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1、人教课标高一 必修 1Unit 3,Unit 3 Travel Journal,Warming Up,Do you like travelling?Do you like to see beautiful scenery in the world?Now lets enjoy“2012 the worlds top ten tourist destinations”.,Number 10 Darwin(Australia)达尔文(澳洲),Number 9 Orlando(USA)奥兰多(美国),Number 8 Hongkong(China)香港(中国),Number 7 Santiago(C

2、hile)圣地亚哥(智利),Number 6 Yoshima Roi(Portugal)吉马朗伊什(葡萄牙),Number 5 Stockholm(Sweden)斯德哥尔摩(瑞典),Number 4 Cadiz(Spain)加的斯(西班牙),Number 3 Bangalore(India)班加罗尔(印度),Number 2 Muscat(Oman)马斯喀特(阿曼),Number 1 London(UK)伦敦(英国),If you have a chance to travel,how are you going there?,on foot,by bike,by bus,by train,b

3、y ship/sea,by plane/air,Which kind of transport do you prefer to use:bus or train?Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of transport and fill in the form.,1 very cheap 2 efficient for short journeys3 goes to small towns/cities,1 takes longer than the train or airplane2 does not p

4、rovide meals,1 cheaper than the airplane 2 journey ends in the center of the town/city,1 takes longer than the airplane 2 does not provide meals,1 cheaper than the airplane 2 provides accommodation and meals,1 more expensive than the train or bus2 not convenient for visiting inland places,1 quick 2

5、efficient 3 provides meals,1 expensive 2 journey ends far from the city,Imagine that you plan to spend a holiday.Choose a place you want to visit.Think about the fare for different kinds of transport and decide how to get there.Then,get into pairs.Use these questions to make a dialogue about your ho

6、lidays.,When are you leaving?How are you going to?When are you arriving in/at?Where are you staying?How long are you staying in?When are you coming back?,Sample dialogueA:Tom,where are you going on holiday?B:Im going to Laos.A:When are you leaving?B:Next Sunday.A:How are you going to Laos?B:Im takin

7、g a plane.A:How long are you staying in Laos?B:About two weeks.A:Great.Have a good trip.B:Thanks.,1.Many people live beside a river.How do they make use of it in their daily life?,1.What was Wang Kun and Wang Weis idea of a good trip?2.What is the Chinese part of Mekong River?3.Who planed the trip t

8、o the Mekong?,What was Wang Kun and Wang Weis idea of a good trip?2.What is the Chinese part of Mekong River?3.Who planed the trip to the Mekong?,Their idea was to take a great bike trip.,The Chinese part is the Lancang River.,Wang Wei.,Did Wang Wei know the best way of getting to places?2.Who insis

9、ted on organizing the trip?Why?3.Whats Wang Weis attitude to the trip?4.Whats Wang Kuns attitude to the trip?,Did Wang Wei know the best way of getting to places?2.Who insisted on organizing the trip?Why?,No,she didnt.,Wang Wei.Because she first had the idea of the trip.,3.Whats Wang Weis attitude t

10、o the trip?4.Whats Wang Kuns attitude to the trip?,Positive to the trip.She wants to organize it as it was her idea.,Less positive to the trip as he wants to organize it and thinks he can do that better than his sister.,Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it end?2.Explain the follow

11、ing sentence in your own words.It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows.,Where is the source of the Mekong and which sea does it end?,The source of the river is in Qinghai Province and it enters the South China Sea.,It makes wide bends or meanders through lo

12、w valleys to the plains where rice grows.,A meander is a geographical term to describe the snakelike bends that a river makes as it slows down to flow through valleys to the plains.The sentence means that the Mekong River flows slowly and gently through the valleys and reaches the farming plains.,Wa

13、ng Kun and _ _ Wang Wei are dreaming about _.,his sister,taking a great bike trip,They have the idea to _ _ the Mekong River from _ it _ to _ it _.,cycle along,where,begins,where,ends,glacier,Qinghai,Province,Then,it _ quickly.It becomes_ as it passes through deep _.,moves,rapids,valleys,Sometimes,the river becomes a _ and enters _ _.,wide valleys,waterfall,At last,the river _ entersthe South China Sea.,delta,Do you know Xu Xiake?Do you think his way of traveling is meaningful?Why?,Do exercise,Thank you!,


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