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1、美国研究生申请需要提前多久准备比较好 众所周知,申请美国研究生是一件大事,美国研究生申请没你想象中那么容易。下面就和大家分享美国研究生申请需要提前多久准备比较好,希望能够帮助到大家,快来一起学习吧。美国研究生申请需要提前多久准备比较好?一、3-5个月:语言学习+GMAT/GRE学习+学校选择首先要制定一个清晰的时间表和计划。在专业的顾问老师监督下,全程的申请都会有人指导和规划,DIY的学生则需要更多的帮助。在这里我们假设申请人打算独立完成申请,任务包括:在校成绩(GPA)、托福/雅思和GMAT/GRE的准备、学校选择、材料准备、网上申请和投递。很多人在刚开始拿单词书狂啃,两个月后发现不管是托福

2、还是雅思都没有合适的时间和考试地点。还有一些人拿到了他们想要的语言成绩,却发现截止日期快到了,personal statement只写了初稿。事实上,留学准备和申请并不一定是一项单一的任务,而是多线同时进行的。在申请出国留学的过程中,如果你必须先完成A,然后再做B,时间是远远不够的。另外,语言和GMAT/GRE是最重要的方面之一,应该尽早准备。但同时,学生应该了解不同国家的基本信息,尽快确定目的地。所以前期的信息收集工作一定不能少。例如,由于政策因素,移民到英国比较困难,毕业后拿到工作签证也不容易。加拿大在申请研究生学习时,原则上不能改变专业。在美国,STEM(科学、技术、工程、数学)领域的学






8、者按照一个好的顺序进行标记,让自己在整理时避免遗漏。最后选择快递,几个主要的国际快递公司和EMS公司实际上都可以完成任务,大致比较一下价格就可以了。GRE阅读练习:鸟叫研究Over the years, biolists have suggested two main pathways by which sexual selection may have shaped the evolution of male birdsong. In the first, male competition and intrasexual selection produce relatively short,

9、 simple songs used mainly in territorial behavior. In the second, female choice and intersexual selection produce longer, more complicated songs used mainly in mate attraction; like such visual ornamentation as the peacocks tail, elaborate vocal characteristics increase the males chances of being ch

10、osen as a mate, and he thus enjoys more reproductive success than his less ostentatious rivals. The two pathways are not mutually exclusive, and we can expect to find examples that reflect their interaction. Teasing them apart has been an important challenge to evolutionary biolists.Early research c

11、onfirmed the role of intrasexual selection. In a variety of experiments in the field, males responded aggressively to recorded songs by exhibiting territorial behavior near the speakers. The breakthrough for research into intersexual selection came in the development of a new technique for investiga

12、ting female response in the laboratory. When female cowbirds raised in isolation in sound-proof chambers were exposed to recordings of male song, they responded by exhibiting mating behavior. By quantifying the responses, researchers were able to determine what particular features of the song were m

13、ost important. In further experiments on song sparrows, researchers found that when exposed to a single song type repeated several times or to a repertoire of different song types, females responded more to the latter. The beauty of the experimental design is that it effectively rules out confoundin

14、g variables; acoustic isolation assures that the female can respond only to the song structure itself.If intersexual selection operates as theorized, males with more complicated songs should not only attract females more readily but should also enjoy greater reproductive success. At first, however,

15、researchers doing fieldwork with song sparrows found no correlation between larger repertoires and early mating, which has been shown to be one indicator of reproductive success; further, common measures of male quality used to predict reproductive success, such as weight, size, age, and territory,

16、also failed to correlate with song complexity.The confirmation researchers had been seeking was finally achieved in studies involving two varieties of warblers. Unlike the song sparrow, which repeats one of its several song types in bouts before switching to another, the warbler continuously compose

17、s much longer and more variable songs without repetition. For the first time, researchers found a significant correlation between repertoire size and early mating, and they discovered further that repertoire size had a more significant effect than any other measure of male quality on the number of y

18、oung produced. The evidence suggests that warblers use their extremely elaborate songs primarily to attract females, clearly confirming the effect of intersexual selection on the evolution of birdsong.17.1. The passage is primarily concerned with(A) showing that intrasexual selection has a greater e

19、ffect on birdsong than does intersexual selection(B) contrasting the role of song complexity in several species of birds(C) describing research confirming the suspected relationship between intersexual selection and the complexity of birdsong(D) demonstrating the superiority of laboratory work over

20、field studies in evolutionary bioly(E) illustrating the effectiveness of a particular approach to experimental design in evolutionary bioly17.2. The author mentions the peacocks tail in line 8 most probably in order to(A) cite an exception to the theory of the relationship between intrasexual select

21、ion and male competition(B) illustrate the importance of both of the pathways that shaped the evolution of birdsong(C) draw a distinction between competing theories of intersexual selection(D) give an example of a feature that may have evolved through intersexual selection by female choice(E) refute

22、 a commonly held assumption about the role of song in mate attraction17.3. According to the passage, which of the following is specifically related to intrasexual selection?(A) Female choice(B) Territorial behavior(C) Complex song types(D) Large song repertoires(E) Visual ornamentation17.4. Which of

23、 the following, if true, would most clearly demonstrate the interaction mentioned in lines 11-13?(A) Female larks respond similarly both to short, simple songs and to longer, more complicated songs.(B) Male canaries use visual ornamentation as well as elaborate song repertoires for mate attraction.(

24、C) Both male and female blackbirds develop elaborate visual and vocal characteristics.(D) Male jays use songs to compete among themselves and to attract females.(E) Male robins with elaborate visual ornamentation have as much reproductive success as rivals with elaborate vocal characteristics.17.5.

25、The passage indicates that researchers raised female cowbirds in acoustic isolation in order to(A) eliminate confounding variables(B) approximate field conditions(C) measure reproductive success(D) quantify repertoire complexity(E) prevent early mating17.6. According to the passage, the song sparrow

26、 is unlike the warbler in that the song sparrow(A) uses songs mainly in territorial behavior(B) continuously composes long and complex songs(C) has a much larger song repertoire(D) repeats one song type before switching to another(E) responds aggressively to recorded songs17.7. The passage suggests

27、that the song sparrow experiments mentioned in lines 37-43 failed to confirm the role of intersexual selection because(A) females were allowed to respond only to the song structure(B) song sparrows are unlike other species of birds(C) the experiments provided no evidence that elaborate songs increas

28、ed male reproductive success(D) the experiments included the songs of only a small number of different song sparrows(E) the experiments duplicated some of the limitations of previous field studiesGRE阅读:提速的取舍问题GRE阅读取舍的标准是:a)让步分句(如:带although的分句、带it is true的分句、带do的分句等)一律跳过(但是用括号括起来),只看后半个分句;b)such as后的

29、内容一律跳过,也用括号括起来,不过我会数数列举的个数,如果是4个,则必出题,其他个数不用管,出题了再回头看;c)for example举例只要提炼关键词的首字母就可以了,也要括起来,重点看后面或前面的结论。d)原因标志词常为BECause、since一律跳过,括起来,只看结果。比较容易被忽略的是result in和result from,遇到这两个,我在下面划横线做标记。e)老观点只把握关键词、知道讲的是什么就行,其他一律跳过。f)冒号后一律跳过,冒号下做标记。g)分号后一律跳过,因为表示并列,内容和前面大体一致,分号做标记,出题的话再回来看。现在的标准是:上面这些全看,因为速度上来了,但看这些内容时仍然是“毫无感觉”地看,可以不用担心它们会分散注意力了。当这些内容都做标记后,*结构就非常清楚了,哪儿是举例、哪儿是结论、哪儿是原因、哪儿是转折一目了然,定位非常容易。我的提高阅读速度的不二法门:反复阅读已经读过的*,5遍左右吧!慢慢地就会产生一种直觉,知道哪里略读哪里重读。


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