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1、,高考英语解题思路,短文填词,一、题型说明 二、短文填词题八大考点三、学生普遍存在的二大问题 四、短文填词题三大解题策略五、实战演练,主要考点:短文填词以考查实词为主,兼及虚词。,2009年福建省质检和高考试题中短文填词部分考查的要点。,.strategies:,根具体的命题特点,我们可采用:确定词 确定词性 确定词形三部曲的方式来完成。,a.确定词。解答给汉语提示的单词拼写题时,切忌不考虑句意简单翻译,汉语和英语在互译时并不是永远能一一对等的。b.确定词性。分析应填词担任的句子成分,正确判断所缺单词的词性。c.正确、工整、清楚地拼写出所填单词正确形式。,Tips:,通读全文,获取大意。根据前



4、播 equip(equipped,equipping)装备注意:quarrel,signal,travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语),3、形容词、副词:形容词与副词的区别(也可能考比较级及最高级);Simplesimply,fishfisherman,possiblepossibly 可能的,practicalpractically 实际的,4、数词:主要考序数词。容易拼错的序数词,如:1.twentytwentieth,2.ninth第九 3.forty四十 4.twelfth第十二,5.常见短语的掌握Call on号召,拜访(后接sb)/call in召集/call a

5、t拜访某地;in good health;focus on关注/concentrate on 集中注意力,6.常见从句的掌握,定语从句与宾语从句的区别 7.同义词的辨析Cloth布料/clothes衣服/clothing衣服总称,celebrate庆祝/congratulate祝贺,hungry饿/starve饥饿,disturb打搅/bother打扰,8.形近易混词的区分quality质量/quantity数量,similar相似的/familiar熟悉的,adapt适应,改编/adopt收养,采纳,首先:单词拼写问题,很多可能知道要填的单词,但拼写往往出错;其次:如何确定所填词的词性,有些


7、的单词或许不止一个词。这时更需要我们根据文中已知信息来确定。,For example:,1.They got lost in the desert and _(挨饿)to death.,解析:并列连词and 连接二谓语动词,前后一致,前面是动词got,则后面也应是动词的过去时,故只能填starved,而不会是形容词hungry.,2.Please give my _(祝贺)when you see her.3.They re going to _(庆祝)their victory with music and dancing.,解析:庆祝和祝贺在中文看来是近似的,但在英文中的区别明显。Cele

8、brate庆祝,后面接的宾语往往是胜利或是节日。而祝贺的宾语则是对个人成功等的祝贺。本题空格在动词give的后面,故应填congratulation.而68题则应是celebrate.,4.The book gives a short _(描述)of the city.,解析:很明显该处应填名词description.注意:describe和description的词性转化。,第三:单词的正确拼写,名词:动词:形容词 副词:数词和月份,星期 短语:主从复合句:,1.名词:名词的单复数的确定主要根据:(1).并列连词 and,but以及or前后的名词或代词的单复数,前后往往是一致的;(2).根据

9、主谓一致的原则,关键看谓语动词或系动词的数。,1.On the morning of April 29,2008,from 10:00 to 11:00,hundreds of millions of students from primary,middle schools and u_ all over China joined in a national student sports program.2.We aim at q rather than quantity.3.Eric came running into the room,out of b.4.Nowadays most pe

10、ople use paper _(手帕).5Spring has come,and the trees are thick with green _(叶子).,quality,universities,breath,handkerchiefs,leaves,2.动词:一定要注意动词的时态,语态及非谓语形式,这又和考查学生对动词ing及ed形式的变换的掌握能力息息相关。,1.Letting the water run while you brush your teeth w water.2.The patient kept c_ all night.3.Do you think_(游泳)is a

11、llowed in the canal.4.A fence at the back of the garden_(分开)us from the neighbors.5.I r_ Mike the moment I saw him.6 _(赢得)the support of the majority requires time,energy and devotion.7They finished _(测量)that piece of land last week.8.The boy spoke in a very low voice _(承认)he had broken the glass.,w

12、astes,coughing,swimming,separates,recognized,Winning,measuring,admitting,3.形容词:特别注意名词转化形容:Asia Asian,AustraliaAustralian,EuropeEuropean(地名等专有名词第一字母必须大写)。,1.Rice is grown in China,Japan and other A_ countries.2.The story is written by an _(澳大利亚)engineer.3.This plant is found in the _(南部)parts of the

13、country 4.She looks f_ to me,but I dont remember her names.5.My train was 20 minutes late in the morning and there was a _(相似的)delay in the evening.,similar,familiar,southern,Australian,Asian,4.副词:副词主要修饰形容词,和动词。,1.Dont be frightened by the television camera.Just speak _(自然地).2.G_ speaking,parents ca

14、re more about their childrens health than about their own.3.The telephone rang and he answered it i_.4Attention please,the game will begin(立刻).5There are only five minutes left.Well have to walk q_ to get there on time.,naturally,immediately,Generally,quickly,immediately,5.数词和月份,星期 数词:主要考序数词。,1.The

15、_(第十二)man in a football team will play if one of the other players is ill.2.Their office is on the_(第九)floor.3.Ill go and see you next_(星期六).4._(一月)is the first month of the year.,容易拼写错的数字。如:1.eighth第八2.ninth第九3.forty四十4.twelfth第十二5.twentieth第二十一个星期七天:1.Monday 2.Tuesday 3.Wednesday 4.Thursday 5.Frid

16、ay 6.Saturday 7.Sunday一年十二个月:1.January 2.February 3.March 4.April 5.May 6.June 7.July 8.August 9.September 10.October 11.November 12.December,twelfth,ninth,Saturday,January,6.短语:,1.Could you help Li and tell him how to get _ of this bad habit and return to normal life again?2.He was p_ of the Olympi

17、c Gold Medal he won for his country.3.Not paying a_ to the road can be dangerous,even deadly.4.It is important for drivers to f_(关注)on what is going on around them.,rid,proud,attention,focus,7.主从复合句:从样题分析来看,此题一般在12题左右。一般以考查从句的连接词为主,而宾语从句,定语从句以及时间状语从句的连接词出现频率较高。,1.I think _ a good idea for us Senior students to have daily sports.2.We spend an hour a day on exercise,_ is well worth doing.3.His wife is worried and afraid t drinking will destroy their happy life as well as Li Hua himself.,that,which,it/its,Good-bye!,


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