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1、,English SongEnglish ClassVideo Data,课时安排Period 1-3:warm-up&lesson 5Period 4:lesson 6Period 5-6:lesson 7Period 7-8:lesson 8Period 9-10:communication Workshop,In your mind,what kind of people are heroes?,Warm-up,soldiers,policemen&policewomen,firefighters,sports stars,film stars,history makers,Think

2、of different kinds of heroes and heroines:a)a sports or film star you personally admire,Yao Ming,Mother Teresa(1910-1997),Mother Teresa was a nunwho devoted all her life to helping the poor and sick in India.,b)someone famous for bravery or goodness.,Hamlet,Hamlet is the sensitive and indecisive her

3、o of Shakespeares play.,To be or not to be,thats a question.,c)the main character from a story,Now its time to tell me about your heroes or heroines!,Now write three sentences about some film heroes and heroines that you know well and read them to your group.Use the Key Words to help you.Eg:Scar is

4、a cruel and dishonest character in Lion King.,Key WordsClassify the key words as positive or negative.positive:brave,calm,generous,honest,intelligent,kind,romantic,sensitivenegative:cruel dishonest,violent,Listen to descriptions of the film characters.Match them with the following adjectives.a)smart

5、 but cruel and violent b)brave and humorous c)pleasant and humorous,Nemo,Finding Nemo,You are going to hear about the following characters:,Bright Jones,Saving Private Ryan,Spider-man 2,Dr.Octopus,What do you know about Yang Liwei?How do you feel about him?,5 Modern Heroes,Born:June 21,1965,Liao Nin

6、gHeight:168cmWeight:65kgTraining:1998-2003Crowned:Space Hero,Shenzhou,How did you feel about Chinas first manned space flight?,astronaut,capsule,rocket,Lets learn some words about space flight.,launch,helicopter,parachute,Read to learn,1 lifted off 2 lifting off 3 separated from4 soaring5 circled,6

7、circling 7 related 8 shaking 9 touched down,Read the article quickly and circle all the words related to a spaceships movement.,Read the article again.Match the paragraphs with these headings.Astronaut lands safely Welcome homeInternational good wishesAn exciting lift-offIntroductionDuring the fligh

8、t,5,6,4,2,1,3,Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:1 how did Yang Liwei feel during the flight?How did he feel afterwards?He felt the effects of high gravity including the feeling of soaring into the sky,after the spaceship landed,he felt happy to be back on earth.2 What did

9、 Yang Liwei do during the Shenzhou s seventh circle of the earth?He showed the flags of China and the United Nations and expressed the Chinese peoples wishes to explore and use space peacefully.,3 How many circles did the spaceship complete while Yang Liwei was sleeping?The spaceship completed two c

10、ircles.4 What were helicopters doing as Yang Liwei returned to the earths atmosphere?The helocopters were flying to the landing site.5 What did Yang Liwei do when he came out of the spaceship?He smiled and waved to the crowds waiting for him.,Language study,Match the verbs with the nouns to form exp

11、ressions.Verbs Nouns1 collect a)space 2 complete b)wishes3 do c)a task4 express d)the seventh circle5 explore e)information,Brain-storm,Can you say some words about space flight?,space flight,spaceman(astronaut),spaceship,rocket,spacesuit,launch,capsule,parachute,helicopter,Language in use,Work in p

12、airs.Imagine one of you is Ynang Liwei and the other is a reporter from CCTV.Make up an interview between them.Ask as many questions as possible.The phrases will help you.spaceship:lift off circle the earth do the seventh circle com back intoYang Liwei:sleep show the flags express land tell feel ret

13、urn smile,Grammar Presentation,PAST SIMPLE&PAST CONTINUOUSLook at the sentences.In pairs,work out the differences between Past Simple and Past Continuous.1 The surface of the spaceship was glowing red when it came back into the earths atmosphere.2 Millions of people all over China were watching TV w

14、hen the spaceship touched down safely.3 When the spaceship separated from the rocket,I suddenly got a feelin of soaring into the sky4 We were driving along a country lane when,suddenly,a car drove past us.,Look at the sentences again.In which sentences does when mean a)at the same time?b)after?When

15、the Past Continuous and the Past Simple appear in one sentence,the Past Continuous describes the background,and the Past Simple reports an event.Read Grammar Summary 3,on P92.,Grammar Practice,Ex91)was walking2)saw 3)was running4)sat down5)opened6)was reading,7)heard8)was drowning9)was calling10)jum

16、ped11)looked12)were watching,What was Pat doing when she heard the crash?She was drying her hair.What did Pat do when she looked out of the window?she called an ambulance.,Ex 10 Look at the pictures.Then read and answer the questions.,What was Jennifer doing when she saw the boy?She was baking a cak

17、e.What was the boy doing when Jennifer saw him?He was climbing into a lorry.What did Jennifer dop when she ran out of the house?She took the boy out of the lorry.,6 History Makers,A Sun Yat-sen,B Mother teresa,C Thomas Edison,D Martin Luther King,Do you know these people?What do you know about them?

18、,Listening,1 Match these captions with the photos.1)campaigned for the rights of black people in the USA 2)led the 1911 revolution and founded the first republic of China 3)invented the light buld,moving picture camera and many other things 4)worked to help poor people in India,Listen to learn,2 Lis

19、ten to students talking about the people in the plete the Funtion File with these words.agree,think,youre right,dont agree,in my opinion,personallyKeys:1)think 2)dont agree 3)in my opinion 4)youre right 5)agree 6)personally,Read the sentences below and try to guess the meaning of the key words.1)Mr.

20、Wang has been teaching for 20 years.So he has much experience.2)Martin Luther King thought the black people and the white people are equal.He fought against racism.,3 You are going to listen to a radio programme about Martin Luther King.,Key Words experience,racism,equal,influence,organise,struggle,

21、victory,protest,march,extremist,3)I didnt want him to influence me in my choice.I would like to make a decision by myself.4)We are organising a concert in the village hall.So we are busy getting everything ready.5)We should give more help to them as they are struggling for equal rights.6)We beat Jap

22、an at 2:0 and we won the victory at last.7)He didnt agree to the action.He protested it in the phone call to the president.8)All the workers marched down the street for higher pay.9)The explosion was carried out by the political extremist.,4 Listening to the radio programme with the help of the list

23、ening strategies and get the general idea.5 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true(T)or(F).keys:1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 F 8 T,Listening Strategies Getting prepared for listening,Pronunciation:Stress,6 Listen to the sentences and underline the stressed words.Listen again and repeat the s

24、entences.,Expand your vocabulary,personally-personcreate-creationinvention-inventeracism-race-racialsociety-socialequal-equallypeace-peaceful-peacefullyorganize-organization,Speaking,Elizabeth Blackwell,Jane Goodall,Nelson Mandela,7 Work in pairs.Read the paragrarhs and take turns to choose a hero.A

25、sk and answer the following questions:1)What did/does your hero fight for?2)Who did/does tour hero help?3)Where did/does your hero work?,assignment,Write down your views about the heroes introduced in this unit.,7 Sports Stars,Reading,Before you start,1 Who are your sporting heroes or heroines?In pa

26、irs,use the key words to talk about them.,Key Wordspositive:brilliant,fast,inteligent,skillful,strongnegative:awful,boring,over-rated,slow,terrible,useless,weak,You may add some more words.,ExampleA:In my opinion,Ronaldo is a brillian player.He is very fast and skillful.B:I dont agree.I think he is

27、over-rated.,Do you know the sisters?,Read to learn,Read the passage quickly and suggest a title for the text.,Read the article again and answer the questions.1 Why are the sisters unusual?2 What kind of background are they from?3 Who helped them to succeed?4 How do the two sisters get on at home?,Th

28、ey played each other in the final of a tennis tournament.,They lived in a poor area of California,full of violence and drugs.,Their father,Richard.,They get on very well.,Guess the meaning of the folowing key words and check them while reading.,Key WordsLook back,train,be strict with,compete against

29、,disrupt,express an interest in,come to an end,astonishing,improve,cause,make progress,leave behind,Complete the following sentences,using the Key Words.1 Bailey _ atheletes half his age and won at last.2 My health finally began to _ when I changed to a less stressful job.3 Moving schools frequently

30、 can _ a childs education.4 Its time to _ the past _.5 Parents _ concern about the amount of violence in some childrens shows.,has competed against,improve,disrupt,leave,behind,expressed an interest in,6 Mr Wang _ his students.7 When the concrt _,the crowd poured out of the hall.8 The accident is _.

31、It _ 123 deaths.9 He kept working hard at English and _ great _ in it.10 Yang Liwei _ the past five years when he was _ as an astronaut.,is strict with,came to an end,astonishing,causes,made,progress,looked back,trained,Voice your opinion,What are the advantage or disavantage of being sports stars?,

32、Grammar Presentation,Study the two groups of sentences from the text.Work out the differences in pairs.a)Since then,she has won Wimbledon and the US Open twice.b)Has tennis ever caused problems between the sisters?a)The sisters father,Richard,started to train Venus and Serena when they were young ch

33、ildren.b)The first time Venus played in a big tournament was in 1996.,PRESENT PERFECT AND PAST SIMPLE,Match te tenses with the uses.We use a)the Present Perfect,b)the Past Simple when:1 something happened at a specific time in the past.2 the time of the action in the past is not given or known.3 a p

34、ast action has results in the present.4 the past action is not linked with the present.,Grammar Summary 4,on P93.,b,a,a,b,Grammar Practice,10 complete the interview with an English footballer.keys:1)played 2)Did you like 3)didnt enjoy 4)have you scored 5)havent played 6)have joined 7)bought,11 Compl

35、ete the sentences with already,ever,never,yet.keys:already 2)yet 3)ever 4)never 5)yet 6)ever/never,Language in Use,Choose a star.Make notes about the important achievements or events in his/her life,and the dates they happened.Before you start,read the examples on P27.,8 Superhero,Christopher Reeve,

36、Before you start,What do you know about Christopher Reeve?From the pictures,can you guess what happened to him?1 what was his most famous film role?2 What terrible thing happened to him in real life?3 What is he doing nowadays?,Now read the article quickly and find out the answers.,Read the passage

37、again and match the topics with the parts of the article.a.the riding accident b.his marriage c.his feelings after the accident d.before the accident e.his parents f.his belief g.how he pulled through h.his campaign,2,5,4,1,6,8,7,3,Can you say something about the topics?,READING STRATEGIES:Working o

38、ut meaning,Find the word in the text.Is the word a noun,verb,adjective,etc?Think about the context.,Use the reading strategies to help you to do Ex5&Ex6.,Use the phrasal verbs in Ex6 to complete Ex7.,Voice your opinion,1 Do you think C hristopher Reeve is a real superman?2 What kind of person is his

39、 wife?,Speaking,1 Write questions to ask your partner about changes in his/her life in the last three years.2 Use your questions to interview your partner.,ExampleHave you started a new holiday or sport?Do you still like the same kind of music?,Communication Workshop,Ma Lin,Guo Jingjing,Gao Ling,Lis

40、ten to the interview with Hu Jun and Zheng Hua.Who likes the people in the photos?,Liu Xiang,Listen again.Mark the expressions in the Funtion File which show strong agreement(+),limited agreement(+),or disagreement(-).,Agreeing and disagreeingOh,come off it!I suppose butOK,butYoure dead right.Absolu

41、tely.Thats true.Youve got a point there.,-,+,+,+,+,+,+,Prepare a discussion about one of your favourite sports stars.Following the stages in the textbook.,Speaking:Discussion,listening,Do you know anything About the life of James Dean?,Listen to the song and complete part of the lyrics with the give

42、n words.,Keys:1 mean 2 clean 3 screen 4 was 5 cause 6 fast,Writing:A Story,How to write a story:Setting the scenne describes the situation at the beginning and what happenedb.Development of narrative how the person reacted and what happened c.conclusion what happened in the end,Read the story called“True Life Drama”on P90.,Imagine your friend was involved in a rescue and is a lcal hero.Write a story about the rescue for your school magazine.Follow the stages in the textbooks.,


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