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1、2020最新托福写作高分攻略 大家参加托福考试都是奔着高分去的,对于得高分的期待也没有上限,越高越好。但是想要拿到高分,我们就要满足高分的要求。下面就和大家分享托福写作高分攻略,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作高分攻略一.了解词汇使用背景和习惯例如,英美人对landlord和peasant两词的理解与中国人截然不同。英美人对前者的理解首先是“房东”,然后才是“地主”;而peasant一词对他们来说意味着“粗俗”与“无知”,此词多少带有贬义色彩。再如propaganda一词在中国并不带有西方人所理解的贬意;而First lady (夫人)绝不能理解为汉语的原配夫人,因此在写作中应特别注

2、意这类词,否则会导致冒犯和误解。由于东西方社会历史文化的差异,许多词所引申或代表的内容也大相径庭,Phoenix在西方象征“复活”、“再生”,而汉语的这一词却表示“祥瑞”。Peach在汉语中象征“长寿”而在英语中却用以指代“特别讨人喜爱的人或物”。又比如在表示色彩的词中green是青春的颜色,常表示希望、活力,但在英语中green又与“妒忌” (to be green with envy,green-eyed)和“没有经验的”(a green horn)联系起来。如果没有广泛的阅读积累,养成经常的良好习惯,单凭想当然地选词,势必会词不达意。即使同一事物,在美国和英国也可能有不同的表达。例如:c

3、orn一词在美国指“玉米”而在英国泛指“谷物”;“地铁”在英国用tube或underground美国则用subway。此类的例子还有pavement/sidewalk, Chemists shop/drug store等。二.区分同义词才能更好地使用同义词由于历史的原因,现代英语除本族语外,还包括大量的法语和拉丁*的饲,这就使英语的同义词相当丰富。总的来讲,英语本族语大多是短词,小词,听起来朴素)亲切,大量用于口头表达:法语*的词庄重文雅,多与行政、宗教、军事、服饰等有关;拉丁*的词,书卷味浓, 如ask,question,inter-rogate这三个不同*的同义词在不同的主题、对象、情景下

4、用法就不一样。同义词除了*的不同会影响措词的选择外,它们在程度、感情色彩上也有不同。比如“瘦”可以用slender,slim,lean, thin,underweight,gaunt, lanky,skinny等来表达,而sleder表示“苗条”是褒义的,skinny却是贬义的,underweight则是中性的词。即使同是褒义词,表达的感情色彩也不同。比如little和petite两个同义词当用来描绘女子时,都意为“个子小”的,但petite同时还有“匀称”的意义,而little更强调“可爱的”或“可怜的”,根据不同的上下文,它还有“toefl.533纤小”、“娇小”或“弱小”等不同意义。因此

5、在选词表达思想时,一定要分清主题,对象及情景。另外,让中国学生头痛的是一些同义词的习惯搭配。比如large和big都指“大”,但large通常用来修饰诸如number,amount及quantity(a large number of students,a large amount of money,a large quantity of wine,etc)。但象“勇气”,“信心”,”能力”、“智慧”等表示个人素质的名词,人们通常用呷碰而不用big或large来修饰。由此可见,在英语写作实践中,区分同义词的用法是相当重要的。三.英汉无对应词汇妥善处理不是所有的英语词汇都有相应的汉语表达,一些不


7、写成she sent me the letter.而英语准确的表达应是she brought me the letter.再如“他将送朋友去机场”,如果写成He will send his friend to the airpot。就又错了。正确的表达应该是He will go to the airpot with his friend to see him off. 实际上send sth to a place 应该是请别人送去,自己不去。因此,要确定我们所选的词是否准确、恰当,单凭查词典还不行。托福写作高分离不开准确用词!大家在平时练习托福写作的时候也应该多注意这些方面,学习写作词汇的时候

8、,不仅要了解文化背景知识,还要知道如何区分使用同义词,最后还要知道如何处理无对应关系的词汇。托福写作语料:电话是否比电视影响更大【类似题目】1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The car (automobile) has had a greater effect on society than the airplane. 对于社会而言,汽车比飞机的影响更大,是否同意这个观点? (20XX年8月19日)2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement

9、:If you need to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, using e-mail/text messaging is better than using telephone/voice-messaging. 讨论棘手的问题,是不是电子邮件比电话更加合适? (20XX年3月10日)3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Good teachers are more important to a childs development t

10、han good parents. 教师比家长对于孩子的影响更大,是否认同?【托福独立写作评分标准】:1. 有效回应题目,阐明*主题。2. 逻辑条理清楚,论证充分展开。3. 内容连贯一致,衔接自然流畅。4. 遣词造句地道,语言驾驭娴熟。【头脑风暴导言】:“零电视族”、“无线互联网时代”、“手机客户端”,初见此题,这些词汇浮现脑海,所有科技产品对人们生活的影响无非是教育角度、信息角度、娱乐角度等。但是,即使是今日古稀之年的老者亦会使用微信交流,利用支付宝付费。免费的WI-FI在众多公共场所已然普及,手机之影响潜移默化,势不可挡。【作家立场】:对比电视,手机给人们的生活带来更多的便利,因此,手机更

11、多地影响了人们的生活。【*布局】:首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场二段:次支持作家立场三段:第二次支持作家立场四段:第三次支持作家立场尾段:让步不支持观点的合理性 + 再次亮明观点【思路拓展】:手机为何更多地影响人们的生活:1. 交流角度:手机因其携带便利,可助人们危机处理。例如,老人出门感到身体不适,可以打紧急求助电话。再比如,年轻女孩错过了回家的末班车,可以通过电话求助亲朋好友。2. 娱乐角度:手机阅读成为丰富人们精神生活的重要源泉。以我为例,我每日喜欢阅读和分享微信的朋友圈图文,在我遇到困境的时候,我喜欢求助于的朋友圈,通常,我的难题会迎刃而解,因此,手机成为我生活中不可缺少的

12、部分。同时,手机成为现代人增强人际关系,拓宽交友圈的不可缺少的工具。例如,春季期间,人们习惯用微信拜年,发放电子红包,让亲朋分享快乐。3. 便利角度:我喜欢旅行,在旅途中,手机APP 给我的出行带来极大的便利。我喜欢用手机软件在去哪儿网预定机票和酒店。这不仅便利省时,而且,我可比较和选择价格低廉,时间便利的航班,以及交通发达,口碑良好的酒店。我曾经自驾旅行,手机高德地图APP使我轻松抵达旅行目的地。【思路拓展】:电视为何也影响人们的生活:1.我不得不承认:电视作为重要的科技产品,对于特定人群亦有影响。以老者为例,很多人不会使用手机复杂的功能,依然通过电视了解时政,消遣娱乐。考虑到他们视力已然下

13、降,因此,电视才是他们的获取信息和娱乐放松的源泉。【原创范文】:支持电视比电话影响更大首段:背景介绍 + 作家立场Some people might fall into a dilemma when being asked to decide which is more influential in modern society,the mobile phone or the television. However, I always insist that the cell phone has been imposing greater impacts on our life.【解析】:1.

14、 Some people might fall into a dilemma when being asked to decide 当被问及到的时候,也许有些人会陷入两难选择2. However, I always insist that the cell phone has been imposing greater impacts on our life. 然而,我坚持认为,手机对人们的生活影响更大。二段:次支持作家立场First,the reason why the mobile phone enjoys more popularity is that it enables users

15、to contact others by a device that they can carry around, thus, it actually brings huge convenience to peoples communication. To illustrate, if a teenage girl misses the last bus, she can just ring her parents to pick her up. Likewise, it can be used in another emergent situation, if a senior citize

16、n feel unwell when hanging out, then, he or she can just timely contact relatives via the cell phone.【解析】:1. It actually brings huge convenience to peoples communication. 这给人们的交流带来极大的便利。2. If a senior citizen feel unwell when hanging out, then, he or she can just timely contact relatives via the cel

17、l phone. 如果老人出门感到身体不适,他可以给及时地和家人联系。三段:第二次支持作家立场Also,my personal experience can be taken as a convincing example. I am in the habit of browsing and sharing those thought-provoking articles and fascinating pictures by We-Chat almost every day. I usually resort to almighty circle of friends when I enco

18、unter some thorny problems. My difficulties,in most cases,can be effectively resolved after consulting friends suggestions. Hence, the cell phone has become an dispensable part in my life. Meanwhile,the mobile phone can effectively strengthen the interpersonal tie. More precisely,a popular trend is

19、that Chinese people now prefer to express their benedictions via We-Chat and hand out electronic lucky money during the Spring Festival.【解析】:1. I am in the habit of browsing and sharing those thought-provoking articles and fascinating pictures via We-Chat我每日喜欢阅读和分享微信朋友圈的图文。2. I usually resort to alm

20、ighty circle of friends when I encounter some thorny problems my difficulties,in most cases,can be effectively resolved after consulting friends suggestions. 在我遇到困境的时候,我通常求助于的朋友圈。通常,我的难题会迎刃而解。3. hence, the cell phone has become an dispensable part in my life. 因此,手机成为我生活中不可缺少的部分。4. The mobile phone c

21、an effectively strengthen the interpersonal tie. 手机可以增强人际纽带5. Chinese people now prefer to express their benedictions via We-Chat and hand out electronic lucky money during the Spring Festival. 在春节期间,中国人更喜欢通过微信表达祝福,分享电子红包。四段:第三次支持作家立场Last,the irreplaceable influence of the cell phone still lie in it

22、s useful App. As a fancier ofself-travel, I benefit a great deal from drawing on various cell phone App. When preparing the journey, I usually book hotels via Qunar application software. After comparing the relevant price and comments, I can freely choose those admirable and handy accommodations. Si

23、milarly, Gaode electronic map helps me quickly indentify my destination or choose the most economical and quickest public transport.【解析】:1. The irreplaceable influence of the cell phone still lie in its useful App. 手机不可替代的影响依然在于其便利的应用程序。2. After comparing the relevant price and comments, I can freel

24、y choose those admirable and handy accommodations. 对比相关价格和点评,我可自由选择那些喜爱和便利的酒店。3. Gaode electronic map helps me quickly indentify my destination or choose the most economical and quickest public transport. 高德电子地图帮助我快速定位目的地,或者,帮助我选择经济快捷的公共交通工具。尾段:再次亮明观点 + 让步不支持观点的合理性Indeed,the television is never with

25、out powerful influence, especially for the old. Many old people fail to harness complicated cell phone. Their special way of familiarizing themselves with the latest current events or entertaining themselves is still to watch Television. In this sense, television has its special group to serve. Howe

26、ver, I firmly believe that the mobile will exert greater and far-reaching influences in this new era.【解析】:1. Indeed,the television is never without powerful influence 当然,电视远非没有其强大影响。2. Their special way of familiarizing themselves with the latest current events or entertaining themselves is still to

27、 watch Television. 他们了解时事政治,自我娱乐的方式依然是看电视。3. The mobile will exert greater and far-reaching influences in this new era. 在我们这个新时代,手机将会带来更多的影响。【原创范文】:支持电视比电话影响更大首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场The 21st century has witnessed the prosperity of high-tech products, the contrivance of the telephone and television has

28、 profoundly revolutionized peoples life in many respects. Peoples views differ greatly as to whether or not telephone exerts a far more profound impact on their lives compared with television. Personally speaking, television is more influential although telephone enjoys its unique merits.【解析】:1. The

29、 contrivance of has profoundly revolutionized peoples life in many respects. 的发明在很多方面,极大地影响了人们的生活2. Personally speaking, television is more influential although telephone enjoys its unique merits. 我认为:电视的影响更大,尽管电话亦有其优点。二段: 电视为何更多地影响人们的生活:谈及电视的教育功能My first convincing argument could be easily explored

30、. A variety of television shows have been gradually becoming an effective way to entertain modern people, who are living under a pool of pressure due to academic study or heavy workload. As for those students, so busy is the study life and so huge is the study stress that they nearly have no time av

31、ailable to enjoy some amusements such as playing games or hanging out with their friends, thus, watching television greatly conduces to relaxing their bodies and easing their minds. A survey conducted by Vista can justify my stand, after polling many teenagers, many respondents claimed that having a

32、 short break via watching television is their best stress-reducer.【解析】:1. So busy is the study life and so huge is the study stress that they nearly have no time available to enjoy some amusements 学生,生活繁忙,压力巨大,以至于他们没有时间娱乐放松。2. Watching television greatly conduces to relaxing their bodies and easing

33、their minds 看电视,极其有助于他们放松身心。3. Having a short break via watching television is their best stress-reducer. 通过看电视短暂休息是他们的放松方式。三段:电视为何更多地影响人们的生活:谈及电视的娱乐功能This issue reminds me of my friend Paul, who is a father with a eighteen-year-old child. As he said, some excellent TV programs such as “Lecture Room

34、” can perfectly enact the role of educator, which can broaden childrens mental horizons and enlighten childrens wisdom. More precisely, those TV programs could exert a beneficial influence on children, namely, instructive programs could help those who are in the formative years to acquire a wealth o

35、f knowledge in different fields unconsciously.【解析】:1. Some excellent TV programs such as “Lecture Room” can perfectly enact the role of educator 一些的电视节目,例如百家讲坛可完美扮演教育者的角色。2. broaden childrens mental horizons and enlighten childrens wisdom 可以拓宽孩子视野,启迪孩子智慧。3. Instructive programs could help those who

36、are in the formative years to acquire a wealth of knowledge in different fields unconsciously. 有教育意义的电视节目可以帮助孩子们不知不觉中学习很多领域的知识。四段:电话为何也对人们的生活有影响:Indeed, I have to concede that telephone also has indispensable roles to play in modern peoples life, especially serving the function of mutual communicati

37、on. Thanks to the invention of the telephone, the distance among modern people has become more intimate. For instance, a large number of people use cell phone QQ, Skype and other App to chat with their friends or parents no matter how for they live from them. What I want to rebut,however,is that in

38、comparison with the mobile phone, television could impose more positive influence on ones mental growth, charter-training and acquisition of knowledge.【解析】:1. Telephone also has indispensable roles to play in modern peoples life 电话在人们的生活中也可以发挥不可缺少的作用。2. What I want to rebut,however,is that 但是,我想要反驳的

39、是3. Television could impose more positive influence on ones mental growth, charter-training and acquisition of knowledge. 对于个人的精神成长,性格培养,知识习得,电视的积极影响更大。尾段:再次亮明观点 + (总结理由)In a nutshell, my stand is that the limited benefits of the telephone could never outshine the entertainment and the educational b

40、enefits brought about by the television.托福写作:怎么做到善用例子如动物鸟类,现代交通方式飞机,上面的举例是简单的形式,即对单个词/短语,或说单个对象举例。我们在独立写作中会遇到对单个对象的举例,这也是大家都能做好的;但我们更常遇到的是需要对一个句子,或说多个对象互相联系而串成的观点举例的情况,这时我们就需要留意我们所举的例子的有效性了。托福写作举例的基本原则:a. 细节性原则-细于被举例者。b. 一致性原则-良好体现与要用举例证明的观点的一致对应关系,观点中的重点信息应在例子中不多不少地体现。新托福写作真经介绍的举例的具体操作方法:粗举,细举,引调查,

41、列数字。(1)粗例-粗犷的例子“粗例”即一类人、物或事,或一个公认事实的例子,说白了就是多数人都能认可的信息。寻找这类例子的时候比较轻松,只要在观点中找出可以继续细化的重点信息然后narrow down就可以了。观点1: Employers are willing to pay a premium for highly qualified applicants.粗例1: International companies desire bilingual employees and offer higher salaries to attract them.“粗例”可以建立“面”对“线”的关系,但需要注意不能太空洞,同时也要控制使用的量;粗例子需要搭配因果分析、比较论证来使用,才能使整个段落更有血肉。2020最新托福写作高分攻略


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