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1、,抗感染药物发展简史,1929 Alexander Fleming 发现青霉素,Howard Florey 和 Ernst Chain分离获得青霉素,用于动物试验。,青霉素首次用于救治战伤患者,拯救了 许多人的生命,1950s 大量抗生素用于临床。,A poster from World War II, dramatically showing the virtues of the new miracle drug, and representing the high level of motivation in the country to aid the health of the sol

2、diers at war.,抗感染药物发展简史1929 Alexander F,Discovery of Antibacterial Agents,CycloserineErythromycinEthionamideIsoniazidMetronidazolePyrazinamideRifamycinTrimethoprimVancomycinVirginiamycin,Imipenem,1930,1940,1950,1960,1970,1980,1990,2000,PenicillinProntosil,Cephalosporin C,EthambutolFusidic acidMupiro

3、cinNalidixic acid,OxazolidinonesCecropin,Fluoroquinolones,Newer aminoglycosides,Semi-synthetic penicillins & cephalosporins,Newer carbapenems,Trinems,Synthetic approaches,Empiric screening,Newer macrolides & ketolides,Rifampicin,Rifapentine,Semi-synthetic glycopeptidesSemi-synthetic streptogramins,N

4、eomycinPolymixinStreptomycinThiacetazone,Chlortetracycline,Glycylcyclines,Minocycline,Chloramphenicol,Discovery of Antibacterial Age,临床关注的耐药问题Resistances of Clinical Concerns,革兰阳性细菌金匍菌 MRSA, VISA, VRSAVRE (地理上差别)肺炎链球菌 青霉素和大环内酯耐药 革兰阴性细菌肠杆菌科ESBLs-喹诺酮,头孢菌素,青霉素类,氨基糖苷类碳青霉烯酶(KPC, NDM-1?)-碳青酶烯耐药在中国出现和蔓延非发酵

5、菌(假单孢菌/不动杆菌)喹诺酮, 头孢菌素,青霉素类,氨基糖苷,碳青霉烯类,临床关注的耐药问题Resistances of Clini,Antibiotic Control and Infection Control:The Two Sides of the Resistance “Coin”,Rekha Murthy. Implementation of Strategies to Control Antimicrobial Resistance Chest 2001;119;405-411,Control of Antibiotic Resistance,InfectionAntibiot

6、icVREMRSAESBL,经验性抗感染治疗的基本原则耐药背景下的个体化治疗,理性回归/责任所在,经验性抗感染治疗的基本原则理性回归/责任所在,慢性咳嗽和黄痰-原因,哮喘 后鼻腔鼻漏病毒感染后气道高反应性胃酸返流吸烟相关的慢性支气管炎支气管扩张症弥漫性泛细支气管炎肺泡蛋白沉积症,急性发热 -WBC不高/淋巴增高(无感染灶)病毒! -WBC增高/中性粒增高/核左移 可能细菌! 部位/病原体? 原发性菌血症?慢性发热 IE、布病、慢性感染灶?结核病? 非感染性发热 药物热、风湿病、恶性肿瘤,正确诊断是正确治疗的前提,发热的诊断与鉴别诊断,慢性咳嗽和黄痰-原因哮喘 急性发热正确诊断是正确治疗的前提发

7、,27-year-old man with acute lymphocytic leukemia.,51-year-old man with chronic myelogenous leukemia.,22-year-old woman with adult T-cell leukemia.,67-year-old woman with adult T-cell leukemia.,61-year-old man with interstitial fibrosis; patient was receiving chlorambucil for chronic lymphocytic leuk

8、emia.,COP,27-year-old man with acute lym,Rapid testsWhen available. Gram stain!,Start adequate antibiotic coverage(within 1 hour?)Tillou A et al. Am Surg 2004;70:841-4,Drain purulent collection,SamplingIncluding invasive procedureswhen needed (BAL),合格标本进行微生物学检查 开始经验性抗感染治疗 目标治疗,经验性治疗和目标治疗的统一,Rapid te

9、stsStart adequate anti,选择哪种抗菌药物 感染部位的常见病原学 选择能够覆盖病原体的抗感染药物 -抗菌谱/组织穿透性/耐药性/安全性/费用考虑药代动力学/药效动力学考虑病人生理和病理生理状态 高龄/儿童/孕妇/哺乳 肾功不全/肝功不全/肝肾功能联合不全其它因素 杀菌和抑菌/单药和联合/静脉和口服/ 疗程,经验性抗感染治疗合理选择药物-considerations in choosing antibiotic for empiric therapy,评估病原体 -有的而放矢!评估耐药性 -到位不越位!,病情严重性评估,+,选择哪种抗菌药物经验性抗感染治疗合理选择药物-con

10、si,-个体化评估-特殊修正因子 先期抗菌药物对细菌学及其耐药性影响,不同部位感染-病原体的流行病学,从病原学认识感染性疾病,SSSS,PCP,-个体化评估-特殊修正因子 不同部位感染-病原体的流行病学,抗菌谱(coverage)组织穿透性(tissue penetration)耐药性(resistance, specifically local resistance) 参考代表性资料/依靠当地资料安全性(safety profile) 药物本身/制剂/工艺/杂质费用/效益(cost/effectiveness) 失败或副作用致再治疗费用更高,经验性抗感染治疗药物选择的基本原则,抗菌谱(cov

11、erage)经验性抗感染治疗药物选择的基本原,评价病原体耐药可能?,是否耐药菌? -了解耐药病原体流行状况 参考代表性治疗/依靠当地资料 -个体化用药-合理用药的精髓 病人来源:社区、养老院、医院 高龄、基础疾病、近期抗菌药物、近期住院、侵袭性操作、晚发医院感染,评价病原体耐药可能?是否耐药菌?,S. aureus,Penicillin,1944,Penicillin-resistantS. aureus,金黄色葡萄球菌耐药的发生发展过程,Methicillin,1962,Methicillin-resistantS. aureus (MRSA),Vancomycin-resistantent

12、erococci (VRE),Vancomycin,1990s,1997,VancomycinintermediateS. aureus(VISA),2002,Vancomycin-resistantS. aureus,CDC, MMWR 2002;51(26):565-567,1960,S. aureusPenicillin1944Penic,评价病原体耐药可能?,是否耐药菌? -了解耐药病原体流行状况 参考代表性治疗/依靠当地资料 -个体化用药-合理用药的精髓 病人来源:社区、养老院、医院 高龄、基础疾病、近期抗菌药物、近期住院、侵袭性操作、晚发医院感染,评价病原体耐药可能?是否耐药菌?,

13、中国大陆ESBL的发生率,%,Wang H, Chen M. Diagnos Microbiol Infect Dis, 2005, 51, 201-208CMSS/SEANIR/CARES.,year,细菌耐药监测结果如何解读?,中国大陆ESBL的发生率% Wang H, Chen M.,实验室药物敏感性监测的解读,意义 -反映了耐药趋势/告诫要谨慎使用抗菌药物 -影响选择药物/考虑耐药性对疗效的影响不足 -实验室收集菌株/大型教学医院/ICU 抗生素选择压力导致耐药性高估! -没有临床背景资料/不能用于指导个体化用药 (年龄、基础疾病、社区/医院感染、前期抗菌药物使用情况),实验室药物敏感

14、性监测的解读意义 -反映了耐药趋势/告诫要谨慎,aExcept nonfermenters/non-Pseudomonas species.Adapted from Carmeli Y. Predictive factors for multidrug-resistant organisms. In: Role of Ertapenem in the Era of Antimicrobial Resistance newsletter. Available at: www.invanz.co.il/secure/downloads/IVZ_Carmeli_NL_2006_W-226364-NL

15、.pdf. Accessed 7 April 2008; Dimopoulos G, Falagas ME. Eur Infect Dis. 2007;4951; Ben-Ami R, et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2006;42(7):925934; Pop-Vicas AE, DAgata EMC. Clin Infect Dis. 2005;40(12):17921798; Shah PM. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2008;14(suppl 1):175180.,Stratification for Risk for MDR Gram-Negat

16、ive Pathogens,No Risk Factors for MDROsRisk,重症感染 耐药菌感染!重症感染 革兰阴性肠杆菌科细菌感染!肺炎链球菌、化脓性链球菌、军团 菌、肺孢子菌等均可致重症感染,PCP,LD,对于选择抗菌药物-耐药性 VS 严重性哪个更重要?,重症感染PCPLD对于选择抗菌药物-耐药性 VS 严重性哪,PCP,LD,耐药菌感染 VS 严重感染-PCP和LD告诉我们什么?,观点: -耐药性判断 对于合理选择抗菌药物更重要! 包括重症感染 -即使重症感染,抗感染治疗方案 仍需根据病原体及其耐药性评估 来制定,PCPLD耐药菌感染 VS 严重感染观点:,经验性抗感染治疗

17、的基本原则耐药背景下的个体化治疗以CAP/HAP为例,经验性抗感染治疗的基本原则,21,Craven DE. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2006;19:153-160.,The Changing Spectrum of PneumoniaCAP, HCAP, HAP,Healthcare-associated pneumonia is a relatively new clinical entity that includes a spectrum of adult pts who have a close association with acute-care hospit

18、als or reside in chronic-care settings that increase their risk for pneumonia caused by MDR pathogens.,a. CAP=community-acquired pneumoniab. HCAP=healthcare-associated pneumoniac. HAP=hospital-acquired pneumoniad. VAP=ventilator-associated pneumonia,Craven DE. Curr Opin Infect Di,H. influenzae,K. pn

19、eumoniae,S. pneumoniae,M. pneumoniae,L. pneumophila,C. pneumoniae,H. influenzaeK. pneumoniaeS. p,Community-acquired pneumonia in Europe*,*Woodhead M. Eur Resp J 2002; 20: Suppl. 36, 20-27,病原体排序肺链 S pneumoniae非典型病原体 atypicals 流感嗜血杆菌 H infuenzae卡他莫拉菌 M catarrhalis金葡菌 S aureus革兰阴性肠杆菌 GNB,流感流行后/坏死性肺炎 MR

20、SA?,?,?,Community-acquired pneumonia i,History of MRSA in U.S.,59,青霉素上市,第一个MRSA菌株出现,Healthcare associated MRSA,CA-MRSA,CA-MRSA 爆发于不同人群,History of MRSA in U.S.59青霉素上,CommunityAcquired MRSA,In contrast to the rise in nosocomial MRSA from 1990 to the present, growing awareness of community-acquired MRS

21、A has occurred through published reports of MRSA outbreaks for which traditional risk factors were not identified.,Necrotizing pneumonia,United States and Europe,1980,Outbreak in Detroit, Mich2/3 of patients were IVDU,Mid 1990s,Childrenw/o identifiable risk factors,Late 1990s,1998 - Athletes/sports

22、teams 1999 - Native Americans,2000,Prison and jail populations,2003,IVDU=intravenous drug users.,Groom AV et al. JAMA. 2001;286:1201-1205. Herold BC et al. JAMA. 1998;279:593-598. CDC. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2001;50:919-922.,Naimi TS et al. JAMA. 2003;290:2976-2984.Zetola N et al. Lancet Infect Dis.

23、2005;5:275-286.Levine DP et al. Ann Intern Med. 1982;97:330-338. CDC. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2003;52:793-795.,Gillet Y et al. Lancet. 2002;359:753-759. CDC. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1999;48:707-710.,CommunityAcquired MRSAIn cont,Remains an uncommon cause of CAP -CDC surveillance study of invasive MRSA1-

24、 0.74/100,000 -EMERGEncy ID NET Study Group (12 U.S. ERs) 2 MRSA accounted for 2.4% of all CAP; 5% of ICU CAPBut has emerged as a cause of severe CAP Compared to non-MRSA CAP, patients were2:More ill (more likely to be comatose, require intubation, pressors and die in the ER)More CXR abnormalities (

25、multiple infiltrates, cavitation)Mortality rate 14% (up to 50% in some studies),Epidemiology of MRSA Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP),1Klevens JAMA 2007; 298: 1763-1771; 2Moran CID 2012; 54:1126-33,Remains an uncommon cause of C,Approach to Empiric Therapy: CAP,Empiric treatment for MRSA is recomm

26、ended for severe CAP defined by:ICU admissionNecrotizing or cavitary infiltratesEmpyemaDiscontinue empiric Rx if cultures do not grow MRSA,Liu CID 2011; 52; 285-322,中国社区MRSA流行病学?我们怎么办?,Valentini Ann of Clin Micro 2008,Approach to Empiric Therapy: C,Characterization of CA-MRSA Associated with Skin an

27、d Soft Tissue Infection in Beijing: High Prevalence of PVL+ ST398,A prospective cohort of adults with SSTI between 2009.01 2010.08 at 4 hospitals in Beijing501 SSTI patients were enrolled -Cutaneous abscess (40.7%); impetigo (6.8%); cellulitis (4.8%)S. aureus accounted for 32.7% (164/501) -5 isolate

28、s (5/164, 3.0%) were CA-MRSA -most dominant ST was ST398 (17.6%) -prevalence of PVL gene was 41.5% (66/159) in MSSA.,王辉 PLoS ONE,2012; 7(6): e38577.,到目前为止CA-MRSA所致CAP尚无报告,Characterization of CA-MRSA As,Epidemiology of MRSA,H-MRSAReservoires -hospitals -LTCFs5 genetic backgrouds,H-MRSA in community -

29、patients with risk factors -contact with patients with risk factors,True community-MRSA -no healthcare-associated risk factors -with PVL genes,healthcare,community,AcquiredOnset,H-MRSA 感染危险因素: 年龄65岁, 严重基础疾病, 伤口 广谱抗生素使用, 住院时间延长, 多次住院 侵袭性操作(气管插管、切开/植入血管导管),合理使用抗MRSA药物糖肽类/利奈唑胺,Epidemiology of MRSAH-MRS

30、AH-MR,Prediction of MRSA in Patients with Non-Nosocomial pneumonia,BMC Infectious Diseases 2013, 13:370 doi:10.1186/1471-2334-13-370,Retrospective study from January 2008 to December 2011. 943 culture-positive MRSA and non-MRSA pneumonia outside the hospitalIdentified risk factors associated with MR

31、SA pneumonia.,Prediction of MRSABMC Infectio,Community-acquired pneumonia in Europe*,*Woodhead M. Eur Resp J 2002; 20: Suppl. 36, 20-27,病原体排序肺链 S pneumoniae非典型病原体 atypicals 流感嗜血杆菌 H infuenzae卡他莫拉菌 M catarrhalis金葡菌 S aureus革兰阴性肠杆菌 GNB,?,?,Community-acquired pneumonia i,CAP due to GNB,ANSORP, 2002-200

32、4, 912 CAP93 (10.1%) were caused by GNB肠杆菌科-K. pneumoniae (59), Enterobacter spp. (7), S. marcescens (1)非发酵菌-P. aeruginosa (25), A. baumannii (1), Higher morbidity and co-morbid diseasesSeptic shock, malignancy, CV disease, smoking, hypoNa, dyspneaHigher mortality 18.3% vs 6.1% (p0.001),(Kang et al.

33、 Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2008;27:657),CAP due to GNBANSORP, 2002-200,Prevalence of ESBL+ Enterobacteriaceae in CAP?,+,=,102 / 10529.7,In vitro activities of ertapenem against drug-resistant S pneumoniae and other respiratory pathogens from 12 Asian countries Diagnostic Microbiology and Infec

34、tious Disease 56 (2006) 445450.,11 / 10213,91 / 10287,Prevalence of ESBL+ Enterobact,高龄 Advanced age误吸 Aspiration 护理院 Nursing home resident (now HCAP)基础心肺疾病 Underlying cardiopulmonary disorders -不包括结构性肺疾病近期抗生素暴露 Recent Abx疾病严重性(hint for G ve/legionella),CAP- 革兰阴性杆菌及耐药评估,CID 2005,高龄 Advanced ageCAP-C

35、ID 2005,CAP-铜绿假单胞菌及耐药性评估,- 严重结构性肺疾病 severe structural lung disease, ( bronchiectasis, severe COPD) - 近期抗生素暴露 recent antibiotic therapy - 近期住院特别是入住ICU机械通气 recent stay in hospital (especially in the ICU for MV),Adapted from Mandell LA, et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2003;37:14051433.,- 易患因素:误吸风险-老年、脑血管病等- 临床

36、综合征:吸入性肺炎、坏死性肺炎、肺脓肿、脓胸,CAP-厌氧菌评估,CAP-铜绿假单胞菌及耐药性评估 - 严重结构性肺疾,氟喹诺酮类的地位? -左氧氟沙星、莫西沙星、环丙沙星-内酰胺类新大环内酯类 -肺炎链球菌对大环内酯耐药并不影响其在联合治疗中的地位! -如何选择-内酰胺?,CAP经验性治疗中的两个方案的实践,氟喹诺酮类的地位?CAP经验性治疗中的两个方案的实践,喹诺酮在CAP治疗中具有重要地位,呼吸喹诺酮(Respiratory FQs) 多重耐药肺链(MDRSP) 非典型病原体 ESBL阴性肠杆菌科细菌 MSSA环丙沙星/大剂量左氧氟沙星 用于铜绿假单胞菌的联合治疗,喹诺酮在CAP治疗中具

37、有重要地位呼吸喹诺酮(Respirat,氟喹诺酮类的地位-内酰胺类新大环内酯类(如何选择-内酰胺?) -没有PRSP危险因素-青霉素类(!?) -无需覆盖耐药肠杆菌科、铜绿: 抗肺链为主酶抑制剂复合制剂氨苄西林/舒巴坦、阿莫西林/棒酸 头孢菌素 呋辛、曲松、噻肟 而非 哌酮、他啶 抗肠杆菌科优选 他啶 哌酮 然后 噻肟、曲松 -需覆盖耐药肠杆菌科、铜绿 头孢哌酮/舒巴坦、哌拉西林/他唑巴坦、头孢他啶(铜绿) 碳青霉烯(肠杆菌科优选厄他培南、非发酵菌选亚胺培南和美洛培南),氟喹诺酮类的地位,怀疑HAP、VAP或HCAP,晚发(5 days)HAP或 MDR病原体的危险因素,否,是,窄谱抗菌药物,

38、广谱抗菌药物-针对MDR病原体,HAP初始经验性抗菌药物选择的流程图,ATS. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2005;171:388-416,既往90天内曾经使用过抗菌药物住院时间为5天或更长在社区或其他医疗机构抗生素耐药出现的频率高存在HCAP相关危险因素90天内住急性病院两天及以上家庭内输液治疗(含抗生素)30天内有过持续透析家庭外伤治疗家庭成员有耐多药病原体感染免疫抑制性疾病和/或免疫抑制剂治疗,阴性预计值的价值更大,怀疑HAP、VAP或HCAP晚发(5 days)HAP否是,Stratification of HAP Patients at Risk for M

39、DR Organisms,The differences not firmly settled Available data indicate in spontaneously breathing pts -potentially drug resistant microorganisms may play a minor role -GNEB(abx susceptible), S aureus (MSSA) and S pneumoniae as leading pathogens,-spontaneously breathing VS ventilated,Ewig S, Torres

40、A, et al.(1999) Bacterial colonization patterns in mechanically ventilated patients with traumatic and medical head injury. Incidence, risk factors, and association with VAP. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 159:188198Rello J, Torres A (1996) Microbial causes of VAP. Semin Respir Infect 11:2431,Stratificat

41、ion of HAP Patients,Mechanical Ventilation Is Associated With a Significantly Increased Incidence of Respiratory Tract MRSA Infection,Pujol M et al. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 1998;17:622-628.,A prospective cohort study conducted to define the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of MR

42、SA VAP acquired during a large-scale outbreak of MRSA,Mechanical Ventilation Is Asso,Time from Hospitalization (days),Time from Intubation (days),Late-onset HAP,Early-onset VAP,Late-onset VAP,Early-onset HAP,(American Thoracic Society. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2005;171:388-416),Stratification of Pa

43、tients at Risk for MDR Organisms,-early onset VS late-onset,Time from Hospitalization (day,Early-onsetLate-onsetpneumoniapneumoniaOthers based on(5 days) specific risksS. pneumoniae P. aeruginosa Anaerobic bacteria H. influenzaeEnterobacter spp. Legionella pneumophilaS. aureus Acinetobacter spp. Inf

44、luenza A and B Enterobacteriaceae K. pneumoniae RSVS. marcescens Fungi E. coli Other GNB S. aureus (MRSA),GNB, Gram-negative bacilli; MRSA, methicillin-resistant S.aureus,Adapted from Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005;171:388416.,Stratification of HAP Patients at Risk for MDR Organisms,-early onset VS

45、 late-onset,Early-onsetLate-onsetGNB, Gr,-Recent Antibiotic Therapy and Pseudomonal Resistance,Trouillet JL et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2002;34:1047-1054.,P. aeruginosa VAP: 34 isolates piperacillin and multi-drug resistant; 101 sensitiveUse of antibiotics (imipenem, third generation cephalosporin and q

46、uinolone) within 15 days of VAP increased PA resistance to the same agent-patient-specific abx rotation,aP=.0009 bP=.003 cP=.001 dP=.05,Stratification of Patients at Risk for MDR Organisms,-Recent Antibiotic Therapy and,既往应用抗生素发生CRAB的风险比(OR),Kim YJ,et al.J Korean Med Sci. 2012 May;27(5):471-5.,碳青霉烯使

47、用是IR-MDRAB出现的唯一独立危险因素,Ye JJ, et al. PLoS One. 2010 Apr 1; 5(4):e9947,Stratification of Patients at Risk for MDR Organisms,-Recent Antibiotic Therapy and Acinetobacter Resistance,既往应用抗生素发生CRAB的风险比(OR)Kim YJ,et,Risk Factors for Infections With Multidrug-Resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in Patien

48、ts With Cancer. CANCER 。2007;109(12):2615-22,Stratification of Patients at Risk for MDR Organisms,-Recent Antibiotic Therapy and S maltophilia,Risk Factors for Infections Wi,医院获得性肺炎细菌学演变-抗生素选择性压力的体现,早期(Early),中期(Middle),晚期(Late),1 3 5 10 15 20,肺链,流感嗜血杆菌,MSSA MRSA,肠杆菌科细菌(抗生素敏感) 肠杆菌科细菌(抗生素不敏感),肺克, 大肠

49、肺克, 大肠,铜绿假单胞菌 MDR XDR PDR,不动杆菌 MDR XDR PDR,嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌,抗生素选择性压力,二代头孢菌素 三代头孢菌素/酶抑制剂复合制剂 碳青霉烯+抗MRSA,1 3 5 10 15 20,医院获得性肺炎细菌学演变-抗生素选择性压力的体现早期(Ear,hospital/ICU admmission,LOS 7d,LOS 7d,AB0,AB+,AB,AB0,PCs+inhibitor,1st or 2nd G cephalosporin,Wide-spectrum PCs + inhibitorOr 3rd G antipseudomonal cephalospor

50、ins Aminoglycosides or FQs,aminoglycoside or FQs + carbapenem Or Wide-spectrum PCs+inhibitor制剂(+vancomycin),S pneumoniae, H influenzae,S aureus, and anaerobes,Pseudomonas, MRSA,Acinetobacter,S maltophilia,Christian B,Seminars in respiratory and Critical care medicine 2002,23:457-469,European HAP gui


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