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1、Starter,Letters:Aa-Zz.Greet people.Spell words.Identify things and colors.,2022/12/31,1,Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gge i bi: s i: di: i: ef di:Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nneit ai dei kei el em enOo Pp Qq Rr Ss Ttu pi: kju: a:(r) es ti:Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zzju: vi: dblju: eks wai zi:,Twenty-six English letters0,2022/12/31,

2、2,五个元音字母,A,O,U,2022/12/31,3,元音字母,A: /:/, /, / E : /e/,/,/:/ I : /i:/ ,/i/O : /, /:/U : /u/, /u:/,单元音音节,/ei/, /ai/, /u/, /au/, /i/, /i/, /, /u/,双元音音节:,2022/12/31,4,Aa Hh Jj KkBb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt VvFf Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz Ii YyQq Uu Ww OoRr,字 母 按 元 音 因 素 分 类 表,2022/12/31,5,A H J K,B C D E G P T V Z,F L

3、M N S X,I Y,O,Q U W,R,ei,e,ai,i:,ju:,Dont forget,and,u,a:,字母所含的元音音素归类,2022/12/31,6,三,选择每组字母不含相同元音的一个.,A. K B. T C. D D. VA. N B. E C. L D. MA. H B. I C. J D. KA. B B. D C. N D. GA. F B. S C. T D. X,A,B,B,C,C,2022/12/31,7,5.判断下列每组字母和单词是()否()含有相同的元音发音。,2022/12/31,8,HBCDBBCPNBAkgSMLUFOCCTVUN,硬黑激光唱片英国广播

4、公司停车(区)(美国)全国篮球协会千克小号中号大号不明飞行物中国中央电视台联合国,Read and remember,2022/12/31,9,Do you know?,公元后,公元前,MBA,工商管理硕士,WTO,世界贸易组织,音乐电视,BC,AD,MTV,2022/12/31,10,二、写出下列中文或英文译文。,1. cm _ 2. 厕所 _3. VIP _ 4. HB _5. IQ _ 6. P _7. 联合国 _8. 不明飞行物 _9. 世贸组织 _10. S _11. 体育课 _12. USA _,厘米,WC,重要人物,硬黑,智商,停车处,UN,UFO,WTO,小号,P. E,美国,

5、2022/12/31,11,13. 光盘 _14. BBC _15. 中央电视台 _16. NBA _17. kg _18. p.m. _19. 中华人民共和国 _,CD,英国广播公司,CCTV,美国全国篮球协会,千克,下午,PRC,12,Starter Unit 1 Good morning!,2022/12/31,13,Cindy,Bob,Helen,Eric,Dale,Frank,Alice,Grace,Name List,2022/12/31,14,Revision,-Hello! -Hello! /Hi!,-Good afternoon! -Good afternoon!,-Good

6、 morning! -Good morning!,-Good evening! -Good evening! - Good night! - Good night!,15, -Hello / Hi ! - Hello / Hi !, -Good morning / afternoon / evening! -Good morning / afternoon / evening!, -How are you? -Im fine, thank you. -Im OK, thanks.,1. Greetings:,2022/12/31,16,7. 看图并补全对话.,1. -_,Bob. -Hello

7、, Alice . _ are _? -Im _, _ you. _ _? -_ OK.,Hello,How,you,OK,thank,And you,Im,2022/12/31,17,Starter unit 1知识点归纳,A:How are you?B:Im fine/Im OK, thanks.,be动词口诀:I用am,you are, is用语他(he),她(she),它(it),见了复数(we,you,they)都用are.,2022/12/31,18,Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?,2022/12/31,19,5、-What is thi

8、s/that in English? -It is +字母. -It is a/an +物品. -Spell it, please. 用大写字母拼写,使用连字符。6、-What color is it? -It is +颜色.,20,2. Identify things:, -Whats this/that in English? - Its an orange., - Spell it, please. -O-R-A-N-G-E.,a mapa rulera jacketa keya quiltan orangea pena cup,2022/12/31,21,一、冠词a,an的用法,a 用

9、在辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前,an用在元音音素开头的单数可数名词前。如果名词前有修饰语,则以其第一个因素是元音还是辅音而决定用a或an.如:,a book an English book an eraser a nice eraser an apple,2022/12/31,22,四、用 a 或 an 填空。,_ map_ pen_ ruler_ orange_ jacket_ apple(苹果)_ book(书)_ egg(蛋)_ English map _ desk(书桌),11._ eraser(橡皮檫)12._ picture(图片)13._ old man(老人)14._“ S”1

10、5._“ M”16._ “D”17._ “U”18._“A”19._ “H”20._ “R”,a,a,a,an,a,an,a,an,an,a,an,a,an,an,an,a,a,an,an,an,2022/12/31,23,二、指示代词this,that的用法,表示“这个this”、“那个that”、“这些these”、“那些those”等指示概念的代词叫指示代词。,2022/12/31,24,3this, that, these和those是指示代词these和those用法these是this的复数形式,指时间,距离较近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的复数形式,指时间、距离较

11、远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。This is my bed. That is Lilys bed. 这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。These pictures are good. 那些画很好。 Are those apple trees? 那些是苹果树吗?Yes,they are.No, they are not=arent,25,1. Whats=What is “是什么”。英语中用来提问的特殊疑问词总是放在句子的开头,这点与汉语不同,同学们在学习时要特别注意英语的词序。如:What is your name? 你叫什么名字?2. its =it is,意为“它是”。常见的缩写形式还有:What

12、s=what is thats =that isWhos=who is 注意:this和is之间没有缩写形式。,三、完全形式与缩写形式,2022/12/31,26,Spell it, please,这是一个用来考查别人拼写(读)能力的句式。用于别人提到的单词,自己不知如何拼写,让对方指出这个单词由哪几个字母组成。如: Whats this?这是什么? Its an orange. 它是一个橘子。 Spell it, please. 请拼写它。 O-R-A-N-G-E. 2. please用在祈使句中表示礼貌或客气,可置于句首,也可置于句末,置于句末时,前面要用逗号,意为“请”。如:Sit do

13、wn, please.=Please sit down.请坐Please stand up.请站起来。,2022/12/31,27,7. 看图并补全对话.,2. -Whats _ _ English? -Its _ _. -_ it, please. -K-E-Y.,this,in,a key,Spell,2022/12/31,28,8.选择填空.,4.-Whats this in English? -_A. OK. B. Its an map. C. Its an orange.5. -Spell the word, please. -_A. Its a map. B. Yes, it is

14、. C. K-E-Y.6. -Whats this? -Its _ orange and white jacket.A. / B. an C. a,C,C,B,2022/12/31,29,8.选择填空.,7._ in English? A. What this B. Whats this C. How are you?8. -_ jacket, please. -J-A-C-K-E-T.A. This B. What C. Spell,B,C,2022/12/31,30,Starter Unit 3 What color is it?,2022/12/31,31,Colors,What col

15、or is it?,Its ,red,blue,white,yellow,black,green,black and white,2022/12/31,32,Whats this?Its V.,V,What color is it?Its red.,Whats that?Its Z.,What color is it?Its black.,3.Identify colors:,red,yellow,green,blue,black,white,purple,brown,2022/12/31,33,r_d,yell_ _,bl_ck,br_ _n,p_ _ple,bl_e,p_nk,gr_ _n

16、,wh_te,or_nge,2022/12/31,34,内容详解,Whats this/that? 这是什么?用来询问不认识的东西。回答这个特殊疑问句时说Its,不能说This is.如:-Whats this? 这是什么?-Its a book. 这是一本书。2. What color is it? 它是什么颜色?本句中color为名词,意为“颜色”,也可写作colour.询问某物的颜色,-What color is the key? 这把钥匙是什么颜色的? -Its yellow. 是黄色的。 补充:color可用作动词,意思是“给涂颜色、着色|,如:Color it white, ple

17、ase. 请把它涂成白色。,2022/12/31,35,National falgs,What color is it?,PRC中国,USA美国,England英国,Japan日本,Canada加拿大,2022/12/31,36,Whats this in English?Its a key.What color is it?Its yellow.,The key is yellow.,Whats that?Its a ruler.What color is it?Its blue.,The ruler is blue.,2022/12/31,37,按要求写出下列词的相应形式。,1. hi(同

18、义词) _ 2. no(反义词) _3. are(同音字母) _ 4. color(动词) _5. I am(缩写形式) _6. u(同音词) _,hello,yes,Rr,color,Im,you,2022/12/31,38,11. a(同义词) _12. Ii (同音词) _13. thats(完整形式) _14. my name is(缩写形式) _15. what is (缩写形式) _,an,I,that is,my names,whats,39,按要求改变下列句型,1. This is a map. (就划线部分提问)2. My bike is black. (就划线部分提问)3.

19、 Im fine. (就划线部分提问)4. Mike is OK. (就划线部分提问)5. I am fine. (写同义句),Whats this?,What color is your bike?,How are you?,How is Mike?,I am OK.,2022/12/31,40,连词成句, 注意句子首字母和标点。Dale, name, Hello, my, is _color, is, what, it _morning, Helen, good _is, this, what, English, in _to, nice, you, meet _,Hello, my na

20、me is Dale!,What color is it?,Good morning, Helen!,What is this in English?,Nice to meet you!,2022/12/31,41,补全对话, 请根据上下文将对话补完整。,A: Good _!B: Good evening!A: _ are you?B: Im _, _. And you?A: Im OK. Nice to meet you.B: _ _ _ _, _.A: Excuse me._ this in English?B: _ _orange.,evening,How,fine,thanks,Nic

21、e to meet you too,Whats,Its an,2022/12/31,42,单项选择1. Good afternoon, _! A. Wangxiaohua B. Wang Xiaohua C. Wang Xiao Hua D. Wang xiaohua2. -Good evening! -_ A. Good morning ! B. Good afternoon! C. Hi! D. Good evening!3. -_! -Good morning! A. Good evening! B. Good afternoon! C. Good night! D. Good morn

22、ing!,B,D,D,2022/12/31,43,4. -_? -Im OK. A. How is you B. How is your C. How are you D. How are your5. 英语26个字母中, 能够单独成单词的两个 字母是 _? A. I, N B. A, I C. A, L D. A, B6. 下列哪组字母在顺序上是正确的? A. achedbfg B. abcdefhg C. abcdefgh D. abcedhfg,C,B,C,44,7. -Is that _ English car? -No, its _ Chinese car. A. a / an B.

23、 an / a C. a / a D. an / an8. - Whats this? -_ is _. A. This/orange B. It / an orange C. It / a orange D. This / a orange9. Whats this _ Chinese(中文)? A. in B. of C. on D. /10. -Nice to meet you. -_. A. Fine, thank you. B. Me ,too C. Hello D. Yes,B,B,A,B,2022/12/31,45,11. -Whats that? -_. A. This is

24、a ruler B. Its yellow C. Its “S”12. I_ fine. Gary _ fine, too. A. is, is B. am, am C. am, is13. Whats this? -Its _ red and white jacket. A. / B. a C. an14. -_ -OK. C-A-T. A. How are you? B. Spell it ,please. C. Whats this?15. What color is the orange? -Its _. A. orange B. an orange C.OK,c,C,B,B,A,2022/12/31,46,


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