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1、First listen and then answer the question,*Why was the girl in hospital?,Her boat had hit a rock and she had spent the whole night in the water.,Kew words&Expressions,New Knowledge?What is it?Lets start!,1.darkness n.黑暗E.g.out of the darkness 冲出黑暗 in the darkness 在黑暗中 在黑暗中我们什么都看不清。We could not see a

2、nything in the darkness.*构词法 adj.+ness=n.dark+ness=darkness 黑暗,阴郁 good+ness=goodness 善良,美德,仁慈 careful+ness=carefulness 仔细,慎重 happy+ness=happiness 幸福,storm,darkness,2.explain vt.解释,辩解explanation n.说明,解释explain sth.to sb.向某人解释某事explain+that/wh-(从句)因为汤姆迟到了,他不得不向老师解释原因。Because Tom was late,he had to exp

3、lain the reason to the teacher.Tom was late and he explained that the bus had broken down.请向我解释一下他是如何完成这项工作的。Please explain to me how he finished the work.,3.coast n.海岸E.g.海滨城市 a town on the coast辨析:coast,shore,beach,bank Coast:临近海或洋的较宽阔或狭长的地域(海岸,海滨)Shore:湖或海的边缘或水边的狭长陆地(海岸,海滩)比coast范围小Beach:(shore的倾

4、斜部分)往往在涨潮时候被漫过 常指沙地或卵石的海边bank:(江河,溪流的)河岸,常指与河水相接的地面,范围渐小,4.storm n.暴风雨 sand storm 沙尘暴,5.towards prep.向,朝;接近 下了公车,他向着他的公司走去。After getting off the bus,he walked towards his company.You should know that your attitude towards study is not correct.我们要努力朝成功前进。We have to try hard towards success.,6.rock n.

5、岩石,礁石 n.摇滚乐 rock music vt.震惊这艘船触礁了。The boat struck a rock.总统遇刺震惊了全国。The Presidents murder rocked the nation.,Do you know other styles of music?folk 名族jazz 爵士乐pop 流行音乐light music 轻音乐classical 古典音乐rap 说唱音乐,7.light n.灯光;灯 v.点燃;照亮 adj.轻的In the dark I saw him light a light,and the light lit the room.The

6、light is so light that even a child can carry it.搭:in(the)light of 鉴于,8.ahead adv.在前面;向前;提前放在被修饰词的后面作定语,定语后置 There is a light ahead 前方的灯光ahead of 在前面 He went ahead of me.go ahead 朝前走;请随便(回答请求时用)-Can I smoke here?-Go ahead./Sorry,youd better not.ahead of time 提前 Luckily,she finished her homework ahea

7、d of time.,9.cliff n.峭壁 red cliff 赤壁,10.struggle vi.挣扎,斗争struggle for(=fight for)为而斗争 In America,the black people are always struggling for their equal rights as a human.struggle against(with)向/与作斗争 同搏斗 In this film,human struggled against the extra-terrestrial to protect the earth.,11.hospital n.医院

8、in hospital 生病住院 I heard that he has been in hospital for a couple of weeks.in the hospital 在医院里 My aunt works in the hospital as a nurse.,Further notes on the text,Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.主从复合句几乎过了一个星期,那姑娘才能讲述自己的遭遇。这句话有两个从句。Before一直到结尾是句子的时间

9、状语从句。在这个从句中,what had happened to her为explain的宾语从句。(2)before在引导时间状语从句时,有时不一定译为“在之前”,虽然表达的是这个意思,如文中的这句话。类似的情况有:It will be months before he can come back.要过好几个月他才能回来。He ran off before his mother could stop him.他母亲还没来得及阻止他,他就跑掉了。,(1).be able to and cancan表示总的能力或客观存在的能力,而be able to 表示的是特定的、具体的能力,强调不仅具备了某

10、种能力,而且还实际做到了或将会做到。He could walk forty miles a day in the past.(具备这种能力,但不一定实际去做。)He was able to walk forty miles a day last year.(不仅具有这种能力,而且实际做了。),(2).what happen to sb.某人发生了什么事what had happened to sb.是它的过去完成时态 过去完成时指的是“过去的过去”,即在过去的某一时刻之前或过去发生的某事之前发生的事情,用had+P.P 表示We(hold)a sports meeting last week.

11、He told me that he(have)a good time in London.,2.One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。(1)set out表示“出发”,set out from表示“从出发”艾利森船长将于8点钟启航。Captain Alison will set out at eight oclock.set out to do 开始,着手做某事(2)be caught in表示某人“(突然)遇到/上(风暴等

12、)”他在回家途中遇到了大雨。He was caught in a heavy rain on the way home.,set,out/off出发down放下,记下up 建立about开始,着手于set to 动手干,认真开始干free 释放,使获得自由,3.Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.她在海里游了整整一夜才游到岸边。介词after的宾语是:动名词spending及这个动名词的宾语和状语。这个结构在意义上等于 after she had spent the whole night

13、 in the water。重要语法:after/before 加动名词作状语,其逻辑主语一定要与主句的主语相同。,4.During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.在那段时间里,她游了8英里。that time指上句话中提到的the whole night。during that time是过去时间状语,与cover呼应(2)cover可以笼统地表示“行过(一段路程)”,根据上下文可具体译为“走过”、“飞过”、“游过”等:这只鸟用3分钟飞完了全程。The bird covered the distance in three mi

14、nutes.(3)表示具体的距离可以用“a distance of+具体长度”这个结构。,5.high up on the cliffs 在高高的峭壁上up为形容词,表示“在上面的”、“高高的”、“在较高处的”,high为副词,修饰up。,6.On arriving at the shore,the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen.到达岸边后,姑娘朝着她看到的灯光方向挣扎着往峭壁上爬去。(1)“on+doing动名词”=as soon as或 when 引导的时间状语从句他一到机场就被警察逮捕了。On rea

15、ching the airport,he was arrested by the police.刚到家,天就开始下雨了。When she arrived home,it began to rain.如果是两个不同的主语,则不能使用“on+动名词”的结构!(2)she had seen为 the light的定语从句,关系代词 that/which省略了。(3)up 在此处为介词,表示“沿着往上”。,7.That was all she remembered.她所记得的就是这些。that指前面(从第2句话开始)描述的内容。she remembered为all 的定语从句,关系代词 that(不能

16、用which)被省略了。,关键句型用于表示方向和目的地的介词和副词(1)表示“上”、“下”的两对是on和off,up和down:Jims standing on the roof.I hope he wont fall off.吉姆正站在房顶上。我希望他不会掉下来。Toms climbing up the tree.I hope he wont fall down.汤姆正在爬树。我希望他不要摔下来。(2)表示“来”、“去”的一对是from和to、towards的意义 与to相近,表示“朝”、“向”、“接近”等;for在有些动词后面也表示“往”、“向”的意思:He came from Mosco

17、w.Hes going to New York.他从莫斯科来。他将要去纽约。He went towards the shop quickly.他快速地向商店走去。He left/set out for New York yesterday.他昨天动身去纽约了。,(3)表示“进去”、“出来“这两种方向的介词为into和out of;表示“在某个地方”或“在里面/外面”可用 at,in,out of等;表示目的地或位置往往用at:When did you come into the restaurant?你什么时候进的餐馆?We arrived in the country on Sunday.星

18、期天我们到达乡下。(范围大时用in)We arrived at the station in the evening.晚上我们到达车站。(范围小时用at),Word study,pass与past动词 pass的过去式为 passed,过去分词为 passed或past。当它作及物动词用时,可以表示“经过”、“通过(考试)”或“超过”等,作不及物动词用时可以表示“(时间等)消逝”;past可以作形容词、介词、名词等。作形容词时表示“以前的”、“过去的”等。He passed my house this morning.He walked past my house.He told me abo

19、ut his past experience.He seems to live in the past.,next与other next表示时间顺序上“紧接的”、“下一个”。如果以现在为基准,则next前一般不加the;如果以过去或将来的某一时间为基准,则 next前面要加the或其他修饰词。the other day指时间时可以有a few days ago的意思。Early next morning she saw a light ahead.We arrived in Paris on Tuesday evening.The next day we went sightseeing.I saw Mary the other day.,


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