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1、109&110,Its not far.You can go there _ foot.You neednt go there _ a car.A.on;byB.on;onC.on;driveD.on;in,Be quick,or youll _ the start of the film.A.forget B.missC.leave D.catch,Jenny,_ late for class.There will be an important test tomorrow.A.dont B.doesnt C.dont beD.doesnt be,1.It is a nice day,?2.

2、You arent a doctor,_?3.He will write soon,?4.They went to the zoo yesterday,_?5.She often gets up early,?6.He doesnt like to eat vegetables,_?7.Close the door,?8.He can play the guitar very well,?,isnt it,are you,wont he,didnt they,doesnt she,does he,will you,cant he,CONTENT,目录,Warm up,CONTENT,目录,有一

3、只熊走过来 第十一本书哪一种蝙蝠不用休息 一个人被刷成金色 羊停止了呼吸,有BEAR来,有备而来,BOOK11,不可思议,不休蝙蝠,不修边幅,一名金人,一鸣惊人,羊没吐气,扬眉吐气,01,New Words,ideaa littleteaspoonful lessa few pity instead advice,ad lt()l tispun,fl les fju pt nsted dvas,n.主意少许n.一满茶匙adj.较少的,更少的几个n.遗憾adv.代替n.建议,忠告,idea,好主意!,Good idea!,我有个主意,你打扫房间,我来吃饭。,n.主意,I have an idea

4、 that you clean the room and Ill eat the meal.,意见,见解,想法,关于这件事你的意见如何?,What is your idea about it?,I have no idea.,a little,a little water,little water,少许(置于不可数名词之前),几乎没有,很少的(置于不可数名词之前),我几乎没有时间读书。,I have little time for reading.,表示否定,less,adj.(little的比较级)较小/少的,更小/少的,我明天的工作就更少了。,I will have less work t

5、o do tomorrow.,作不定代词,对此我了解甚少,而他知道的更少。,I know little about it,but he knows even less.,adv.更不(与more相对),考试以后,他学习更不努力了。,After the exam,he works less hard.,a few,少许(置于可数名词之前),few,几乎没有,很少的(置于可数名词之前),Not a few people have made that mistake.Only a few men were in the room.You will have to wait quite a few w

6、eeks.,not a few 不少的,相当多的,only a few 仅少数,只有几个,quite a few(口语中)相当多的,teaspoonful,tea+spoonful,一满茶匙,一茶匙的糖,a teaspoonful of sugar,mouthful,一满嘴,嘴里塞满了饭时,不要讲话。,Dont talk with a mouthful of food.,pity,n.遗憾,真遗憾,他又失败了。,Its a pity that he failed again.,What a pity(that)he failed again.,v.令人觉得怜悯,同情,我因她的无助而觉得她可怜。

7、,I pity her for her helplessness.,instead,adv.代替,instead of 代替,而不,我必须完成工作,不能出去。,I have to finish my work instead of going out.,我要去看的是她而不是你。,I will go to see her instead of you.,advice,n.建议,忠告,我请老师对我的英语学习给些建议。,ask sb.for advice on sth.,I asked my teacher for advice on my English.,让我给你个忠告。,give sb a p

8、iece of advice,Let me give you a piece of advice.,听听我的劝吧,离他远点。,take ones advice,Take my advice and stay away from him!,02,Game Time,03,Grammar,a few,few,a little,little,1.Will you eat _cake?2._people live to be a hundred.3.Unluckily,I have_money.4.There are _students in the class.5.There is _ wine l

9、eft in the bottle.,a few,Few,little,a few,a little,征求建议的相关句型:,Do you want?Would you like?What about?May IShall I.?,我走的比你远。我们明天进一步讨论。这是我看到的最好的汽车在全班当中,你答错的题最少我有的巧克力是我们三个人中最少的。我们吃早饭吧!,你想来根烟吗?我认为打印机里没有多少纸了。我恐怕今天早上得迟到了。我没去看电影,而是去逛商店了。你能替我去开会吗?多运动,少吃东西,否则你是不可能减掉肉的。,04,Text,Charlotte:Shall I make _ _,Jane?

10、,Jane:Thats_ _ _ Charlotte.,some,coffee,a,good,idea,Charlotte:Its _.Do you want _ _?,Jane:Just_ _,please.,ready,any,milk,a,little,Charlotte:What about _ _?Two _?,Jane:No,_ _ that._ and _ _ teaspoonfuls,please.Thats enough for me.,some,sugar,teaspoonfuls,less,than,One,a,half,Charlotte:Would you like

11、_ _?,Jane:That was _ _.,Jane:Yes,please.,very,nice,some,more,Jane:Id like _ _,too.May I have one?,Charlotte:Of course.I think there are _ _ in that box.,cigarette,a,few,a,Jane:Im afraid its_.,Jane:It doesnt matter.,Charlotte:What a _!,empty,pity,Charlotte:Have a_ instead.Eat _ and smoke_!,Jane:Thats very good advice.,biscuit,more,less,Thank You!,


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