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1、Unit4 Then and now,A Lets try & talk,Unit4 Then and now,六年级英语下册Unit4-Then-and-now-优质课公开课课件,There is a in our school.,But there was no library many years ago.,library,There is a in our s,There are many in Shanghai.,But there were no tall buildings many years ago.,tall buildings,There are many,People

2、could see many 2000 years ago.,But there are no stars in cities now.,stars,People could see many,自读课文,并回答下列问题:,Was there a library in grandpas old school?What was grandpas school like?When did the Americans go to the moon?,自读课文,并回答下列问题:Was there a libra,Grandpa: Wow,a library! There was no library i

3、n my old school.Sarah: Tell us about your school, please.Grandpa: There was only one small building on a hill.Wu Yifan: Could you see stars at night?Grandpa: Yes, I liked the stars.Sarah: Me too. One day Im going to visit the moon.,1,2,2,Grandpa: Wow,a library! There,Wu Yifan: The Americans took abo

4、ut five days to get there in 1969.Sarah: How do you know that?Wu Yifan: Easy,I looked it up on the Internet. Grandpa: Ah! There were no computers or Internet in my time.,2,3,Wu Yifan: The Americans took a,自读课文,并回答下列问题:,Was there a library in grandpas old school?What was grandpas school like?When did

5、 the Americans go to the moon?,No.,1969.,There was only one small building on a hill.There was no library in my old school.There were no computers or Internet in his time.,自读课文,并回答下列问题:Was there a libra,19,69,nineteen sixty-nine,The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.,花费,大约,1969nine

6、teen sixty-nineThe,阿姆斯特朗于1969年7月21日时成为了第一个踏上月球的宇航员,也是第一个在地球外星体上留下脚印的人类成员,而其搭档巴兹奥尔德林也成为了第二位及登上月球后安全返回及踏上地球的第一人,两人在月球表面停留了两个半小时。 1969年7月,阿姆斯特朗在执行他的第二次也是最后一次太空任务阿波罗11号时,迈出了“人类的一大步”。,Who have been to the moon in 1969?,阿姆斯特朗于1969年7月21日时成为了第一个踏,Listen and choose,1. Could Wu Yifans grandpa see stars at nig

7、ht? A. Yes, he could. B. No, he couldnt. C. Yes, he did.2. How many days did the Americans take about to get the moon in 1969? A. Four. B. Five C. Six.,Listen and choose1. Could Wu Y,Read and judge,( )1. There was a library in grandpas school.( )2. There was a small building on a hill.( )3. Grandpa

8、liked the moon.( )4. The Americans got to the moon in 2000.( )5. There were no computers or Internet in grandpas time.,F,T,F,F,T,no,stars,1969,Read and judge( )1. There,六年级英语下册Unit4-Then-and-now-优质课公开课课件,talk about the differences,There were . many years ago.But there are no . now.,talk about the di

9、fferencesTher,talk about the differences,There were no . many years ago.But there are many . now.,talk about the differencesTher,Lets talk,What was your school like five years ago?What is it like now? Draw and talk.,There was. There were.,5 years ago,There is . There were,now,art roomcomputer roommu

10、sic roomlibrarygymdining hallgrass,Lets talk What was your schoo,There was only one small building on a hill. There was no library in my old school. There were no computers or Internet in my old school.,There was only one small build,now,five years ago,The school was _ five years ago.The school is _

11、 now.,old,new,The desks were _ five years ago.The desks are _ now.,old,new,The _ was old five years ago.The _ is new now. 单数,The _ were old five years ago.The _ are new now. 复数,lightschairswalls,blackboardteachers desk,nowfive years agoThe school wa,六年级英语下册Unit4-Then-and-now-优质课公开课课件,Our lives are changing faster and faster, we need learning all life.,Our lives are changing faster,Homework,NO1.Listen and repeat the dilogue for three times.,NO2.Talk about some changes in our life with your classmates.,HomeworkNO1.Listen and repeat,六年级英语下册Unit4-Then-and-now-优质课公开课课件,


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