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1、Lesson 72A car called Bluebird,racing n.竞赛;赛马;赛车;赛艇,自行车竞赛龙舟竞赛赛车,dragon-boat racing,cycle racing,a racing car,race n.速度竞赛,赛跑run a race with sb.同某人赛跑race against/with.与.竞赛/赛跑a race against time,和时间赛跑,sport、game、match、race 的区别:sport通常指“户外运动”、“户外的游戏或娱乐活动”,如打球,跳高,游泳,钓鱼,打猎,赛马和拳术等。以锻炼为主,如篮球、足球、田径运动、划船、赛马等都

2、属于sport。复数形式sports可指运动会。game意思是“运动、比赛”,不管户内户外还是脑力体力,指以胜负为主的运动;game的复数形式games一般指大型的国际比赛或综合性体育运动会。match意为“竞赛、比赛”,多指正式比赛;两队之间有组织的比賽,也指两人之间的比赛。race主要表示“赛跑、赛马、赛车”。速度方面的比赛,指从起点到终点的竞赛。,People all around the world enjoy _.The 2008 Olympic _ will be held in Beijing.Our school football team won the league _(联

3、赛).They won the boat _.,Fill in the blanks.,sports,Games,match,race,per(1).(数量、价格等)每e.g.每个孩子一个苹果(2).(时间)每一e.g.每年8000元(3).按照,one apple per child,The work has been done as per instruction.,8000 yuan per year,as per instruction 依照指示,e.g.工作已按照指示做完。,相当于every,相当于every,burst v.爆裂,爆炸,胀破,崩溃;冲(burst-burst-bur

4、st)e.g.气球突然爆了。The balloon suddenly burst.e.g.她冲进厨房。burst ones sides with laughing burst out crying,She burst into the kitchen.,笑破肚皮,突然哭起来,average adj.平均的;一般的;通常的平均年龄/得分一位普通学生,在一般水平以上在一般水平以下达到一般水平平均地,一般的说,an average student,the average age/score,above the average,on the average,below the average,up t

5、o the average,footstep n.足迹,脚步声e.g.我听见房间里有她的脚步声。I heard her footsteps in the room.,继承某人的事业,效法某人,步某人的后尘 follow in ones footsteps e.g.布什效法他的父亲。Bush follows in his fathers footsteps.,footprint 脚印 footnote 脚注 footwear 鞋类,1.The great racing driver,Sir Malcolm Campbell,was the first man to drive at over 3

6、00 miles per hour.drive at 以速度驾车 e.g.不要以最高时速开车。Dont drive at top speed.at 以(的速度,价格,比率等)以.的价格,Language points,at the price of,e.g.它们都是售价10元。They are all sold at the price of 10 yuan.,2.He set up a new world record in September 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flats,Utah.set up a new world record 创造一项新的世界记录 相当

7、于 _ a record 打破记录,break a record,make,record-holder 记录保持者record-breaker 打破记录者,set 常见的介词搭配,2.set about sth/doing sth开始(某工作);着手做某事e.g.我得开始收拾行李了。I must/have to set about my packing.,1.set up sth.(a)摆放或竖起某物:e.g.竖起纪念碑/塑像 set up a monument/statue(b)建立或开创某事物:e.g.创办/建立一家工厂 set up a factory(c)创(体育)记录:e.g.她创下

8、了新的百米世界记录。She set up a new world record in the 100 metres.,3.set aside sth.(a)将某事物放在一边:e.g.她把书放在一旁。(b)(为某目的)节省或保留(钱或时间):e.g.她每月都存一点儿钱。She sets aside a bit of money every month.(c)不理会或不顾及某事物;放弃或回绝某事物:e.g.请不必顾及我个人的感情。Please set aside my personal feelings.,She set aside her book.,4.set oneself up as 以自

9、居e.g.set oneself up as an example,以身作则,5.set off 开始(旅行 赛跑等):e.g.你打算明天几点钟启程?What time are you planning to set off tomorrow?,6.set out 从某地出发上路:e.g.她天一亮就动身了。She set out at dawn.set out to do sth(带着某目的)开始做某事,打算做的事:e.g.他们打算做的事已经成功了。They succeeded in what they set out to do.,7.set down 放下;记下;写下:e.g.他放下沉重的

10、箱子休息一下。He set down the heavy box and had a rest.,3.Bluebird,the car he was driving,had been specially built for him.(1)build for 为.而建造/创办e.g.他为他的狗建造了狗屋。He built a doghouse for his dog.(2)build up 树立,建立build up ones fortune 建立自己的财富(3)buildon/upon 奠定的基础e.g.我们的友谊是建立在信任的基础上。Our friendship is built on tr

11、ust.,4.It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2,500-horsepower engine.30 feet in length 30英尺长 in length=long还有相同用法的词有:30英尺高 30英尺宽 30英尺深,30 feet long,high wide deep.,30 feet in height 30 feet in width 30 feet in depth,30 feet high 30 feet wide 30 feet deep,at full length 伸展全身at length 充分地,详细地,5.Alth

12、ough Campbell reached a speed of over 304 miles per hour,he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run.reach a speed of.达到.的速度 e.g.达到100公里每小时 reach a speed of 100 kilometres per hour have great difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事很困难,做某事很费劲 have problem/trouble(in)d

13、oing sth.,6.After his attempt,Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour.attempt n.尝试,企图,试图e.g.他试图获得头奖,但却失败了。He failed in his attempt to win the first prize.attempt v.尝试(相当于try)尝试做某事 be disappointed to learn sth.失望地得知某事,沮丧地得知某事,attempt to do sth.,try to do

14、sth.,(that+从句),e.g.她沮丧地得知她没有通过考试。She was disappointed to learn that she didnt pass the exam.,7.Like his father,he was driving a car called Bluebird.like prep.像一样,如般(谚)Like father,like son.look like 像.,有其父,必有其子。,e.g.她长得像她妈妈。She looks like her mother.,1.他踏着父亲的足迹来到了西部._ _ _ _ _,he went to the west.2.这条

15、河有360英里长.This river is _ _ _ _.3.许多运动员在奥运会上开创了世界纪录.Many players _ _ _ _ _ in the Olympic Games.4.他以每小时180英里(的速度)开车.He drives his car _ _ _ _ _.,Do some exercise,Following in his fathers footsteps,360 miles in length,set up new world records,at 180 miles per hour,Thank you!,唐纳德马尔科姆坎贝尔二等勋位爵士是英国的速度纪录保持

16、者。坎贝尔在20世纪50年代和60年代打破了8个世界速度记录。他也是唯一在同一年(1964年)创下陆上速度记录和水上速度记录的人。,1921年3月23日,唐纳德坎贝尔出生在泰晤士河上游的金斯敦,是著名路上速度记录与水上速度记录保持者马尔科姆坎贝尔先生与夫人桃乐西伊芙琳的儿子。唐纳德的父亲曾在上世纪二十至三十年代在世界速度记录史上创下13项纪录,立下赫赫战功,其蓝鸟号赛车与赛艇更是有划时代的意义。,坎贝尔在阿宾汉姆学校毕业。在第二次世界大战前夕他自愿为皇家空军服务,但因为患病没能参军。他加入了布里格斯电机有限公司,他曾在这里成为一个维修工程师。他父亲曾在一次路上速度记录中出了爆胎事故,因此他不允许自己家族的子女再驾驶超级赛车。坎贝尔父亲在1948年去世后,更年轻的坎贝尔并没有理会父亲的戒令,而是凭家族一贯的勇于冒险的精神奋力地去挑战陆上与水上速度记录。,坎贝尔的蓝鸟C N 7号火箭车现在在英国汉普郡的国立汽车博物馆展示着。,


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