1、环境工程专业英语,Professional English for environmental engineering,遵守上课纪律,不要迟到、早退授课方式:朗读专业单词、翻译、以小组形式讨论制作PPT,上台讲解(占15)的成绩)考试方式:开卷,90 min考试内容:书本上、课外降解的单词;句子的中英文翻译成绩评定:平时成绩30%;考试成绩70%相互沟通,PART 1 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING,Unit 1 Text:Environmental Engineering 环境工程,The objective of this book is
2、 to introduce engineering and science students to the interdisciplinary study of environmental problems:their causes,why they are of concern,and how we can control them本书的目的是使工科和理科学生对环境问题的跨学科的研究有所了解:环境问题的起因,环境问题受关注的原因,如何控制环境问题。Information on the basis causes of environmental disturbances造成环境破坏的基本原因B
3、asis scientific knowledge necessary to understand the nature of environmental problems and to be able to quantify them 了解环境问题的性质并且量化环境问题所必需的基本科学知识 Current state of the technology environmental control in its application to water,air and pollution problems环境控制技术在水、大气和固废污染问题方面应用的现状,Considerable gaps i
4、n our current scientific knowledge of understanding and controlling many of the complex interactions between human activities and nature在理解和控制在人类活动和自然界复杂的相互作用上所需的科学知识的巨大差异 Many environmental problems which could be eliminated or reduced by the application of current technology,but which are not deal
5、t with because of societys lack of will to do so,or in many instances because of a lack of resources to do so.很多环境问题利用现有的技术是能够得到消除或降低的,但为什么却没有实施,原因就在于社会不愿意去做,或者缺乏必需的资源。,Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us;that which we can see,hear,touch,smell,and taste.环境:是指我们周围的物理和生物生
6、境,我们可以看到,听到,触到,闻到和感受到这些事物。System.according to Wehster s dictionary,is defined as“a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unit or organic whole;as,a solar system,irrigation system,supply system,the world or universe”.系统:根据韦氏字典的定义,就是“一系列有联系或有关系的事物形成的一个有机整体或一个单元”,像太阳系、灌溉系统、供
7、应系统、世界或宇宙。,Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical,chemical,or biological characteristics of the air,water,or land that can harmfully affect the health,survival,or activities of humans or other living organisms.污染可以定义为空气、水和陆地的物理、化学或生物性能受到了被迫性的改变,对人类的健康、生存和活动或其他生命机体造成了伤害 Whe
8、n the goal of improving environmental quality is taken to be improving human well being.the word“environment”broadens to include all kinds of social,economic,and cultural aspects.当改善环境质量目标用来改善人体健康时,环境这个词的含义就拓宽到包括各种社会、经济和文化方面。,Such broadness is unworkable in many real situations and impractical in a
9、textbook designed for a one-semester course.事实上,这样的扩展对许多情况是不可行的,而且在教科书上设定为一个学期的课程也是不切实际的。Our examination of environmental problems is therefore limited by our definition of“environment”.因此,我们对环境问题的应对受我们的“环境”定义的限定A number of different environmental problems are associated with water,air,or land syste
10、ms.许多不同的环境问题跟水、大气和土壤圈密切相关,Many of these problems will apply only within one of these systems,justifying the breakdown into these categories.而许多问题只适用于其中一个系统,正因为此这也说明了上述分类的合理性Moreover,it is sensible because,for managerial and administrative reasons,such subfields as air pollution,water supply,wastewat
11、er disposal,and solid waste disposal are often dealt with separately by governmental agencies.并且从行政管理方面看也是合理的,空气污染、供水、废水处理和固体废物处置,这些单个环境问题都被政府部门分开单独处理 Unfortunately,many important environmental problems are not confined to an air,water,or land system,but involve interactions between systems.事实上,许多重大
12、的环境问题并不局限于大气、水或土壤圈中的某个单一系统,而是各系统之间相互作用。,Such a classification is also useful for easier comprehension of related problems within one system.这种分类方法有助于我们更好的理解同一系统的相关问题。A current example is the acid rain problem stemming from the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases into the atmosphere f
13、rom the stacks of generating stations,smelters,and automobile exhausts.一个典型的例子是由于从许多发电站、冶炼厂和汽车尾气向大气释放的二氧化硫和氮氧化物造成的酸雨问题。,These gases are then transported by air currents over wide regions,Rainfall“washes them out”,creating acid rain which is harmful to aquatic life,forests,and agricultural crops.这些气体
14、被气流输送到更广的区域,然后经降雨的冲刷后形成了酸雨,这对水生生物、森林和农作物有危害。Two examples of interaction between systems that cause major environmental disturbances are presented-the buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide,a global problem.and the acid rain problem,normally of regional nature.对各系统间的相互作用造成了较大的环境破坏这里给出了两个例子,一个是全球性问题即大气
15、中二氧化碳的逐渐增加,另一个是酸雨问题,通常是区域性问题。,The production of more and better quality food越来越丰富、越来越好吃的食品The creation of housing as protection from extremes from climates and as living space创造了可以保护我们免受极端气候并作为生活空间的房子 The building of fast and reliable means of transportation方便快捷的交通运输系统The invention of various system
16、s of communication各类通讯系统的发明The invention of machines to replace human or animal power代替人力和动物的机器发明 The supply of safe water and the disposal of wastes安全引用水的供应与废物的处置 The elimination of many infectious diseases许多传染病的消灭,The elimination of most water-borne diseases in the developed world through improved
17、 water technology在发达国家通过改进水处理工艺消除了大多数水传染病 The availability of leisure time through greater productivity,providing the opportunity for cultural and recreational activities由于高效的生产效率,用于文化娱乐的时间增加了 The protection from the worst effects of natural disasters such as floods,droughts,earthquakes,and volcanic
18、 eruptions.保护我们不受例如洪水、干旱、地震和火山喷发等自然灾害的恶劣影响,With these improvements,however,have come disturbing side effects,such as lost arable land,disappearing forests,environmental pollution,and new organisms resistant to controls.尽管有所改进,但也带来了负面效应,比如可耕地的消失、森林的消失、环境污染和新生物入侵等。Many effects originally considered to
19、 be just nuisances are now recognized as potential threats to nature and to human.许多影响一开始被认为只是一点小问题,但现在被认识到对自然和人类都存在潜在的危害。,In an agrarian society,people lived essentially in harmony with nature,raising food,gathering firewood,and making clothing and tools from the land.在农业社会,人们依靠精耕细作、烧柴做饭、手工裁衣、制造工具,
20、与自然和谐相处。The wastes from animals and humans were returned to the soil as fertilizer.Few,if any,problems of water,land,or air pollution occurred.人和动物产生的垃圾作为肥料返耕。所以水、土壤和大气污染的情况很少发生。The cities of ancient times,particularly those of the Roman Empire had systems to supply water and to dispose of wastes.古代
21、时期,特别是罗马帝国时期,拥有完善的供水和排水系统。,The aqueducts supplying the ancient city of Rome(population about 1 million)with safe water from the Cloaca Maxims,the best known and one of the earliest sewers to be built,are examples of such systems.用水管从世界上最早建造的天下闻名的Cloaca Maxima向罗马城(大约百万人口)输送饮用水,就是其中的一个例子。The municipal
22、 technology of ancient cities seems to have been forgotten for many centuries by those who built cities throughout Europe.几个世纪以来,整个欧洲城市的建筑者们忘记了古代城市的市政工程。Water supply and waste disposal were neglected,resulting in many outbreaks of dysentery,cholera,typhoid.and other waterborne diseases.人们忽略了供水和排水,导致
23、痢疾、霍乱、伤寒和其他水源性疾病多次爆发,Until the middle of the nineteenth century,it was not realized that improper wastes disposal polluted water supplies with disease-carrying organisms.直到19世纪中期,人们才意识到不正确的废物处置方式污染了水源,导致水体携带病原体。The industrial revolution in nineteenth-century Britain,Europe,and North America aggravat
24、ed the environmental problems since it brought increased urbanization with the industrialization.19世纪英国、欧洲和北美的工业革命带来的城市化和工业化加速了环境恶化 Both phenomena,urbanization and industrialization,were and are fundamental causes of water and air pollution which the cities of that time were unable to handle.无论是现在还是
25、过去,城市化和工业化这两种现象是水和大气污染的根本原因,这是那个时期的城市所无法处理的。,Rapid advances in technology for the treatment of water and the partial treatment of wastewater took place in the developed countries over the next few decades.在接下来的几十年里,水处理技术和部分废水治理技术在发达国家得到了快速发展。This led to a dramatic decrease in the incidence of waterb
26、orne diseases.Note that all wastes discharge into the environment,and thus pollute our water,air,and land systems.水传染性疾病的发病率随之也急剧减少。记住:排放到环境的所有废物,它们污染了我们的水、大气和土壤。,Unit 2 Historical Overview of Hazardous Substance Disposal in the USA 美国的危险废弃物处理历史概要,Hazardous substance disposal practices in the United
27、 States have traveled full circle.在美国,对有害物质处置的实行基本上没有进展(绕了一整圈)Prior to 1978 there were few if any regulations regarding the disposal of these materials.1978年以前几乎没有什么关于废弃物处置方面的法规。Improper disposal of many of these chemicals resulted in health problems for many citizens,contaminated water supplies,and
28、 destruction of wildlife.许多化学品的不当处置导致了居民的健康问题、饮用水污染和野生生物的减少,With the enactment of the Resource Conversation and Recovery Act(RCRAY1 of 1978,manufacturing facilities now have an obligation to account for all waste materials that are generated by the facility.Implementation of RCRA has been slow.随着197
29、8年资源回收保护法(RCRA)的颁布,现在工厂(企业)有义务对它们产生的所有废物进行处置。但RCRA法规的实施进展(执行)缓慢。From the very early industrial period in the United States,which started about 1920,until several years after the Second World War,there was little concern for the proper methods of disposal of waste materials that were generated as by-
30、products during manufacturing processes.从美国的最早期工业时代,大约是1920年,到二战后的若干年,很少对加工过程中以副产品形式产生的废物的正确处置方法给以关注,Up until the 1960s it was quite common to find fresh water rivers and streams fouled with waste chemicals from manufacturing,salt water from oil production wells and waste acids from steel mill activ
31、ities.直到六十年代,(经常会发现)淡水河流和溪水被工厂的废弃化学品、油井的咸水和钢厂操作产生的废酸污染是(一个普遍的现象)。Virtually every conceivable waste oil,solvent,or resin waste could be found in the rivers.在河里,几乎可以找到任何一种你想得到的废油、溶剂和树脂垃圾。The laws of the time were either non-existent or not enforced.The literature has many examples of health problems o
32、f individuals as well as destruction of fish and wildlife habitat.Many other cases occurred that were not reported in the literature.这时期,这方面的法律要么没有,要么没有法律效力(加强)。关于居民个人健康问题以及鱼类和野生生物栖息地受到破坏的报道屡见报端。当然,还有很多其他没有报道的案例。,Other waste materials were dumped haphazardly in makeshift excavations either at the fa
33、ctory side or throughout the country aide.其它废弃物随意倾倒在工厂旁边或乡下临时挖的坑里。Because of ignorance and lack of economic incentives to do so,the factories made no attempt to prevent contamination of underground water supplies by the chemicals that were disposed of.由于忽视以及缺少经济利益刺激,工厂并没有试图阻止被弃置的化学品污染的地下水供应 In fact,
34、knowledgeable scientists of the time accepted land irrigation and percolation into the porous underground formations as methods of waste treatment.事实上,那个时代的专家认可了把土地灌溉和地下多孔介质过滤法作为废物处理的方法。,Although these treatment methods may have been intended for non-hazardous materials,they were employed for hazard
35、ous materials as well.Again,there were no governmental regulations protecting the underground aquifers from these practices.尽管这些处理方法原本只计划用于处理无害(一般)废物,但那时也用来处理有害(危险)废物。此外,没有任何政府部门的法规来针对这些处置方法保护地下含水层 The problem of disposal of hazardous chemicals did not improve with the creation of the Environmental
36、Protection Agency(EPA)in 1966.危险废弃物处置问题并没有随着1966年美国环保署的成立得到重视(改善)。The first task of the new agency was to clean up rivers and streams.Unfortunately,no one in power in the government at the time had insight into the problems that were to be created by the new agency.新机构的首要任务是清理河道和湖泊。但当时政府里在政的人员中没有人洞察
37、(深刻的了解)到新的部门将会产生(怎样)的问题,The EPA was quite successful in those early days in the enforcement of the many water pollution laws that evolved.成立早期,环保署在许多逐渐形成的水污染法律(法规)的执法(执行)方面取得了很大成功。As the practice of the dumping of hazardous materials into the rivers and streams was eliminated,those same materials cr
38、eated other disposal problems.当向河流和溪水排放有害物质行为被禁止了时(当有害物质不再向河流和溪水排放时),这些有害物质又引发了其它的处置问题,Many of the chemicals saved from the sewer were either worthless or of such a low value as to render recovery uneconomical.In some cases,recovery was technically impossible.从污水中回收化学物质是不经济的,因为许多这些物质要么没有价值要么价值低(以至于不
39、够补偿回收它们所用的资金)。在有些情况下,没有可行的回收技术(回收在技术方面是不可行的)As a result,the waste chemicals were disposed of by any convenient method.the makeshift dumps sites were expanded.结果,这些废弃化学品就以任意方便的方式处理,而临时倾倒地点则在扩张着。,Because there were no regulations regarding disposal,persons with no technical expertise entered into the
40、business of waste disposal.由于没有任何相关法规规范处置方法,一些没有任何专业技术的从业人员进入到了废弃物商业处理领域。The profits were high because these individuals did not treat the chemicals.由于这些人并没有真正处理这些化学垃圾,所以他们获利颇丰。In most cases,the waste materials were transported to impounding areas located on privately owned land.绝大多数时候,那些固体废弃物仅仅被运送并
41、堆放到私人领地上的蓄水区。The factories that generated the waste felt secure in the belief that the waste transporter was disposing of the materials in an acceptable manner.In most cases,this was not a correct assumption.制造这些垃圾的工厂就产生了这样一个心安理得的想法,即以转移方式来处置废弃物是一个可接受的方案。事实上,这种想法是不正确的。,The unregulated dumps grew bot
42、h in size and complexity.不规范的倾倒(未受管理的废物堆)在规模和复杂性上日益增长 When the dumps were in close proximity to populated areas or public water supplies,a series of problems begin to develop.当这些垃圾堆日益接近居民区或者水源地(公共供水点)时,一系列问题开始暴露出来。Citizens in the vicinity of some of the dumps began to experience adverse health probl
43、ems such as skin rashes,paralysis,cancer,and birth defects.In some cases,these problems have been attributed to contamination from the chemicals.居住在一些垃圾堆附近的居民开始出现(遭受)严重(有害的)的健康问题,如,皮疹、瘫痪(中风)、癌症和出生畸形。在一些案例中,这些健康问题很明显是由化学污染造成的。Because of these concerns,the United States Congress enacted a new legislat
44、ion that dealt with the issues of disposal of hazardous wastes.This was the Resource Conversation and Recovery Act of 1978.由于这些利害关系,美国国会制定了一项关于处置有害(危险)废物的新法规,这就是1978年颁布的资源回收保护法,The purpose of the Act was to allow regulation of hazardous substance disposal.这部法案(法规)的目的是规范危险废物的处置。As a result,industries
45、 that generated large quantities of these waste materials now had to ensure that the materials were disposed of in the a manner that was safe for the environment.结果,法案要求制造大量危险废弃物的工厂必须确保固体垃圾得到妥善处置,并对环境无害。(现在产生大量废弃物的企业必须保证这些有害物质采用对环境安全的方法来处置)Many of the improper dumps that were created prior to the RC
46、RA legislation were created by persons with little or no financial resources.许多在RCRA法案颁布之前乱堆放的废弃物是由没有资金或资金短缺的人造成的。As a result,the cleanup of the old sides has been taken over by the government under legislation.As of this time,the results of these clean up efforts have been ineffective.结果,根据法规规定对这些旧
47、场地的清除任务(清理工作)由政府接管。因此这段时期的清理工作的努力效果并不大(效率低下),Because of the abuses and problems of the past,regulations have been enacted that force American industry to be responsible for hazardous waste disposal.由于过去的乱堆乱放所造成的问题,制定的法律法规强制要求美国工业界对危险废弃物的处置负责。The problems were brought about by a lack of economic ince
48、ntives to the industrial community.带来的问题是由于工业界缺乏经济激励机制造成的。The problems were compounded by the inexperience and lack of insight by elected governmental officials and the governmental agencies charged with the task of regulation.由于那些负责监管任务的被选举出来政府官员和政府机构没有经验并缺乏洞察力,结果使这些问题恶化了(使这个问题变得越发严重),Although suff
49、icient legislation is now in place to solve the problem of hazardous waste disposal,it is unlikely that a true solution will be achieved for 20 years or longer.虽然现在有大量的专门用于解决危险废物处置的法规,但仍然不可能在未来20年或者更长的时间将这个问题给予真正解决。Only through interaction between industry,scientists,and government regulators will t
50、rue solutions be finally realized.只有通过工业界、科学家和政府部门间的共同努力,才能最终得到解决。,Exercises 1,Life expectancy poverty-stricken smog-laden airGlobal conditions haves and have-nots underprivilegedSavanna predator environment discruptions农药 化肥 有机废物 微生物 衰减阻滞的 稀释 添加剂 合成塑料 再生,Exercises 2,Soil erosion photochemical smog