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1、线路标准施工屏蔽电缆的修理(屏蔽网)20-10-13 导线与电缆的修理Repair of electrical wire and cable目录Contents章节Paragraph 页码Page1.通用数据General Data 1A.导线与电缆所适用的修理情形 1Applicable Repair Conditions for Wire and CableB.导线与电缆修理的一般情形 2General Conditions for the Repair of Wire and CableC.适航限制要求 3Airworthiness LimitationsD.修理所需部件与材料选择的一般

2、情形 4General Conditions for the Selection of Parts and Materials for a RepairE.有拼接管导线与电缆修理时的一般情形 4General Conditions for the Repair of Wire and Cable with a SpliceF.拼接组件修理的适用情形y 6Applicable Conditions for the Repair of a Splice AssemblG.所需材料 6Necessary Materials 2.导线与电缆的损伤及其修理情形 9Wire and cable damag

3、e and repair conditionsA.非屏蔽导线 9Unshielded WireB.非屏蔽电缆 10Unshielded cableC.屏蔽导线 12Shielded wireD.屏蔽导线两层屏蔽网相邻 14Shielded Wire - Two Adjacent ShieldsE.屏蔽导线两层屏蔽网不相邻 16Shielded Wire - Two Shields That Are Not AdjacentF.屏蔽电缆 19Shielded cableG.屏蔽电缆两层屏蔽网相邻 21Shielded Cable - Two Adjacent ShieldsH.屏蔽电缆两层屏蔽网

4、不相邻 23Shielded Cable - Two Shields That Are Not AdjacentI.带有非金属编织网的导线或电缆 25Wire or Cable With a Non-Metallic BraidJ.铝质导线 25Aluminum WireK.铜质电源馈线 27Copper Power Feeder WireL.跳线组件的跨接与接地 28Bond and Ground Jumper AssemblyM.同轴电缆 29Coax cableN.阻燃导线 30Fire Resistant WireO.扁平线芯电缆组件 32P.ARINC 629 S280W502-()

5、连接电缆 33Q.ARINC 629 S280W651-()数据总线电缆组件 33R.从屏蔽底线中抽出屏蔽网 35S.热电偶导线 36T.发动机导线束中的导线与电缆 37U.燃油系统导线 37V.安装于油箱中的燃油指示系统导线与电缆 37W.安装于油箱外的燃油指示系统导线与电缆 39X.过热或电弧损伤的导线 423.导线与电缆绝缘层的修理 42A.导线主绝缘层的修理 42B.电缆外防护层的修理 45C.主绝缘层与外防护层上的重叠缠绕胶带破损处的修理 46D.电缆中导线主绝缘层的修理 47E.非金属编织网的修理 49F.拼接组件绝缘层的修理 504.非屏蔽导线与非屏蔽电缆的拼接修理 51A.导线

6、的修理 51B.电缆的修理 515.屏蔽导线与屏蔽电缆的拼接修理 52A.屏蔽导线的拼接修理 52B.屏蔽导线的拼接修理两层屏蔽网相邻 52C.燃油蒸汽区域屏蔽导线的拼接修理两层圆芯屏蔽网不相邻 53D.屏蔽导线的拼接修理两层圆芯屏蔽网不相邻 57E.屏蔽电缆的拼接修理 61F.屏蔽电缆的拼接修理两层屏蔽网相邻 62G.燃油蒸汽区域屏蔽电缆的拼接修理两层圆芯屏蔽网不相邻 62H.屏蔽电缆的拼接修理两层圆芯屏蔽网不相邻 676.屏蔽导线与屏蔽电缆的屏蔽网修理 72A.封严的屏蔽网拼接构型选择 72B.低温焊锡管的选择 74C.屏蔽网修理胶带与扎线 74D.屏蔽网修理焊接屏蔽网拼接管 76E.屏蔽

7、网修理焊锡管、屏蔽材料、胶带与热缩管(屏蔽网不后翻) 78F.屏蔽网修理焊锡管、屏蔽材料、胶带与扎线(屏蔽网不后翻) 82G.屏蔽网修理焊锡管、屏蔽材料、胶带与热缩管(屏蔽网后翻) 85H.屏蔽网修理焊锡管、屏蔽材料、胶带与扎线(屏蔽网后翻) 88I.屏蔽网修理金属环、屏蔽材料、胶带与热缩管 92J.屏蔽网修理金属环、屏蔽材料、胶带与扎线 95K.屏蔽网修理屏蔽线夹、屏蔽材料、胶带与热缩管 98I.屏蔽网修理屏蔽线夹、屏蔽材料、胶带与扎线 1027.同轴电缆的修理 106A.同轴电缆的屏蔽网修理 106B.同轴电缆的拼接修理 107C.增加一段新同轴电缆的拼接修理 1088.防波地线的修理 1

8、09A.抽线法防波地线的修理 1099.阻燃导线的修理 111A.阻燃导线的绝缘层修理 111B.非屏蔽阻燃导线的拼接修理 11310.热电偶导线的拼接修理 116A.镍铬热电偶导线的拼接修理 11611.燃油油量指示系统电缆的修理 118A.延伸至油箱外的高阻抗电缆的防护层修理 118B.延伸至油箱外的高阻抗电缆的拼接修理 11812.热风枪 121A.件号与描述 121B.热风枪的操作 12220-10-13/2.F Shielded Cable 屏蔽电缆的修理For the conditions that are applicable to the data in this paragr

9、aph, refer to Paragraph 1.A.Repair is necessary when these types of damage occur:_ Damage to the conductor; refer to Paragraph 5.E._ Damage to the primary insulation; refer to Paragraph 5.E._ Damage to the shield is more than 1 inch in length or more than 25 percent of the circumference of the shiel

10、d, and near the end of the cable; refer to Paragraph 6.A._ Damage to the shield is more than 1 inch in length or more than 25 percent of the circumference of the shield; refer to Paragraph 5.E._ Damage to the shield is less than 1 inch in length and less than 25 percent of the circumference of the s

11、hield; refer to Paragraph 6.C._ Damage that goes through the jacket, but the shield has no damage; refer to Paragraph 3.B._ Damage that goes into the jacket; refer to Paragraph 3.B._ The bond between the overlaps of the tape of a jacket is broken for a length more than 50 percent of the diameter of

12、the wire; refer to Figure 30 and Paragraph 3.C._ Damage that goes into the insulation of the shield splice assembly, but the shield has no damage; refer to Figure 31 and Paragraph 3.F.Refer to Figure 29.Figure 29 UNSERVICEABLE JACKET AND SHIELD DAMAGEFigure 30 UNSERVICEABLE BROKEN BONDSFigure 31 UNS

13、ERVICEABLE DAMAGE OF THE INSULATION OF A SHIELD SPLICE ASSEMBLYRepair is not necessary when these types of damage occur:_ A fold in the jacket or the primary insulation at a bend_ A small scratch on the surface of the jacket or the primary insulation_ Abrasion that makes the surface of the jacket or

14、 the primary insulation rough_ The bond between the overlaps of the tape of the jacket is broken for a length that is less than 50 percent of the diameter of the wire.Refer to Figure 32 and Figure 33.Figure 32 SERVICEABLE SCRATCHES, FOLDS, AND ABRASIONFigure 33 SERVICEABLE BROKEN BONDS20-10-13/6. RE

15、PAIR OF THE SHIELD OF A SHIELDED WIRE AND A SHIELDED CABLE20-10-13/6.A. Selection of a Sealed Shield Splice ConfigurationRefer to:_ Paragraph 2. for the damage and repair conditions of the applicable shielded wire or shielded cable_ Paragraph 1.E. for the applicable conditions for the repair of wire

16、 and cable with a splice.Table 13 SEALED SHIELD SPLICE CONFIGURATIONS20-10-13/6.B. Selection of a Solder Sleeve20-10-13/6.I. Shield Repair - Mechanical Ferrules, Shield Material, Tape, and a SleeveRefer to:_ Paragraph 1.E. for the applicable conditions for the repair of wire and cable with a splice_

17、 Figure 116 for the configuration of the splice assembly.Figure 116 CONFIGURATION OF THE SPLICE ASSEMBLY(1) Remove the necessary length of the outer jacket. Refer to Figure 117.Figure 117 JACKET REMOVAL(a) On one side of the damaged area, carefully cut the jacket around the circumference of the wire

18、 or the cable a minimum of 0.4 inch from the end of the damage, away from the damaged area.CAUTION:DO NOT CUT ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE JACKET. DAMAGE CAN OCCUR TO THE SHIELD OR WIRE.(b) On the other side of the damaged area, carefully cut the jacket around the circumference of the wire or the cable a

19、 minimum of 0.4 inch from the end of the damage, away from the damaged area.CAUTION:DO NOT CUT ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE JACKET. DAMAGE CAN OCCUR TO THE SHIELD OR WIRE.(c) Cut the jacket lightly along the length of the jacket to be removed.CAUTION:DO NOT CUT ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE JACKET. DAMAGE CAN

20、OCCUR TO THE SHIELD OR WIRE.(d) Pull the jacket apart at the lines where it is cut.NOTE: If it is necessary, the wire or the cable can be bent at the lines where the jacket was cut.CAUTION:DO NOT BEND THE WIRE OR THE CABLE MORE THAN 3 TIMES THE DIAMETER.DAMAGE TO THE WIRE OR THE CABLE CAN OCCUR.(2)

21、Prepare the shield. Refer to Figure 118.Figure 118 SHIELD PREPARATION(a) Carefully cut around the circumference of the shield on each side of the damaged area.Make sure that the distance from the end of the jacket to the end of the shield is a minimum of 0.31 inch.(b) Remove the unwanted shield with

22、 the damage.(3) Make a selection of two sets of inner and outer mechanical ferrules. Refer to Subject 20-30-12.Make sure that:_ The ferrules are the correct Temperature Grade_ The inner ferrule has the smallest diameter that can move freely on the jacket_ The outer ferrule has the smallest diameter

23、that can be put on the inner ferrule and shield.20-30-12(目录)20-30-12/3.H. Mechanical FerrulesNOTE: A satisfactory alternative for the BACS13S()B ferrule is the MS21981-() ferrule that has the equivalent size.NOTE: The nickel plated ferrules are not color coded.Figure 6 BOEING FERRULE PART NUMBER STR

24、UCTURE(4) Make a selection of a ferrule crimp tool. Refer to Subject 20-30-12.20-30-12(目录)20-30-12/4.B. Mechanical Ferrule Crimp Tools(5) Put one inner ferrule on the jacket of the wire or cable, to the rear of the area to repair.(6) Move the strands of the rear shield apart and make them straight.(

25、7) Align the forward end of the inner ferrule with the end of the jacket.(8) Fold the strands of the rear shield back on the inner ferrule.Make sure that the strands of the shield are symmetrical around the circumference of the ferrule.(9) Make a selection of a shield material from Table 9.Make sure

26、 that the shield material has:_ The correct Temperature Grade_ The smallest diameter that can be put on the folded back shield.NOTE: For alternative shield materials, refer to Subject 20-00-11.20-10-13/1.G Necessary Materials:Table 920-00-11/2.M Shield Materials(10) Cut the necessary length of the s

27、hield material.Make sure that the length of the shield material is a minimum of 0.62 inch more than the length of the jacket that is removed from the wire or the cable.(11) Put the shield material on the wire or cable.(12) Put the two outer ferrules on the shield material.(13) Align the end of the s

28、hield material with the end of the shield that is folded back.(14) Align the rear end of one of the outer ferrules with the rear end of the inner ferrule.Make sure that:_ The outer ferrule goes around the shield material_ The rear end of the outer ferrule does not extend farther than the rear end of

29、 the inner ferrule_ The rear end of the outer ferrule is a maximum of 0.06 inch from the rear end of the inner ferrule.(15) Crimp the ferrules.夹接工具介绍参考20-00-1220-00-12目录:(16) Put the other inner ferrule on the jacket of the wire or cable forward of the area to repair.(17) Move the strands of the for

30、ward shield apart and make them straight.(18) Align the forward end of the inner ferrule with the end of the jacket.(19) Fold the strands of the forward shield back over the inner ferrule.Make sure that the strands of the shield are symmetrical around the circumference of the ferrule.(20) Put the end of the shield material on the folded back shield.(21)


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