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1、题型三,任务型阅读,题型三任务型阅读,题型三 任务型阅读,题型三 任务型阅读1考情概览2微技能讲练,微技能1 关键词定位法,微技能2 转换相关语句法,微技能3 细节理解,微技能5 把握句式结构及固定搭配,微技能4 速读文章,明确主题,微技能讲练微技能1 关键词定位法 微技能2 转换相关语句,考情概览,分析河北近6年中考任务型阅读可知,该题型呈现以下特点:文体:均为说明文;话题:个人素养提升(2019、2017年考查)、事物介绍(2020年考查)、创新技术(2018年考查)、社会责任(2016年考查)及咨询建议(2015年考查);词数:230260之间,段落46段,以5段居多;,考情概览 分析河

2、北近6年中考任务型阅读可知,该,近6年设题形式:66题完成句子;67、68题简略回答问题;69题找出并写下第四段的主题句;70题将文中画线句子译成汉语。(2020年考查)66、67题完成句子;68题简略回答问题;69题找出并写下第二段(或全文)的主题句;70题将文中画线句子译成汉语。(2019、2018、2017年考查)71题完成句子;72、73题简略回答问题;74题找出并写下第三段(或全文)的主题句;75题将文中画线句子译成汉语。(2016、2015年考查),近6年设题形式:,设题形式1 完成句子(必考:每年12道),关键词定位法(6年8考),考生首先要找出题干中的关键词,再由关键词定位到文

3、章中对应的句子,最后与题干一一对应,找出相应位置空缺的内容并将其补上。做完题后要检查句子结构,从语法形式和意义上进行复查,确保答案正确。,微技能讲练,设题形式1 完成句子(必考:每年12道)关键词定位法(6,(2020河北节选)Remember books?The paper kind.With pages.In the old days before computers,to get information,people read books and newspapers.Students spent hours and hours in the library,looking for in

4、formation in the old books for homework.Now students can find anything on the Internet in seconds.The library was a place where everyone was quiet.66.In the old days before computers,people _ to get information.,典例剖析,read books and newspapers,(2020河北节选)Remember boo,剖析:题干意为:在电脑出现前过去的日子里,人们_来获取信息。根据关键

5、词“In the old days before computers”可定位到本段第四句“In the old days before computers,to get information,people read books and newspapers.”可知答案应填“read books and newspapers”。,剖析:题干意为:在电脑出现前过去的日子里,人们_,Paragraph 1(2020天津节选)Have you ever thought about how many different things you like?You may like pets,parties

6、,presents,foods,and even superheroes!Our world is full of so many things to like!Do you ever wonder(琢磨)why you like certain animals or why you like to do certain things?You may not think about it often,but you may learn something about yourself if you think twice about why you like certain animals.,

7、微技能训练,Paragraph 1(2020天津节选)微技能训练,1.You may _ if you think twice about why you like certain animals.,learn something about yourself,1.You may _,Paragraph 2(2020天津节选)Our personality helps form what we like and dislike.Sometimes the things we like just come naturally to us.For example,whos your favouri

8、te superhero?You probably like that character(人物)for reasons that are all your own.You may not have even thought about why you like that superhero.you just do.As you learn more and do more,you may find out that there are more and more things you like.Thats a good thing!,Paragraph 2(2020天津节选),2.Our p

9、ersonality helps form _3.As you _,you may find out that there are more and more things you like.,what we like and dislike,learn more and do more,2.Our personality helps form,转换相关语句法(2017.67),考生首先要找出题干中的关键词,再由关键词定位到文章中对应的句子,要通读关键句子的前后几句,并与题干作比照来找出横线上应当填写的答案。此处要注意句式的转换,有些可能是两个简短的句子,在设题时整合成一个完整的句子,此时就要

10、注意语意的完整性及对句子的整合能力,确保填出来的答案是正确的。做完题后要检查句子结构,从语法形式和意义上进行复查,确保答案正确。,转换相关语句法(2017.67)微技能2 考生,(2017河北节选)We should learn from mistakes.It makes us become strong.Before we know it,were thankful for negative things,too.Our mistakes can also make us humble(谦逊的),which is not all bad.67.Learning from mistakes

11、can make us _ and humble.,典例剖析,(become)strong,(2017河北节选)We should le,剖析:题干意为:从错误中学习能使我们_和谦逊。根据关键词“Learning from mistakes”可定位至该段前两句“We should learn from mistakes.It makes us become strong.”可知,我们应该从错误中吸取教训,它使我们变得坚强。故填(become)strong。,剖析:题干意为:从错误中学习能使我们_和谦逊。,Paragraph 3(2020石家庄四区初三联考)People need to live

12、 with happiness.So everyone wants to find happiness.But sometimes looking for happiness can be as hard as looking for lost treasure.Just when you think you nearly reach it,something unexpected happens.This may puzzle you a lot.Here are some tips for helping you find happiness.,微技能训练,Paragraph 3(2020

13、石家庄四区初三联考)微技能训,Dont put all your eggs in one basket.If you depend on one thing or one person to make you happy,it may be impossible.You need to enlarge your circle of friends and activities.4.To be happy,people are suggested to make their circle of _ larger.,friends and activities,Dont put all your

14、egg,设题形式2 简略回答问题(必考:每年12道),细节理解,学生首先需提取题干疑问词,再根据疑问词确定该问题在问什么,从而确定用什么样的句式来回答。其次结合关键信息,定位到原文相应位置找出答案。角度1What疑问句(6年4考)What疑问句只能用完整的句子、名词或名词性短语、名词性从句(多为宾语从句)来回答。如:问:What are the desks and chairs in Chengdu tea houses made of?答:Bamboo.,设题形式2 简略回答问题(必考:每年12道)细节理解微,(2019河北节选)Practice makes perfect.While yo

15、u are growing in critical thinking,youll become a wiser and more thoughtful person.There are many ways of doing practice.68.What kind of person will you become as you grow in critical thinking?_,典例剖析,A wiser and more thoughtful person.,(2019河北节选)Practice mak,剖析:题干意为:当你在批判性思维中成长时,你会变成什么样的人?对what引导的疑问

16、句应回答具体内容,由题干中关键词“grow in”可定位至该段第二句“While you are growing in critical thinking,youll become a wiser and more thoughtful person.”从而确定答案。故填A wiser and more thoughtful person.。,剖析:题干意为:当你在批判性思维中成长时,你会变成什么样的人,Paragraph 4(2020北京节选)Anna Du was walking along the beach when she noticed plastics there.She rea

17、ched down to pick them up,and quickly realized there were many more tiny pieces than she could deal with.It seemed impossible to clean them all up.5.What did Anna notice while walking along the beach?_,微技能训练,She noticed plastics./Plastics.,Paragraph 4(2020北京节选)微技能训练She,Paragraph 5(2020青岛节选)In China,

18、writing brushes,ink sticks,paper and ink stones are called the Four Treasures of Study.Among the highquality(质量)treasures,the writing brush produced in Huzhou,the ink stick produced in Huizhou,the xuan paper made in Xuancheng and the ink stone made in Duanxi are the bestknown.,Paragraph 5(2020青岛节选),

19、The writing brushes can be used to draw the pictures on painted potteries(陶器).They are mainly made of the hair of animals.Those made of wool are called yanghao and those made of the weasels(鼬)tail hair are called langhao.Their artistic effects(效果)in writing and painting cannot be copied by any other

20、 pens.6.What are the writing brushes mainly made of?_,The hair of animals.,The writing brushes ca,角度2How疑问句(2020.67,2017.68)How疑问句提问方式,通常用By doing./Withn./句子(或祈使句)来回答。如:问:How do we deal with the last little piece of soap?答:By using it up./We should use it up.,角度2How疑问句(2020.67,2017.68),(2020河北节选)Bef

21、ore computers,articles were handwritten.If a student made a mistake,he would throw the paper away and start writing all over again.Now?If a student makes a mistake,he can just remove or cut it.Students type on their computers and edit(编辑)freely.But they should save their writing in time on the compu

22、ter because it may stop working suddenly.Who wants to lose his hard work forever?,典例剖析,(2020河北节选)Before compu,67.How can a student correct his mistake while writing on the computer?_,剖析:题干意为:学生在电脑上打字时怎样改正错误呢?由How可知,该题在提问方式。根据题干关键字“mistake”和“on the computer”可定位到第四句“If a student makes a mistake,he can

23、 just remove or cut it.”可知,如果一个学生写错了,可以去删除或剪切掉它。故答案为:He can just remove or cut it./Just remove or cut it./Remove or cut it.,He can just remove or cut it./Just remove or cut it./Remove or cut it.,67.How can a student correct,Paragraph 6(2020青岛节选)Paper is among the four great inventions in ancient Chi

24、na.The famous xuan paper appeared in the Sui and Tang dynasties.In Xuanzhou,Anhui Province where the xuan paper is produced,its said that Cai Luns pupil Kong Dan took the job of producing paper but failed to make perfect white paper.Later he happened to see the ebony(檀木)in the rivers.It was wet with

25、 the water and turned white.Then he used the bark(树皮)to produce the worldfamous xuan paper.,微技能训练,Paragraph 6(2020青岛节选)微技能训练,7.How did Kong Dan make the famous xuan paper?_,He used the bark of the ebony.,7.How did Kong Dan make the f,Paragraph 7(2020湘潭节选)Here are some tips that can help you have a f

26、ew moments of quiet in your day:1.Make it a priority(优先的事物).Like brushing your teeth or taking a shower,10 minutes of quiet time a day is part of taking care of your body and cultivating(陶冶)your spirit.,Paragraph 7(2020湘潭节选),8.How can you get support for quiet from the people around you?_,By telling

27、 them the importance of quiet and leading by example.,2.Teach the people you live with about quiet time.No television or computer or music.This is the time to read or play or create artalone.Tell the people around you about the importance ofquiet and lead by example.Then theyll begin to support you

28、and enjoy it as well.,8.How can you get support for,角度3When疑问句(2016.73,2015.73)When疑问句提问时间,通常用介词时间或句子来回答。如:问:When was the letter grading system first used in the US college?答:In 1897.,角度3When疑问句(2016.73,2015.73),(2016河北节选)Although food safety systems usually work,there can be problems.Sometimes mist

29、akes are made.For example,a truck might carry eggs and then ice cream.The ice cream could make people sick when the truck isnt cleaned before carrying it.Other problems are not mistakes.Sometimes companies break rules to make more money.When this happens,people dont know if their food is safe.,典例剖析,

30、(2016河北节选)Although foo,73.When could ice cream make people sick in the example?_,When the truck isnt cleaned(before carrying it),剖析:题干意为:在例子中什么时候冰淇淋会让人生病?根据题干疑问词When可知,该句在提问时间。根据题干关键词“ice cream make people sick”定位至第四句“The ice cream could make people sick when the truck isnt cleaned before carrying i

31、t.”可知答案。故填When the truck isnt cleaned(before carrying it),73.When could ice cream make,Paragraph 8(2020长沙节选)Jiaozi,also known as Chinese dumplings,is a musthave during holidays in Northern China.It dates back to ancient times.Jiaozi is one of the most important foods in Chinese New Year.Since jiaozi

32、 is in the shape of ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots(银锭),it symbolizes wealth(象征着财富).9.When did Chinese people probably begin to have Jiaozi?_,微技能训练,In ancient times.,Paragraph 8(2020长沙节选)微技能训练In a,Paragraph 9(2020青岛节选)The ink stone was already very popular in the Han Dynasty.The Ming and Qing

33、dynasties saw the appearance of the Four Famous Ink StonesDuan Ink Stone,She Ink Stone,Tao Ink Stone and Chengni Ink Stone.They can not only be used in writing and painting but also for admiration.10.When did the Four Famous Ink Stones appear?_,In the Ming and Qing dynasties.,Paragraph 9(2020青岛节选)In

34、 the M,角度4Why疑问句(2020.68)Why疑问句提问原因,通常用because从句/because of短语或不定式(表目的)来回答。如:问:Why do people like going shopping on Black Friday?答:Because they can get things on sale.,角度4Why疑问句(2020.68),(2020河北节选)Before computers,articles were handwritten.If a student made a mistake,he would throw the paper away and

35、 start writing all over again.Now?If a student makes a mistake,he can just remove or cut it.Students type on their computers and edit(编辑)freely.But they should save their writing in time on the computer because it may stop working suddenly.Who wants to lose his hard work forever?68.Why should studen

36、ts save their writing in time on the computer?_,典例剖析,Because it may stop working suddenly.,(2020河北节选)Before compu,剖析:题干意为:学生们为什么要在电脑上及时保存他们的写作呢?根据Why提问的疑问句提问原因,应用because从句等来回答。由题干关键词“save their writing in time”可定位到倒数第二句“But they should save their writing in time on the computer because it may stop w

37、orking suddenly.”可知是因为电脑可能会突然停止工作。故填Because it may stop working suddenly.。,剖析:题干意为:学生们为什么要在电脑上及时保存他们的写作呢,Paragraph 10(2020北京节选)“I know I want to be an engineer because I like building things to help solve world problems,”says Du.“But Im not sure what kind of engineer I want to be yet.”11.Why did Du

38、want to be an engineer in the future?_,微技能训练,Because she/he likes building things to help solve world problems.,Paragraph 10(2020北京节选)微技能训练Bec,Paragraph 11(2020益阳节选)First,we should seldom go out.Its easier to get sick outside.When we have to go out,we must wear face masks(口罩).Second,we should often

39、open the windows in order to keep the air in the room fresh.Fresh air is good for us to keep healthy.Third,we ought to wash our hands many times a day,especially before meals and after going to the toilet.And each time we should wash them with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds.Fourth,ma

40、ke sure we have a good sleep at night.People who are tired or under,Paragraph 11(2020益阳节选),stress can get sick easily,so its important to have enough sleep.Lastly,we can do sports like walking or running slowly at home.12.Why is it important to have enough sleep?_,Because people who are tired or und

41、er stress can get sick easily.,stress can get sick easily,so,角度5Who疑问句(近6年未考查)Who疑问句提问身份或姓名,应当用He/She/It/They be动词具体身份或姓名来回答。如:问:Who telephoned the firemen and ambulance service?答:Mr.Creamer.,角度5Who疑问句(近6年未考查),(2020淄博节选)The soft wind is filled with teas smell.The teas they use are usually jasmine gr

42、een teas,Dragon Well,and Biluochun.They use northern Gaiwan as tea sets(larger than Gongfu Gaiwan).Gaiwan is made up of three parts:the lid,the cup and the saucer(茶碟).When the tea service master pours water into the Gaiwan,you will see the water falling from the air into Gaiwan,with a lively sound.I

43、n a moment,water stops.,典例剖析,(2020淄博节选)The soft win,Then look at the Gaiwan.The water in it is just right at the level of the Gaiwans mouth,with a simple drip(水滴)on the desk.This is a unique(独特的)skill,as well as an art.55.Who has the unique skill of pouring water in the tea house?_,The tea service m

44、aster.,Then look at the Gaiwan.The w,剖析:题干意为:谁有在茶馆倒水的绝技?由Who可知,此处提问人物身份或姓名。根据题干关键词“the unique skill of pouring water”可定位至第五句话“When the tea service master pours water into the Gaiwan.”和该段最后一句话“This is a unique(独特的)skill,as well as an art.”可知茶艺大师有这项独一无二的倒茶技术。故填 The tea service master.。,剖析:题干意为:谁有在茶馆倒水

45、的绝技?由Who可知,此处提,Paragraph 12(2020滨州节选)Do you like playing basketball?If so,you must be very shocked and sad about the death of Kobe Bryant,a famous NBA basketball player.Kobe died in a helicopter(直升机)accident in California on January 26,2020.Just three days before the accident,he sent out Chinese New

46、 Year wishes,and encouraged Chinese fans to live(实践)their dreams and dare to win.13.Who was Kobe Bryant?_,微技能训练,A famous NBA basketball player.,Paragraph 12(2020滨州节选)微技能训练 A,角度6Where疑问句(近6年未考查)Where疑问句提问地点、位置,通常用介词地点或句子来回答。如:问:Where was the name“Black Friday”first used in the 1950s?答:In Philadelphia

47、.,角度6Where疑问句(近6年未考查),(2020锦州节选)Li Shizhen was one of the most famous doctors in Chinese history.He was born in Hubei in 1518.Both of Li Shizhens father and grandfather were doctors.Li Shizhens grandfather was a country doctor who traveled in the countryside with a bag of herbs(药草)and medicine and c

48、ured(治愈)people.His father was a doctor who wrote several books.61.Where was Li Shizhen born?_,典例剖析,In Hubei.,(2020锦州节选)Li Shizhen w,剖析:题干意为:李时珍出生在哪里?由疑问词Where可知,此处提问地点。由关键词“born”可定位至第一段“Li Shizhen was one of the most famous doctors in Chinese history.He was born in Hubei in 1518.”可知李时珍出生在湖北。故填In Hub

49、ei.。,剖析:题干意为:李时珍出生在哪里?由疑问词Where可知,此,Paragraph 13(2020邯郸二模节选)In England,people buy bus tickets on the bus.In France,they buy them at a bus station.In Australia,they can buy them from a magazine store.Books on crosscultural communication make us curious by focusing on differences between people across

50、 the world:in social behavior and the importance of their body language,etc.14.Where do people in England buy bus tickets?_,微技能训练,On the bus.,Paragraph 13(2020邯郸二模节选)微技能训练O,(2020北京阅读短文节选)Du,12 years old at the time,tried to solve the problem like any good scientistfirst,by doing a little research.Th


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