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1、一般过去时,一、定义动词的一般过去时态表示过去发生的动作、情况或存在的状态。行为动词(即实义动词)的过去式没有人称和数的变化。,二、谓语动词的构成形式一般过去时的谓语动词有be动词和行为动词两种基本形式。类比一般现在时:(1)当谓语动词是be(am,is,are)动词时,am/is 变为was,are 变为were。在 否定句中,直接将not添加在was/were之后.疑问句时,将was/were置于主语之前即可。e.g.肯:I was ill yesterday morning.否:I wasnt ill yesterday.,一般疑问句:Were you ill yesterday mor

2、ning?Yes,I was./No,I wasnt.特殊疑问句:How was she?(2)当谓语动词是行为动词时,将对应的一般现在时肯定句中的行为动词变成过去式;否定及疑问句中的do/does变成did即可动词仍用原形,即“见did,也用动原”。一般现在时 一般过去时,e.g.She likes dancing.She doesnt like dancing.Does she like dancing?What does she like?,She liked dancing.She didnt like dancing.Did she like dancing?What did she

3、 like?,规则过去式变化规律:,不规则变化有:seesaw dodid gowent am/iswas arewere has/havehad等,写出下列动词的过去式1.study _ 2.go _3.turn _ 4.are_5.play _ 6.have _7.stop _ 8.clean_9.is _ 10.love_,三、一般过去时的用法1.表示在过去时间里发生的动作或存在的状态 e.g.Liu Jie got up at 7:10 this morning.He was a student three years ago.2表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。e.g.Zhang alw

4、ays went to school by bike last term.3表示已故人所做的事情。e.g.Comrade Lei Feng did good deeds in his life.(雷锋同志做了一生的好事。),4.表示过去所发生的一系列的动作,而这一系列的动作是从现在的角度来考虑的,不是从动作相互之间的关系这一角度来考虑的。e.g.Miss Liu got up at seven oclock this morning,dressed,had breakfast,and went to work.,四、一般过去时常用的时间状语1.yesterday或以其构成的短语:yesterd

5、ay morning(afternoon,evening)等;2.由“last+一时间名词”构成的短语:last night,last year(winter,month,week)等;3.由“时间段+ago”构成的短语:a moment ago,a short time ago,an hour ago等;4.由“介词+一时间名词”构成的短语:on Friday,on Monday morning,on April 15,on the night of Oct.1,in 1980;,5.频度副词:often,always 等;6.其它:then,just now,once,以及由after或b

6、efore构成的介词短语等;7.由某些表示过去时态的从句等。比较:He is 15 now.He was 14 last year.He was born on January 12,1991.,练一练:1,She often _(go)to school at eight oclock.2,They are _ supper.(eat)3,He usually _ up at 17:00.(get)4,She _(live)in Beijing last year.5._(be)there a fly(苍蝇)on the table just now?6.I _(call)Mike this

7、 morning.7.Last week we _(pick)many apples on the farm.8.My mother _(not do)housework yesterday.,常见错误一、把动词变成过去式易出错例:1 They stoped(stop)talking just now.2 They plaied(play)football yesterday.答案:1 stopped 2 played 解析:我们可以记住下面的口诀:动词变成过去式,双写规律要牢记;y前若是辅音字,y变i加-ed;y前若是元音字,只须直接加-ed.二、忘记把动词变成过去式例:I fly(fly)

8、kites on the afternoon of Sunday.答案:flew解析:我们可以记住下面的口诀:一般过去时态里,过去形式莫忘记.,三、在句式变换时易出错例:1 We didnt went(not go)out last Friday.2 Did you had(have)a good time yesterday?答案:1 didnt go 2 Did have 解析:请记住口诀见助动,用原形.四、易与单三人称作主语的一般现在时弄混例:He taughts(teach)me English last year.答案:taught解析:行为动词的过去式无人称和数的变化.即使主语是单

9、三人称,也和其它人称所用动词的形式一样.,真题演练:1.(07中考)When _ your brother _ back?About half an hour ago.did;come B.had;come C.do;come D.have;come 2.(08中考)When _ your mother _ you that blue dress,Mary?Sorry,I really cant remember.A.does;buy B.has;bought C.had;bought D.did;buy3.(09中考)When _ Jessy _ to New York?Yesterday.

10、A.does;get B.did;get C.has;got D.had;got,改错题How is Jane yesterday?_He gets to school at six yesterday._He often goes home at 6:00 last month._I can fly kites seven years ago._Did you saw him just now._Tom wasnt watch TV last night._I did my homework later._He wait for you three hours ago._ Who find

11、it just now?_,句型转换1.They came to China in 1990.(变一般疑问句)_ they _ to China in 1990?2.I was ill for two days last week?(同上)_ you ill for two days last week?3.The twins go to school on foot every day.(同上)_ the twins _ to school on foot every day?4.She washed the clothes last Sunday.(变否定句)She _ _ the clothes last Sunday.,


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