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1、,对话、课文复习,语音复习,词汇、句型复习,语法复习,当堂检测,词汇复习,What did you do last weekend?,I.,cleaned my room,washed my clothes,stayed at home,watched TV,词汇复习,read a book,saw a film,slept,had a cold,词汇复习,上周末昨晚上个星期一上周昨天前天,last weekend,last night,last Monday,last week,yesterday,the day before yesterday,back,句型复习,Do you like

2、the film,Yes,I do.It is great.,Did,last night?,Yes,I did.It was great.,句型复习,What do you do on the weekend?,I clean my room.,did,last,I cleaned my room.,How are you today?,句型复习,were,yesterday?,I am fine.,I was fine.,句型复习,Did he read a book yesterday?,Yes,he did.,句型复习,Did she _ yesterday?,Yes,she did.

3、/No,she didnt.,句型复习,Did he _ yesterday?,Yes,he did./No,he didnt.,句型复习,A:What did you do_?B:I _.A:Did you _?B:Yes,I did./No,I didnt.,同桌两人练习对话:,back,语音复习,在辅音/t/,/d/后读/Id/,在清辅音后读/t/,back,语音复习,读括号里的单词,找出和方块里划线部分读音相同的单词。,(cleaned stayed watched fixed visited cooked),washed,played,wanted,watchedfixedcooke

4、d,cleaned stayed,visited,语法复习,1、一般过去时态:通常表示过去发生的动作或存在的状况。常与过去时间 yesterday,this morning,last night/year/week连用。,例如:What did you do yesterday?I met Lin Tao this morning.,语法复习,2、一般过去时的谓语动词要用动词的过去式。动词过去式的构成分规则变化和不规则变化两种形式。规则变化遵循以下原则:,(1)一般在动词后加-ed。如:playplayed,(2)在以字母e结尾的动词后,只加-d。如:likeliked,语法复习,(3)在以“


6、w,(5)含ough或augh的:buybought,thinkthought,teachtaught,(6)am,iswas,arewere,cancould,dodid,back,对话复习,听Mike 和他爷爷的对话录音,回答问题。,1.How was Mikes weekend?It _.2.What did Mikes grandpa do last weekend?He s_,drank _ and w_.3.What did Mike do last weekend?He w _,c_ and w_.,was good,tayed at home,tea,atched TV,atc

7、hed TV,leaned his room,ashed his clothes,听John和Amy的对话,判断正(T)误(F)。()1.John wants to go to the cinema.()2.Amy read the new film magazine last weekend.()3.Amy had a cold last weekend.()4.John stayed at home last weekend.()5.Going to the cinema by bus is faster thanwalking.,对话复习,F,T,F,T,T,听录音,按听到的先后顺序给下

8、列句子排序。()The people in Room 301 listened to loud music.()Robin fixed the broken chair.()Everything was old in the room.()The lamp was too small.()The hamburgers were cold and tasted bad.()The TV didnt work.()I didnt sleep all night.,课文复习,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,课文复习,Do you like the hotel?Why?,I dont like the h

9、otel.,Everything was old in the room.,The lamp was too small.,The hamburgers were cold and bad.,The TV didnt work.,It was noisy.,back,当堂检测,训练第一关:小小单词难不到我。请写出下列动词的过去式。,want _ like _ is _ am_ are _ have_ read _ see_ sit _ stop _ taste _ do_,wanted,liked,was,was,were,had,read,saw,sat,tasted,did,stopped

10、,当堂检测,训练第二关:生病的句子能奈我何?请在仔细诊断每个句子后,把正确的句子写在横线上。1.We were drink some tea in the morning._2.My dad readed a book last night._,We drank some tea in the morning.,My dad read a book last night.,当堂检测,3.Did you liked playing football?_4.What were you do last weekend?_,Did you like playing football?,What did

11、 you do last night?,训练第三关:翻译句子我最棒。请将下列的汉语句子翻译成正确的英语。1.你昨晚干什么了?_ 我做作业了。_2.上周我们很忙。_,当堂检测,What did you do last night?,I did my homework.,We were busy last weekend.,课后作业,1 复习本单元,背诵重点单词和句型。2 写一写 What did you do last weekend?(不少于四句话。),On Saturday morning,I watched TV with my grandma.In the afternoon,I.,Thank you!,


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