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1、Lesson 36,Across the Channel,New words and expressions,record n.记录;vt.记录 break the record 破记录set up a record=make a record 创记录hold the record=keep the record 保持记录recorder n.录音机,record n.rek:d 记录 vt.rik:d 录音 1)n.记录,记载,成绩,经历,前科 a school record 学习成绩 a police record a new world record 新的世界记录2)v.记录,写下,录音

2、(影)eg.I recorded his lecture.我把他的演讲记录了下来,前科,Pronunciation,record rek:d n.记录;rik:d vt.记录present preznt n.礼物;adj.现在的;prizent v.赠送 desert dezt n.沙漠;dizt v.废弃,strong str adj.强壮的 as strong as a horse 象牛一样壮(马)strong wind 大风 heavy rain 大雨 strong girl strong mind strong+运动员 获胜把握比较大,强有力的(“强有力的对手”中的“强有力”就用str

3、ong)strong swimmer 游泳能手,表示不是很瘦,结实,意志坚强,相关短语strong teastrong room strong language be going strong strong drink,浓茶保险柜骂人的话精神十足烈性的酒精饮料,succeed v.成功,succeed in doing sth.做成功He succeeded in doing business.success n.成功,成功的人successful adj.成功的 be successful in doing sth I want to be successful.fail v.失败 n.fa

4、ilurefail to do sth.做失败 John failed to meet his friends.,train v.训练,train sb.to do sth.训练某人做His father trained him to catch fish.teach sb.to do sth.教某人做He teaches us to speak nicely.trainer n.教练(coach);trainee n.受训的人training center,anxiously adv.焦急地,anxious adj.焦急的She is waiting for her boyfriend an

5、xiously.intend v.打算intend to do sth.be going to do sthShe is not intend to say sorry.,plan to do sth.计划做某事John is plan to cook for Tank.mean to do sth.打算做某事 What do you mean to do(intend to do)?aim to do sth.打算做某事What do you aim to do?,anxiously ksl adv.焦急地,忧虑地 eg.“Are you all right?”he asked anxiou

6、sly.anxious adj.挂念的,忧虑的 an anxious look eg.I m anxious about her health.anxious adj.渴望的,盼望的 be anxious for 渴望某事 be anxious(for sb)to do sth 渴望做某事 eg.We are anxious for your safe return.我渴望你的平安归来,intend ntend V.打算 intend to do sth 打算做某事 plan to do sth 计划做某事 hope to do sth 希望做某事 eg.She intends to go a

7、broad.她打算出国 They intend to marry.他们打算结婚intention ntenn n.目的,打算,意图 eg.Good acts are better than good intentions 好的行动胜于好的意图,She is going to set out from the French coast at five oclock in the morning.set out 出发 当你出发的时候,你就开始了一段旅程。When you set out,you start a journey.set out from 从某地出发,Debbie is only el

8、even years old and she hopes to set up a new world record.Set up He set up a fine example to all of usAn organization has been set up,but still more in name than reality.,She is going to set out from the French coast at five oclock in the morning.set out 出发 set off 开始旅行,赛跑,出发 eg.When you set out,you

9、 will start a journey.set out from 从某地出发 set out to do sth/set about doing sth 着手做某事 eg.They succeeded in what set out to do.他们着手的事情成功了,2.Debbie is only eleven years old and she hopes to set up a new world record.hope to do 希望做某事 set up 创立 树立 例句:他给我们树立了一个好榜样 He sets up a good example for us.他创立了一个属于

10、自己的小公司 He set up a small company of his own.set up a record 创记录,3.She is a strong swimmer and many people feel that she is sure to succeed.Debbies father will set out with her in a small boat.be sure to do 肯定能做成 eg.I am sure to succeed.be sure of sth.例句:我肯定我能成功 I am sure of my success be sure that 句

11、子 eg.I am sure that I can succeed.,4.Debbie intends to take short rests every two hours.She will have something to drink but she will not eat any solid food.intend to do 打算做某事 他打算立刻着手做这事 eg.He intends to do it at once.every two hours 每两小时 solid sld 固体的,非流体的 eg.she will not eat any solid food.她不会吃任何固

12、体的食物,Watch,Look at,Followwatch 观看(正在发生的事情),注视,注意看 eg.Do you have to watch me eating my supper?你非得看我吃晚饭吗?look at 仔细看,(留意)看,强调动作 Look at the blackboard.看黑板follow 跟随(走在后面)eg.The dog followed me all the way home.在特定的时候,follow也可以表示注视,即用目光“跟随”eg.Have you ever seen a cat follow a birds every movement?你有没有见

13、过猫注视鸟的一举一动?,solid adj.固体的,硬的;n.固体,adj.固体的She will not eat any solid food.adj.硬的,结实的,坚固的(指家具、建筑物等)The ice is solid.冰很硬。Paul works every day,he is solid.,Solid,Firm,Stablesolid sld 固体的,硬的(固体);结实的(指家具等)eg.This is a solid table.firm f:m 稳固的(不松动),不会更改的,牢固的 eg.This table is firm.You can stand on it.(无疑)表示

14、态度、信念等 坚定的、坚决的 eg.He is firm about going abroad.在出国这件事上他态度很坚决stable stebl坚定的,稳重的,可靠的,可信赖的(指人的性格)eg.He is a very stable person.他是一个性格坚定的人.He is not a very stable person.他不太稳重/可靠,Exercise 练习 用上面的词填空:1 I came to a _ decision and I will not change my mind.2 I stood on the bridge and _ the boats passing

15、by.3 May I _ your photograph album?4 The ice in the pond is so _ that you can walk to it.5 I tried to persuade him but he remained _.,答案:1.firm 2.watched 3.look at 4.solid 5.firm,Debbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.the Channel=the English Channel,She is a strong swimmer

16、and many people feel that she is sure to succeed.be sure of sth.我肯定我能成功。I am sure of my successbe sure to do I am sure to succeed.be sure that.I am sure that I can succeed.,Mr.Hart has trained his daughter for years.Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England

17、.将来进行时:will be doing 明天8点到10点之间请不要给我打电话,我那时正在上课。Please dont call me between 8:00 and 10:00 tomorrow.Ill be having my classes then.,下个星期的这时候,我们将在那个办公室上班.We will be working in that office this time next week.今天晚上七点,我将正在看电视.I will be watching TV at seven this evening.,Debbie intends to take short rests

18、 every two hours.She will have something to drink but she will not eat any solid food.他打算立刻着手做这事。He intends to do it at once.,Among them will be Debbies mother,who swam the Channel herself when she was a girl.定语从句:He is a technician.He works in the workshop.He is a technician who works in the worksh

19、op.,1.We were made by the lovely girl.A.laugh B.laughing C.laughed D.to laugh2.-How do you like the movie?-I dont like it at all.It me sleepy.A.let B.made C.asked D.ordered3.The rock music makes me crazy.A.feel B.feels C.to feel D.felt,D,B,A,4.Can you make yourself in English?A.to understand B.under

20、standC.understanding D.understood5.Sad movies make me leave.A.to want B.want to C.to want to D.want,D,B,6.-Mum,when can we watch TV?-Not until it next week.A.repairs B.will be repairdC.is repaired D.will repair7.-Do you know when Ms King home.A.will go;goes B.goes;goesC.will go;will go D.goes;will g

21、o,C,C,8.-How long Rachel and Ross?-It is fifty yeas since they.I t is their gold marrige this year.A.has;been married;marryB.has;get married;marryC.have;married;marriedD.have;been married;married,D,9.By the time I locked the door,I realized I my homework at home.A.had repaired B.had changedC.had forgotten D.had left10.-Sorry,Mr.Green.I have my homework at home.-Never mind.But dont forget next time.A.put B.kept C.left D.remained,D,C,


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