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1、,FIRST AID,FIRST AID,This is the first help/assistance given to a person who is sick / injured before medical help is obtained,Treatment,BASIC PRINCIPLES OF RESCUSCITATIONDRABCD is Danger /safety R is Response A is for airways (mouth and nose)B is for breathing (chest expansion)C is for circulation

2、(check for the pulse),THREE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF FIRST AID,1. DiagnosisHistory (Find out what happened, when, where and how)Signs (Physical features you can see on the patient, wound, vomiting, swelling, bleeding)Symptoms (things felt by the patient, pain, discomfort, dizziness etc),2. TreatmentPrese

3、rve lifePrevent condition getting worsePromote recovery3. DisposalSending the patient to the hospital or any medical center,SKELETON,This is the framework of the body; its made up of 206 bones.TYPESLong bones arms and legsHand and foot (27 bones on the hand),SKELETON,Flat bones skull, ribs, pelvis (

4、these are for protection)Irregular bones vertebrae (backbone) (26 of them),CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM,The central nervous system controls all voluntary activities and is made up of:The brainGreater brain: for consciousness e.g.,CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM,The lesser brain: for balancingBrain stem: for autono

5、mic nervous system e.g. breathing The spinal cord to conduct impulses to and from the brainNerves to transport impulses to and from the spinal cord,MUSCLES,It is the red flesh of the body, which carries 50% of the total weight of the body.TYPESVoluntary muscles those that are controlled by the will

6、e.g. walking, running, stopping, smiling, laughing etc.Involuntary muscles those that are controlled automatically e.g. breathing, blinking of the eye,FRACTURE,This is the break in the boneTYPESClosed fracture (simple fracture)Open fracture (compound fracture)All these fractures can become complicat

7、ed when the bone breaks and damages other vital organs,FRACTURE,CAUSESDirect violence (bone breaks directly where force is applied)Transmitted violence (bone breaks away from where force is applied)Muscular action (this is causes by the pulling of muscles)Diseases of the bone,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS,P.I.

8、D.A.C.I.S.S.SPainInabilityDeformity,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS,Abnormal movementCreptusIrregularitySwelling and discolorationShock due to pain and loss of bloodShortening,TREATMENT,Check. D R A B CStop bleeding if anyTake supportDress any wounds Immobilize the fracture so that You prevent further damage You

9、 lessen painYou can easily carry the patient to hospital,DISLOCATION,This is the displacement of the bone at a jointTYPESClosedOpenSIGNS AND SYMPTOMSSevere painDeformitySwellingFixation (no movement) at a joint,TREATMENT,Do not try to straighten it Check. D R A B CImmobilize just as it is found and

10、take the patient to the hospitalStop bleeding if anyTake support,TREATMENT,Dress any wounds Immobilize the dislocation so that You prevent further damage You lessen painYou can easily carry the patient to hospital,WOUNDS,This is a cut or break in the skinTYPESContused wound (the tissues are burst op

11、en by blunt force e.g. a hammer),WOUNDS,Lacerated wound (the tissues are torn apart by rough surfaces)Incised wound (these are clean cut wounds using a knife or razor blade)Punctured wound (these are deep cuts e.g. bullet wound, a nail straight into the skin),DANGERS OF WOUNDS,Loss of bloodThere cou

12、ld be internal bleedingInfections :The object may transmit infectionsDamage to internal parts,TREATMENT,Stop bleedingUsing direct pressureUsing digital pointsUsing a tourniquetWash your hands (wear surgical gloves),TREATMENT,Expose the woundApply temporary dressing to prevent infectionsClean the are

13、a away and around the woundApply a permanent dressing and a pressure bandageWe do this in order to stop infections and bleedingSend the patient to the hospital,BLEEDING / HEMORRHAGE,Bleeding is the loss of blood from the bodyBlood is made up of two thingsPlasma fluidCells;Red blood cells carrying ox

14、ygenWhite blood cells to fight against infectionsPlatelets which help with clotting,ORGANS OF CIRCULATION AND KINDS OF BLEEDING,Heart to pump blood and has four chambersBlood vesselsArteries to carry blood away from the heartCapillaries to circulate blood around the bodyVeins to carry blood back to

15、the heart,TYPES OF BLEEDING,There are two types of bleedingExternal bleeding (outside bleeding)Internal bleeding (inside bleeding),TYPES OF BLEEDING,On internal bleeding we have what is called concealed and revealed bleeding. Concealed bleeding is very dangerous because the patient may die if not ta

16、ken to the hospital in time.,Arterial BleedingBleeding through the artery, blood will come out with pressure and it will be bright red in color because it is rich in oxygen.Capillary BleedingBleeding through the capillary, the blood will ooze out and can stop on its own. The blood will look dark.,Ve

17、nous BleedingBleeding through the veins, blood will flow out in a stream and will look dark red in color since it has lost its oxygen.NOTE: When donating blood, blood will be taken from the person using the veins and will be given to the patient through the veins.,SIGNS AND SYMTOMS OF BLEEDING(F.R.I

18、.S),Faintness going into collapseRapid thread pulse/weak pulseIncreasing pallor and restlessnessShallow sighing respiration,METHODS OF STOPPING BLEEDING,Direct pressure (always use a pad)Digital pressure on the pressure pointsTemporal arteries found near the ear when bleeding on the headSub-clevian

19、arteries found on the collar bone, when bleeding on the upper armBrachial arteries found on the upper arm, when bleeding on the lower arm,Femoral arteries found on the groin when bleeding on the legFacial arteries found under the chin, when bleeding on the faceOccipital arteries found at the back of

20、 the head, when bleeding on the back of the headThe use of an instrument called a tourniquet,The use of an instrument called a tourniquetRubber tourniquetBandage tourniquetPlugging,PRECAUTIONS WHEN USING A TOURNIQUET,Apply it where there is only one boneAlways pad the areaRelease it after 10-20 minu

21、tes and tighten after 15 seconds and if the bleeding has stopped leave the tourniquet loose but dont take it away.Accompany the patient to the hospital,DANGERS OF TOURNIQUET,PainfulIt can cause tissue destructionIt can cause death of the limbIt can only be used where there is only one bone,ADVANTAGE

22、S,It can stop bleeding at onceIt can stop multiple bleeding on one single limbIt can stop bleeding as you attend to the other patients or other thingsIt can stop bleeding as you transport your patient to the hospital,SHOCK,This is the reduction of blood circulation affecting the brain,SHOCK,TYPESNer

23、vous shock cause by fear, pain, bad or good newsHere the patient will have the same volume of blood but has just been drained from the brain to the lower part of the body. How?Surgical shock caused by loss of blood through injuries, burns, and diseases,SHOCK,SIGNS AND SYMPTOMSSweatingTalkative and r

24、estlessFace and lips turn palePulse is weak and rapidCold and clammy skin (arms and legs)UnconsciousnessShallow breathing,SHOCK,WHAT TO DO / TREATMENTLay patient flat on his backCheck airways, breathing and circulationElevate the legs,SHOCK,Cover the patient with a blanket (dont overheat)Give nothin

25、g by mouth (absorption of food will not take place, the patient may go to the theatre)Reassure the patientSend the patient to the hospital,UNCONSCIOUSNESS,This is when the brain has been thrown out of its normal working order.,UNCONSCIOUSNESS,LEVELS OR STAGESConfusion (you may ask the patient a ques

26、tion but he may give a negative answer),UNCONSCIOUSNESS,Stupor (patient cannot respond but may respond to painful stimulations)Coma (no response in any way). Any person in a coma when getting back to consciousness will go through stupor then confusion and back to normal,CAUSES,Head injuryConcussionC

27、ompressionElectric shockEpilepsyConvulsionsHeat stroke,CAUSES,ShockExtreme ColdSyncopeAlcohol abusePoisonDisease-diabetes, meningitis, cerebral malaria, kidney failure HysteriaAsphyxia,TREATMENT,Lay the patient flat on his backCheck the airways, breathing and circulationPut the patient in a semi pro

28、ne position (recovery, coma position),TREATMENT,For easy vomiting (in case)For easy breathingFor quick recoverySend the patient to hospital on a stretcher in a semi prone position,ASPHYXIA,This is when there is interference in the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) in the lungs.CAUSES G.E

29、.M.P,ASPHYXIA,Gases e.g. nitrous fumes, carbon monoxide, sulphurated hydrogen, methane etc.Electric Shock,ASPHYXIA,Mechanical obstruction e.g. hanging, drowning, choking, false teeth, blood or torque, smotheringPoison (Nervous) e.g. drugs, snake bites etc,SIGNS AND SYMTOMS,Gasping for airRestlessnes

30、sConvulsions will followUnconsciousness (less oxygen in the brain)Then breathing will stop,WHAT TO DO,Remove the patient from the cause or the cause from the patientLay the patient flat on his backCheck the airways, breathing and circulationStart artificial respiration Mouth to mouth,WHAT TO DO,Nose

31、 to mouthHip roll back pressureUse instrumentsAmbulance bagBrook airwaysPut the patient in a semi prone position and send him to hospital,GASES,Air may become dangerous due to contamination with gases brought about by:BlastingUnderground firesBurning of explosivesStagnant waterLack of oxygen in ill

32、ventilated area,GASES,NITROUS FUMES: Liberated when blasting takes place or when burning explosives.SIGNS;- irritating and watering of the nose and eyes, cough and pains in the chest.LATE SIGNS:-Breathlessness and spitting of blood,GASES,CARBON MONOXIDE: Produced in underground fires and when firing

33、 of air compressors.SIGNS; No smell, taste or colour, but very deadly. It causes headaches and giddiness and the legs give away. Victim becomes unconscious, breathing begins to fail, if not treated, he will die,GASES,SULPHRETTED HYDROGEN:This is gas released stagnant water.SIGN; In low concentration

34、s it has the smell of bad eggs. In high concentrations it deaden the sense of smell.,GASES,NOTE: A VERY IMPORTANT WARNING IS IRRITATION OF THE EYES AND WHENEVER THIS WARNING IS GIVEN THE AIR MUST BE REGARDED AS DISTINCTLY DANGEROUS,GASES,Carbon Dioxide (Black Damp)Usually found in disused parts of t

35、he mine, may cause suffocation.SIGNS. Gasping for breath and palpitations,GASES,TREATMENTInform the officialsVentilate the area,GASES,Cover your nose and mouth with a wet mutton cloth or use the gas mask/ respiratorsControl bleeding if any,GASES,Remove the gassed person to the nearest fresh air.If b

36、reathing has stopped or breathing is poor, start artificial respiration at once.Mouth to MouthHip roll back pressure methodAmbu bagCPR mouth piece,GASES,When he is breathing or has started breathing transport him on the stretcherNOTE: ALL CASES OF GASSING,MUST BE SENT TO HOSPITAL, WHERE THEY WILL BE KEPT FOR AT LEAST 24 HOURS,GASES,REMEMBER THAT SERIOUS SYMPTOMS MAY ONLY DEVELOP HOURS LATER,


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