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1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.section B,The piece which was played on the erhu especially moved me.由二胡演奏的那道曲子特别让我感动。,piece 一首歌;一支曲,on 通过;借助于;表示工具,手段,2.The music was strangely beautiful,but under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain.这首音乐异常的美,但是在这美的背后,我感觉到了强烈的悲苦。,sense v.感觉到;意识到make

2、 sense 有意义;有道理,sadness n.悲伤;悲痛 不可数 sad-sadly pain n.痛苦;疼痛;苦恼 painful adj.,3.Erquan Yingyue(Moon Reflected on Second Spring),but it was one of the most moving pieces of music that Ive ever heard.二泉映月,但它是我听过的最动人的乐曲之一。,one of the+adj.最高级+名词复数 最.之一,reflect v.反映;映出moving adj.动人的;令人感动的;moved adj.感动的,4.I a

3、lmost cried along with it as I listened.当我听的时候,我几乎也跟着哭了。,as 当.时候 相当于 when,5.He performed in this way for many years.他以这种方式表演了很多年。,perform v.表演;执行performer n.演奏者 performance n.演出in this way 用这种方法,teach sb.to do sth.教某人做某事;teach oneself 自学,5.Abings father taught him to play many musical instruments su

4、ch as the drums,dizi and erhu,and by age 17,Abing was known for his musical ability.阿炳的父亲教他演奏许多乐器,如鼓、笛子和二胡,17岁时,阿炳以他的音乐才能而闻名。,be known for 因.而出名,6.Even after Abing got married and had a home again,he continued to sing and play on the streets.甚至在阿炳结了婚,又有了家之后,他仍然在街上唱歌和玩耍。,continue to do sth.继续做某事,marr

5、ied adj.已婚的;结婚的get married 结婚(强调动作)be married 结婚(强调状态),7.Abings amazing musical skills made him very popular during his lifetime.阿炳惊人的音乐技巧使他在他的一生中非常受欢迎。,lifetime n.一生;有生之年 during ones lifetime 在某人的一生中,8.By the end of his life,he could play over 600 pieces of music.到他的生命结束时,他会演奏六百多首乐曲。,by the end of

6、到为止(时间名词)at the end of 在的尽头 in the end 最终;最后,9.It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear,but his popularity continues to this day.遗憾的是,一共只有六首曲子被录了下来得以传世,但时至今日,他依旧颇受欢迎。,Its a pity that 从句 真遗憾 What a pity!真遗憾!,in total 总共;总计 continue to this day 持续到

7、现在;时至今日 popularity n.声望;知名度,10.Today,Abings Erguan Yingyue is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise.现在,阿炳的二泉印月是所有的二胡大师都要演奏和赞美的曲子。,master n.大师;能手;主人 v.掌握;,praise n./v.表扬;赞扬 不可数 praise.for.因为赞美,11.Its sad beauty not only paints a picture of Abings own life but also makes people reca

8、ll their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences.它的凄美不仅描绘了阿炳自己的生活,也让人们从自己的悲伤或痛苦的经历中回忆起他们最深的创伤。,recall v.回忆起;回想起 recall doing 回忆起做,wound n.伤;伤口;可数,1.be played on the erhu 由二胡演奏的2.move sb.感动某人3.strangely beautiful 异常的/出奇的美4.sense a strong sadness and pain感觉到一种强烈的伤感和痛苦5.the most moving

9、 pieces of music最令人感动的乐曲6.Chinese folk music 中国民间音乐7.by age 17 到十七岁的时候 8.musical ability 音乐才能,9.develop a serious illness 得了一种很重的病10.become blind 成了盲人;变瞎11.make money 赚钱 12.be recorded for the future world to hear 被记录下来供后人聆听13.Chinas national treasures 中国的国家珍宝14.paint a picture of.描绘了一幅画 15.recall ones deepest wounds 回忆一个人最深的创伤16.Chinese folk music 中国民间音乐,Goodbye!,


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