1、消费者权益保护法Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests(Adopted at the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committtee of the Eighth National Peoples Congress on October 31, 1993, and shall enter into force as of January 1, 1994.)*注:本篇法规已被(发布日期:2009年8月27日实施日期:2009年8月27日
2、)修改中华人民共和国主席令(第十一号)(相关资料:)中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法已由中华人民共和国第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议于年月日通过,现予公布,自年月日起施行。中华人民共和国主席江泽民年月日中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法(年月日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议通过)Chapter I General Provisions第一章总则Article 1 The present Law is formulated for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, mainte
3、nance of the socio-economic order and promotion of the healthy development of socialist market economy.第一条为保护消费者的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济健康发展,制定本法。(相关资料:) Article 2 The rights and interests of consumers in purchasing and using commodities or receiving services for daily consumption shall be under th
4、e protection of the present Law, or under the protection of other relevant laws and regulations in absence of stipulations in this Law.第二条消费者为生活消费需要购买、使用商品或者接受服务,其权益受本法保护;本法未作规定的,受其他有关法律、法规保护。(相关资料:) Article 3 Business operators shall, in their supply of commodities produced and sold by them or serv
5、ices to consumers, abide by the present Law, or abide by other relevant laws and regulations in absence of stipulations in the present law.第三条经营者为消费者提供其生产、销售的商品或者提供服务,应当遵守本法;本法未作出规定的,应当遵守其他有关法律、法规。(相关资料:) Article 4 In transactions between business operators and consumers a principle of voluntariness
6、,equality, fairness, honesty and credibility shall be followed.第四条经营者与消费者进行交易,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的原则。(相关资料:) Article 5 The State shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers from infringement.The State shall adopt measures to safeguard consumers exercise of their rights in accordance
7、 with the law and to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.第五条国家保护消费者的合法权益不受侵害。国家采取措施,保障消费者依法行使权利,维护消费者的合法权益。(相关资料:) Article 6 It is the common responsibility of the whole society to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.The State shall encourage and support al
8、l organizations and individuals to exercise social supervision over acts infringing upon consumer rights and interests.Mass media shall conduct propaganda defending the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and, through public opinion, exercise supervision over acts infringing upon the legiti
9、mate rights and interests of consumers.第六条保护消费者的合法权益是全社会的共同责任。国家鼓励、支持一切组织和个人对损害消费者合法权益的行为进行社会监督。大众传播媒介应当做好维护消费者合法权益的宣传,对损害消费者合法权益的行为进行舆论监督。(相关资料:)Chapter II Rights of Consumers第二章消费者的权利Article 7 Consumers shall, in their purchasing and using commodities or receiving services, enjoy the right of the
10、inviolability of their personal and property safety.Consumers shall have the right to demand business operators to supply commodities and services up to the requirements of personal and property safety.第七条消费者在购买、使用商品和接受服务时享有人身、财产安全不受损害的权利。消费者有权要求经营者提供的商品和服务,符合保障人身、财产安全的要求。(相关资料:) Article 8 Consumers
11、 shall enjoy the right to obtain true information of the commodities they purchase and use or the services they receive.Consumers shall have the right to demand business operators, in light of the different conditions of commodities or services, to provide their prices, origin, manufacturers, usage,
12、functions, standards, grades, main ingredients, date of production, term of validity,certificates of inspection, operation instructions, aftersale services or information relating to contents, standards and costs of the services.第八条消费者享有知悉其购买、使用的商品或者接受的服务的真实情况的权利。消费者有权根据商品或者服务的不同情况,要求经营者提供商品的价格、产地、生
13、产者、用途、性能、规格、等级、主要成份、生产日期、有效期限、检验合格证明、使用方法说明书、售后服务,或者服务的内容、规格、费用等有关情况。(相关资料:) Article 9 Consumers shall enjoy the right of free choice of commodities or services.Consumers shall have the right to make a free choice of business operators for supply of commodities or services, select freely among varie
14、ties of articles or forms of services and decide independently to buy or not to buy any kind of commodities, or to accept or not to accept any item of services.Consumers shall have the right to make comparisons, differentiations and selections when they make a free choice of commodities or services.
15、第九条消费者享有自主选择商品或者服务的权利。消费者有权自主选择提供商品或者服务的经营者,自主选择商品品种或者服务方式,自主决定购买或者不购买任何一种商品、接受或者不接受任何一项服务。消费者在自主选择商品或者服务时,有权进行比较、鉴别和挑选。(相关资料:) Article 10 Consumers shall enjoy the right of fair deal.Consumers shall, in their purchasing commodities or receiving services, have the right to obtain fair deal prerequis
16、ites such as guarantee of quality, reasonable prices and correct measurement, and have the right to refuse any compulsory transaction of business operators.第十条消费者享有公平交易的权利。消费者在购买商品或者接受服务时,有权获得质量保障、价格合理、计量正确等公平交易条件,有权拒绝经营者的强制交易行为。(相关资料:) Article 11 Consumers suffering from personal injury or property
17、 damage resulting from their purchasing or using of commodities or receiving of services shall have the right to demand compensations in accordance with the law.第十一条消费者因购买、使用商品或者接受服务受到人身、财产损害的,享有依法获得赔偿的权利。(相关资料:) Article 12 Consumers shall have the right to form public organizations for the maintena
18、nce of their own legitimate rights and interests according to law.第十二条消费者享有依法成立维护自身合法权益的社会团体的权利。(相关资料:) Article 一三 Consumers shall have the right to acquire knowledge concerning consumption and protection of consumer rights and interests.Consumers shall make efforts to master the knowledge of their
19、necessary commodities or services and the skill in operation thereof, apply the commodities in a correct way and raise their consciousness of self-protection.第十三条消费者享有获得有关消费和消费者权益保护方面的知识的权利。消费者应当努力掌握所需商品或者服务的知识和使用技能,正确使用商品,提高自我保护意识。(相关资料:) Article 14 Consumers shall, in their purchasing and using co
20、mmodities or receiving services, have the right that their human dignity, national customs and habits are respected.第十四条消费者在购买、使用商品和接受服务时,享有其人格尊严、民族风俗习惯得到尊重的权利。(相关资料:) Article 一五 Consumers shall have the right to exercise supervision over commodities, services as well as the work of protection of co
21、nsumer rights and interests.Consumers shall have the right to inform and charge against the infringement upon consumer rights and interests and the breach of law or neglect of duty on the part of State organs and their functionaries in the work of protection of consumer rights and interests, and hav
22、e the right to raise criticism of or proposals for the work of protection of consumer rights andinterests.第十五条消费者享有对商品和服务以及保护消费者权益工作进行监督的权利。消费者有权检举、控告侵害消费者权益的行为和国家机关及其工作人员在保护消费者权益工作中的违法失职行为,有权对保护消费者权益工作提出批评、建议。(相关资料:)Chapter III Obligations of Businees Operators第三章经营者的义务Article 16 Business operators
23、 shall, in their supply of commodities and services to consumers, fulfill their obligations stipulated in the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Product Quality and other laws and regulations concerned.In case an agreement is reached between business operators and consumers, the business operat
24、ors shall fulfill the obligations agreed upon in the agreement; but the agreement between the two parties shall not contravene the provisions of laws and regulations.第十六条经营者向消费者提供商品或者服务,应当依照和其他有关法律、法规的规定履行义务。经营者和消费者有约定的,应当按照约定履行义务,但双方的约定不得违背法律、法规的规定。(相关资料:) Article 17 Business operators shall listen
25、 to the consumers opinions on the commodities and services they supply and accept consumers supervision.第十七条经营者应当听取消费者对其提供的商品或者服务的意见,接受消费者的监督。(相关资料:) Article 一八 Business operators shall guarantee that the commodities and services they supply meet the requirements for personal or property safety. As
26、to commodities and services liable to harm personal or property safety, business operators shall give the consumers truthful explanation and clear out warnings, and shall explain or indicate the correct ways of using the commodities or receiving services as well as the methods of preventing damage.B
27、usiness operators shall, upon discovery of serious defects of the commodities or services they supply which are liable to harm personal or property safety even though the commodities are correctly applied or services are received in a correct way, immediately report to the administrative departments
28、 concerned and inform the consumers, and adopt measures to preventdamage.第十八条经营者应当保证其提供的商品或者服务符合保障人身、财产安全的要求。对可能危及人身、财产安全的商品和服务,应当向消费者作出真实的说明和明确的警示,并说明和标明正确使用商品或者接受服务的方法以及防止危害发生的方法。经营者发现其提供的商品或者服务存在严重缺陷,即使正确使用商品或者接受服务仍然可能对人身、财产安全造成危害的,应当立即向有关行政部门报告和告知消费者,并采取防止危害发生的措施。(相关资料:) Article 19 Business oper
29、ators shall provide consumers with authentic information concerning their commodities or services, and may not make any false and misleading propaganda.Business operators shall give truthful and definite replies to inquiries from consumers about the qualities of the commodities or services they supp
30、ly and the operation methods thereof.Shops shall mark clearly the prices of the commodities they supply.第十九条经营者应当向消费者提供有关商品或者服务的真实信息,不得作引人误解的虚假宣传。经营者对消费者就其提供的商品或者服务的质量和使用方法等问题提出的询问,应当作为真实、明确的答复。商店提供商品应当明码标价。(相关资料:) Article 20 Business operators shall indicate their real names and marks.Business oper
31、ators who lease counters or grounds from others shall indicate their own real names and marks.第二十条经营者应当标明其真实名称和标记。租赁他人柜台或者场地的经营者,应当标明其真实名称和标记。(相关资料:) Article 21 Business operators who supply commodities or services shall make out for consumers invoices for purchases or documents of services in accor
32、dance with relevant regulations of the State or commercial practices; business operators must produce such invoices or documents in case consumers so demand.第二十一条经营者提供商品或者服务,应当按照国家有关规定或者商业惯例向消费者出具购货凭证或者服务单据;消费者索要购货凭证或者服务单据的,经营者必须出具。(相关资料:) Article 22 Business operators shall guarantee the quality, f
33、unctions, usage and term of validity which the commodities or services they supply should possess under normal operation or acceptance,except that consumers are aware of the defects before they buy the commodities or receive the services.Business operators who employ advertisements, product instruct
34、ions, samples or other ways to display the quality state of their commodities or services shall guarantee that the actual quality of the commodities or services they supply is in conformity with that demonstrated.第二十二条经营者应当保证在正常使用商品或者接受服务的情况下其提供的商品或者服务应当具有的质量、性能、用途和有效期限;但消费者在购买该商品或者接受该服务前已经知道其存在瑕疵的除
35、外。经营者以广告、产品说明、实物样品或者其他方式表明商品或者服务的质量状况的,应当保证其提供的商品或者服务的实际质量与表明的质量状况相符。(相关资料:) Article 23 Business operators who are under the obligation of repair or caveat venditor, or other responsibilities in accordance with regulations of the State or agreements with consumers shall carry out such obligations co
36、rrespondingly according to such regulations or agreements, and may not delay deliberately or refuse unreasonably to do so.第二十三条经营者提供商品或者服务,按照国家规定或者与消费者的约定,承担包修、包换、包退或者其他责任的,应当按照国家规定或者约定履行,不得故意拖延或者无理拒绝。(相关资料:) Article 24 Business operators may not, through format contracts, notices, announcements, en
37、trance hall bulletins and so on, impose unfair or unreasonable rules on consumers or reduce or escape their civil liability for their infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.Format contracts, notices, announcements, entrance hall bulletins and so on with contents mentioned i
38、n the preceding paragraph shall be invalid.第二十四条经营者不得以格式合同、通知、声明、店堂告示等方式作出对消费者不公平、不合理的规定,或者减轻、免除其损害消费者合法权益应当承担的民事责任。格式合同、通知、声明、店堂告示等含有前款所列内容的,其内容无效。(相关资料:) Article 25 Business operators may not insult or slander consumers, may not search the body of consumers or the articles they carry with them, an
39、d may not violate the personal freedom of consumers.第二十五条经营者不得对消费者进行侮辱、诽谤,不得搜查消费者的身体及其携带的物品,不得侵犯消费者的人身自由。(相关资料:)Chapter IV Protection of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Consumers bythe State第四章国家对消费者合法权益的保护Article 26 The State shall heed to the opinions and demands from consumers when making
40、laws, regulations and policies concerning consumer rights and interests.第二十六条国家制定有关消费者权益的法律、法规和政策时,应听取消费者的意见和要求。(相关资料:) Article 27 Peoples governments at various levels shall strengthen their leadership, and organize,coordinate and supervise the administrative departments concerned to do their work
41、well in the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.Peoples governments at various levels shall strengthen supervision to prevent occurrence of acts damaging to the personal or property safety of consumers and promptly check any such acts.第二十七条各级人民政府应当加强领导,组织、协调、督促有关行政部门做好保护消费
42、者合法权益的工作。各级人民政府应当加强监督,预防危害消费者人身、财产安全行为的发生,及时制止危害消费者人身、财产安全的行为。Article 28 Departments for industry and commerce of peoples governments at various levels and other administrative departments concerned shall adopt measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers within the scope of
43、their respective functions and duties in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.Administrative departments concerned shall listen to the complaints of consumers and their public organizations as to the transactions of business operators and the quality of their commodities and se
44、rvices, and carry out timely investigation and disposition.第二十八条各级人民政府工商行政管理部门和其他有关行政部门应当依照法律、法规的规定,在各自的职责范围内,采取措施,保护消费者的合法权益。有关行政部门应当听取消费者及其社会团体对经营者交易行为、商品和服务质量问题的意见,及时调查处理。(相关资料:) Article 29 State organs concerned shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations,punish any law-brea
45、king or criminial activities of business operators infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of consumers in their supplying commodities or services.第二十九条有关国家机关应当依照法律、法规的规定,惩处经营者在提供商品和服务中侵害消费者合法权益的违法犯罪行为。(相关资料:) Article 30 The peoples courts shall adopt measures to facilitate consumers to
46、take legal proceedings and must entertain and handle without delay cases of disputes over consumer rights and interests that meet the conditions for a lawsuit specified in the Civil Procedure Law of the Peoples Republic of China.第三十条人民法院应当采取措施,方便消费者提起诉讼。对符合起诉条件的消费者权益争议,必须受理,及时审理。(相关资料:)Chapter V Con
47、sumer Organizations第五章消费者组织Article 31 Consumer associations and other consumer organizations are public organizations formed according to law to exercise social supervision over commodities and services and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.第三十一条消费者协会和其他消费者组织是依法成立的对商品和服务进行社会监督的保护消费者合法权益的社会团体。(相关资料:) Article 32 Consumer associations shall perform the following functions:(1)