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1、Mapping,Embarkation,Navigation,Destination,Resources,Active reading 2,Interpreting underlining meanings Developing story telling ability with the use of time adverbials,ASL,Introducing yourself,How deaf people identify themselves,Making predictions,Embarkation:index,Predication,ASL,Watch the video c

2、lip and discuss:What did Hellen Keller learn to communicate with others?Name the ways deaf people use to communicate with others.,Active reading 2:embarkation,Introducing yourself,Situation 1:introduce yourself to someone of a different nationality Situation 2:introduce yourself to a new person onli

3、ne Situation 3:sell yourself at a job interview Situation 4:introduce yourself to a family friend(older generation),Work in pairs to role play a situational dialogue different pairs with different situations.,Active reading 2:embarkation,How do deaf people identify themselves?,Listen and fill in the

4、 blanks with words you hear from the passage.,Words to know before listening:audiogram(医)听力敏度图 hearing aid 助听器 sign v.打手势表达 hard of hearing adj.听觉差的;有点聋的,Active reading 2:embarkation,More,identify themselves script,I know one family of four who were all deafmother,father,sister and brother.While the

5、 older sister was(1)_ according to her audiogram,she chose to wear two hearing aids,loved to use her voice when she signed,joined a(2)_ and LOVED to listen to music.I found it interesting that she referred to herself as“hard of hearing”even though she had very(3)_.Her brother,however,had more hearin

6、g ability than his sister.He was(4)_“hard of hearing”according to his audiogram,but he refused to wear hearing aids,used(5)_ only,did not use his voice,and did not enjoy(6)_.He identified himself as“deaf”.They were both well-adjusted kids and had a(7)_.However,it always fascinated me about how they

7、chose to(8)_ to others and I wondered what leads deaf people to choose their identity.Is it family influence,(9)_,educational influence or(10)_?,Active reading 2:embarkation,More,Script,I know one family of four who were all deafmother,father,sister and brother.While the older sister was(1)_ accordi

8、ng to her audiogram,she chose to wear two hearing aids,loved to use her voice when she signed,joined a(2)_ and LOVED to listen to music.I found it interesting that she referred to herself as“hard of hearing”even though she had very(3)_.Her brother,however,had more hearing ability than his sister.,pr

9、ofoundly deaf,sign/dance group,little hearing ability,Active reading 2:embarkation,More,Script,He was(4)_“hard of hearing”according to his audiogram,but he refused to wear hearing aids,used(5)_ only,did not use his voice,and did not enjoy(6)_.He identified himself as“deaf”.They were both well-adjust

10、ed kids and had a(7)_.However,it always fascinated me about how they chose to(8)_ to others and I wondered what leads deaf people to choose their identity.Is it family influence,(9)_,educational influence or(10)_?,technically,ASL,listening to music,strong sense of personal identity,identify themselv

11、es,social influence,personal choice,Active reading 2:embarkation,Making prediction,Sally doesnt like wearing her hearing aids._Sally thinks being deaf has a positive effect._Sally and Collin know each other in a blind date._This story is a part of a life story._,Read the first and last lines of each

12、 paragraphs and decide whether the statement is true or false.,Active reading 2:embarkation,Inventing stories,Destination index,Summarising,Summarising,Fill in the blanks with words you learn from the text to complete the summary.,Active reading 2:Destination,More,Summarising,This is Sandy is an ext

13、ract from Tone,a story about the life of a deaf girl.She thinks her friends are(1)_ people who(2)_ with pride when they introduce her to someone new.When people find out she is deaf they are(3)_ shocked for a moment at first but pretend not to be.Sandy says that the hearing aids she saw in a(4)_ are

14、 great fashion accessories,theyre just like a(5)_ you put onto your ear.Sandy likes to show her hearing aid.She doesnt tie her hair up in a(6)_ but she tucks it behind her ears.Sandys friend Carol introduces her to a boy called Colin at a party.They sit together on a(7)_ and Colin realizes that Sand

15、y can understand what he is saying by reading his lips.Someone turns up the(8)_ of the music and they dance together.Soon they are dating.This is when the real(9)_ begins.,Active reading 2:Destination,More,Summarising,This is Sandy is an extract from Tone,a story about the life of a deaf girl.She th

16、inks her friends are(1)_ people who(2)_ with pride when they introduce her to someone new.When people find out she is deaf they are(3)_ shocked for a moment at first but pretend not to be.Sandy says that the hearing aids she saw in a(4)_ are great fashion accessories,theyre just like a(5)_ you put o

17、nto your ear.,honorable,beam,mostly,catalog,clip,Active reading 2:Destination,More,Summarising,Sandy likes to show her hearing aid.She doesnt tie her hair up in a(6)_ but she tucks it behind her ears.Sandys friend Carol introduces her to a boy called Colin at a party.They sit together on a(7)_ and C

18、olin realizes that Sandy can understand what he is saying by reading his lips.Someone turns up the(8)_ of the music and they dance together.Soon they are dating.This is when the real(9)_ begins.,knot,couch,volume,drama,Active reading 2:Destination,Talking point,Work in groups.Invent stories to show

19、how the story This is Sandy continues.Each group focuses on one of the situation.,their first datetheir first misunderstandinghis/her birthdaytheir ending,Use time adverbials to help you to structure your story.,Active reading 2:Destination,Difficult sentences,Words to note,Language in use,Preview,I

20、ndex,Index,Difficult sentences,1.as if I were evidence of their benevolence.(Para.1)2.If they do the ritual well enough.(Para.1)3.while my regular friends beam on.(Para.1)4.fashion statements in various shapes and hues(Para.2)5.participate in the drama.(Para.3),click,click,click,click,click,Difficul

21、t sentence 1,as if I were evidence of their benevolence.(Para.1),Ex,Sandy,as a deaf person,has had negative experiences of meeting people and being introduced by friends with the comment“shes deaf”(no need to be mentioned in the introduction).Her friends seem“proud and honorable”because they are wit

22、h a disabled person and their way of introducing her shows they are willing to be generous and help her(be“benevolent”).So this comment about“evidence of benevolence”not only shares the deaf persons experience but is a critique of how some people treat sandy in a stereotyped way as deaf.,click,What

23、can you infer from this sentence?,Back,Difficult sentence 2,If they do the ritual well enough.(Para.1),Again,this is really a critical comment.The new people are shocked but quickly cover this up and make an effort to be normal in a“ritual”way of controlling their facial expressions and having“a rec

24、overy smile”to get over the shock.If they treat a deaf person as an individual person rather than as a stereotyped deaf person,they would just be normal and not need a special way of behaving-they wouldnt be shocked so they wouldnt need“a recovery smile”,just a normal friendly smile.,click,What can

25、you infer from this sentence?,Back,Difficult sentence 3,while my regular friends beam on.(Para.1),Ex,Beam means to smile widely with eyes and mouth to show a happy feeling.In this story,again the word is used in a slightly sinister way,because it may indicate Sandys friends know that others will say

26、 something to please Sandy and as if they have done something good to please Sandy as well.,click,What does beam mean here?,Back,Difficult sentence 4,fashion statements in various shapes and hues(Para.2),A fashion statement is something that you wear or own that is new,unusual or made by a famous de

27、signer and is meant to draw attention to you,我曾经看到过一款“一夹得”带罩助听器的广告图片,产品有各种各样的形状和颜色,绝对时髦。,click,click,Active reading 2:Resources,1.What is a fashion statement?,2.Translate the sentence.,Back,Difficult sentence 5,participate in the drama.(Para.3),Ex,Her friends treated Sandys deafness as a drama,ie th

28、ey made her deafness as being more serious or exciting than it really was and wanted their won role in the drama as benevolent helpers.,他们中的多数人都热心积极地参加这场“表演”。,click,click,1.What does drama mean?,2.Translate the sentence.,Back,Words to note,beamcatalogclipknotvolume,let onever sonothing butstand outi

29、n search of pick up,Active reading 2:Resources,beam,balance beam 平衡木 beam on ones friend 看着朋友微笑 beam with joy 眉飞色舞 a beam of delight 笑逐颜开,v.to smile widely because you are very happy 眉开眼笑 n.long piece of wood 长木头;line of light 光线;big smile 大笑,H-Beam,Active reading 2:Resources,More,Figure out the mea

30、ning of the following expressions.,beam,Translate the following sentences.A beam of sunlight came through the clouds.那道矮梁真危险!老磕着我的头。,一束阳光穿透了云层。,That low beam is a menace!I keep hitting my head on it.,Active reading 2:Resources,catalog,Translate the following expressions.,a catalog of new booksa card

31、 catalog indexa classified catalog file catalogmaster catalogmail-order catalog a catalog of fall fashions,新书目录卡式目录索引分类目录文件目录主目录邮购商品目录 秋季时装名录,n.a list of all the things in an exhibition,sale,or library 目录,Active reading 2:Resources,More,catalog,Complete the sentences.The Americans _“catalogue”and it

32、 became_.把“catalogue”这个词缩短I _ and found nothing interesting.翻了翻目录Together they constitute _.图书馆的“卡片目录”,cut back the word,“catalog”,leafed through the catalog,the librarys card catalog,Active reading 2:Resources,clip,Use different ways to translate the sentence.你的耳环是夹式的吗?Do you clip those ear-rings o

33、n?Do those ear-rings clip on?Are your ear-rings clip-ons?,v.fasten with sth small 用小东西扣住n.a small object 夹子;part of film etc 电影剪辑,Active reading 2:Resources,More,clip,Translate the following sentences.Fasten these receipts with a paper clip,please.The clip art directory is clearly not congruent with

34、 the users goal of drawingit is only a means to an end.,请用回形针将这些收据夹起来。,剪贴画目录显然与用户画图的目标并不切合它只是达到最终目的的一种手段。,Active reading 2:Resources,Translate the sentences.Do up this knot.Loop that end of the rope through this and knot it.Please tie a firm knot.Can you undo this knot?The knot has come untied.This

35、knot here has got loose.,knot,v.to tie a knot in rope,string,or cloth 在上打结,把绳子的这一头儿从这里穿过然后打结。,把这个结打好。,请打一个死结。,你能解开这个结吗?,扣儿开了。,这儿的绳结变松了。,Active reading 2:Resources,More,knot,Figure out the meaning of knot in different context.A knot of friends waved him good-bye.She likes wearing a top knot.He tied t

36、he knot for Diane and Bill yesterday.The knot of marriage between two persons of different temperament is so intricate that it can only be cut.Diane and Bill tied the knot yesterday.,一群朋友,头顶上的发髻,证婚,维系,联系,结婚,Active reading 2:Resources,volume,So is setting your speaker volume.He bought a bound volume

37、of the magazine.Both imports and exports continue to grow in volume.The volume of this container is 2 cubic meters.I only need one volume to complete my set of Dickenss novels.,Match the words with their definitions(expressed by pictures).,n.the loudness of a sound from a television,radio etc 音量,Act

38、ive reading 2:Resources,let on,Make sentences after the examples.Your sentences?,Im getting married next week,but please dont let on(to anyone)(about it),will you?She wont let on if you ask her not to.They let on that they didnt care about not being invited,but I could tell that they were hurt.,to t

39、alk about something that is intended to be a secret 泄露,透露(秘密),Active reading 2:Resources,ever so,Complete the sentences with ever so expressions.Pan felt himself to _ since yesterday.一下子长大了好几岁 Everybody _ at the evening party.非常愉快Are women _,then?有男人那么反复无常,be ever so many years older,enjoyed himself

40、 ever so,ever so changeable as men,used before an adjective or adverb to mean“very”很,非常,Active reading 2:Resources,nothing but,Active reading 2:Resources,More,nothing but,For outward glamour,or rank they have nothing but a cool contempt.只有Thats anything but true.决不是,Translate the sentences below.His

41、 speech was nothing but milk and water.他并不英俊。He did nothing but complain.,他的讲话平淡无奇毫无意义。,He is anything but handsome.,他除了抱怨以外,什么也没做。,Active reading 2:Resources,stand out,Figure out the meanings.stand out against 突出;继续抵抗stand out as 作为很突出;是一个杰出的a stand-out 杰出人才stand out for 坚持要,硬要,to be easy to see or

42、 notice because of being different 引人注目,显眼,突出,a stand-in 临时代替者,Active reading 2:Resources,More,stand out,Translate the sentences.我在集体面试中脱颖而出。Red flags stand out brightly against the blue sky.红梅衬着白雪十分醒目。,I stand out in a group interview.,Red plums stand out against the white snow.,红旗在蓝天的衬托下显得分外鲜艳。,Ac

43、tive reading 2:Resources,in search of,Complete the sentences below.A flock of sheep ranged over the mountain slope _.寻找牧草Migrant workers move from city to city _.寻找工作,looking for something 寻找,in search of pasture,in search of work,Active reading 2:Resources,pick up,Ill go to pick up some odds and en

44、ds at the store.Id really like to pick up Grandpa at the railroad station.Im a good girl,and I wont pick up free-and-easy ways.Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot.Business is beginning to pick up.,to learn a new skill or start a habit without intending to(无意间)学会(新技能等),Match the expre

45、ssions with their definitions.,to lift to go or meet sb in a vehicleto learn accidentally to buy casually or spontaneously to get better,Active reading 2:Resources,Language in use,Useful expressions,Translation,English to Chinese,Chinese to English,Useful expressions,1.嘴上从不说什么,1.never let on,2.那副骄傲和

46、荣耀的表情,2.proud and honorable expression,3.仁德善心的证明,3.evidence of ones benevolence,4.瞬间的震惊表情,4.split-second shocked expression,5.做套仪式,5.do the ritual,6.头发掖到耳朵后面,6.tuck my hair behind one of my ears,7.灿烂地微笑,7.beam on,8.时尚宣言,8.a fashion statement,9.有了一个固定的朋友圈,9.accumulate a fixed circle of people,10.公寓派对

47、,10.an apartment party,Translate the sentences into Chinese.,Such motor mimicry,as it is called,is the original technical sense of the word empathy as it was first used which then evokes the same feelings in oneself.He sought a word that would be distinct from sympathy at which point they realize th

48、at someone elses pain is different from their own,and are better able to comfort them.I also love the split-second shocked expression on the new people.I turn my head ever so slightly and tuck my hair behind one of my ears,whichever ones closer to them.“I mostly just read lips because it was easier

49、to pick up than signing,although thats not the only reason to be able to continue reading his lips in the semi-darkness.And read his lips I did.,Translation,click,click,click,click,1.Such motor mimicry,as it is called,is the original technical sense of the word empathy as it was first used in the 19

50、20s by E.B.Titchener,an American psychologist.Titcheners theory was that empathy stemmed from a sort of physical imitation of the distress of another,which then evokes the same feelings in oneself.,Translation,这种所谓的运动神经模仿就是“同感”的原始技术含义,而“同感”这个词于20世纪20年代由美国心理学家E.B.铁钦纳首次使用。铁钦纳的理论是:同感发自对他人痛苦的一种身体模仿,这种模仿


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