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1、初中英语人教版八年级下册,Unit 4:Why dont you talk to your parents?总复习课件,词汇训练营,1,句型大闯关,2,语法加油站,3,内容大纲,词汇训练营,一、快速说出下列单词或短语。1.允许;准许 v._2.猜测;估计 v._3.协议;交易 n._4.争吵;争论 v._ 5.代替;反而;却 adv._ 6.交流;沟通 n._ 7.浏览 _ 8.和某人相处,某事进展 _,allow,guess,deal,argue,instead,communication,词汇训练营,快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!,look through,get on/along

2、with sb/sth,big deal 重要的事情/v deal with 处理,动词:communicate with sb,argue with sb.,allow doing sthallow sb to do sth,instead of sth 代替/而不,look into/look up/look out look for/look down upon,9.删除_10.主动提出;自愿给予 v._ 11.归还;返回 v._12.竞争;对抗 v._焦虑的;紧张的 adj._14.持续;继续 v._15.推动;督促 v._16.比较 v._17.发展 n._,cut out,offe

3、r,return,compete,词汇训练营,快速回忆所学单词,看谁说得又快又准!,nervous,continue,push,continue doing/to do sth.,offer to do sth.offer sb sth,cut down cut off cut up cut in,return to sp返回某地 return sth 归还某物,competition-competitor-competitive,pull 拉,compare,compare with,development,develop-developing-developed,词汇训练营,单词填空,考查

4、综合运用能力!,His parents are very busy.They have little time to c_ with their children.2.He is ready to help others,and he always o_ money to the people in the poor villages.3.If you borrow books from the library,you should r_ them on time.4.He runs the fastest,and nobody else can c_ with him.5.The final

5、 exam is coming.All the students feel worried under _(压力).6.Would you mind e_ the sentence to me?7.The sun p_ us with light and heat.We cant live without it,二、根据提示填空。,ommunicate,ffers,eturn,ompete,pressure,xplaining,rovides,词汇训练营,选词填空,考查综合运用能力!,三、从方框中选择适当的词或短语并用其正确形式填空1.Five students will _in the ra

6、ce.2.With the_of science.we can enioy life better.3.She often_ me with my brother.4.This painting is his_work.5.You can _the last sentence of the text.,compete,development,compares,typical,cut out,句型大闯关,句型大闯关,本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!,1.My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.,allow“允许,准许”,用法如下

7、:allow doing sth 允许做某事allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事Sb be allowed to do sth.某人被允许去做某事1:我们不允许在教室里吃饭。We dont allow eating in the classroom.2:我父母不允许我晚上出去。My parents dont allow me to go out at night.3:乘客不允许在汽车上抽烟。Passengers arent allowed to smoke on the bus.Passengers dont allow smoking on the bus.,2.My pro

8、blem is that I cant get on with my family.我的问题是我不能和家人好好相处。,get on/along with sb“和相处,”get on/along with sth:进展得怎么样例如:1:你工作最近进展怎么样?How are you getting on with your work recently?2.My mother always tell me to get along _(good)with my classmates.,well,句型大闯关,本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!,3.Instead he watches whateve

9、r he wants until late at night.相反,他却想看什么就看什么直到晚上很晚。,instead是副词,常置于句子句首和末尾。在顺接句子中作“代替”讲,在转折句子中作“然而”讲。instead of是介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词等。典题:The students dont talk,they listen to the teacher instead.(改为同义句)The students listen to the teacher _ _ _.She didnt answer me._,she asked me another question.A.Instead

10、of B.Instead C.And D.But,instead of talking,4.If your parents are having problems,you should offer to help.如果你的父母遇到问题,你应该主动帮忙。,offer侧重主动或愿意给予,主动提出做某事。常用结构offer sb.sth=offer sth to sb 提供某物给某人 offer to do sth.“主动提出做某事”典题:1:My classmate can offer me a piece of advice.(改为同义句)My classmate can offer _ _ _

11、 _ _ _.2:The newspaper _much information every day.When you arrive at a new place,buy a newspaper first.A.offer us B.provide with us C.afford D.provide with,a piece of advice to me,A,句型大闯关,本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!,5.I have to compete with my classmates at school.在学校我不得不和我的同学们竞争。,compete“竞争;对抗”,常用结构:compete

12、 with/against sb.“和某人竞争”compete with/against sb.for sth.“为某物和某人竞争”典题:He competed _ his best friend _the first prize.(填介词),with,for,句型大闯关,本单元重点句子有哪些?看谁说得多!,6.And they are always comparing them with other children.他们总是把他们和别的孩子对比。,compare A with B“把A和B比较”。compare A to B“把A比作B”。典题:1:Please compare this

13、book _ that one,and find out the differences between them.2:People always compare teachers _ candles.3:_(compare)with his room,my room is even smaller.,with,to,Compared,学以致用,你掌握了吗?,一、根据提示完成句子。1.他们直到吃完晚饭才看电视。They _ _TV _ they finished dinner.2.孩子们常常被比作幸福的鸟儿。Children are often _ _ happy birds.3.Its im

14、portant for students _ _ _(与交流)classmates.4.当我遇到困难的时候,他总是主动帮助我。When I am in trouble,he often _ _ _ me.,didnt watch until,compared to,句型大闯关,to communicate with,offers to help,学以致用,你掌握了吗?,二、单项选择。1.How can I _ well with my lessons,Dad?Practice makes perfect.A.work on B.hold on C.get on D.keep on 2.Pare

15、nts should give their children more advice _ money.A.instead B.instead of C.included D.includes 3.His father doesnt allow him swimming alone.A.goes B.to go C.going D.go4.-You may go to Milan for a free trip.-Its a very kind _,but I really cant accept it.A.excuse B.offer C.promise D.decision,句型大闯关,语法

16、加油站,语法加油站,总结本单元的语法知识,你掌握了吗,讨论问题的常用句式:Whats the matter?What should I do?Whats wrong?提建议的表达方式:1)Why not.?/Why dont you.?意为“为什么不?”,其后接动词原形。Why not buy a computer?=Why dont you buy a computer?你为什么不买一台电脑呢?,讨论问题、提建议,语法加油站,2)Shall we.?意为“我们好吗?”。其肯定回答一般可用All right./OK./Good idea.等。Shall we go to the Birds N

17、est together?我们一起去鸟巢好吗?Good idea.好主意。3)had better 意为“最好”,常用于口语中,其后接动词原形。You had better go to bed early.你最好早点儿上床睡觉。4)What/How about.?意为“怎么样?”,其后可接名词、代词或V-ing形式。What/How about buying her a CD?给她买张光盘怎么样?,总结本单元的语法知识,你掌握了吗,语法加油站,5)Lets.表示“让我们”,其后接动词原形。Lets go to the park tomorrow,shall we?让我们明天去公园,好吗?6)句

18、型Would you like.?意为“你想/愿意吗?”,其后接名词 或to do sth.。Would you like a cup of tea?你想来杯茶吗?Would you like to go with me?你想和我一起去吗?7)句型Could you please.?,其后接动词原形。Could you please close the door?请你关上门好吗?8)情态动词should可以表示提出建议,意为“应该”。You should be kind to your sister.你应该对你的妹妹友好。,总结本单元的语法知识,你掌握了吗,学以致用,各个击破语法点,一、单项选

19、择。1.What about taking a walk after supper,Lily?_.A.Thats right B.Thank you C.Good idea2.A nice day today,isnt it?Yes._ go for a picnic and relax ourselves?Would you like B.Why not C.What about D.Why dont3.You _ be polite to your teachers.A.should B.can C.could D.shouldnt4.-I want to put up the picture on the wall.Would you mind helping me with it?-_.With pleasure.A.Of course.B.Of course not.C.Youd better not.D.Thanks a lot.,句型大闯关,


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