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1、No Parking,Lesson 28,Lesson 28,No parking,Medusa,It was believed that Medusa used to a beautiful girl,who was deeply loved by Poseidon.She was too proud and she even tried to compete her beauty with the goddess in the Pathenon.Athena was exasperated.She cast a spell on Medusa,turned her fair hair in

2、to vipers.The horrible thing is,Medusas eyes have shocking lights.Anyone who see her in the eyes will turn to stone status.,MythMedusa(神话故事),2,Gorgon MedusaGorgon n.三位蛇发女妖之一,美杜莎曾是一位美丽的 少女,一头乌黑的头发使她容光照人。但是她胆敢跟战争女神雅典娜比美,女神将她的鬈发变成嘶嘶作响的毒蛇。她变成了一头面目可憎的怪物,任何有生命的东西只要看到她就立刻变成石头。,Vocabulary,rare adj.罕见的 ancie

3、nt adj.古代的,古老的 myth n.神话故事 effect n.结果,效果 trouble n.麻烦Medusa n.美杜莎(古希腊神话中3位蛇发女怪之一)Gorgon n.(古希腊神话中的)3位蛇发女怪这一(凡见其貌者都会变成石头),rare adj.罕见的,rare animal 稀有动物 rare birds 珍稀鸟类rare illness 疑难杂症,scarce adj:少有的,表示某个时间段或某个地方少有,Watermelon is scarce in winter.,rare:几乎是生的,well done:全熟medium:半生半熟的,ancient adj.古代的,古

4、老的,antique 古玩,古董,古老而有价值的:antique furniture 古董家具,myth n.神话故事 fairy 神仙故事 Fable 寓言故事 Legend 传奇 Detective story Fiction,effect n.结果,效果 v.产生,达到目的Influence n.影响 affect v.影响have no effect 没有效果have an effect on 对.有效果side-effect 副作用The advice has no effect on me.,trouble n.麻烦Never trouble troubles until trou

5、bles trouble you.永远不要自寻烦恼,ask for troubleput sb.in trouble,Im sorry to put you in trouble.我很抱歉给你带来麻烦(口语),have trouble in doing sthhave trouble with sth/sb.I have trouble(in)parking the car.,Text(melody)考点,1.Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths.贾斯珀怀特是为数不多的信奉古代神话的人之一。

6、语言点1“one of+复数名词”的用法1)当“one of+复数名词”在句子中充当主语时,实际主语是one,紧跟其后的谓语动词一定用单数形式。One of my students is a lawyer.我的一个学生是律师。2)当“one of+复数名词”后加定语从句时,因为定语从句的关系代词所修饰的先行词不是one,而是of后面的复数名词,所以从句的谓语动词一定用复数形式。Our organization is just one of many charities that are providing famine relief in the region.我们的组织仅仅是为这个饥荒地区提

7、供救济的慈善组织之一。3)要注意,当one前有the,thevery,the only等修饰限制时,从句中的谓语动词一定要用单数。She is the only one of the students who has already learnt Spanish.她是这些学生中唯一一个曾学过西班牙语的人。,语言点2 believe in sth./sb.信奉、相信某物/某人:believe in Christ信奉基督教believe in God 信仰上帝believe in ghosts 相信鬼神believe in Buddhism 信奉佛教,2.He has just bought a

8、new house in the city,but ever since he moved in,he has had trouble with cars and their owners.他刚在城里买了一所新房子,但自从他搬进去后,就和汽车及车主们发生了摩擦。语言点1 just常用于现在完成时态中,请参考Lesson5。语言点2 in the city=in the downtown在市中心,在城里相关表达:in the suburb在郊区;in the border land在边疆I live in the suburb of Beijing and work in the city.我住

9、在北京郎区,而在城里工作,语言点3 have troublewith sth./sb.和某物/某人有摩擦Mr.Green always has trouble with his neighbours.格林先生总是和他的邻居们闹纠纷。语言点4 move in迁入;move out迁出;move over挪动一下,腾出空位,3.when he returns home at night,he always finds that someone has parked a car outside hisgate.当他夜里回到家时,总会发现有人把车停在了他家的大门外。语言点“动词+home”中间一般不需

10、加介词:return home返回家中;go home回家;leave home离开家,但stay at home(待在家中)为一个例外。比较学习:home,house,family,householdhome一个居所以及居于其中的家庭或社会单位;house主要指建筑物和住宅;family 一般侧重指家庭成员;household指住在一起的家庭成员及其他非亲属(如仆人)所组成的家庭单位。,4.Because of this,he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once.因此,他甚至一次也没能把自己的车开进车库

11、。语言点1 总结表达“原因”:1)because+从句I came late,because it was raining outside.因为外面下雨了,所以我来晚了。2)because of+名词性短语I came late because of traffic jam.因为塞车,所以我来晚 了。3)For+名词性短语/从句For some reason,it came into use.因为某种原因,它开始投入使用了。4)due to+名词性短语My illness was due to terrible food.我生病是因为吃了变质的食物造成的。5)thanks to+名词性短语It

12、 was thanks to John that we won the game.多亏了约翰,我们才赢了这场比赛。6)owing to+名词性短语They could not cross the river owing to the flood.由于洪水,他们不能过河。,深入总结:1)because引导的从句可以放在句末或句中,而for引导的句子不能放在句中,2)在回答why的提问句时,只能用because回答,而不能用for回答。3)because可以与 not.but.连用,而for不可以与 not.but.连用。例:I did it not because I liked it but

13、I had to do it.我做这件事不是因为喜欢做,而是不得不做。()I did it not for I liked it but I had to do it.(错误),语言点2 比较学习:drive car into somewhere.把车撞进某地,撞车get car into somewhere.把车开进某地原句替换用词:He has not been able to drive his own car into his garage even once.他甚至一次也没有成功地把他的车撞进车库里。(本句与原句意思迥然不同。),5.Jasper has put up No Park

14、ing,signs outside his gate,but these have not had any effect.贾斯珀曾把几块“禁止停车”的牌子挂在他的门外,但没有任何效果。语言点1 put up意为“挂起,竖起”。语言点2 have not any effect=have no effect 没有任何效果原句还可改为:Jasper has put up No Parking signs outside his gate,but these have had no effect(本句的效果没有用have not had any effect好。)6.Now he has put an

15、 ugly stone head over the gate.现在他把一个丑陋的石雕头像放在了大门上边。语言点1 put sth.over somewhere把某物放、摘在某处的上面语言点2 an ugly stone head 一个丑陋的石雕头像,7.It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen.这是我见过的最丑陋的头像之一。语言点1 经典句型:形容词最高级/the only+名词+that引导定语从句(完成时态)这个句型结构的特点有三个:1)主句中有形容词的最高级或表示唯一的词,从句是由that引导的定语从句,that作从句中宾语时可省略。

16、2)主句和定语从句的时态呼应:主句用一般现在时,宛语从句则用现在完成时;主句用一般过去时,定语从句則用过去宪成时。3)定语从句中常有ever(曾经)放在have/had与过去分词之间用来加强语气。语言点2.I have ever seen我曾经见过的.I have ever done我曾经做过的.I have ever heard我曾经听说过的例:This is the most difficult problem I have ever worked out.这是我曾经做过的最难的一道题。This is the most amusing story 1 have ever heard.这是我

17、曾经听过的最好玩的一个故事。,8.I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa,the Gorgon.我问他那是什么,他告诉我那是蛇发女怪美杜莎。语言点1 What it was为ask的宾语从句。语言点2 the Gorgon是Medusa的同位语。9.Jasper hopes that she will turn cars and their owners to stone.贾斯珀希望她把汽车和车主们都变成石头。语言点 turn.to/into意为“把变成”。Tum表示变化,指通过某种方法或外力使某人或某物改变特定的性质

18、、身份或外形。例:Autumn turns the green leaves golden.秋天绿叶变成了金黄色。The sky turned to pink at dawn.The night turned into day.天空在黎明时分变成了 粉红色。黑夜变成了白天。,10、But none of them has been turned to stone yet!但到目前为止还没有一个人变成石头呢!语言点 总结学习:1)“none of+复数名词”作主语谓语动词用单复数形式均可:None of the televisions if/are working.没有一台电视机不是坏的。2)“

19、either of+复数名词”作主语谓语动词常用单数:Is either of the sisters coming?这姐妹俩有哪个要来吗?3)“neither of+复数名词”作主语谓语动词用中单复数形式均可:Neither of the twins is here,那对双胞场都不在这里。Neither of us enjoy getting up early.我们俩谁也不喜欢早起。4)“any of+复数名词”谓语动词一般多用单数,依上下文情况而定:Have any of you actually seen UFO?你们中是不是有人确实看到过不明飞行物?,Grammar,现在完成时用来表示

20、之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果的确和现在有联系。动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。其构成:have(has)+过去分词,现在完成时,比较过去时与现在完成时,1)过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时为过去发生的,强调过去的事情对现在的影响,强调的是影响。,I saw this film yesterday.(强调看的动作发生过了。)I have seen this film.(强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了。),一般过去时的时间状语:yesterday,last week,ago,in1980,in Octo

21、ber,just now,具体的时间状语现在完成时的时间状语for,since,so far,ever,never,just,yet,till/until,up to now,in past years,always,不确定的时间状语,2)过去时常与具体的时间状语连用,而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。,3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如live,teach,learn,work,study,know.过去时常用的非持续性动词有come,go,leave,start,die,finish,become,get married等。,用于现在完成时

22、的句型,1)It is the first/second time.that结构中的从句部分,用现在完成时。It is the first time that I have visited the city.It was the third time that the boy had been late.,2)This is the that结构,that 从句要用现在完成时.This is the best film that Ive(ever)seen.This is the first time(that)Ive heard him sing.,这是我看过的最好的电影。,这是我第一次听他

23、唱歌。,1.Do you know our town at all?-No,this is the first time I _ here.A.was B.have been C.came D.am coming,B,2.Have you _ been to our town before?-No,its the first time I _ here.A.even,come B.even,have comeC.ever,come D.ever,have come,D,4.We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl.A.Know B.had known C

24、.have known D.knew,3.He has _ been to Shanghai,has he?A.already B.never C.ever D.still,B,C,6.-These farmers have been to the United States.-Really?When _ there?A will they go B.did they go C.do they go D.have they gone,5.Harry Potter is a very nice film.I_ it twice.A.will see B.haveseenC.saw D.see,B

25、,B,7.It _ ten years since he left the army.A.is B.has C.will D.was,8.His uncle _ for more than 9 years.A.has come here B.has started to work C.has lived there D.has left the university,A,C,有些瞬间性动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。要表示一段时间的时间状语和连用的时候须用延续性动词。Become/be;die/be dead;leave/be away;join/be in;borrow/keep;bu

26、y/have;marry/be married;start(begin)/be on;open/be open;,She _ Robert for a year.A.married B.married withC.has been marrying D.has been married to,汉译英。1、吉姆已做完作业,他现在有空了。2、他昨天收到一封信。3、我父亲以前到过长城。,Jim has finished doing his homework already.He is free now.,He received a letter yesterday.,My father has be

27、en to the Great Wall before.,4、她还没有看过那部新电影。5、她去过上海。6、他这些天上哪儿去了?,She hasnt seen the new film yet.,She has been to Shanghai.,Where has he been these days?,关系代词可以有四个概念:1.代人的,做主语或宾语who,只做宾语的whom2.代物的,做主语或宾语 which3.代人的也可以代物的 做主语或宾语 that4.whose其代表的东西由其在句子中的成分决定(不一定指人)The boat whose name is.,定语从句,翻译练习:我有一个

28、房子,房子的窗户都破了.I have a house whose windows are broken.,(which,that,who,whom,whose),Exersise(在需要的地方填上who,which,that或whose)1 The only games _ I play are football and tennis.2 He is the only student _ understands English well.3 He is a writer _ books are seldom read.4 This is the hotel at _ we are stayin

29、g.5 Is this the money _ you lost?6 That is the horse _ won the race.7 He is the sort of person _ everyone admires.,that/which,that,whose,which,/,which,/,Summary writing,What does Jasper White believe in?Where do car owners always park their cars?Has he put up“No Parking”signs or not?Have they paid a

30、ny attention to them or not?What has he put over his gate now?Whose head is it?What does he want her to do?Has she done so yet or not?,Jasper White believes in ancient myths.Car owners always park their cars outside his gate,so he has put up“No Parking”signs but they have not paid any attention to them.Now he has put an ugly stoen head over his gate.It is the head of Medusa,the Gorgon.He wants her to turn car owers to stone but she has not done so yet.,


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