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1、吵穿裴俘驯砚记巳僚蔓拨族援懈欣毋墨坑希蘸偷壁领鄂摇削姬罚嘎菲峪堆雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,教学内容,科技类主要考题科技类常见观点科技类典型真题科技类词句积累,YANHONG XU,1,垃烦悲汕鲁葛蹦姜昨快起郎月缴岩宽毖附鳃意韭卢蚜钻癌利琶终嚏秽写气雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技类主要考题,科技发展的影响是正面还是负面的?科技发展是让我们的工作效率更高还是更低,空闲时间更多还是更少?科技发展对我们的文化、思想、观念、生活方式和社区有什么影响?,YANHONG XU,2,星醒钉盲扁脸炕侵狙犁慈秽妻球食影弦忌磐数饶灶甄妒朵冀项信淡中纶抉雅思写作

2、课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技类常见观点,科技发展的正面影响:生产速度加快、效率更高,人们可以在更短时间内完成工作,因此可以有更多的休闲时间。人们可以通过网络做很多事情,比如购物和处理个人财务,不用花太多时间在通勤(commutes)上。科技可能减少碳排放(carbon emissions),如无纸办公室(paperless offices)的产生。人们联系更加方便,即便行动不方便的人也可以通过网络联系家人和扩大朋友圈(expand your circle of friends)。人们获得信息的渠道更多,对产品的价格和功能更为清楚,因此促使制造商更注重质量。,YANHONG

3、 XU,3,泻礼织棒疑垫盟挽卯铁又钧眺既寞拧哀斑骄隆饲侣帅余刊熬郧指运单掩库雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技类常见观点,科技发展的负面影响:因为竞争激烈,人们需要接受在职培训和教育,工作节奏加快,压力更大,和家人交流的机会更少。因为通讯发达,人们在下班之后也能被同事和上司联系,在家里查阅工作上的电子邮件,因此工作时间实际加长;通讯的发达同时推动全球化,工作的性质也趋向于全球化,人们工作时间可能要加长。人们喜欢网络娱乐和其他媒体所提供的娱乐,因此忽视和家人交流。人们喜欢上网,不愿意出外,性格变得孤僻,和社区的联系减少。科技让人们对各种消费品的需求增加,可能导致污染。,Y

4、ANHONG XU,4,原蜕哩掳殊和础惠避奥档促寸昔飞定辫略教咕损纱滴吊缎暗洽漆杯尖贾锥雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技类典型真题,例1:Nowadays,distance-learning programs have gained in popularity(those teaching programmes that involve the use of written materials,video,television and the Internet),but some people argue that courses can never be taken

5、 as good as those by attending a college or university in person.To what extent do you agree or disagree?,YANHONG XU,5,疟撩佩恢楞始契论瑞锑砾芒烽拇狄撰仪墅遍臼甘畜竞喘蒜餐丫胸松蛾俯馏雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技类典型真题,例2:People can perform everyday tasks,such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions,without meeting

6、 each other face-to-face.What are the effects on an individual and the society?,YANHONG XU,6,淘腊瓜丘没谬帝束誓攀卵赫千悔茸斧傍俄样硬炊子扬娄畏答讫莱候票耕棍雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技类典型真题,例3:Some people support the developments in agriculture such as factory farming and the creation of new types of fruits and vegetables,while

7、others oppose this view.Discuss both views and give your opinion.,YANHONG XU,7,裁执吗充昧级陪惕鹊衙旅牛柠劈惧织爪锰腋洒肚镜什手淀掐大骡喧讼吉界雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技类典型真题,例4:Technology and sciences influence on our lives is widely acknowledged.But some people think we should also think highly of artists.To what extent do yo

8、u agree or disagree?,YANHONG XU,8,堪刮腹用萨甫袄究键颜洱鲍请肾奴圈槽严毡紧猿静是讼悄妨宏瞧诞尤升醒雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技类典型真题,例5:There are various problems associated with the use of mobile phones.In what forms do these problems appear?Do problems of using mobile phones outweigh benefits?,YANHONG XU,9,籍酌抿凯腮牲瑞敛串及怨匣笔眷圾壶狂乙澜揍抓炭

9、囤匣题纪瘦铅俱睛淖砚雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技类典型真题,例6:Public museums are no longer important because people can see the historical objects and artworks on the computer.To what extent do you agree or disagree?,YANHONG XU,10,蒜晴昨坞顿扼潘等扫池汝哄喉躲著溉福伤堡茧匝鸡娩啮区廊酶出礼冒桅讯雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技的发展,Encourage technolo

10、gical innovationAdvance scientific knowledgeAdopt new technologiesMeet new challengesIncrease/improve efficiencyBoost productivityReduce costsMeet consumers needsHas revolutionised/transformed/changed the way we communicate,YANHONG XU,11,跨恃朽口辖施碌涸桓耽碾怔皱北骗瘪拴隋薄初澎刹驱麓萨友疹套袖屁实草雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技的

11、发展,The information ageElectronic devices/equipmentAre portable and easy to use,are user-friendlyUse chemical fertilisersIncrease crop yieldPrevent food shortagesBoost farming productivityPose health risksOffer subsidies to organic famersGenetically-modified food,YANHONG XU,12,红缆乓募刀勉剁钧豁欺阂振咯钥立嚎威躁譬狮霖俱浸

12、璃矩酗噬跨诱兹缺循雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技对生活的影响,Keep in touch with their family and friendsStay connected withUse online resourcesPromote free exchange of ideas and informationOnline shops,physical shopsProvide more choicesIs easy,efficient,and more eco-friendlyCan easily compare prices and read custom

13、er reviewsDistance learning coursesCan study at their own pace,YANHONG XU,13,织织炎坎迪愤兜呐曙逐溉示劝浴炊鹿投筒焙归粉税逛沁藏详服照棉凄似馋雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技对生活的影响,Traditional/physical classroomsHave lively face-to-face discussionsDevelop good learning habitsForm close friendshipsWork from home=work remotelyHave more

14、freedomHave more flexible work schedulesCan achieve a better work-life balanceSave money on transport costsHave more job opportunities to choose from,YANHONG XU,14,兵赠每九瘸守托掺品忠锣茬槐伺淘踌抨稻限峰古贰搅瑶沁词猎侣冶山甥师雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技对生活的影响,Reduce office costsCan expand their labour poolVideo conferenceInter

15、net/game/television addictionLead to a sedentary lifestyleLead an unhealthy lifestyleStare at a computer screen for many hoursCause eye strain or heachachesSocial networking websites=online social mediaShare information and exchange ideas,YANHONG XU,15,瘩冰剧橱捕户忙历解笑赁尽奸鳞绑澈态酉剪蕊遣看浩翼厢著钝人盲少继圆雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思

16、写作课件xyh-科技类,科技对生活的影响,Interact with their friends onlineOnline dating serviceCause social isolationReduce face-to-face interactionRely too much on computersReduce ones dependence on computers/mobile phonesVideo game consolesInteractive entertainmentIncrease hand-eye coordinationStimulate imagination

17、and creativity,YANHONG XU,16,耽灸饿侍滁鹿化硒攒芽辕穿氖昂孩奴翰卜蔽黍毕页德独烩踢蓉糊怨忆耘抚雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技对生活的影响,Online educational/language/maths/quiz gamesOnline intellectual games(online chess/puzzles)Team gamescooperative gamesDiscuss strategies and plansImprove their team-building skillsBe addicted to video ga

18、mesViolent and sexual imagesMake children more aggressiveInternet/online fraudComputer hackers,be infected with email viruses,YANHONG XU,17,撩专逞尤作蝗槛寨哼滓捡冕渊疥萨州浑侮京硅谢溯火塔间练垒巫咏丁藩啸雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,科技对通讯方式的改变,Means of communicationText messaging,video chatting,interact with sbLetter writing,more si

19、ncere and thoughtfulMobile phone usersGet help quickly in an emergencyBrowse the Internet on their mobile phonesPay bills from their mobile phonesMobile gamesIs a popular leisure activity,is an important source of entertainment,YANHONG XU,18,拜笛栋喜赖停凤咖览悯娩馆北驭愿卿密赊瘫旬展斜凿坤冤瑞撒平课漫轰罕雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类

20、,科技对通讯方式的改变,mobile phone radiationToo much use of mobile phones=excessive use of mobile phonesPose health risksMay suffer from headaches and loss of concentrationCause distractions for students/driversBan mobile phone use while drivingSend text mesages,YANHONG XU,19,桑庞稿径睦侄缨途悟碉慑持部憾孙哟拜朋厄殉湍郊绽坷桶钙巧坯拯麦颅培雅

21、思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,真题解析,In the last 20 years there have been significant developments in the field of information technology(IT),for example the World Wide Web and communicate by email.However,future developments in IT are likely to have more negative effects than positive.To what extent do y

22、ou agree with this view?,YANHONG XU,20,络腹膨钓柄澈快涉征糜任勺蹿粘窥藤堰巡串序熬拒焦怒藉衷绳颤窜钓争末雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,范文赏析,The last two decades have seen enormous changes in the way peoples lives are affected by IT,with many advances in this field.However,while these technological advances have brought many benefits to

23、 the world,it can be argued that future IT developments will produce more negative effects than positive ones.,YANHONG XU,21,瓜铃质汝蹿慕怠厚稠堰装逐闰参棒炸虾李秧饿窗粒苗熏考熏仇肠抛椽经系雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,范文赏析,To begin,email has made communication,especially abroad,much simpler and faster,resulting in numerous benefits

24、for commerce and business.Furthermore,the world Wide Web means that information on every conceivable(想得到的)subject is now available to us.For example,people can access news,medical advice,online education courses and much more via the Internet.It is evident that these improvements have made life far

25、easier and more convenient for large numbers of people and will continue to do so for decades to come.,YANHONG XU,22,耸鸟壬昂声祁枉抉谤翠差做读桓甩琵看兢过您赫炉缓价负成抱恶略烁甸亲雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,范文赏析,Nevertheless(然而),the effects of this new technology have not all been beneficial.For example,many people feel that the

26、widespread use of email is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing,telephone and face-to-face communication.This could result in a decline in peoples basic ability to socialize and interact with each other on a day-to-day basis.,YANHONG XU,23,乐烈评趣喇料筋述鞭比砖志毙轻缓邢尊湾嘘搀胜绑冗能雨赶桶冉

27、痊莽西童雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,范文赏析,In addition,the large size of the Web has meant that it is nearly impossible to regulate and control.This has led to many concerns regarding children accessing unsuitable websites and viruses.Unfortunately,this kind of problem might even get worse in the future at

28、 least until more regulated systems are set up.,YANHONG XU,24,晋乃厨掣钳矽敞棠柞醒本雾簧粹箕垫简胚郸批厅幼窟敢廓踌炊矗枫掇心遮雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,范文赏析,In conclusion,developments in IT have brought many benefits,yet I believe developments relating to new technology in the future are likely to produce many negative effects that must be addressed if we are to avoid damaging impacts to individuals and society.(考官评分:7.5分),YANHONG XU,25,保傻扭郭鲤效敛累肛撼钥颧窝律郁悼被拍剥酌耶亢坤恰辉炼寸算乐拢旗惭雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,YANHONG XU,26,滔碑嗓堑囚疥樟输蕴盗脉富丘痔劈啸臭气咨靖斩傻丽夕早椽抒搽昏烹钞僳雅思写作课件xyh-科技类雅思写作课件xyh-科技类,


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