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1、PEP小学英语六年级上册,Unit 6 How do you feel?,Part B Read and write 第五课时,PEP小学英语六年级上册Unit 6 How do y,Lets chant,Lets chant,happy,sad,See a doctor,Wear warm clothes,afraid,Do more excercises,worried,angry,Shark eyes,Take a deep breath,Count to ten,happysadSee a doctorWear warm,Draw and say.,Draw faces for eac

2、h word.,Draw and say.Draw faces for ea,The title of the story.,Guess!What happens in the story?,The title of the story. Guess!,What does the story tell us ?A.We should always be nice to each other.B.We shouldnt hurt ants.,Read fast and answer,Learning tip: 快速默读文本,抓取文本大意。,What does the story tell us

3、?R,4,3,1,2,Read and Number the pictures,Learning tip:细读文本,给图片排序并画出相关句子。,4312Read and Number the pictur,Read and find the difficulties.,Learning tip:再次细读文本,找出文章中的新单词或短语,小组合作或询问教师或查询工具书解决问题。,It is a sunny morning.Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears,”Wait!”It is a little ant.He is afraid.“

4、Please dont sit on me.One day I can help you.”“Dont worry,little ant.I wont sit on you,”says Robin.The next day,it is raining.Robin is in the park.He is stuck in the mud.Hes worried.Then he hears,”Let us help you!”It is the ant and all of his friends.They are strong.They pull Robin out of the mud.Ev

5、eryone is happy!,Read and find the difficulties,Presentation,The third reading,Find the new words and learn them with your partner. 找出本课新单词或短语,和同伴一起学习。,sit,grass,hear,ant,worry,stuck,mud,pull,everyone,PresentationThe third readingF,Listen, repeat and read.,1. Listen and repeat 听音跟读。2.Read the story.

6、合作朗读。3. Role play the story.含有表情、语气、动作角色扮演故事。,Listen, repeat and read.1. Li,Practice,Role play in four.,四人一组,表演故事,PracticeRole play in four.四人一组,Presentation,The ant is _.Robin is stuck and _.The ants are strong. They _.Now everyone _.,Fill in the blanks and retell the story.,afraid,worried,pull Rob

7、in out of the mud,is happy,PresentationThe ant is _,Tips for pronunciation.,Tips for pronunciation.,Lets check,Lets check,I have a pet, Its name is Snow white. Its very naughty. Its a lovely cat. When its three months old, It tears up the sofa, I am very angry. What should I do? I take a deep breath

8、 and say sorry to my mom. When its seven months old, It is so fat and cant jump, I am afraid. It should do more exercise. so we often tale it for a walk. When its one year old, it eats too much food on my birthday and it feels sick, I am very worried, I think it should see a vet. Now it is one and a

9、 half years old in December, its very cold, My mum thinks it should wear warm clothes, so we make a coat for it, we are happy now. I love my pet Snow white.,Read and finish the chart.,I have a pet, Its name,Read and finish the chart.,tears up the sofa,angry,take a deep breath,so fat and cant jump,afraid,do more exrcise,eats too much food and feel sick,worried,see a vet,feels cold,happy,wear warm clothes,Ages Reasons(原因)How do I feel,Presentation,Know more,Good things come in small packages.,勿以善小而不为,PresentationKnow moreGood thi,Bye bye!,Thank you!,Bye bye!Thank you!,


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