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1、Uncle Toms Cabin,汤姆叔叔的小屋,Harriet Beecher Stowe,小说三要素,人物:汤姆叔叔,伊丽莎,乔治,伊娃,赛门勒格里,托普西等。故事情节:19世纪中期,美国北方肯塔基州农场主谢尔比家有一名忠心维护主人利益的黑奴,大家都称呼他为汤姆叔叔。因主人在股票市场投机失败而破产,主人只好将此汤姆等十名黑奴价卖给奴隶贩子利格里抵债。一起乘船运回南方。在船上一个得了不治之症的小女孩,特别喜欢汤姆叔叔唱歌,就坚决请求她的父亲圣克莱尔买了下汤姆叔叔、由于圣克莱尔主张解放黑奴,利格里等奴隶主对他恨之入骨,所以下毒手将他暗杀,从此,汤姆叔叔又落入奴隶贩子利格里手中。汤姆叔叔为解救不

2、愿充当利格里玩物的奴女卡茜,被车撞得重伤致命。他在生命奄奄一息的时刻,终于悟出了只有斗争才会有自由的真理。他督促黑奴们尽快离开这人间地狱,于是黑奴们砸开水闸在白人的帮助下,与利格里展开斗争。这时汤姆叔叔躺在他的小屋里,眼看着利格里自认失败落魄离去,对自己黑人同胞能取得胜利,以及有许多白人都站在他们一边而无限欣慰地离开了人间。环境:非裔美国人与美国奴隶制度的观点相触下,美国现状。,The Harriet Beecher Stowe(1811-1896),Harriet Beecher Stowe(June 14,1811 July 1,1896)was an American abolition

3、ist and author.,She was influential both for her writings and her public stands on social issues of the day.,Celebrity evaluation,构成那次巨大战争南北战争导火线的,想不到竟是这位身材矮小的、可爱 的夫人。她写了一本书,酿成了伟大的胜利。美国总统林肯斯陀夫人的汤姆叔叔的小屋是文学史上最伟大的胜利。美国著名诗人亨利郎费罗第一次听到了美国女作家斯托夫人的小说黑奴吁天录即(汤姆叔叔的小 屋),美国南部黑奴们的悲惨命运和他们勇敢抗争的故事,心激动不已,紧握 着眼泪湿透的手绢,

4、在枕上翻来覆去,久久不能入寐。著名作家冰心,Uncle Toms Cabin,or Life Among the Lowly is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe.Published in 1852,the novel had a profound effect on worldwide attitudes toward African-Americans and slavery.In the United States,it is widely thought to have helped inte

5、nsify the sectional conflict that led to civil war.Through the novel,we can know the history of the U.S more.,Theme,A single theme:the evil and immorality of slavery.Subthemes:the moral authority of motherhood and the redeeming possibilities offered by Christianity.,1.Here the door opened,and a smal

6、l quadroon boy,between four and five years of age entered the room.There was something in his appearance remarkably beautiful and engaging.His black hair,fine as floss silk,hung in glossy curls about his round,dimpled face,while a pair of large dark eyes,full of fire and softness,looked out from ben

7、eath the rich,long lashes,as he peered curiously into the apartment.2.The light of the cheerful fire shone on the rug and carpet of a cosey parlor,and on the sides of the tea-cups and well-brightened tea-pot,as Senator Bird was drawing off his boots,preparatory to inserting his feet in a pair of new

8、 handsome slippers,which his wife had been working for him while away on his senatorial tour.His fine figure,alert limbs,and bright face,raised an instant competition,and half a dozen bids simultaneously met the ear of the auctioneer.,1.站在这里一看,真怪,山简直变了样,它们的形状与在平原或半山望上来大不相同,它们变得十分层叠、杂乱,雄伟而奇特。往上仰望,山就是天,天也是山,前后左右尽是山,好像你的鼻子都可随时触到山。2、只见远处有一座迷蒙的巨峰突起,周围还有几十座小石峰。仔细一看,那巨峰像手握金箍棒的孙悟空,那些小峰就像抓耳腮的小猴。瞧瞧,孙悟空正领着它的孩子们向南天门杀去呢。微白的天空下,群山苍黑似铁,庄严、肃穆。红日初升,一座座山峰呈墨蓝色。紧接着,雾霭泛起,乳白的纱把重山间隔起来,只剩下青色的峰尖,真像一幅笔墨清爽、疏密有致的山水画。过了一阵儿,雾又散了,那裸露的岩壁,峭石,被霞光染得赤红,渐渐地又变成古铜色,与绿的树、绿的田互为映衬,显得分外壮美。,


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