新概念英语第一册33 34ppt课件.ppt

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1、,Lesson33-Lesson34,Lets review!,现在进行时:表示此时此刻正在发生的事情或进行的动作。,结构:主语+be动词+V.ing(现在分词),现在分词的变化规律,1)一般情况下直接加ing:Climb-climbing read-reading cook-cooking,2)以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,去e后再加ing。give-giving come-coming type-typing,3)以重读闭音节结尾的单词,双写最后一个辅音字母再加ing。run-running sit-sitting begin-beginning,sleep sli:p,shave ev,c

2、ry kra,wash w,wait wet,jump dmp,do ones homework做作业wash the dishes洗盘子fly over从上空飞过walk over走过(桥)wait for 等jump off从上跳下来,What are they doing?,They are cooking.,What are they doing?,They are sleeping.,What are they doing?,They are shaving.,What are they doing?,They are crying.,What are they doing?,The

3、y are eating bones.,What are they doing?,They are typing.,What are they doing?,They are doing their homework.,What are they doing?,They are washing,the dishes,What are they doing?,They are flying over the river.,What are they doing?,They are walking over the bridge.,What are they doing?,They are wai

4、ting for a bus,What are they doing?,They are jumping off the wall,What is he doing?,He is drinking water(now).,Is he drinking water(now)?,Yes,he is.,What is she doing?,She is cleaning the house.,Is she doing her homework?,No,she isnt.,What are they doing?,They are running.,Are they writ,ing?,No,they

5、 arent.,thinking,running,drinking water,singing,playing football,Watching TV,用现在进行时完成下列句子:,1._ you_(fly)a kite?Yes,_.2._you_(sit)in the boat?3._he_(talk)with me?4.We_(play)football now.5.What_you_(do)?6.I_(sing)an English song.7.What_he_(drink)?8.He_(buy)a car.9.These boys _(play)football on the pla

6、yground.10.My mother_(cook)in the kitchen.,Are,flying,I am,Are,sitting,Is,talking,are playing,are,doing,am singing,is cooking,are playing,is buying,is,drinking,选择,1.Look.Lucy is_ a song.A.jumping B.running C.singing D taking2.The children _ football.A.is playing B.are playing C.play the D.play a3.Th

7、ey _TV now.A.are watching B.cant watching C.dont watch D.dont watching4.Listen!She_ in the classroom.A.is singing B.sing C.to sing D.is sing5._are you eating?A.What B.Which C.Where D.How,C,B,A,A,A,读出下列数字:,220,231331,342442,453553,654664,675775,786886,897997,9981,000,0011,100,0001,500,0002,000,000,Ho

8、mework,34课单词抄写4-1,听写1-1.利用34课图片造句,要求用现在进行时。预习33单词。,thinking,running,drinking water,singing,playing football,Watching TV,day,de,cloudklad,skyska,sunsn,shinean,withw,familyfml,walkwk,overv,bridgebrd,boatbt,riverrv,shipp,aeroplaneerplen,flyfla,over v prep.1.跨越,在之上They are walking over the bridge.他们正在过桥

9、.The aeroplane is flying over the river.飞机正从河上飞过.2.在上面(未接触)The bridge is over the river.桥在河面上.on,over,above 区别1.on 在上面(接触物体)2.over 指垂直的上面(不接触)3.above 指斜上方(不接触),sun sn n.太阳sunny shine an v.照耀太阳每天都照耀大地。The sun shines every day.,family fml n.家庭(成员)在我的家里有五个人。There are five people in my family.,family,ho

10、me,house 区别1.family 指家庭成员2.home 指抽象概念 My home is in China.3.house 指房子(建筑物)There is a house in the playground.,walk w:k v.走路,步行 他喜欢步行。He likes walking.go(out)for a walk 散步让我们散步吧。Lets go(out)for a walk.,day de n.日子cloud klad n.云sky ska n.天空sun sn n.太阳shine an v.照耀with w prep.和在一起family fml n.家庭(成员)wal

11、k w:k v.走路,步行over v prep.跨越,在之上bridge brd n.桥boat bt n.船river rv n.河ship p n.轮船aeroplane erplen n.飞机fly fla v.飞,day照耀,sun月亮,with和在一起,cloud云,shine照耀,family房子,sky地球,walk走路,bridge墙,over跨越,ship绵羊,river小河,boat船,fly蝴蝶,aero-plane飞机,d_y _ver cl _ _ dbr _dg _sk _b _ _ts _nri _ _rsh _ n _sh _pw _th _ _ropl _n

12、ef _mi _yfl _w _ _k,a,a,a,a,a,o,o,a,u,u,o,l,l,e,e,e,e,y,y,i,i,i,i,v,Homework,33课单词抄写4-1,听写1-1.预习33课文。,bridge,cloud,shine,family,clouds,sky,sun,walk,boat,boats,river,ship,aeroplane,New lesson,There are some clouds in the sky.天上飘着几朵云。1)“there be”结构的句子,主语“some clouds”是复数,所以用“there are”。2)“在天上”的表达是“in t

13、he sky”,而不是“on the sky”。There are some birds in the sky.天上有一些小鸟。,Mr.Jones is with his family.琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。with 是个介词,后面常跟名词或者代词来做它的宾语。be with sb.和某人在一起我和我的父母在一起。Im with my parents.你和谁在一起?Who are you with?Im with my friends.,There are some clouds in the sky.,But the sun is shining.,It is a fine day to

14、day.,Mr.Jones is with his family.,They are walking over the bridge.,There are some boats on the river.,Mr.Jones and his wife are looking at them.,The ship is going under the bridge.,Sally is looking at a big ship.,Tim is looking at an aeroplane.,The aeroplane is flying over the river.,33课短语:a fine day in the sky walk over the bridgeon the river look atgo under the bridgefly over,33课译文今天天气好。天空中飘着几多云,但阳光灿烂。琼斯先生同他的家人在一起。他们正在过桥。河上有几艘船。琼斯先生和他的妻子正在看这些船。萨里正在看一艘大船。那船正从桥下驶过。蒂姆正望着一架飞机。飞机正从河上飞过。,Homework,33课短语抄写2-1,听写1-1.看汉意,背课文。,


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