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1、新目标七年级下册Unit 2What time do you go to school?(Revision),魏县第五中学分校 赵红莲,自主学习 合作交流,(一)复习自检(2分钟),1.向上2.起床;站起3.穿衣服 n.连衣裙4.穿上衣服5.刷;刷净 n.刷子6.牙齿7.淋浴;淋浴器(间)8.洗淋浴9.通常地;一般地10.四十11.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀12.从不;绝不13.早(的),upget updressget dressedbrushtooth pl.teethshowertake a showerusuallyfortywowneverearly,拓展:1)一些名词的复数是不规则变

2、化的。例如:foot feet(脚)child children(孩子)manmen(男人)woman women(女人)mouse mice(老鼠)还有一些名词的单复数是一样的。如:sheepsheep(绵羊)deerdeer(鹿)ChineseChinese(中国人)JapaneseJapanese(日本人)3)还有些名词是集合名词,本身就是复数的概念,不需要再变复数。如:people 人,人们 police 警察。,自主学习 合作交流,(一)复习自检,14.五十15.工作;职业16.工作17.电视台;车站18.广播电台19.(表示整点)点钟20.晚上;夜晚21.奇怪的;滑稽好笑的22.锻

3、炼;练习 23.(在)周末24.最好的(地)25.一半,半数26.晚于;过(时间)adj.过去的,(一)复习自检(2分钟),fiftyjobworkstationradio stationoclocknightfunnyexerciseon weekendsbesthalfpast,自主学习 合作交流,(一)当堂提问,27.一刻钟;四分之一 28.家庭作业29.做作业30.跑;奔31.打扫;弄干净;adj干净的32.行走;步行33.散步;走一走34.很快地35.或者;也(用在否定词组后)36.要么要么;或者或者37.大量;许多38.大量;许多39.有时40.品尝n.味道;滋味41.生活,生命,

4、quarterhomeworkdo ones homeworkruncleanwalktake a walkquicklyoreitherorlotlots ofsometimestastelife pl.lives,自主学习 合作交流,what time 几点go to school 去上学get up 起床take a shower 洗淋浴brush teeth 刷牙get to 到达do homework 做家庭作业go to work 去上班go home 回家eat breakfast 吃早饭on school days/nights上学期间的白天、晚上,短语归纳,get dress

5、ed 穿上衣服get home 到家eitheror 要么要么go to bed 上床睡觉in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上take a walk 散步lots of 许多,大量radio station 广播电台at night 在晚上be late for 迟到,一、短语翻译:,起床_或者或者;要么要么_穿上衣服_大量_洗澡_上床睡觉_广播台_ 半个小时_放学到家_吃晚饭_ 刷牙_ 散步_因迟到_打扫我的房间_ 需要做某事_保持好牙齿_有时间做某事_从到_为我做早饭_ 在周末_有健康的生活_,自主学习 合作交流,1.at+具体时间点 在几点

6、(几分)2.eat breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早饭/午饭/晚饭3.take a(n)+名词 从事()活动4.half past+基数词 点半5.a quarter to+基数词 差一刻到点6.from to 从到(时间、地点)7.need to do sth.需要做某事,用法集萃,自主学习 合作交流,典句必背,1.What time do you usually get up?I usually get up at six thirty.2.Thats a funny time for breakfast.3.When do students usually eat din

7、ner?They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.,由time 构成的常见的句式还有“Its time for/Its time to do”意为“该做的时候了”。例如:Its time for lunch.该吃午饭了。Its time to go to bed.该睡觉了。“Its time for sb.to do sth.”意为“某人该做某事了。”。例如:Its time for us to go home now.我们该回家了。,自主学习 合作交流,(二)重点句型,4.In the evening,I eit

8、her watch TV or play computer games.5.At twelve,she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch.6.She knows its not good for her,but it tastes good.7.Here are your clothes.,用来连接两个并列的词、短语或者句子。如:1.You can either have tea or coffee.2.You must either go home or wait here.连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词通常与其靠近的主语保持一致,

9、即“就近原则”。Either he or you are right.Either you or he is right.,30分钟以内 past,刚好30分钟half past,30分钟以后 to,整点 oclock,时间表达法,整点钟读法:six oclock顺读法:“钟点+分钟”按时、分的顺序用数字直接表示整点数字后加上oclock.4:00 four oclock 7点15分 seven fifteen6:05 six O five 6:15 six fifteen 6:30 six thirty 6:45 six forty-five 6:55 six fifty-five,逆读法:

10、(1)分钟数为30,.点半:6:30 half past six 5:30 half past five(2)分钟数不到30,点过分:6:05 five past six 6:10 ten past six,(3)分钟数超过30,差分点 分钟+past+小时“几点过几分”6:50 ten to seven6:55 five to seven12:05 five past twelve 8:25 twenty-five past eight11:10 ten past eleven,15或45分钟:a/one quarter半小时用:half7:45 a quarter to eight10:1

11、5 a quarter past ten3:30 half past three,在几点用(介词),at,What time do you usually have breakfast?I usually have breakfast at six oclock.1.What time 时间范围比较小,具体到点。When范围大,时间点、上下午、天、年都可2.Usually频度副词 通常,放在be 动词后面,如She is usually happy.放在行为动词之前,如She usually goes to school at one oclock.3.在几点用介词 at,When and w

12、hat time When 和 what time 都是对时间提问的疑问代词,用what time 提问的句子一般可用when代替,反之则不一定。When 何时,表示对大时间的提问。e.g.When do you come here?What time 表示对小时间的提问,回答相对具体。e.g.What time do you get up?询问时间还可以用句型:Whats the time now?=What time is it(by your watch)?Whats the time by your watch?(你的手表)现在几点了?回答别人询问几点可以用句型:“Itis时间.”。,

13、当主语是第三人称单数时,动词形式需作下列几种变化:,写出下列动词的第三人称单数:1.find 2.go 3.think 4.learn 5.join 6.dance 7.swim 8.sing 9.paint 10.speak 11.be 12.show 13.draw 14.get 15.take 16.work 17.brush 18.love 19.listen 20.start21.write 22.tell 23.ask 24.sell 25.see 26.relax 27.have 28.buy e 30.want 31.help 32.run 33.eat 34.like 35.

14、play36.let 37.bring 38.take 39.know 40.call41.spell 42.look 43.wash 44.meet 45.sound46.do,写出下列动词的第三人称单数:1.finds 2.goes 3.thinks 4.learns 5.joins 6.dances 7.swims 8.sings 9.paints 10.speaks 11.be-is 12.shows 13.draws 14.gets 15.takes 16.works 17.brushes 18.loves19.listens 20.starts21.relaxes 22.tells

15、 23.asks 24.sells 25.sees 26.res 27.has 28.buys es 30.wants 31.helps 32.runs 33.eats 34.likes 35.plays36.lets 37.brings 38.takes 39.knows 40.calls41.spells 42.looks 43.washes 44s.meets 45.sounds46.does,gets up,runs,takes a shower,eats breakfast,goes to school,goes to bed,A:What time do you usually(通

16、常)get up?B:I usually get up at.A:What time does he/she usually get up?B:He/She usually gets up at.,pair work,does homework,Ask your best friend 5 questions about his/her day,like this:A:Excuse me.What time do you usually?B:I usuallyat,activity,time,作调查,-汇报你的调查结果!,My friend is He/She gets up at,and h

17、e/she eats breakfast at _,_s Day,writing,Write a passage about Toms day.,6:30,6:40,eat breakfast,7:00,get dressed,7:20,7:30,【考题链接】,Work:1)work,动词,意为“工作,劳动”,第三单数是works;worker是名词,意为“工人”,复数是workers。2)work 名词,意为“工作”,是不可数名词.job:可数名词,工作,职业;复数是 jobs.用job,work填空。1.Sally finds a new _ and she goes to _ at se

18、ven oclock every day.2.You can find a good _ if(如果)you study hard now.3.My father has lot of _ to do,so he is busy.,job work,job,work,“good”万花筒,be good for意为“对有好处,对有益处”,介词for后接名词或代词。其反义词为be bad for,意为“对有害处”。,2.be good at 擅长,3.be good with 善于;精明的;与相处的好,4.be good to 对友好,【考题链接】,用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Junk food

19、is not good _ our health.2.Are you good _ the children?3.My friend was good _ me when I was ill.4.Is she good _ painting?,for,with,to,at,当堂训练,质疑问难,一、根据句意及所给的首字母提示完成单词。1.What club do you want to j_?2.Kate likes music and she wants to be a m_.3.Can you come and s_ them your Chinese kung fu?4.I want to

20、 know your e-mail a_.5.What can you do for the school music f_?,1.join 2.musician 3.show 4.address 5.festival,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Do you want to join the _(swim)club?2.Can Mary and Alice _(play)computer games?3.Come and _(join)the art club.4.She wants _(dance)with her friends.5.Thanks for _(help)me.,典题

21、引导,点拨深化,1.swimming 2.play 3.join 4.to dance 5.helping,三、句型转换:*1.Bill can swim.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Bill _?2.We want to join the basketball club.(对划线部分提问)_ _ do you want to join?3.Can you play chess?(作否定回答)_,_ _.*4.I think he can play soccer.(改为否定句)I _ _ he _ play soccer.*5.I am the first to come to school b

22、ecause I get up early.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ the first to come to school?,典题引导,点拨深化,What can do,What club,No,I cant,dont think can,Why are you,四、句子改错:下列各句均有一处错误,请改正。1.Mr Smith can paint very good.2.Does he have a e-mail address?3.They have lunch at home in Sunday.4.What is your favorite clubs?The music club

23、 and art club.5.My grandfather can play trumpet.,典题引导,点拨深化,1.good well 2.aan 3.in on 4.is are 5.trumpet the trumpet,典题引导,点拨深化,五、单项选择:1.Are you good _ your cousins?A.of B.at C.in D.with 2.May I play tennis now?_.A.No,you may B.No,you cant C.Yes,I may D.Yes,you are 3.He can speak _ English.A.little B.

24、a little C.few D.a few 4.Can I look at your pictures?_.A.Yes,I do B.Yes,you are C.Yes,I am D.Yes,here you are 5.Maybe he can _ in our club.A.is B.are C.be D.am,典题引导,点拨深化,五、单项选择:*6.I know _ about him.He is new here.A.a lot of B.lots of C.a little D.little*7.My brother cant sing _ play the guitar.A.an

25、d B.or C.but D.only 8.Your friend _ not be at home.A.is B.does C.may D.do 9.Can you help me _ the books to my bedroom?A.take B.takes C.taking D.took 10.The teacher _ the picture _ us.A.shows,to B.shows,for C.show,at D.shows,about,典题引导,点拨深化,Dear Mr.Brown,My name is Tom.Im not famous now.But maybe I c

26、an be famous someday!I cant sing or dance or act in movies,but I can do many other things.I can play three instruments:the guitar,the violin and the drums.I think I can be in the music club.Maybe I can be a famous musician.I like to read story books and I can write stories.Maybe I can be a famous wr

27、iter.I like sports,too,but I am not good at sports.Can I join you?,阅读理解,典题引导,点拨深化,1.Whats the underlined word“instruments”in Chinese?It means _.A.乐谱B.乐器C.乐章D.琴2.What cant Tom do?He cant _.read B.write stories C.play the violin D.act in movies 3.Tom thinks he can be a famous _ or a famous writer.musi

28、cian B.actor C.singer D.sports man,阅读理解,精讲点拨,达标测试,4.What club can Tom join?Art club.B.Movie Club.C.Chess club.D.Music club.*5.Why isnt Tom in sports club?_.A.He doesnt like sportsB.He doesnt do well in sports C.He is not strong enough D.He thinks sports are boring,按要求转换下列句型:,1.I can play chess.(变成一般

29、疑问句)_ you_ chess?2.She can play the guitar.(变成一般疑问句)_ she_ the guitar?3.They can play basketball.(变为否定句)They _ _ basketball.4.He can dance.(否定句)He_ dance.5.We can speak English.(提问)_ _ you _?6.I want to join the art club.(提问)_ _ _ you want to join?7.Can he paint?(否定回答)_,he_.8.I can sing.(提问)_ _ you

30、_?,Can,play,Can,play,cant play,cant,What can,do,What club do,No,cant,What can,do,盘点收获,拓展提升,用好困惑反思本:引导学生自己梳理当天所学知识,将重点类型题和错题整理!,本单元我学会的有用的短语有:,本单元我学会的有用句子有:,Homework:,英语周报 Unit 3,YOU“有”万花筒,如何表示“有”?1)have(has),dont have(doesnt have)2)There be 结构:There is+单数名词或不可数名词+地点 There are+可数名词复数+地点课后小练习:1.There_

31、 some bread on the table.2._ _ an apple in the box?Yes,there is.3._ _ any English books in your schoolbag?No,_ _.4.There _ an egg and some oranges on the sofa.5.There _(not)many vegetables and salad in the basket.,(二)句型转换:,精讲点拨,达标测试,1.Do they have three CDs?(做肯定回答),.2.She has an eraser.(改为一般疑问句)_ sh

32、e an eraser?3.Does he have a tennis racket?(做否定回答),.4.I have a blue jacket.(改为一般疑问句)a blue jacket?4.Jim has a ping-pong ball.(改为否定句)Jim _ _ have a ping-pong ball.5.We have some sports clubs.(改为否定句)We _ have _ sports clubs.,Yes they do Does have No he doesntDo you have does not dont any,(三)根据句意选用正确的单

33、词或短语填空:,精讲点拨,达标测试,1.Do your sisters have a volleyball?2.Do they have a new TV?Yes,they do.3.I want to play basketball.4.Does Jim have a soccer ball?5.Does he have a basketball?Yes,he does.6.-Well,lets play baseball.-That sounds good.7.Lets play computer games.8.My sister has many books.9.Let us play

34、 volleyball.,(四)单项选择:,精讲点拨,达标测试,1.-Excuse me,is this your ping-pong bat?-Yes,.A.is it B.its C.it is D.it isnt2.I play basketball every day.A.a B.the C.an D./3.-Lets go to the zoo.-A.Good idea.B.Excuse me.C.Youre welcome.D.It doesnt matter.4.you have a TV?A.Do B.Is this C.Are D.Can5.Does your bother

35、play ping-pong?-Yes,.A.He is B.he does C.he doesnt D.It does,Can you play the guitar?,Unit 1,Active 积极活跃Creative 有创造性Cooperative 有合作精神,Which group is the winner?,Section AUnit 6七下,Ability,Knowledge,Emotion,words,phrases,Structures,newspaper;use;soup;wash;movie;,What is he doing?He is watching TV.,We

36、 should help to do the housework.,read a newspaper,make soup,wash the dishes,go to the movies,eat out,use the computer,read a newspaper,newspaper,make soup,soup,wash the dishes,go to a movie,nju:spep,ju:z,su:p,w,mu:vi,cleaning,listening to a CD,reading a newspaper,talking on the phone,exercising,mak

37、ing soup,washing the dishes,using the computer,1.watching TV _2.cleaning _3.reading a newspaper _4.talking on the phone _5.listening to a CD _6.using the computer _7.making soup _8.washing the dishes _9.exercising _,a,g,d,i,h,e,c,b,f,1a Match the activities with the pictures.,a.Jenny _b.John _c.Dave

38、 and Mary _,1,8,5,1b Listen.What are these people doing?Write the numbers from 1a.,Shes using the computer.,Whats she doing?,Hes reading a newspaper.,Whats he doing?,Shes exercising.,Whats she doing?,Hes washing the dishes.,Whats he doing?,Shes cleaning.,Whats she doing?,Hes making the soup.,Whats h

39、e doing?,Shes talking on the phone.,Whats she doing?,Theyre watching TV.,What are they doing?,Shes talking on the phone.,1c Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in 1a.,Whats she doing?,Whats he doing?,Hes making the soup.,Whats he doing?,Hes washing the dishes.,Shes cleaning.,Whats s

40、he doing?,Whats she doing?,Shes using computer.,Shes exercising.,Whats she doing?,Whats he doing?,Hes reading a newspaper.,Shes listening to a CD.,Whats she doing?,Whatre they doing?,Theyre watching TV.,1.What is Steve doing?2.What is Jack doing?,a.He is watching TV.b.He is listening to a CD.,2a Lis

41、ten and match the answers with the questions.,Listening,Jack:Hello,Steve.Steve:Hi,Jack.Jack:What _ you _,Steve?Steve:Im _.What about you?Jack:Im _,but its kind of _.Steve:Yeah,my TV show is also not very _.Do you want to _ the movies?Jack:That sounds good.,are doing,watching TV,listening to a CD,2b

42、Listen again.Fill in the blanks.,boring,interesting,go to,2c Role-play the conversation in 2b.,2d Read the conversation in 2d and match.,Reading,Laura,Jenny,eat out,go to a movie,want to,Role-play the conversation in 2d.,Role-play,Jenny:Hello?This is Jenny.Laura:Hi,Jenny.Its Laura here.Jenny:Oh,hi,L

43、aura.What are you doing?Laura:Not much.Im just washing my clothes.What about you?Jenny:Im watching TV.Do you want to join me for dinner?My parents arent at home.We can eat out.Laura:Yeah.Id love to.Jenny:Lets meet at my home first.Come at half past six.Laura:OK.See you then.,2d Role-play the convers

44、ation.,Jenny:Hello?This is Jenny.Laura:Hi,Jenny.Its Laura here.Jenny:Oh,hi,Laura.What are you doing?Laura:Not much.Im just washing my clothes.What about you?Jenny:Im watching TV.Do you want to join me for dinner?My parents arent at home.We can eat out.Laura:Yeah.Id love to.Jenny:Lets meet at my home

45、 first.Come at half past six.Laura:OK.See you then.,1.This is Jenny.我是詹妮。这是打电话用语。当打电话时,介绍自己时用“This is”或“Its”;问对方用“Is that?”或“Whos that?”例如:Hello?This is Bob.Whos that?喂?我是鲍勃,你是谁?Hi,Bob.Its Mike here.你好,鲍勃。我是迈克。,Language points,2.Not much.(口语)没什么大事。也可说成nothing much 例如:A:What are you doing,Linda?你在做什么

46、事,琳达?B:Not(Nothing)much.Im just reading a book.没什么大事。我在读一本书。,3.join sb.for+某餐饭 和某人一起进餐 e.g.Can you join us for lunch?你能和我们一起吃午饭吗?,4.Id love to.我很乐意。1)交际用语,用于礼貌地接受他人邀 请,还可以说成Id like to,但语气比 较弱。2)当委婉拒绝他人邀请时,多用Id love to,but.或Sorry,Im afraid I cant because.等。,1.你好!我是李明。_ 你好,李明。我是杰克。_2.你在做什么王芳?_ 没什么。我在看

47、报纸。_3.你想和我们一起去吃晚饭吗?_,Hello.This is Li Ming.,What are you doing,Wang Fang?,Hi,Li Ming.Its Jack here.,小试身手,Not much.Im reading a newspaper.,Do you want to join us for dinner?,Hi,Li Xue.What _ you _?Im _.What _ your dad _?Hes _ his car.What _ your mom _?She is _ in the kitchen.What about your sister?Sh

48、es _ my mom.,are doing,exercising,看图补全对话。,Exercise,is doing,cleaning,is doing,cooking,helping,总结所学过的活动,用英语写出来。在家里打个电话询问一下你的某个好朋友正在做什么?然后用英语编写成对话。,Homework,读前热身,情境导入,Which animals are in great danger(处于危险之中)?,复习巩固 预习检测,Memory Challenge,smart,ivory,Challenge your memory-1个(看谁站起来的快,抢答的准!),Thailand,dang

49、er,forget,get lost,Im Larry,I am from Thailand.I am very smart.,draw very well,play soccer,play music,My life has been changed a lot.I am very sad.,cut down trees,kill elephants for the ivory flv,_What Is an Elephant?_Come to Thailand_Lets Save the Elephants_Elephants Are Good Pets,Read the website

50、article in 2b quickly and check the best title.,速读课文,整体感知,Read the article again to answer the following questions.,1.What was on the first flag of Thailand?2.What can elephants do?3.Why are elephants losing their homes(失去家园)?4.Why do people kill elephants?,A white elephant.,They can play soccer or


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