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1、Lesson 3 Please send me a card,请给我寄一张明信片,Listen to the tape and think about these questions,How many cards did the writer send?What did he think about everyday?Did he write any cards or not?,send/send/v.寄,送send sb sth/send sth to sb 送给某物给某人 send a letter/card/e-mail She sent me a Christmas card.Ud b

2、etter send the letter by air.send sb to swh 送某人去哪 send me to the airport send the kid to school,与send搭配的常用短语,send for 召唤,派人去叫 Did you send for a taxi?你刚才叫出租车了吗?send out 发出,发送 send away 遣送,解雇send back 归还 send in 提交 派遣send up 发射,使.上升,spoil/spl/,v.损坏,破坏(主要指精神上)Dont let him spoil your night The bad weat

3、her spoiled my mindv.宠坏,溺爱 He is a spoiled child.She spoiled her son by giving him too much money.,这条小狗被宠坏了,每天到处小便.piss,public/pblik/,a.公共的,公众的,公开的 public welfare 公众福利 public holiday 公共假日 public figure 公众人物 public library 公共图书馆n.公众,民众,众人 The museum is open to the public.The public is the true power.

4、The Chinese public,Lend/lend/,v.借给 lend sth to sb/lend sb sth Can you lend me you car?Borrow sth from sb/borrow sb sth 向某人借 He borrowed 100 dollars from Johnson just now.他向Johnson借了100美元。May I borrow your book?我能借你的书吗?,spend/spend/,v.用,花销 spend sth on sth/on doing sth spend 300 yuan on a new TV-set

5、spend much time on sports I spend 10 years to learn English well.We spend 3 hours on the NBA final games last night.,single/sgl/,a.单一的,唯一的,单身的 a single bed/room double 双人的 He send her a single rose.There wasnt a single person.A single light was burning in the room.Are you still single?Shes leading a single life.singly adv.单独地,单个地,各种卡片的英文说法,birthday card 生日卡Christmas card 圣诞卡New-Year card 新年卡Identity card 身份证preferential card 优惠卡student card 学生证score card 积分卡membership card 会员卡intelligence card IC智能卡entry card 入境卡,


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