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1、复习Unit 2 The United Kingdom,基础知识自测,一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。1._ dibeit vt.&vi.讨论 n.讨论,争论2._ rilein n.关系,联系3._ knvi:njns n.便利,方便 4._ trkn n.吸引,吸引力 5._ dilait n.高兴 vi.使高兴 vt.使高兴 6._ splendid a.极好的7._ ril n.震颤,激动 v.震颤,激动8._ ju:nait v.联合,合并,混合9._ pzl n.难题 v.使困惑10._ li:gl a.法律的,合法的,法定的,legal,debate,relati

2、on,convenience,attraction,delight,splendid,thrill,unite,puzzle,11._ klekn n.收藏品,收集物12._ knstrkt v.构造,建造,想出13._ prdekt n.工程,v.计划v.投射14._ wedi n.婚礼15._ fuld n.折层v.折叠,包,交叉16._ ril a.王室的,皇家的 n.王室17._ ju:nif:m a.一致的n.制服18._ sttju:n.塑像,雕像19._ nf a.不公平的20._ sm:t a.聪明的,巧妙的v.刺痛21._ sdestn n.建议,suggestion,col

3、lection,construct,project,wedding,fold,royal,uniform,statue,unfair,smart,二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.Dexter was _(delight)because he solved a math problem which his teacher could not solve.2.I think it important that students should be taught to play_(unfair)in everything.3.I

4、guess it was just too difficult to say no when you saw such a beautiful girl smiling so_(attract)at you and asking for a favour.,delighted,fairly,attractively,4.To their surprise,the three countries found themselves_(unite)peacefully instead of by war.5.Facing the _situation the sales manager looked

5、_.(puzzle)6.Thank you very much for your cooperation in our work and we do apologize for any_(convenient)that we might have caused you.7.The conference has been held to discuss the influences of tourism _the wildlife in the area.,united,puzzled,puzzling,inconvenience,on,8.You find most of the popula

6、tion settled in the South,_most of the large industrial cities in the Midlands and North of England.9._the four countries do work together in some areas(for example,in international relations),they are still very different.10._is no need for you to wait;the movie star has gone through the back door.

7、,but,Although,There,晨记有道,晨记有道,考点对接,基础巩固,音频助记,consist,made up of,divide,separate,to ones credit,leave,cross,take the place of,arrange,arrange for,to do,晨记有道,晨记有道,考点对接,基础巩固,unwilling,collection,description,descriptive,arrangement,unfold,音频助记,三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.He is a_(collect)of stamps from all

8、over the world.2.Sichuan Province is rich in tourist _(attract)and enjoys many world-famous places of interest.3.As the trial went on,the story behind the murder slowly_(fold).4.According to the law,it is_(legal)to sell alcohol or cigarettes to people under the age of 18.5.We could make an _(arrange

9、)to meet at 10 oclock.,collector,attractions,unfolded,illegal,arrangement,6.Most of the stadiums under_(construct)for Beijing Olympic Games have been designed by Chinese engineers.7.We are anxious to maintain good_(relate)with our neighbour countries.8.Being an_(influence)person in the town,she was

10、able to raise enough money to set up the Childrens Fund.9.There is deep _(divide)among the students over where to go on a spring trip.10.I dont enjoy the company of the people whose actions are not _(consist)with their words.,construction,relations/relationship,influential,division,consistent,晨记有道,晨

11、记有道,考点对接,基础巩固,divide,into,consisting of,unite,accomplish,conflicts,broke away from,countryside,arranged for,broke down,take its place,晨记有道,晨记有道,考点对接,基础巩固,attracts,convenience,possibility,opportunities,To his credit,clarified,left out,四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。1._ 由组成,包括2._将分成,分开3._与脱离,与断绝关系4._为了方便起见5._

12、出故障;失败,遭受挫折,break down,consist of,divide into,break away from,for convenience,6.take the place of _7.leave out _8.refer to_9.a collection of_10.to ones delight_,使高兴的是,代替,省去;遗漏;不考虑,谈到,提到;涉及;查阅,参考,一批收藏品,.重点短语再现1.由组成2.省去;遗漏;不考虑3.把列出清单4.作为对某人的纪念5.对感到骄傲6.把分成7.说到,谈到,提及;参考;涉及8.在特殊场合 9.代替10.(机器)损坏;破坏,consis

13、t of,leave out,make a list of,in memory of sb.,feel proud of,divide.into,refer to,on special occasion,take the place of,break down,五、词组运用根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。1.The managers car _on the highway half-way between the two cities.2.The whole class was _two teams to debate whether students s

14、hould be allowed to bring their cell-phones to school.3.Computer is very important,but it cant _newspaper.,take the place of,broke down,divided into,4.As my secretary,your duty _filling the papers and answering the calls.5.The pickpocket _the policeman who had been holding his arm.6.The train arrive

15、d at 3:30 am,so we had planned to wait at the railway station until daybreak and the take a coach to the farm._,our uncle arranged for a van to pick us up.7.If you want to know his telephone number,you may _the telephone directory.,refer to,consists of,broke away from,To our delight,8.Each competito

16、r got a number,but No.13 was _as no one wanted to have it.9._ American art is on show at the city museum until the end of next month.10.They bought the house _.It is close to where they work and there are many shops nearby.,for convenience,left out,A collection of,Do you find the useful expressionsi

17、n the text?,1.puzzle n/v puzzled a.puzzling a.,1)n.难题,谜,迷惑,困惑,2)v.使迷惑/困惑,be in a puzzle about sthI am in a puzzle about the matter.,The question puzzled me.Im puzzled about what to do next.,puzzle oneself(ones brain)about sth=puzzle over sth 苦苦思索,为大伤脑筋,I am how to make my lesson lively and interesti

18、ng.,He listened to the lecture with a _ expression.puzzled B.puzzling C.puzzle D.being puzzled,puzzling my brain about,考点对接,2 consist,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,is made up of,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,in,of,with,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,D,3 divide.into把分成(几个部分),考点对接,三年考情

19、调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,into,between,among,separate(.)from(把)和隔开/分开/分离divide.(up/out)between/among.在之间分配/分享divide.by.用除,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,by,from,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,Have a try:He _ his time between work and play.We talked until midnight and then _.The shop owner

20、_ the apples into different classes.The children sleep in _ beds.The fence _ the garden in half.,divides,divided,divides,separated,separate,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,separated,were divided,考点对接,4 break down,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,出故障,失败,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,(身体)垮

21、掉,分解,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,拓 break 词组,break out/break down/break up/break in/break off,1)When we were out,a thief_our house.2)She _ a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.3)Unluckily,our car _ on the high way.4)The two companies decided to _ the partnership.5)A big earthquake _ in T

22、angshan.,broke in,broke off,broke down,break up,broke out,for convenience:为了方便 2)at ones convenience 在方便的时候或地方adj.convenient 方便的;省事的;合适的,5.convenience n.convenient adj.,1)We bought this house for its convenience.2)Please come at your convenience.3)Will the 3:50 train be convenient to you?,考点对接,6 att

23、ract,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,attracted,attraction,attractive,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,C,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,absorb ones attention,draw ones attention,catch,ones attention等。,7.worthwhile/worth adj,1)It is worthwhile to visit/visiting Hangzhou which is a beau

24、tiful place.,2)Hangzhou is a beautiful place which isworth visiting.,3)Thank you for your worthwhile suggestion.,Thank you for your worth suggestion.,worth:a.+n./pron.(代词)/V-ing 只作表语不作定语 worthwhile a.+to do sth./doing sth.既可作表语又可作定语,1)The book is worth reading.=It is worth/worthwhile reading the boo

25、k.2)Nursing is a very worthwhile job.3)We had a long wait,but it was worthwhile because we got the tickets.4)The exhibition is well worth a visit.5)He thinks teaching foreign language is worthwhile.,worthwhile/worth,8 leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑;不包括,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,aside,off,behind,out,lea

26、ve aside不予考虑;搁置一边 leave behind遗忘;将抛在后面leave off停止;中断 be left over剩下;残留be/feel left out被冷落;觉得被忽视(冷落),考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,C,9 delight n高兴;愉快;乐事;乐趣;v.使高兴;使欣喜,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,delighted,delight,delighted,delightful,to ones delightto the delight of sb.令某人高兴的是delighted

27、adj.高兴的;欣喜的be delighted to do sth.高兴做某事be delighted at/with/by.对感到高兴/满意delightful adj.令人愉快的;宜人的,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,D,考点对接,10 arrange,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,feeding,arrangements,to meet,to drive,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,B,11 take the place of sb/sth=take s

28、b.s/sth.s place代替,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,taken the place of,Take your places,in place of,out of place,in place of sb./sth.in sb.s/sth.s place代替in place在适当的位置;准备妥当 out of place不合适,考点对接,A,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,3单元语法:过去分词作宾语补足语,surprised,rep

29、aired,locked,beaten,made,基础巩固,晨记有道,考点对接,基础巩固,attractions,convenient,plus,quarreled,descriptions,基础巩固,晨记有道,考点对接,基础巩固,furnished,arrange,delight,alike,clarify,基础巩固,晨记有道,考点对接,基础巩固,accomplished,break down,consists of,break away,had it done,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,1 Its a pity that the indu

30、strial cities built in the nineteenth century dont attract visitors.,这些在十九世纪建立的工业城市并不吸引游客,这是一个遗憾。,arguing with him,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,C,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,2 There followed St Pauls Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666.,接着(参观的)是圣保罗大教堂,它是公元1

31、666年伦敦大火之后修建的。,comes a bus,stands a tall tree,考点对接,考点对接,三年考情调研,突破核心单词与短语,突破重点句式与单元语法,A,There followed St Pauls Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666.,There followed St Pauls Cathedral 谓语 主语 There/Here/now/then 位于句首时可引起全部倒装.There goes the bell.Here is a cup of tea for you.Then cam

32、e a new problem.Now comes your turn.,全部倒装,There comes the bus.There it comes.若主语为代词,则无需倒装。以up/down/on/off/in/out/away 开头的句子,可引起全部倒装。Away went the runners.Down came the rain.Up went the arrow into the air.Out rushed the children.,Tip:谓语动词是表示位置移动的词。,On the desk are two English books.Behind the farmhou

33、se was a great pool.为强调表语而引起的全部倒装,是修辞上的需要。表语be 主语。例如:Around the fire were 5 tents.Inside the pyramid were the kings and queens burial rooms and the long passages to these rooms.,一些以地点状语开头的句子中,也用这种全部倒装语序。例如:Under the tree was sitting an old farmer.海边住着一位老渔夫。Near the sea lived an old fisherman.转弯角处有个年轻警察在走着。Round the corner walked a young policeman.在山脚下有一个小村庄。At the foot of the hill lies a small village.,


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