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1、,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,Gore VidalClarence PageCharles Krauthammer,Unit 6,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,Questions/Activities,Check-on Preview,Objectives,Unit 6,Warming up,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,Warming up,Discuss the following questions:What did you know about t

2、he drug problem before reading the essays?Why do you think people still take drugs in spite of the worldwide anti-drug campaigns?What do you know about the situation in China?Do you think the drug problem is serious?Side with one of the three authors and have a brief debate with your group members t

3、o see which author is more convincing.,Questions/Activities,Check-on Preview,Define the underlined words:the simple beauty(para.16)a social sanction(para.26)Paraphrase the following sentence:No one in Washington today recalls what happenedthe United States.(para.6),Warming up,Objectives,Learn about

4、the different solutions to the drug problem and understand the pros and cons of each of them.Compare the arguments and find out their logical premises and fallacies.Learn how to argue coherently and convincingly by studying the techniques employed by the writers.,Warming up,Background,History,Author

5、s,Unit 6,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,1.Gore Vidal prolific American novelist,and essayist political activist:Democratic-Liberal,The war on drugs has nothing at all to do with drugs.It is part of an all-out war on the American people by a government interested only in control.Gore Vidal,Bac

6、kground,Authors,“Probably no American writer since Franklin has derided,ridiculed,and mocked Americans more skillfully and more often than Vidal.”(Gordon S.Wood,The New York Times,December 14,2003)Gore Vidal was often pointedly controversial:he published comments on democracy,homosexuality,religion,

7、and drug legalization.,Background,Authors,2.Clarence Page columnist and member of the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune 1972 Pulitzer Prize for a Chicago Tribune Task Force series on voter fraud 1989 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary,Background,Background,Authors,3.Charles Krauthammer a syndicated

8、columnist:The Washington Post Writers Group political commentator physician conservative(neoconservative in foreign policy),Background,Background,Authors,Compare the three authors backgrounds and see if you can explain why they disagree with each other.,Background,Background,Authors,Prohibition in t

9、he United States(the Noble Experiment)1840s,spearheaded by some religious denominations1881,Kansas as the first to outlaw alcoholic beverages 1917,alcohol banned as mandated in the 18th Amendment to the Constitution 1919-1933,nation-wide movement,plagued by smuggling and bootlegging 1933,the 18th Am

10、endment repealed by the 21st Amendment,History,Background,Unit 6,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,What is the solution to the drug problem offered by Vidal?legalization rather than criminalizationWhat then are his main arguments?The right to be informed correctly(paras.1-2)The right to choose(p

11、aras.3-4)Sane people wont be addicted to drugs.(para.5)A lesson from Prohibition(paras.6-7)The government and the mafia have a vested interest in the criminalization of drugs.(paras.8-10),Text Analysis,Essay 1,Structure of Essay 1,The right to be informed sensiblyHow to inform people sensibly?Why wi

12、ll this require heroic honesty?Do you think this will work?,heroin,opium,ecstasy,speed,ice,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 1:Discussion,1.at cost(at cost price)Toms uncle is a car dealer and let him buy the car at cost.Cost+_=selling price Translation倾销是指用低于成本的价格进行销售,以将竞争对手赶出市场的行为。Dumping is the sell

13、ing below cost to drive competitors out of market.实话和您说吧,这差不多是成本价了。To tell you the truth,its almost at cost price.,markup,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 1:Words and Expressions(1),2.kick/break the habit(infml)to stop doing sth that has been a habit for a long time,esp.a bad or dangerous habit The ce

14、nter provides help for addicts who have kicked their habit and want to stay away from drugs.Alex has kicked cigarettes,heroin,and booze.,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 1:Words and Expressions(2),3.(just)for the recordJust for the record,I didnt vote for him.For the record Id just like to say that I

15、totally disagree with this decision.,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 1:Words and Expressions(3),The right to choose To choose what?The precondition of this right?Do you think that taking drugs belongs to this right?,right,right,right,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 2:Discussion,end up I wondered where

16、 the pictures would end up after the auction.end up doing sth Most slimmers on crash diets end up putting weight back on.end up with Anyone who swims in the river could end up with a nasty stomach upset.end up as He could end up as President.end up like I dont want to end up like my parents.,Text An

17、alysis,Essay 1,Argument 2:Words and Expressions,Sane people wont be addicted to drugs.Why?How to deal with people who are not sane enough?How can the forbidden fruit psychology apply to this argument?Do you agree with this argument?,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 3:Discussion,1.it is too bad that it

18、 is a pity that It is too bad that the country had to go to war over the matter.2.it is not too bad if It is not too bad if a man has some wild dreams.,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 3:Words and Expressions,A lesson from ProhibitionWhats the lesson?Whats meant by“no public memory of anything that ha

19、ppened last Tuesday”?Why did the Congress feel it their“divine mission”to prohibit alcohol?The result of Prohibition?,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 4:Discussion,1.sth is forbidden to sb 那时任何外国人都被禁止进入该地。Entry to the place was then forbidden to all foreigners.2.stamp out 地方政府发动了一场运动来清除腐败。The local go

20、vernment has made a drive to stamp out corruption.3.have/feel contempt for 我对这种不诚实的行为只有蔑视。I have/feel nothing but contempt for such dishonest behaviors.,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 4:Words and Expressions,The government and the mafia have a vested interest in the criminalization of drugs.How can

21、this be?Why blame the government for the deaths?Why does the government have a vested interest in it?What is then Vidals real concern?The drug problem?Or individual freedom against government control?,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 5:Discussion,1.get(sb)hooked on根据最近的一份报告,八岁的小孩子就会吸海洛因成瘾。Children as

22、young as eight years old can get hooked on heroin,according to a recent report.小伙子是很容易喜欢上这种音乐的。Young men can easily get hooked on this kind of music.,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 5:Words and Expressions(1),2.have a vested interest in(doing)sth美国南北战争以前,要废除奴隶制很难,因为奴隶主有既得利益。It was difficult to end th

23、e system of slavery before the Civil War because slave owners had a vested interest in keeping it.莫娜离开公司对他有利。He has a vested interest in Monas leaving the firm.,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 5:Words and Expressions(2),wither away to die out or disappear gradually因为吸毒,她成为艺术家的希望逐渐幻灭。As a result of he

24、r drug addiction,her promise of becoming an artist withered away.上了年纪的人抱怨说,在这个自由社会里,老的价值观念正在逐渐消失。Older people are complaining that the old values are withering away in this free society.,Text Analysis,Essay 1,Argument 5:Words and Expressions(3),What is the solution to the drug problem offered by Pag

25、e?Neither legalization nor criminalization will work.It is in fact a social problem.What then are his main arguments?Legalization is oversimplified:proponents arguments.(paras.11-15)Legalizations failure:opponents arguments.(paras.16-18)Criminalization is neither the right answer to this problem.(pa

26、ras.19-20),Text Analysis,Essay 2,Structure of Essay 2,Legalization is oversimplified:proponents mon wisdom:remove _ pumped into the under-worldreduce _ attractiontake away _tax the sale and use money to _2.“deep thinkers”Kurt Schmoke:_Milton Friedman:_,immense profits,forbidden-fruit,criminal stigma

27、,build more treatment centers,Prohibition of drugs is bailing out the ocean with a teaspoon.,Prohibition makes matters worse.,Text Analysis,Essay 2,Argument 1:Fill in the Blanks,Para.11:Unfortunately,legalization sounds too good to be true.Para.12:It sounds good because it is simplePara.13:Deep thin

28、kersPara.15:He was not alone in his sentiments.Para.16:The simplicityUnfortunately,the simple beautyhas an ugly gaping hole.,Text Analysis,Essay 2,Argument 1:Transition,1.Satire/Irony:If you cant win the game,change the rules.deliciously convenientDeep thinkers2.Understatement:sounds too good to be

29、true and probably is.Quotation from authority:para.15,Text Analysis,Essay 2,Argument 1:Writing Techniques,1.pumpinto to put a large amount of sth into,usu.at a high rate特区政府未来五年在旅游业投入18亿美元以振兴不景气的经济。The SAR Government will pump$1.8 billion into the tourist industry over the next five years to help re

30、vive the sagging economy.在考试前她极力向他灌输一些知识.She tried to pump some facts into his head before the examination.,Text Analysis,Essay 2,Argument 1:Words and Expressions(1),2.bail out to remove water;to help sb out of trouble,esp.financial problems我们不能指望政府帮助所有的亏损公司摆脱困境。We cant expect the government to bail

31、 out all the failing companies.be alone in(doing)sth不是只有我一个人这么认为。I am not alone in thinking so.,Text Analysis,Essay 2,Argument 1:Words and Expressions(2),Legalizations failure:opponents arguments 1.What do the following people say?Prof.James Q.WilsonWilliam Bennett2.Interesting comparison:paras.16&1

32、8Do you find anything worth noting?What does your finding suggest for our own essay writing?,Text Analysis,Essay 2,Argument 2:Discussion,1.the beauty of sth The beauty of e-mail is its speed and ease of use.2.rebuttal make a rebuttal of They made a clause-by-clause rebuttal of the letter.,Text Analy

33、sis,Essay 2,Argument 2:Words and Expressions,Criminalization is neither the right answer to this problem.Then what is the answer according to the author?The quick fix is illusory becauseThe slow fix is illusory because,Text Analysis,Essay 2,Argument 3:Discussion,magic bullet Theres no magic bullet f

34、or school reform.quick fix Theres no quick fix for stopping pollution.Congress is trying to avoid quick-fix solutions.,Text Analysis,Essay 2,Argument 3:Words and Expressions,Questions for Discussion,According to the author,what is the ultimate cause of the drug problem?Do you agree?Does the author p

35、ropose a possible solution to the drug problem?What solutions can you propose?,Text Analysis,Essay 2,What is the solution to the drug problem offered by Krauthammer?Deglamorization.Drug problem can only be solved culturally.What then are his main arguments?Is legalization a good solution?(paras.21-2

36、6)What should we do?(paras.27-31)Conclusion:four solutions.(para.32),Text Analysis,Essay 3,Structure of Essay 3,Is legalization a good solution?1.Whats the authors attitude towards legalization on the following issues?drug law enforcement comparison:illegal drugs vs.alcohol relationship between lega

37、lization and drug use2.Is legalization a good solution?,Text Analysis,Essay 3,Argument 1:Discussion,1.to boot in addition;too;furthermore It was a long film and an uninteresting one to boot.2.dwarf to be so big that other things are made to seem very small Shakespeare dwarfs other dramatists.3.be he

38、re to stay To legalize other drugs is to declare that the rest of the pharmacy is here to stay too.,Text Analysis,Essay 3,Argument 1:Words and Expressions,What should we do?1.Why does the author mention smoking?changed image of smokers?measures taken?2.We should do the same to drugsattitude towards

39、the“Just Say No to Drugs”campaign?What does he mean by“cracking down hard on users”?,Text Analysis,Essay 3,Argument 2:Discussion,1.project to try to make people see sth in a particular way 他的第一项任务就是塑造格拉斯哥友好城市的形象。His first job is to project Glasgow as a friendly city.2.crack down(hard)on to be strict

40、 in making a group of people obey rules or laws 他们正在严厉查处酒后驾车。They are cracking down hard on drunk driving.,Text Analysis,Essay 3,Argument 2:Words and Expressions(1),3.enough to go around enough to be shared among a group or to do all the things needed Eventually,we will not have enough water to go a

41、round.Are there enough books to go around the whole class?4.impose sanctions against Some people propose to punish drug takers by imposing stiff sanctions against their propertyheavy fines and confiscation.,Text Analysis,Essay 3,Argument 2:Words and Expressions(2),5.throw in to add sth to what you a

42、re selling without increasing the price They offered me a weekend break in Paris,with free beer thrown in.,Text Analysis,Essay 3,Argument 2:Words and Expressions(3),Discussion,What is Krauthammers opinion concerning each of the four solutions?,Text Analysis,Essay 3,Reinforcement,Writing,Discussion,U

43、nit 6,How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?,Do these different solutions represent different vested interests?What would you say about the content,structure and language of the three essays?How are the following methods used to support the arguments?logic/close reasoningfactsstatisticssource of auth

44、oritycommonsenseexperiencebasic principles,Reinforcement,Discussion,Believe it or not,many of the arguments can be borrowed comfortably for discussions on other issues.Can you take a position on one issue and defend your point with some arguments from the text?prostitutiongamblingsmoking,Reinforcement,Writing,


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