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1、,Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A (3a-3c),What can it be?It must be ,What can it be?It must be ,cock,What can it be?It could/ might be ,What can it be?It could/ might be ,What can it be?It might/ could be ,Did you hear anything unusual?What might be happening?Who might be the noise maker?Ho

2、w do you feel when you hear a strange/unusual/terrible noise?Do you feel nervous/worried/scared/uneasy/curious?,The overpass collapsed(高架桥坍塌) in Wuxi on October 10th,2019 was a sad happening.It caused three deaths.,n.事件,发生的事情(常指不寻常的),New words,olicewoman n. 女警察(pl.policewomen),oliceman n. 男警察(pl.pol

3、icemen),noise n.噪音,声音noisy adj. 嘈杂的,吵闹的,uneasyadj.不安的,担心的,wolf n.狼,wolves,knifeknivesleafleaveswifewives,happeningnoisepolicemanwolfuneasy,n.事件,发生的事情(常指不寻常的)n.噪音,声音n. 男警察(pl.policemen)n.狼adj.不安的,担心的,Pre-reading,Who can they be?,Sherlock Holmes(夏洛克福尔摩斯)a great detective(侦探) 是由19世纪末的英国侦探小说家阿瑟柯南道尔所塑造的一

4、个才华横溢的虚构侦探,John Watson (约翰.华生) a doctorSherlocks assistant(助手),Careful(仔细的) Patient(有耐心的) Creative(有创造力的),What kind of people are they, do you think?,Skimming and scanning,Please read the article, think and decide which might be the best title: A. A Small and Quiet Town B. Strange Happenings in My T

5、own C. Animals in Our Neighborhood,B,What are the key words(关键词) of the titles?,While-reading: read 3a and collect clues.,You are all Sherlocks or Johns now. There is something happening in your neighborhood, but no one knows the answer. Please read the article again, collect some clues(线索), and fin

6、d the truth to the mistery(神秘事件)!,Careful, Patient,Creative,People hear_.,One woman in the area saw_.,The noise-maker is_.,Strange Happenings in My Town,What are they?,starnge noisesoutside their windows,something running away,having fun creating fear in the neighborhood.,噪音制造者的目的!,Read the article

7、again and find words to match the meanings.,nervous or worried _young people _person in the next house _area where people live _animal like a very large dog _person who makes noise _,uneasy,teenagers,neighbor,neighborhood,wolf,noise-maker,3b,Word matching,uneasy(不安的)teenagersneighborneighborhoodwolf

8、 noise-maker,1.area where people live 2.person who makes noise3.animal like a very large dog 4.person in the next house 5.young people 6.nervous or worried,Discuss with your deskmate and collect more clues(线索) from the article,finish3c.,What do people in the neighborhood think about the strange nois

9、es?,could be an animal,must be teenagershaving fun,might be the wind,cant be a dog,was too big to be a dog,was a bear or a wolf,will simply go away,Now,we still dont know what happened. Please work in groups of four, try to find out the truth(真相) to the strange happenings according to the clues(线索)

10、youve got and write it down. (Remember to use must, might, could and cant.),Post-reading:Discussing,writing & sharing!,.,No more strange happenings in our neighborhood,We now know what was happening in our neighborhood. It cant be teenagers. It could be some monkeys who came into our neighborhood secrectly.They might jump and play in the trees. The noise-makers must be the monkeys!,Sample,Homework,Read the passage in 3a skillfully.Do the exercises in students book.,To be a brilliant person, please be careful, patient, and creative in your life.,.,Thanks and goodbye!,


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