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1、Cultural DifferencesLanguage points,difference c.n./u.n.区别,差异,different adj.不同的,不一样的differ vi.不同;差异,difference between 之间的差异difference in 方面的差异,There is a difference in temperature between the day and night.,人类与其它哺乳动物的不同之处在于人说话的能力。Human is different from other mammals in their ability to speak.Human

2、s differ from other mammals in their ability to speak.你音乐方面的品味与她的不同。Your taste in music is different from hers.Your taste in music differs from hers.,2.Well,its what we do in the West.(P34),what从句,难点一:what从句的句意,1 什么 2(某某)所 的3 那个、那些,人/样子东西/事情数量/数目时间地方,1 什么 I dont know what I should do.What you will d

3、o next is none of my business.2(某某)所的 What he said at the meeting astonished everyone present.,3 那个、那些(人/样子;东西/事情;数量/数目;时间;地方)He is no longer what he was before.Our income is now double what it was ten years ago.After what seemed like hours,he came out with a bitter smile.In 1492,Columbus reached wh

4、at is now called America.,现在我校学生的数量是解放前的10倍。The number of the students in our school is ten times what it was before liberation.,The young girl was too frightened to speak,standing there for what seemed like hours.小女孩吓得不敢说话,在那儿站了似乎有几个小时。,归纳:what在从句中一定充当成分(主语,宾语和表语),所以判断的依据是看从句中是否缺主、宾、表。,高考回眸,A moder

5、n city has been set up in _ was a wasteland ten years ago.(04天津)A.what B.which C.that D.where,_ is expected that prices of vegetables will maintain the upward trend in the near future.A.What B.That C.As D.It,难点二:易混句型(1),_ is expected,prices of vegetables will maintain the upward trend in the near fu

6、ture.A.What B.That C.As D.It,_ is expected is that prices of vegetables will maintain the upward trend in the near future.A.What B.That C.As D.It,1 _has been announced,China has successfully launched its Shenzhou spaceship with two astronauts in it.A.That B.As C.Which D.What2 _ China has successfull

7、y launched its Shenzhou with two astronauts in it has shocked the world.A.What B.As C.It D.That3 China has successfully launched its Shenzhou with two astronauts in it,_ shocked the world.A.that B.it C.as D.which,典题精练,4 _ excited Chinese greatly that Liu Xiang,a Chinese,won the Olympic Champion of t

8、he 110-meter hurdle race.A.What B.That C.It D.As 5 _ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal service.A.What B.Who C.Whatever D.That,We will do what we can(do)to help the poor.,=We will do all(that)we can(do)to help the poor.,What=all(that),难点三:易混句型(2),难点四:what的特殊句型,1.A is to B what

9、 C is to D A之于B来说就如同C之于D一样。Air is to us what water is to fish.2.what you call 所谓/what is called所谓 He is what is called a walking dictionary.他就是人们所谓的一本 活字典。3.what is more再者/what is worse更糟糕的是,2 While preparing for the speaking exam,make a list of _ these questions might be and prepare some more mater

10、ial that will help you provide good answers.A.where B.which C.how D.what,1 I was really confused at that moment.I wondered _ you meant by saying that.how was it that B.how it was that C.what was it that D.what it was that,有时what 可用作限定词,其后修饰一个复数名词或不可数名词I gave him what books I had.我把我所有的书都给他了。He gave

11、me what money he had about him.他把身边带有的钱全给了我。,难点五:what后接名词,指所有的,what little+不可数名词=虽少但全部I spent what time I had with her.我所有的时间都是与她一起度过的。I spent what little time I had with her.我仅有的一点时间都是与她一起度过的。,巩固练习:1.She has changed a lot.Shes no longer _she used to be.A.that B.what C.which D.不填2.The tobacco which

12、is used to make cigarettes was first grown in_is now part of the United States.A.which B.that C.all D.what3.No longer_Tom the man_he used to be.A.will;what B.was;what C.will;that D.is;that,D,D,B,巩固练习:4.What has made China_she is today?A.that B.what C.as D.which5.The number of the students of the col

13、lege has reached 8,000,twice _ it was when the college was opened ten years ago.A.what B.as much C.which D.that,B,A,3.Well,I once went to an acquaintances wedding in Korea and I was very surprised.once adv.一次,一趟;一倍;曾经;一旦 conj.一旦就;一经 n.一次,一回,The house where she lives was once the village post office.

14、她现在住的房子曾经是村里的邮局。Once customers come to rely on these systems they almost never take their business elsewhere.顾客一旦依赖上这些系统,几乎就不会光顾其他商家。Mary had only been to Manchester once before.玛丽以前只去过一次曼彻斯特。,I feel terribly sleepy(all)at once.我突然觉得特别困。I have to go,I really must,at once.我得走了,我真的必须马上就走。You cant be d

15、oing two things at once.不能一心二用。(同时),For once,dad is not complaining.爸爸这次破天荒地没有抱怨。Once again/Once more,he spoke of his lovely pet dog.又一次、再一次We have to resolve this matter once and for all.我们必须彻底解决这一问题。Once in a while she phoned him.她间或会给他打个电话。once upon a time很久很久以前,4.acquaintance n.U,C相识;了解;熟人,make

16、ones acquaintance=make the acquaintance of sb.结识某人,活学活用,Do you really think it is possible for me to make the _ of the famous professor?I think so.decision B.function C.acquaintance D.friends,5.ensure good luck,assure(某人)保证;确保=ensureinsure 投保ensure 确保;投保=insureguarantee 保证(品质),Careful planning and h

17、ard work will _ our final success.A.enclose B.ensure C.deny D.be sure,6.congratulate vt.向(某人)道贺,祝贺,congratulate sb.on/upon/for(doing)sth.为(做)某事向某人祝贺,congratulation n.U祝贺,恭贺;pl.恭喜,She congratulated him on the birth of his son.她祝贺他喜得贵子。We have received many letters of congratulation.我们收到了很多贺信。I really

18、 must congratulate the organisers for a well run and enjoyable event.活动安排得有条不紊,充满乐趣,我必须要称赞一下组织者。Waterstone has every reason to congratulate himself.沃特斯通完全有理由为自己感到高兴。,7 couple,n.对,双;配偶,夫妻;几个,两三个 Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard.我对面的街上有几名警官在站岗。The couple h

19、ave no children.这对夫妻没有孩子。,8.in separate areas,separateadj.单独的;分开的,分离的be separate from 与不在一起vt.分离Each villa has a separate sitting-room.每栋别墅都有一间独立的起居室。Police moved in to separate the two groups.警方介入进来,将两拨人分开。,9.Another difference is that while we serve food,soft drinks,tea and coffee,alcohol is not p

20、ermitted at the wedding receptionin fact,alcohol is altogether prohibited in Brunei.,另一个不同是:尽管在婚宴上我们提供食物、软饮料、茶和咖啡,但酒是不允许的。事实上,在文莱酒是完全被禁止的。,(,),(,),Another custom is that while going to bed is good for health,on Spring Festival Eve,we Chinese will stay up to see the New Year in,watching the performan

21、ces of the Spring Festival Evening broadcast on CCTV.,另一个习俗是尽管睡得早有益身体健康,但在大年三十晚上中国人都会一边守岁,一边看CCTV播放的春晚节目。,还有一个问题是:尽管中国人喜欢放鞭炮来庆祝春节,但事实上,为确保安全,这在许多大城市是不被允许的。,Another problem is that while Chinese enjoy playing firecrackers to celebrate the Spring Festival,in fact,to ensure safety,it is prohibited in m

22、any big cities.,10 serve,vt.(为)服务;提供;端上 vi.任(职);serve the Party为党效力served ones country为国效忠 During the second world war he served with RAF Coastal Command.二战期间他在英国皇家空军海防总队服役。n.service 服务n.servant 仆人 peoples public servant 人民公仆,permission n.U许可,允许,permit sb.sth.允许某人某事permit doing sth.允许做某事permit sb.to

23、 do sth.允许某人做某事,拓展,11.permit vi.&vt.允许,准许 n.C许可证;通行证;执照,with ones permission 在某人许可的情况下without permission 未经许可get ones permission 得到某人的许可ask for ones permission 请求某人的许可,12.alcohol is altogether prohibited 酒是完全被禁止的。,13.prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止,prohibit sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事prohibit(doing)sth.禁止(做)某物,

24、活学活用,Passengers are _from using such electronic devices as mobile phones during take-off and landing.A.allowed B.encouraged C.prohibited D.clapped,14.celebrate v+事件celebration 1)庆祝(u.n.).2)庆祝活动(c.n.)in celebration of 为了庆祝There were celebrations in the streets.That evening we organized a celebration.

25、The party was in celebration of mothers silver wedding.,大拇指(拇指)thumb食指index finger/first finger中指middle finger无名指ring finger小拇指(小指)little finger,15.offence n.U 冒犯;侮辱;得罪,offend vi.&vt.冒犯;使生气,活学活用,They avoided saying anything that might _their audience.defend B.offend C.defeat D.offer,16.adjust vt.&vi

26、.适应,习惯;调整,调节,活学活用,The body quickly_ itself to changes of(in)temperature.changes B.adjustsC.turns D.faces,adjust oneself to 使(自己)适应adjust to sth./doing sth.适应某事/做某事同义词:adapt,17.accustomed adj.习惯于;惯常的,accustom vt.使习惯于,accustom oneself to 使自己习惯于;养成的习惯be/get accustomed to 习惯于(表示状态)同义短语:be used to,固定搭配,F

27、or many weeks we _horses and oxen suffering from heat,thirst and starvation.A.had used toB.had got used to seeingC.had been accustomed to seeD.had been accustomed to seeing,活学活用,18.What is really interesting is that there are sometimes great cultural differences even between native English speakers.

28、(L41-42),很有趣的是中国人把“福”字倒着贴(stickupside down),因为他们认为这意味福气就会到来。,What is really interesting is that the Chinese stick the Chinese character“fu”upside down because they think it means happiness and good luck will come soon.,the Chinese character“fu”,18.alike adj.相像,十分相似 adv.十分相像地;同样地,形容词alike 只能作表语,All m

29、en and women think alike.,These kittens look exactly _.How can you tell which is which?A.like B.alike C.likely D.unlike,活学活用,(sb.)be familiar with(sth.)对(某物)是熟悉的(sth.)be familiar to(sb.)对(某人来说)是熟悉的,19.familiar adj.通晓;熟悉,Are you _French?Yes.It is as _me as Chinese.A.familiar with;familiar to B.famili

30、ar with;familiar with C.similar to;similar to D.similar with;similar with,20 particular,adj.特别的;详细的;独有的;挑剔的 I remembered a particular story about a postman who was a murderer.我记得有个故事,讲的是一个邮递员杀人的事情。Ted was very particular about the colors he used.特德在用色上非常讲究。,Exercises,He is no longer _(他以前的样子)._(接下来你

31、会怎么做)is none of my business._(似乎过了几个小时),he came out with a bitter smile.,1.Tell Mary that theres someone _(wait)for her at the door.2.There is a big dog _(tie)to a fence outside the house.3.Whether it will do us harm remains_(see).4.Whom would you rather have _(go)with you,him or me?5.The path in the park looked beautiful,_(cover)with _(fall)leaves.6.I wont go to the party even if_(ask).7.All work is pleasant_ _(do)when the habit of working is formed.,


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