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1、Unit 10Youre supposed to shake hands.,1,Unit 10Youre supposed to sha,Section A 1 1a2c,2,Section A 1 1a2c2,.Knowledge and skills:To learn to use be supposed/expected to do to ask and answer what people should do when they meet someone for the first time.Culture and emotional goals:To learn greeting c

2、ustoms in different countries.To learn cultural differences between different countries.To learn to respect the people with different cultures.Learning strategies:To get the information by observing the pictures.To fill in the blanks by listening for the key words.,Teaching Goals,3,.Knowledge and sk

3、ills:Teachi,What are the people supposed to do when they meet for the first time in different countries?,Greeting customs,shake hands,bow,kiss on the cheek,touch noses,hug,press palms together in a prayer-like manner,Warming-up,4,What are the people supposed t,Where are they?What do the people do to

4、 greet each other?Are they from different countries?,They are at a formal party.,shake hands,Yes.,bow,kiss on the cheek,Lead-in,Strategy 1:Getting the information by observing the pictures.,5,Where are they?They are at a f,1a,b,What do people do when they meet for the first time?Can you guess the an

5、swer?,Before listening,Strategy 2:Guessing before listening!,6,1acountriescustoms_ Brazil,Listen and check your answers in 1a.,c,b,a,b,a,1b,While listening,People in the United States are supposed/expected to shake hands when they meet for the first time.,Strategy 3:Listening for the key words!,7,Li

6、sten and check your answers,Listen and repeat,Strategy 4:Focusing on the target language!,After listening,8,Listen and repeatStrategy 4:F,After listening,9,After listening9,Maria is an exchange student.Last night she had dinner at an American friends house.Listen and check()the mistakes Maria make.,

7、2a,Before listening,1.What kind of party is it?An indoor party or outdoor party?,Maybe its an outdoor barbecue party.,3.Why are other people looking at the girl?,Because she wears a formal dress.,2.What are people supposed to wear at outdoor parties?,People are supposed to dress more casually,such a

8、s a T-shirt or jeans.,Strategy 5:Observing the picture to guess the background of the conversation!,Did Mary make any other mistakes?,10,Maria is an exchange student.,Marias mistakes_ arrived late_ ate the wrong food_ greeted Pauls mother the wrong way_ wore the wrong clothes,Guess before listening,

9、11,Marias mistakesGuess before l,Maria is an exchange student.Last night she had dinnerat an American friends house.Listen and check()themistakes Maria make.,2a,Marias mistakes_ arrived late_ ate the wrong food_ greeted Pauls mother the wrong way_ wore the wrong clothes,While listening,12,Maria is a

10、n exchange student.,Maria was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but she _.2.In Marias country,when youre invited for 7:00,youre expected to _.3.When Maria met Pauls mom,she was supposed to _.4.Maria should ask what she is supposed to _ if she is invited to a party next time.,Listen again.Fill in the blanks

11、.,2b,arrived at 8:00,come later,shake hands,wear,custom on time,custom on greeting,custom on dressing,Where do you think Maria comes from?,custom on time,Strategy 6:When taking notes,use“w”for with,“b/w”for between,“ex”for example.,13,Maria was supposed to arrive,Fill in the chart with the informati

12、on in 2b.,arrive late,arrive on time,kiss,wear a suit or fancy dress,shake hands,wear casual clothes,Ideas and customs about,Time Greetings Dressing,14,In Marias countryIn AmericaFi,Read after the tape.,After listening,15,Read after the tape.After list,Role-play a conversation between Maria and Dan.

13、Use the information in 2a and 2b.,2c,Dan:How was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Maria:Well,it was OK,but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but,16,Role-play a conversation betwe,We are supposed to respect the people with different cultures.,When in Rome,do as the Romans do.,

14、Tips for you,People in different countries have different greeting customs when they meet for the first time.,17,We are supposed to respect the,Homework:1.Write down the greeting customs you have learned in this class.2.Search the Internet for some interesting greeting customs in the foreign countries,at least three.,18,Homework:18,19,19,


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