倒). Luggage(行李) flew through the air. Luggage9(击

29、; 打)people. The windows broke. Glass was everywhere. Soon the ambulances (救护车). came. They took wounded(受伤的)people to the10(医院). The police came. They took the driver to the police station.,passengers,fell down,hit,hospital,passengersfell downhi,1.The driver saw an old man lying on the side of the r

30、oad.see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事When I pass the window I see him drawing a picture.,see sb. do sth. 看见某人做过某事e.g. I often see him draw a picture.,1) 我看见他时他正在河边玩。 I saw him _ by the river.2) 我看见过他在河边玩。 I saw him _ by the river.,playing,play,重点句子,1.The driver saw an old man l,2. The bus driver, 24-year

31、-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice.3. He only thought about saving a life.,你能看出“without thinking”、“about saving a life” 的共同点吗?,共同点:介词 + doing 介词 + 名词 宾格代词 doing,2. The bus driver, 24-year-old,用适当的形式填空。 1) I am fine. What about _ (she)? 2) Thanks for _ (tell) me the story? 3) It i

32、s a sunny day. How about _ (go) fishing? 4) It is good to relax by _ (use) the Internet or _ (watch) game shows.,her,telling,going,using,watching,用适当的形式填空。hertellinggoingu,4. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. to ones surprise使.惊讶的是,出乎.意料 练一练. _ _ _ , all the students pass the exam

33、.(另他们吃惊的是) 5. . because they dont want any trouble, . be in trouble“有困难;陷入困境”。 get sb. into trouble “使某人陷入困境”。 have / has trouble (in) doing sth. “某人在做某事方面有困难”。 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (1) 你知道你现在为什么处于困境吗? Do you know why you _ now? (3) 我妹妹在学习英语方面有困难。 My sister _ English.,To their surprise,are in trouble,has t

34、rouble instudying,4. But to his surprise, they,1) He bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood.2) His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.,6. 观察以下两个句子,总结 so that, 和 so that 的用法。,目的状语从句,“为了”,结果状语从句, “以便”,1) He bandaged h

35、imself so that,so. that.中的so是副词,常用来修饰形容词或副词,“如此以致于”。主语 + 谓语 + so + adj. / adv. + that从句。e.g. The boy ran so fast that I couldnt catch him. so + adj. + a(n) + 单数名词 + that从句。 e.g. It was so fine a day yesterday that we all went out for a picnic. 昨天天气很好,我们都出去野餐了。,so. that.中的so是副词,常用来修饰形容词,7. Aron is us

36、ed to taking risks.,be used to 意为“习惯于”,其中to是介词,其后要接名词或V-ing形式。,I used to live in London. 我过去一直住在伦敦。,Practise,他习惯步行上学。 He is used to walking to school.,used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”。,7. Aron is used to taking risk,Reading practice,Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man 用词的正确形式填空 At 9:00 a.m. yesterd

37、ay, bus No. 26 was going along Zhanghua Road when the _ (drive) saw an old man _(lie) on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help., 选词填空 The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without _ twice. He off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had

38、a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly.( ) A. think B. thinking C. to think D. thought( ) A. get B. got C. getting D. gets,lying,driver,B,B,Reading practice,He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the pa

39、ssengers _ _ off and wait for the next bus. But his surprise, they all agreed _ (go) with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man onto the bus.( ) A. to get B. got C. get D. getting ( ) A. to B. in C. for D. as( ) A. to go B. go C. going D. went, 根据汉语完成句子或根据首字母完成单词。_(幸亏) Mr. Wang and th

40、e passengers, the doctors savedthe man_(及时) . Its sad that many people dont want to help others because they dont want any trouble, says one passenger.But the driver didnt think about h _. He only thought about saving a l _.,A,B,A,Thanks to,in time,imself,ife,He told the passengers that h,本单元以“健康和急救

41、”为话题, 围绕这一话题主要谈论健康问题和意外事故, 以及如何合理地提出建议。健康话题是新课程标准中要求的一个重要学习话题, 也是单元测试及中考常考的话题作文之一。,Writing practice,【习作在线】 假如你是Peter的好朋友Li Lei, 你听说Peter近来因为考试而忙碌, 并且得了重感冒, 头疼得厉害。请你给他写封信, 建议他去看医生, 并告诉他要注意身体。要求70个词左右。,【思路点拨】(1)体裁: _ 。 (2)人称: _。 (3)时态: _及含情态动词_的句式。,应用文,第二人称,一般现在时,should,本单元以“健康和急救”为话题, 围绕这一话题,【佳作鉴赏】De

42、ar Peter, Im sorry to hear that you have a bad cold and a headache. I think you should go to a doctor and take some medicine. I know these days you are very busy studying for the exams, but you should look after your health. It is important for everyone to be healthy. If you want to study better, yo

43、u must keep in good health. I hope youll feel better soon. Yours, Li Lei,【佳作鉴赏】,体验中考,体验中考,1. ? I have a headache and I dont feel like eating anything. A. How are you B. What can I do for youC. Whats the matter with you D. How do you like it【解析】选C。考查固定句式。由答语可知问句意为“你怎么了? ”, 询问“怎么了? ”用“Whats the matter

44、? ”,2. The song I Believe I Can Fly tells us that believing inis very important. A. themselves B. itselfC. ourselves D. yourselves【解析】选C。考查反身代词。由其前的us可知应用ourselves与其对应。,1. ? 2. The song I Bel,3. My parentsgetting up early on weekdays. A. used to B. be used to C. was used to D. are used to【解析】选D。考查固定

45、短语。used to do意为“过去常常做某事”, be used to doing意为“习惯于做某事”, 根据句意“我父母习惯于工作日早起。”可知选D。,4. David Beckham decided to_ playing football match forever because he is not energetic enough. A. put offB. deal withC. break off D. give up【解析】选D。考查短语辨析。由句中的“because he is not energetic enough”可知贝克汉姆决定永远放弃踢足球。put off推迟;

46、deal with处理; break off中断, 断绝; give up放弃。故选D。,3. My parentsgetting up,5. Mr. Li is badly ill in hospital. _ A. It doesnt matter. B. Really? C. Im sorry to hear that. 【解析】选C。考查情景交际。对别人生病或遇到不幸表示难过用Im sorry to hear that. 。故选C。,5. Mr. Li is badly ill in h,Homework,调查本组内学生存在的问题,完成下列表格,并做调查报告。,对症下药,HomeworkProblemNameAdvice调查本组内,Keep healthy !,Keep healthy !,


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