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1、The Triumph of the Egg,Introduction of Author,Have you ever written a story about your hometown?Maybe you think its too boring to write about.,If so,take a look at American writer Sherwood Anderson.,Sherwood Anderson,舍伍德安德森,I.A Brief Biography,Anderson was born into a poor family in Camden,Ohio,on S

2、ept.13,1876,but spent his formative years in the town of Clyde,Ohio,which inspired the setting of many of his stories.He worked in Chicago as a laborer in 1896-1898,then served in the Spanish American War.,2.An abrupt turn,On Nov.28,1912,Anderson“left business for literature,”simply walking out of h

3、is office as president of the Anderson Manufacturing Co.in Elyria,Ohio,not only giving up a dream of becoming rich in American business,but also abandoning his responsibilities as a middle-class citizen,including a wife and three small children.,II.His major works,In 1916,Anderson published his firs

4、t novel that year,Windy McPhersons Son饶舌的麦克佛逊的儿子.He gained wide recognition with the publication in 1919 of Winesburg,Ohio俄亥俄州的温斯堡又译小镇畸人,Death,his epitaph in Marions Round Hill Cemetery proclaims,as he directed,that“Life,Not Death,Is the Great Adventure.”,1941年,舍伍德安德森在一次宴会上误吞牙签而死.,Influence on Other

5、 Writers,William Faulkner called him“the father of our generation of American writers and the tradition of American writing which our successors will carry on.”a writers writer”.Thomas Wolfe:Sherwood Anderson was the only man in America who ever taught me something.Hemingway:Anderson served as my st

6、ylistic guide for some time.,further studying death in the woods林中之死问世的时候,美国正处于两次世界大战结束期间,工业化浪潮迅猛的冲击着显现存的农业经济。许多农民对于这些文明抱有抵触情绪,对旧的生活基础和淳朴的农场生活十分留恋。故事就发生在这时期的农村。它描述了以为地位卑贱,长相丑陋的普通农村妇女的贫苦生活,并着重刻画了她死亡的美丽,从而表达了作者渴望美好生活又不惧怕死亡的人生境界。,它展示给读者这样一个观点:人的生活是美丽的,而死亡使人的生活更美丽。小说的主人公是以为农村的老妇人其实她根本不老,死的时候还不足40岁,但是作者在

7、小说里就是这样称呼她的“the old woman”,她从小就是个受道德,义务约束的小女孩儿原文:a bound girl,作者用“bound”这个词来描述她,使她成为了一个具体的 生动的 文学形象,而不是构想出来的任务,因而她也就有了。这样一个生来就受约束的女人,在这个家里没有任何权利,只有义务。整日整年,吃不饱,穿不暖,却日夜辛勤的劳作,没有情感交流,没有亲戚朋友,甚至无法享受最起码的生活乐趣。她有的只是份孤独寂寞,悲苦凄凉,与世隔绝和与生俱来的超出情理的“被束缚”,因而她没有对自由的渴望和向往。她每天忙于“喂食”。,小说里是这样描述的:对于这个老妇人来说,她所做的事就是如何把所有的东西都

8、喂饱。她要喂饱家人,要担心牲口棚里的草料是否不够了,如果她不去喂鸡,这些鸡就不下蛋,没有鸡蛋卖怎么能到镇上买来那些用以维持生计的东西?,这样的一个“女孩”,一个和我们如此不同的女子,你们是否想更深入的了解她呢?那么不要犹豫 read it!,Quiz,1.My parents became ambitious after I was born(T/F),2.The first business of chicken raising was ended in failure(T/F),3.Who came up with the idea that we should embark in the

9、 restaurant business in the town of bidwell?A.my father B.my mother C.me,4.Did my father put the egg through the neck of a bottle without breaking the shell?A.Yes B.No C.not mentioned,5.Which novel of Sherwood Anderson was published first?A.Windy McPhersons sonB.marching men C.Poor White,6.when his

10、father practices his plan,he has a feeling of(),which makes him unable to play his role well.,7.What kind of man was my father before he married?what changes did he make after marriage?,1.my parents became ambitious after I was born(T/F),2.The first business of chicken raising was ended in failure(T

11、/F),T,T,3.Who came up with the idea that we should embark in the restaurant business in the town of bidwell?A.my father B.my mother C.me,4.Did my father put the egg through the neck of a bottle without breaking the shell?A.Yes B.No C.not mentioned,B,B,5.Which novel of Sherwood Anderson was published

12、 first?A.Windy McPhersons sonB.marching men C.Poor White,A,6.When his father practices his plan,he has a feeling of(stage fright).which makes him unable to play his role well.,7.what kind of man was my father before he married?what changes did he make after marriage?,Plots,journey,Chicken farm to to

13、wn,Three people and a wagon carried with all kinds of stuff,restaurant,entertainment,Opposite the station Put the place into shape to be restaurant father became ambitious,Entertaining conversation and make smile Stand the egg on its endExhibit his treasurePut the egg into the bottle,ending,The egg

14、broke and the contents spurred over his clothesThe young man laughed and escaped Father went upstairs and went to sleep,Analysis of the characters,the narrator of this story gloomy pursuing for the happy rural life without any strains,not ambitious.dislike parents ambitious life full of hard work an

15、d failures.irony of ambitious life.,“I”,Before marriage:cheerful and kindly farm-hand,not ambitiousAfter marriage:silent,incommunicative,discouragedambitiousa little insane in Joe and his sons eyeshave fantasies about“egg”,father,Teacher,a tall silent woman with a long nose and troubled grey eyes.A

16、serious,responsible and ambitious woman.A good wife and a good wife.,The main cause that makes father fail and become tragic,actually she is also a tragedy to some extent.,mother,His appearance and participation reflects not fathers tragedy but the whole familys.,One of the guests in their restaurant and identified fathers complete failure,Joe Kane,Thank you,


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