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1、Unit 4Wheres my schoolbag?,Period 1,一、学习目标1.学会读写P19 新单词:where table bed bookcase sofa chair on under 2.熟练应用where 引导的询问物品位置的句型:1)Wheres my pencil box?Its in your schoolbag.我的铅笔盒在哪里?它在你的书包里。2)Where are my books?They are on the sofa.我的书在哪里?它们在沙发上。3.学会用方位介词in,on under 来谈论物品的位置。,二、学习重难点学习重点:1.学会P19页的8个新单

2、词:where table bed bookcase sofa chair on under 2.目标句型:1)Wheres the schoolbag?Its under the table.书包在哪?它在桌子下面。2)Wheres my computer game?Its under your bed.我的电子游戏机在哪里?它在你的床下面。学习难点:运用目标句型编对话。,表示方位的介词in 在 里面 on 在上(有接触)under 在下A:Where are the pencils?B:They are in the schoolbag.,Where are the apples?They

3、re on the table.Where is the baseball?Its under the chair.,Wheres Tom?,Its in the case.,Im Tom.,wheres=where is,Wheres Tom?,Its on the case.,Wheres Tom?,Its under the case.,in,on,under,Where is Tom?,1-Where is my book?-Its on the sofa.2-Wheres my pencil box?-Its in your schoolbag.3-Wheres my compute

4、r game?-Its under your bed.,Where+is+形容词性物主代词+名词单数?It is+介词+形容词性物主代词+名词单数。或者:It is+介词+the+名词单数。,1-Where are my books?-They are on the sofa.2-Where are my pencil boxes?-They are in your schoolbag.3-Where are my computer games?-They are under your bed.,Where+are+形容词性物主代词+名词复数?They+are+介词+形容词性物主代词+名词单数

5、。或者:They+are+介词+the+名词单数。,clock books footballs telephone plant apples,PAIRWORK Guess:Where is/are the?,-Where is my computer?-Its on the bed.,Period 2,一、学习目标1.学会读写P20 页新单词:come come on desk think room their hat head yeah2.掌握目标句型:(1)巩固运用第一课时询问物品位置及描述物品位置的句型。(2)会运用询问“某人或某物在某地”的句型(Be 动词+主语+介词短语?)并掌握其肯

6、定或否定回答:,1)Are the keys on the sofa?No,they arent.They are on the table.钥匙在沙发上吗?不,它们不在。它们在桌子上。2)Is it on your desk?No,it isnt.Its on the sofa.它在桌子上吗?不,它不在。它在沙发上。3.学习了解(1).Come on!(2).I think its in your grandparents room.等句型。,二、学习重难点学习重点:1.学会P20页的9个新单词:come come on desk think room their hat head yeah

7、2.掌握目标句型。学习难点:运用目标句型分角色表演对话。,Memory challenge(记忆挑战),2a Listen and number the things,2,6,3,5,4,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,6,2b.Listen again,number the things in the picture,5,请根据图片提示完成对话,每空一词(含缩写)。1.A:_ your computer?B:Its _.2.A:_ the baseball on the table?B:No,its.Its _.,Wheres,on the desk,Is,under the t

8、able,3.A:_ her dictionaries?B:They are _.,Where re,on the chair,4.A:_ the cat?B:_ is _ the tree.,Wheres,It,under,1.自主预习案(1)come on“快点儿;加油”。用来催促或鼓励别人。eg:Come on,we are late.快点儿,我们迟到了。其他用法:1)表示请求、鼓励、劝说等,意为“来吧;加油”。Eg:Come on,Lucy.加油,露西。Come on.Dont be so shy.来吧,别不好意思。2)表示责备或不耐烦等,意为“得啦;行啦;够啦”。eg:Come on

9、,dont sit there dreaming.得啦,别坐在那儿空想了。,(2)I think 表达观点的用法:I think 表示“我想,我认为”用来表达自己的判断或想法,可放在自己观点的前面或后面。eg:I think she is right.我认为她是对的。You can help her,I think.我觉得你会帮助她的。注意:I think 引导的句子变为否定句时,在think 前加 dont。这种现象称为“否定转移”。eg:I dont think he is right.我认为他是不对的。,课堂练习案(1)按照要求完成句子。1)His book is on the desk

10、.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ book on the desk?2)Is the baseball under your chair?(作否定回答)_,_ _.,Is his,No it isnt.,句型转换1.His baseball is under the table.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)_ _ baseball under the table?No,_ _.2.His watch is on his bed.(改为否定句)His watch _ _ his bed.3.My keys are on the sofa.(对画线部分提问)_ _ keys?4.The cat is

11、under the table.(对画线部分提问)_ the cat?5.My books are in the bag.(一般疑问句,肯定回答)_ _ books in the _?Yes,_ _.,Is his,it isnt,isnt on,Wherere your,Wheres,Are your bag,they are,下列各题中均有一处错误。请你指出并改正。1.Are these your pencil box?A B C 2.Wheres your book?Im in my A B C schoolbag,C,pencil boxes,B,Its,(2)翻译句子:1)我认为他不

12、在家。I_ _ he _ at home.2)我认为你的书包不在你的课桌里。_ 3)加油,小王。_.4)书在课桌里面吗?不,它们在椅子上。_,dont think,stays,I dont think your schoolbag is in your desk.,Come on,Xiao Wang.,-Are the books in the desk?-No,they are on the chair.,3.Where are my yellow jacket,Mom?A B C 4.My parent are in the room.A B C 5.Is your photo on th

13、e sofa?A B Yes,is it.C,B,is,B,parents,C,it is,This is my room.Its very nice(漂亮).The computer is _the desk.The baseball is _ the chair.My _ _ are in the bookcase._ my red hat?Oh,its a secret.,on,under,books,Wheres,1.Wheres?在哪?-Its under/on/in 它在下面/上面/里面。2.-Where are?在哪?-Theyre under/on/in 它们在下面/上面/里面

14、。,Summary,There is a bird _the tree.,There are many red apples _the tree.,in,on,Period 3,一、学习目标1.学会读写P21 页新单词:know 2.掌握本单元的语法。(1)Where 引导的特殊疑问句询问物品的位置。(2)方位介词on,in,under的用法。3.学习了解I dont know.等句型。二、学习重难点学习重点:掌握本单元语法。学习难点:灵活运用语法。,表示方位的介词in 在 里面 on 在上(有接触)under 在下,-Where is the mouse?-It is in the box.

15、,-Where is the mouse?-It is under the box.,on,-Where is the mouse?-It is on the chair.,mouse 老鼠mice 几只老鼠,(4)翻译下列词组。1)在地板上 _ 2)在椅子上 _3)在书桌下面_ 4)在书柜里_5)在她的床下面_ 6)在他的书包里_,on the floor,on the chair,unde the desk,in the bookcase,in his schoolbag,under her bed,三导学流程1.自主预习案(1)I dont know.我不知道。在不知如何回答别人的问题时

16、常用词句作答。有时为了礼貌在前面加sorry。其中know 是实义动词,意思是“知道;了解”;dont 是do not 的缩写形式。eg:Wheres Lucy?Sorry,I dont know.露西在哪里?对不起,我不知道。(2)请自己读P21 页的语法句子。(3)自主完成3a.,2.合作探究案(1)请同学们读语法句型,小组合作总结本单元语法知识。(2)自主完成3a。(3)3b。组内竞赛,两人一组对话问答。(4)3c。小组合作,利用目标语进行猜物品游戏。,Grammmar Focus,Whers the map?Its in your grandparentsroom.Where are

17、my books?Theyre on the sofa.Wheres his pencil box?Its in his schoolbag.Wheres your ruler?Its under the chair.Where are their keys?Theyre on the table.wheres=where is,3a,1 A:Where the keys?B:Theyre the.2 A:Wheres the?it on your desk?B:No,its the chair.,1,on desk,book Is,under,are,2,3 A:Where the penc

18、ils?B:I dont know.they in the?A:Yes,they are.,3,Are schoolbag,are,3b,Picture1,Picture2,Find the differences,3.课堂练习案(1)按照要求完成句子。1)His baseball is in the schoolbag.(对划线部分提问)_ _ his baseball?2)My books are under the chair.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ books?3)帽子在床上。The hat is _ _ _.4)笔记本在双肩背包里。The notebook is _ _ _.5

19、)手表在桌子下面。The watch is _ _ _.6)我认为他不是一个好男孩。I _ _ he _ a good boy.7)我的帽子在哪里?对不起,我不知道。_ _ my hat?Sorry,_ _ _.8)my,where,are,keys(?)(连词成句)_.,Where is,on the bed,in the schoolbag,under the chair,I dont know,dont think is,Where is,Where are my keys?,Where are my,4、导学后记A:Wheres the?B:Its in/on/under/,A:Whe

20、rere the?,B:They are in/on/under the.,hat can you see in my room?,Task:,Period4,一、学习目标1.能够熟读新单词,并掌握新单词的意思:radio clock tape player tape player model plane model plane 2.锻炼学生的记忆能力。3.通过听力理解对学生提取关键信息的能力继续进行训练。4.提高学生自我编对话以及口语练习 的能力。,二、学习重难点重点:知识点1 radio 收音机,复数形式为radios。常用短语on the radio:在收音机上;通过收音机。Listen

21、 to the radio:听收音机。知识点2 player 播放机,复数形式为players。(player还可意为“运动员”)知识点3 model模型;原型(也可以意为“榜样”Lei Feng is a model for us.)知识点4 plane 飞机,复数为planes.on the plane在飞机上。(by plane坐飞机)难点:1c和1d录音部分,Where引导的疑问句1.如何询问某人来自哪里或是哪里人,句型:where is/are+主语+from?(be from=come from,其中come为实义动词,所以问句中应借助动词do或does.回答时,from后常跟表示

22、“国家”或“城市”的名词)-Where do you come from?=Where are you from?-I come from China.=I am from China.,三、导学流程1.自主预习案单词 收音机_ 时钟_ 磁带;录音带_ 播放机_ 录音机_ 模型_ 飞机_ 飞机模型_ 完成22页1a、1e,clock,radio,player,sound recorder,model,plane,model plane,tape,2.合作探究案 1)教师可将每个生词的音标在黑板上呈现出来,渗透语音教学,巩固学生的拼读能力。2)教师鼓励学生积极参与1b游戏。3)组织学生通过听力理

23、解完成1c-1d。4)学生在1d基础上,小组表演完成1e。,A:Wheres the?B:Its,Work in pairs,A:Where are the?B:They are,My room,a math book,a radio tape,a hat,radio,CDs,tape player,Match the words with the things in the picture,1.radio_ 3.tape player_ 5.tape_2.clock_ 4.modal plane_ 6.hat_,a,a,b,d,f,c,e,f,d,e,b,c,Tommy wants?from

24、 his room?,Listen and circle:,English books tape player clockl ruler notebook tape modal plane radio,1c,The ruler is on the bed.The notebook is under the modal plane.Thetape is in the tape player.,Listen again:Where are Tommys things?,The English books are under the radio,1d,Section B,1c,1d,Mom:Hell

25、o.Tom:Hi,Mom.Could you bring some things to school for me,please?Mom:OK.Tom:I need my English booksMom:English books?Wherere your English books?Tom:Hmm,theyre on the chairOh,no,theyre under the radio Mom:OK.,Tom:And I need my ruler.Its on the bed.And my notebook.Mom:wheres your notebook?Tom:Uh,I don

26、t know.Ohits under the modal plane in the bookcase.And Franks tape.He needs it.Mom:Wheres his tape?Tom:Oh,its in the tape player.Mom:OK.Meet you at one at your school.Tom:Thanks,Mom.,Please take these things to your brother.1.take v.“拿走”(把某物/人从说话人的地方带到别处去)bring v.“带来”(把某物/人从别处带到说话人的地方)to 是介词,表示方向。ta

27、ke(back)to 把带到 bring to 把带来如:Please take this photo to your uncle.Please bring a notebook to school.,2.some+可数名词的复数/不可数名词“一些,若干”如:I have some questions to ask.I want some milk for breakfast.,Can you bring some things to school?你能带些东西来学校吗?3.can是情态动词Can you+动词原形+.?“你能吗?/好吗?”。如:今天下午给我打电话好吗?Can you call

28、 me this afternoon?你会游泳吗?Can you swim?,I need some things for class this afternoon.4.need sth.需要某物 如:我需要一些帮助。I need some help.我需要很多钱。I need a lot of money.拓展:need to do sth.需要做某事 I need to go home now.我需要现在回家,1e Ask and answer questions about the things in Toms room.,Where are the English books?,The

29、yre on the chair.,d,b,f,a,3.课堂练习案1)1.This is _English book,and thats _clock.A.an;a B.an;an C.a;an D.a;the2.Is your hat on the bed,bob?No,its_it.A.to B.on C.under D.at3._is my dictionary,mom?Its in the bookcaseA.What B.Where C.How D.Who4.These are my uncle and aunt._daughter is kate.A.Their B.Your C.

30、My D.Our5.His books are always_on the bed,on the chair,under the desk.A.everywhere B.here C.tidy D.welcome,A,C,B,A,A,2)完成句子。The tape player is on the teachers desk.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_the tape player on the teachers desk?No,_ _.Are those your dictionaries?(改为单数句子)_your_?四、导学后记,Is,it isnt,Is this dictio

31、nary,Homework,1Review what we have learned this class.2 Finish the exercise book.3Preview P23,Period 5,一、学习目标1.能够熟读新单词,并掌握新单词的意思。2.能熟读并背诵2b阅读短文。3.通过复习本单元单词和表述物品放置方位的介词短语写句子。二、学习重难点重点:tidy整洁的;井井有条的 adj always总是 adv but但是 conj.our我们的 pron everywhere 到处;处处;各个地方 adv 难点:2b阅读短文部分,介词的用法in 表示“在.里;在.内”。此外,in

32、 还可以表示在某地及使用某种语言。in the bag在包里in Changchun在长春in English用英语on 表示“在.上面”,表示物体间有直接接触。on the wall在墙上under 表示“在.下面”。under the tree在树下,三、导学流程1.自主预习案单词 整洁的_ 总是_ 但是_ 到处_ 我们的_ 完成23页2a、2c 2.合作探究案 1)让学生完成2a,采取分组的抢答的形式,鼓励学生尽可能多的描述图中物品的位置。2)让学生自主阅读2b,各组讨论2b中的问题。3)教师引导学生阅读2b,并组织各组完成2c表格。,tidy always buteverywhere

33、our,2c 完成表格,3.课堂练习案1)1._can we find your brother at weekend?On the football field.A.When B.WhichC.Why D.Where2.Hi,Lana._are you going for your vacation?I think going to ShanghaiA.How B.Why C.When D.Where3.Helen and Mary are good friends._often help each other.A.Them B.Theirs CThey D.Their4.Look!Ther

34、e are many people in the park.Nobody likes to stay at home_Sunday morning.A.in B.on C.at D.to5.Who is Mr LiuHe is_teacher and he teachers _P.EA.our;us B.our;our C.ours;our,D,D,B,B,C,2)完成句子。1.你的书在哪儿?_ _your book?2.你的书包在老师的书桌上。Your bag_ _the teachers desk.3.她的小猫和小鸟 her cat_bird?四、导学后记,Where is,is on,a

35、nd,帽子闹钟钥匙书本,hat,alarm clock,keys,books,TheTheTheThe,在沙发上在书橱里在床下在抽屉里,on the sofa,in the bookcase,under the bed,in the drawer,帽子在沙发上闹钟在书橱里钥匙在床下书本在抽屉里,hat,alarm clock,keys,books,on the sofa.,in the bookcase.,under the bed.,in the drawer.,isisareare,Homework,1Review what we have learned this class.2 Fin

36、ish the exercise book.3Preview P24,Period 6,一、学习目标1.能够询问并描述物品的位置。2.能够自主写出描述房间物品的位置。3.能够正确使用介词on,in,under二、学习重难点重点:熟记本单元的单词。句型:Where is my schoolbag?Its under the table.Where are my books?Theyre on the sofa.The tape is in the tape player.难点:3b,Self Check,三、导学流程1.自主预习案单词 录音机_ 总是_ 飞机模型_ clock_ 桌子_ 在.下_

37、在树下_ 在桌子上_妈妈要求我努力学习_她总是帮助她的妹妹_ 完成24页习题,radio alwaysmodel plane 时钟desk underunder the treeon the tableMy mother asks me to work hard.She always helps her sister.,2.合作探究案1)各组讨论完成3a部分,教师进行提问。2)学生写出自己房间里的物品并完成3b。3)各组讨论完成Self Check部分,教师给 于纠正。,3a Do you have these things?Where are they?,What,yes,under the

38、 desk,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,in my schoolbag,on the desk,in the bookcase,in my pencil box,in the tape player,in the bookcase,My dictionary and my radio are on the desk.My pens are in my pencil box.My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk.My books and my CDs are in the boo

39、kcase.My tapes are on the tape player.,Write about where the things are in 3a,1.Write the things in your room.Furniture(家具):desk,sofa,chair,bed,bookcase,Stationary(文具):pencil,pen,ruler,eraser,pencil box,Other(其他):computer,clock,tape,tape player,CDs,telephone,picture,map,Self Check,The tape player is

40、 on the teachers desk and the teachers desk is in the front of the classroom.The clock is on the wall.Our chairs are under the desks.,Write about the things in your room.,3.课堂练习案1)1._can we find your brother at weekend?On the football field.A.When B.WhichC.Why D.Where2.Hi,Lana._are you going for you

41、r vacation?I think going to ShanghaiA.How B.Why C.When D.Where3.Helen and Mary are good friends._often help each other.A.Them B.Theirs CThey D.Their4.Look!There are many people in the park.Nobody likes to stay at home_Sunday morning.A.in B.on C.at D.to5.Who is Mr LiuHe is_teacher and he teachers _P.

42、EA.our;us B.our;our C.ours;our,D,D,B,B,C,2)完成句子。1.你的书在哪儿?_ _your book?2.你的书包在老师的书桌上。Your bag_ _the teachers desk.3.她的小猫和小鸟 her cat_bird?四、导学后记,Where is,is on,and,改错:,Wheres are the keys?Where are the baseball?It are on the table.They is under desk.Where is the his book?,A BC,Where are the keys?,Wher

43、e are the baseballs?,They are on the table.,They are under the desk.,Where is his book?,ABC,A B C,A B C,A BC,下列各题中均有一处错误。请你指出并改正。()1.I need some green pen.A B C D()2.Please takes these notebooks to A B CBens sister.D,D,pens,A,take,()3.Where are my yellow jacket,Mom?A B C D()4.My parent are in the room.A B C D()5.Can you take your computer game A B C Dhere,Jim?,bring,B,is,B,parents,B,Homework,1Review what we have learned this class.2 Finish the exercise book.3Review Unit 1-Unit4 andstarter1-3,


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