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1、,Lesson 4,An exciting trip,Look and answer,1.What country is it about?2.Do you know anything about this country?3.What job do you think the man in the picture does?4.How do you like a trip in a kangaroos pouch?,engineer,spanner,Austalia,CanberraSydneyKangarooKola bear,【New words and expressions】,exc

2、iting adj.令人兴奋的receive v.接受,收到firm n.商行,公司different adj.不同的centre n.中心abroad adv.在国外,exciting adj.令人兴奋的,-ed:自己感到 bored relaxed interested-ing:令人感到 boring relaxing interestingAn exciting boy 令人兴奋的男孩I am excited.我很兴奋。excite v.激动(这类动词的宾语一定是人,让后面的人感到)The news excited me.这个新闻让我兴奋。,receive v.接受,收到,vt.接到,收

3、到,得到receive/have a letter from sb.vt.招待,接待You need a large room if you are going to receive so many guests.receive是“收到”,指的是一个被动的动作,主观上接受与否不清楚。(客观的收到)accept 同意接收(主观的)This morning I received a bunch of flowers from a boy,but I didnt accept it.take则是主动的“拿”、“取”I received a beautiful pen from my uncle.My

4、 brother took it from me yesterday.take 也可以作收到 take the exam 接受考试;take advice 接受建议,firm n.商行,公司,n.公司,商号company He works for an engineer firm.adj.结实的,稳固的The car is very firm.,different adj.不同的,adj.不同的,相异的(经常与from连用)be different from 与.不同We are planning something different this year.我们今年有不同的打算。My room

5、 is different from yours.My opinion is different from yours.adj.各种各样的,不同的This department store sells a large number of different things.这家百货商店出售许多各种各样的东西。He has visited many different places in China.他去过中国的不少地方。,centre B.E.n.中心,A.E.centeradj.central 中心的,中央的in the centre(of spl)central park,the city

6、centre,abroad adv.在国外(副词,直接和动词连用),go abroad 去国外live abroad 国外定居study abroad 国外学习He has lived abroad for many years.Are you going abroad for your holidays?,Enjoy the video and find the answer,Why is Tim finding this trip exciting?,Because this is his first trip abroad.,Read and answer,1.What job does

7、 Tim do?2.Where does he work?3.Has he visited a lot of places in Australia?4.Where will he visit soon?5.How will he get to Perth?6.Where is he now?,Read the text and say sth.about Tim,In Australia,six months,engineer,work,firm,a great number of,just,car,has gone to,Alice Springs,in the centre of,Dar

8、win,Perth,I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim.He is in Australia.He has been there for six months.Tim is an engineer.He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice spring

9、s,a small town in the centre of Australia.He will soon visit Darwin.From there,he will fly to Perth.My brother has never been abroad before,so he is finding this trip very exciting.,I have just _ a letter_my brother,Tim.He is in Australia.He has _ there for six months.Tim is an engineer.He is workin

10、g _a big firm and he has already _a great number of different places in Australia.He has just _ an Australian car and has _to Alice Springs,a small town in the centre of Australia.He will soon visit Darwin.From there,he will fly to Perth.My brother has never _ abroad before,so he is finding this tri

11、p very exciting.,receivd,from,been,for,visitd,bought,gone,been,1、I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim.,同位语:一个名词(或短语等)与另一个名词(或短语)并列而作为其说明或限定成分时称为同位语。同位语与它所补充说明的成分之间用逗号隔开。在译成汉语时,同位语或者插入主句中,或者另译为一句,很少像英语中那样用逗号隔开。This is John,one of my best friends.这位是约翰。他是我最好的朋友之一。Mrs.Smith,my neighbore,ha

12、s never been abroad.我的邻居史密斯夫人从来没有出过国。,2、He has been there for six months.,I have arrived in Beijing.(arrive 是瞬间动词不能和段时间连用)has been+in 地点He has been in Beijing for one year.He has been in America for tow years.,3、He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different plac

13、es in Australia.,work for 在上班/任职,强调workwork in 强调地点(在哪个地方上班)work at 上班a number of后面一定要加可数名词复数;通常number前有great,large,good,small,certain等形容词,数量大小也随之改变。a great number of 类似于,约等于a lot of;A large/great number of our students are Danish.There are a small number of spelling mistakes in your homework.a lot

14、of 可加可数名词也可加不可数名词I have a lot of friendsI have a great number of friends.,4、He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs,a small town in the centre of Australia.,has gone to 去了某地没回来has been to 曾经去过某地,现在不在那个地方Have you been to Paris?,6、My brother has never been abroad before,so h

15、e is finding this trip very exciting.,before在句子后是副词,译为“在此之前”,是现在完成时态的标志find作“发现”、“发觉”讲时宾语往往带补足语(一般为形容词),说明宾语的状况、性质等。find+宾语+形容词做宾补find the room cleanfind her happybe finding在口语中经常使用 Im finding.Were finding.,Key structures,firm=company:Co.Ltd.;corporation limited;transnational corporation;receive,acc

16、ept,take,bring a great/large number of/a great many of 都是修饰可数名词?go/travel/study/live/abroad 同位语(appositive)is finding this trip very exciting-exciting做什么成分?为何要用进行时态?会1/4has never been abroad/has gone to 现在完成时,Australia Australian engine engineer engineeringDifferent 不同的,重要的Eg:its very different whet

17、her you study well or not.center=centre,Present Perfect,present(now),future,past,do my homework,Mother:John,clean your teeth please.,John:Mum,I have already(已经)cleaned them.,comb your hair-have combed it wash your hands-have washed them study for English test-have studied for it tell me the truth-ha

18、ve told you everything visit your grandpa-have visited him listen to the English tape-have listened to it,Mother:John,clean your teeth please.,John:Mum,I have already cleaned them.,现在完成时,一.构成:have/has+done(过去分词)过去分词(pp)其变化方法和动词过去式基本相同。有部分不同,需要记好。He has lived in Shenzhen for 4 years.Has he lived in S

19、henzhen for 4 years?Yes,he has./No,he hasnt.,二:用法:1)现在完成时表示过去发生的动作,并对现在有影响。Someone has broken the window.(窗户现在是坏的)I have already lost the key.(我现在没有钥匙)I havent read that book yet.(不了解书的内容)I have just cleaned my hands.(手是干净的),常与already(已经),yet(还(没)),just(刚刚),ever(曾经)等词连用.,already:常用于肯定句中.yet:常用于否定句,疑

20、问句尾.,Translate the following sentences.,你已经找到你的书了吗?(find-found)他们在这个城市建了许多房子.(build-built)Judy还没到达.(arrive-arrived)你吃过早饭了吗?(have-had)她刚刚离开.(leave-left),Have you found your book yet?,They have built many buildings in this city.,Judy hasnt arrived yet.,Have you had your breakfast?,She has just left.,P

21、resent perfect and simple past,Sam got sick two days ago.,Sam has been sick for two days.,Sherry got her drivers license in 1999.,Sherry has had her drivers license since1999.,Arnold started to play tennis in Jan.,Arnold has played tennis since Jan.,Maggie moved to Hawaii in 1996.,Maggie has lived i

22、n Hawaii for about 8 years.,现在完成时,二:用法:2)现在完成时表示从过去一直持续到现在的动作或状态。She has learned English for 5 years.He has lived in Beijing since(自从)he was born.Have you stayed here since(自从)3 oclock?,常与for,since引导的时间短语或从句连用.,for+时间段since+时间点,since+句子,since:(自以来)1)since+时间点Hehasstayedheresince5oclock.2)since+时间段+a

23、goHehasstayedheresince5hoursago.3)since+从句ShehastaughtEnglishsincehecamehere.for:(长达)for+时间段He has kept the book for 2 weeks.,since,for 的用法:,Take notes,用for 或since填空,Mr.Brown has had his TV _ 15 years.Ive taken driving lessons _ last month.My sister has had her cell phone _ a month.My friends havent

24、 visited me _ my birthday.We havent used our car _ a long time.She hasnt had a good cup of coffee _ years.Tom has worn glasses _ he was 7 years old.,for,since,for,since,for,for,since,用for或since完成下列句子。1.Jill is in Ireland now.She arrived there three days ago.She has been there for three days.2.Jack i

25、s here.He arrived here on Tuesday.He has _3.I know Sue.I first met Sue two years ago.Ive _.4.I have a camera.I bought it in 1989._.5.Dave plays the piano.He started when he was seven years old._.,been here since Tuesday.,known Sue since two years ago./for two years.,I have had the camera since 1989.

26、,Dave has played the piano since he was seven years old.,learned English?,had your watch?,studied in our school?,had your current hairstyle(发型)?,known your best friend?,worn your glasses?,按要求改变句子。1.She has done her homework.(改否定句)2.She has already told us the news.(改否定句)3.The rain has already stoppe

27、d.(改一般疑问句)4.I have waited here for two hours.(划线提问)5.He has lived in ShangHai since he left Beijing.(划线提问)6.They have bought a new car,_ _?(反义疑问句)7.She has learned French since 2002.(同意句)She has learned French _ 2 years.She has learned French _ 2 years _.,She hasnt done her homework.,She hasnt told

28、us the news yet.,Has the rain stopped yet?,How long have you waited here?,havent they,for,since,ago,Where has he lived since he left Beijing?,常用于现在完成时的时间副词,介词:already(已经):用于肯定句I have already posted the letter.yet(已经):用于否定句,疑问句 He hasnt done his homework yet.just(刚刚)They have just left.ever(曾经)Have y

29、ou ever been to Beijing?never(从不)I have never seen him.before(以前)Have you seen the film before?since(自从以来)Ive worked in the school since 1999.for(长达)Hes lived in Shenzhen for 6 years.in the past several days/weeks/years(在过去的)recently(最近)I have not written to my parents recently.so far(到目前为止)So far s

30、he has learned 5 English songs.up to now(到目前为止)this morning/month/year(今天早上/这个月/今年),41,Translate them into English.,1.你以前做过风筝吗?2.我从来没有见过这么奇怪的人3.到现在你学了多少英语单词?4.这部电影他已经看过5遍了.5.最近有没有读一些有趣的书?6.在过去几天里,你吃了什么?7.自从她搬到上海以后,我就没见过她.,Have you made a kite before?,Ive never seen such a strange man.,How many Engli

31、sh words have you learned so far?,He has already seen this film 5 times.,Hare you read any interesting books recently?,What have you eaten in the past several days?,I havent met her since she moved to Shanghai.,瞬间动词的完成时态,瞬间动词可以有完成时态,但是不和段时间状语连用。如果要表达出段时间状语,就要对瞬间动词进行变化,变成对状态的陈述,则可以持续。,实义动词分为:1)瞬间动词 2

32、)延续动词,瞬间动词,注意:瞬间动词不能和时间段连用.,动作,die,be over,leave,borrow/buy,arrive,begin,end/finish,join,marry,keep/had,be away,be here,be on(上演),be married,be in,be dead,他的爷爷已经去世2年了。Nick 参军3年了.他离开深圳好长时间了。这本书我已借了4个月了.,His grandpa has died for 2 years.,Nick has joined the army for 3 years.,He has left Shenzhen for a

33、long time.,I have borrowed the book for 4 months.,X,X,X,X,实义动词分为:1)瞬间动词(die,join,leave,borrow等)2)延续动词(wait,know,learn 等),注意:瞬间动词不能和时间段连用.,他的爷爷已经去世2年了。Nick 参军3年了.他离开深圳好长时间了。这本书我已借了4个月了.,His grandpa has been dead for 2 years.,Nick has been in the army for 3 years.,He has been away from Shenzhen for a

34、long time.,I have had/kept the book for 4 months.,has been,has worked,has been in,has been in,since,member for,6.The bus left five minutes ago.The bus _ already _ _ for five minutes.7.The girl bought a new school bag in September.The girl _ _ the school bag since September.8.The shop closed last win

35、ter.The shop _ _ _ since last winter.9.The film began ten minutes ago.The film _ _ _ for ten minutes.10.The dog died two days ago.The dog _ _ _ for two days.11.The meeting ended last month.The meeting _ _ _ for a month.,has been away,has had,has been closed,has been on,has been dead,has been over,Le

36、arning more about present perfect tense.,1 A:Where is your father?Steve?B:Oh,he has gone to Shanghai for a meeting.,The person is not here.,2 A:Where have you been these days,Tom?B:I have been to Tibet.A:Oh,really?Was it great fun?B:Yes,very exciting.,The person has come back and he is here.,I have

37、never been to London before.,She has been to China many times.,have been to swh.:曾经去过某地,已经回来has gone to swh.:某人去了某地,还没有回来,用have/has been to,have/has gone to填空:1.Where is your brother?He _ the shop.Hell be back soon.2._ you ever _ to America?Yes,I _ New York twice.3.Here you are at last!Where _ you _

38、?I _ London.4.David _ Australia.Im sure hes already arrived.5.Is Benny here?No,he _ the school library.He left five minutes ago.,has gone to,Have been to,have been to,have been,have been to,has gone to,has gone to,选择been,gone填空.1.Jim is on holiday.He has _ to Italy.2.Hello!I have just _ to the shops

39、.I have bought lots of things.3.Alice is not here at the moment.She has _ to the shop to get a newspaper.4.Tom has _ out.He will be back in about an hour.5.“Are you going to the bank?”“No,I have already _ there.”,gone,been,gone,gone,been,根据情景用动词的适当形式填空A:I _(not see)George since he_(leave)this school

40、 a year ago._ you ever _(see)him again?B:Yes,I have.I _(meet)him a few days ago.A:Where _ you _(meet)him?B:I _(meet)him in the museum.He was looking at some paintings when I _(see)him.We _(say)hello to each other.,havent seen,left,have,seen,met,did meet,met,saw,said,练习,Page 25-27,1-2 DB3-7 ABBAC8-12 BCACC,Retell the story,Received-in Australia-has been there for six months-engineer-working for a firm-already visited-agreat number of-has just bought-has gone-Alice Springs-a small town-Darwin-From there-fly to Perth-has never been abroad-so-finding-exciting,Thank you for listening!,


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