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1、目录,章节复习,Unit 4Wheres my schoolbag?Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Unit 6Do you like bananas?,Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?,根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列单词 1.在哪里_2.桌子 _3.床 _4.椅子 _5.书桌 _6.在下 _7.他(她,它)们的 _8.在上 _,基础知识梳理,重点单词,Unit 4 基础知识梳理,where,table,bed,chair,desk,under,their,on,9.知道 _10.收音机 _11.模型 _12hat _13tape _14ti

2、dy _15but _16always _17everywhere _18think _19clock _,Unit 4 基础知识梳理,know,radio,model,帽子,磁带;录音带,整洁的,但是,总是,到处;处处,想;思考,时钟,20head _21our _22sofa _,Unit 4 基础知识梳理,头,我们的,沙发,根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列短语1.在书包里_2.在床上 _3.在椅子下 _4.英语课本 _5.在沙发上 _6.在桌子下面 _7.on the desk _8.model plane _9.tape player _,重点短语,Unit 4 基础知识梳理,in_the_

3、schoolbag,on_the_bed,under_the_chair,English_book,on_the_sofa,under_the_table,在书桌上,飞机模型,录音机,10.in the bookcase _,Unit 4 基础知识梳理,在书架上,根据汉语意思完成英语句子1.“书包在哪儿?”“在桌子下面。”_ the schoolbag?Its _ the table.2.“地图在哪儿?”“我认为在你爷爷奶奶的房间。”_ the map?I think its _ your_room.,重点句型,Unit 4 基础知识梳理,Wheres,under,Wheres,in,gran

4、dparents,3.“你的书在哪儿?”“它们在椅子上。”_ _ your books?They are _ the chair.4.钥匙在书架上。The keys _ _ the bookcase.,Unit 4 基础知识梳理,Where,are,on,are,in,能力提升训练,Unit 4 能力提升训练,.词汇专练(A)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.W_ is my schoolbag?Its o_ the chair.2.My keys are u_ the bed.3.Where is my clock?Sorry,I dont k_4.The books are in the b

5、_,here,n,nder,now,ookcase,(B)根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子1Here is _ _(我的房间)2.My _ _(英语课本)is on the desk.3.Her hat is _ _ _(在她头上)4.His _(电脑)is on the bed.5.Where are the _(磁带)?,Unit 4 能力提升训练,my,room,English,book,on,her,head,computer,tapes,.单项选择()1._this a bag?Yes,_A.is;its B.Is;its C.Is;it is D.is;it is()2.Is th

6、is a ruler?_Its a pencil.A.Yes,I amB.Yes,it isC.No,it isntD.No,Im not,Unit 4 能力提升训练,C,C,()3.Where are _?_are near the computer.A.the books;TheyB.books;They C.the book;ItD.books;It()4.The model plane is _ the chair.A.in B.onC.at D.of,Unit 4 能力提升训练,A,B,()5.Wheres the CD?Sorry,_A.I canB.Im notC.it isnt

7、D.I dont know()6.Where is the football?_A.Its under the deskB.Its in the pencil boxC.Its in the eraserD.Its big,Unit 4 能力提升训练,D,A,()7.Is that _eraser?No,its _ruler.A.an;a B.a;an C.an;an D.a;a()8.Are your tapes in the bookcase?_A.Yes,I amB.No,I dont know C.Yes,they areD.No,it isnt,Unit 4 能力提升训练,A,C,(

8、)9._ is my pen?Its over there.A.What B.WhereC.How D.Who()10.You are very nice(漂亮)_A.No,Im not niceB.Thank you C.Sorry,I dontD.Yes,Im nice,Unit 4 能力提升训练,B,B,.句型专练1.The watch is_.(对画线部分提问)_ _ the watch?2Her hat is on the chair.(改为否定句)Her hat _ _ the chair.3.These are my books.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ your books?4

9、.The baseball is on the sofa.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ the baseball _ the sofa?_,it _,Unit 4 能力提升训练,on_the_table,Where,is,isnt,on,Are,these,Is,on,No,isnt,5._ _ _ _?(根据答语写出上句)My keys are in the desk.,Unit 4 能力提升训练,Where,are,your,keys,Unit 5Do you have a soccer ball?,根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列单词1.有 _2.排球 _3.篮球 _4.无聊的 _5.困

10、难的 _6.听起来好像 _7.有趣的 _8.运动 _,基础知识梳理,重点单词,Unit 5 基础知识梳理,have,volleyball,basketball,boring,difficult,sound,interesting/fun,sport,9.我们 _10.迟到 _11.注视;观看 _12.tennis _13.pingpong _14.class _15same _16love _17let _18.fun _19.play _,Unit 5 基础知识梳理,we,late,watch,网球,乒乓球,班级;(一节)课,相同的,爱;喜爱,允许;让,有趣的,玩;打(球),20.great

11、 _21.easy _22.only _,Unit 5 基础知识梳理,美妙的;伟大的,容易的;不费力的,只;仅仅,1.打篮球_2.看电视 _3.打排球 _4.听起来很有趣 _5.去同一所学校 _6.Lets go!_7.let sb.do sth._8.play tennis _9.pingpong bat_10.play computer games _,重点短语,Unit 5 基础知识梳理,play_basketball,watch_TV,play_volleyball,sound_interesting,go_to_the_same_school,我们走吧!,让_(使)_某人做某事,打网

12、球,乒乓球拍,玩电子游戏,根据汉语意思完成英语句子1“你有乒乓球吗?”“是的,我有。”_ you _ a pingpong ball?Yes,I _2.让我们打篮球吧!Lets _ _!3.我们有许多排球。We have many _,重点句型,Unit 5 基础知识梳理,Do,have,do,play,basketball,volleyballs,4.“她有足球吗?”“不,她没有。”_ she _ a soccer ball?_,she _5.那听起来很有趣。That _ _,Unit 5 基础知识梳理,Does,have,No,doesnt,sounds,interesting,能力提升训

13、练,Unit 5 能力提升训练,.词汇专练(A)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.Do you h_ a basketball?Yes,I do.2.Lets play v_3.Math is very d_.I dont like it.4.This is an i_ game.5.My sister w_ TV every day.(B)根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全句子,ave,olleyball,ifficult,nteresting,atches,1I only watch sports _ _(在电视上)2Soccer is _ _ _(对我来说很容易)3_ _(让我们)play te

14、nnis.4Do you _ _(打篮球)every day?5I have a _ _(乒乓球拍)(C)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1Sonia _(have)a sports collection.2.Lets _(play)soccer.3.That _(sound)relaxing.4.He only watches _(they)on TV.5.We have three _(baseball),Unit 5 能力提升训练,on,TV,easy,for,me,Let,us,play,basketball,pingpong,bat,has,play,sounds,them,baseba

15、lls,.单项选择()1.Li Ming_like basketball,_he likes football.A.dont;butB.doesnt;orC.doesnt;but Ddoesnt;and()2.Lets _tennis.That sounds good.A.playB.to playCplaying D/,Unit 5 能力提升训练,C,A,()3.Do you like soccer?_A.I dont like BI like itC.Yes,I do DNo,I do()4._your brother _ a great sports collection?A.Do;ha

16、ve B.Does;haveC.Does;has DDo;have,Unit 5 能力提升训练,C,B,()5.Ann_TV every day.A.watches B.watchC.looks Dsees()6.My cousin doesnt like baseball.He thinks it is _A.fun B.boring C.interesting D.good()7.I like to watch basketball games _TV.A.onBatCinDto()8.We _football.We play football every day.A.like B.lik

17、esC.dont like Ddoesnt like,Unit 5 能力提升训练,A,B,A,A,.句型专练1.I have a computer.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ you _a computer?_,I _2Tom has a basketball.(改为否定句)Tom _ _a basketball.3.My father plays sports every day.(改为一般疑问句)_ your father _ sports every day?4.Does Bill have a soccer ball?(作否定回答)No,_ _5.We play tennis.

18、(变成由Let开头的祈使句)_ _ tennis.,Unit 5 能力提升训练,Do,have,No,dont,doesnt,have,Does,play,he,doesnt,Lets,play,Unit 6Do you like bananas?,根据汉语或英语提示翻译下列单词1.喜欢_2.香蕉 _3.汉堡包 _4.西红柿 _5.橙子 _6.冰激凌 _7.沙拉_8.梨 _,基础知识梳理,重点单词,Unit 6 基础知识梳理,like,banana,hamburger,tomato,orange,icecream,salad,pear,9.吃;饮 _10.食物 _11鸡蛋 _12苹果 _13.

19、chicken _14.breakfast _15.lunch _16.dinner _17.fruit _18.vegetable _19.eat _,Unit 6 基础知识梳理,have,food,egg,apple,鸡肉,早餐,午餐,晚餐;正餐,水果,蔬菜,吃,20.question_ 21.star _ 22.healthy _ 23.fat _ 24.habit _,Unit 6 基础知识梳理,问题,星星;明星,健康的,肥的;肥胖的,习惯,根据汉语提示翻译下列短语1.排球明星 _2.健康的食物 _3.饮食习惯 _4.吃早餐 _5.吃午餐_,重点短语,Unit 6 基础知识梳理,vol

20、leyball_star,healthy_food,eating_habit,eat_breakfast,eat_lunch,根据汉语意思完成英语句子1.“你喜欢香蕉吗?”“不,不喜欢。”_ you _ _?_,I _2.让我们吃冰激凌吧。_ _ icecream.3.他们不喜欢鸡肉。They _ _ chicken.,重点句型,Unit 6 基础知识梳理,Do,like,bananas,No,dont,Lets,eat,dont,like,4.排球明星辛迪喜欢吃健康的食物。Volleyball star Cindy _ _ _ healthy food.5.就早餐而言,汤姆喜欢鸡蛋,橙子和香

21、蕉。_ _,Tom likes eggs,oranges and bananas.6.我妹妹不喜欢西红柿。My sister _ _ tomatoes.,Unit 6 基础知识梳理,likes,to,eat,For,breakfast,doesnt,like,能力提升训练,Unit 6 能力提升训练,.词汇专练(A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1I have hamburgers for b_2.Potatoes,tomatoes and carrots are v_3.Cai Yilin is my favorite singing s_4.She eats _(健康的)food e

22、very day.5.My brother doesnt like _(草莓),reakfast,egetables,tar,healthy,strawberries,(B)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1There are many _(tomato)in the basket.2Do you like these _(apple)?3She _(have)icecream for dessert.4Lots of children like _(play)soccer.5Chicken _(be)very delicious.,Unit 6 能力提升训练,tomatoes,apples,ha

23、s,playing,is,(C)词形变化1.tomato(复数)_ 2.like(三单)_ 3.potato(复数)_ 4.eat(三单)_ 5strawberry(复数)_ 6.have(三单)_ 7want(三单)_ 8.health(形容词)_,Unit 6 能力提升训练,tomatoes,likes,potatoes,eats,strawberries,has,wants,healthy,.单项选择()1.Lets have oranges._AThats sound goodBThat sound good CThats sounds goodDThat sounds good()2

24、.Does your son like carrots?_AYes,she does BYes,he is CNo,he doesnt DNo,she doesnt,Unit 6 能力提升训练,D,C,()3.He has _ egg and _hamburger.Aan;anBa;aCan;a Da;an()4.There is a _shop.It sells bananas,apples,pears and oranges.Avegetable Bfood Cfruit Ddrink,Unit 6 能力提升训练,C,C,()5.Lets _ now.Ato go to home Bto

25、go home Cgo to homeDgo home()6.What _ she have _dinner?Ado;in Bdoes;for Cis;at Dcan;to()7.There is some _ on the table.Atomato Begg Cchicken Dbanana,Unit 6 能力提升训练,D,B,C,()8._ your mother _carrots?ADo;eat BIs;eat CDoes;eat DAre;eat()9.My sister _ English very much.Alike BlikingCis like Dlikes()10.Her

26、 parents _ lunch at home.Adoesnt have Bhavent Chasnt Ddont have,Unit 6 能力提升训练,C,D,D,()11._ does Lucy like?Tomatoes.AHow BWhat CWhere DWhy()12.Aunt Li likes _bananas.Aeat Beating Ceats Deatting,Unit 6 能力提升训练,B,B,.句型专练1.Linda likes bananas and apples.(改为否定句)Linda _ bananas _ apples.2.I like tomatoes.(

27、改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ _ like tomatoes?_,I _3.She has chicken for lunch.(改为否定句)She _ _ chicken for lunch.4.Does Tom like eggs for breakfast?(作否定回答)_,_ _.,Unit 6 能力提升训练,doesnt,like,or,Do,you,Yes,do,doesnt,have,No,he,doesnt,5.She likes oranges.(改为一般疑问句)_ she _ oranges?6.Bill has eggs and apples for breakfas

28、t.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Bill _ for breakfast?,Unit 6 能力提升训练,Does,like,What,does,have,My name is Mike.I come from England.Now I live in China with my parents.I like China and Chinese food.I have breakfast at home.I have an egg,some bread and rice for breakfast.I dont like drinking milk.I have lunch at school.

29、The lunch in our school is delicious.I can eat different food for lunch.I eat rice,meat and vegetables.Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings.After school,I have dinner with my parents.Sometimes we go out to have dinners.We usually have chicken,vegetables and fruit.,Unit 6 能力提升训练,IV.任务型阅读,根据短文内容判断正(

30、T)误(F)。()6.Mike lives in England with his parents.()7.For breakfast,Mike has an egg,an apple and porridge(粥)()8.He has lunch at school.()9.He has rice,meat and vegetables for lunch every day.()10.Sometimes they have dinners in a restaurant.V.书面表达健康的饮食对我们很重要,请根据下表中的信息,向你的英国笔友Amanda介绍一下你一日三餐的饮食情况。短文不少

31、于60词。,Unit 6 能力提升训练,F,F,F,T,T,Unit 6 能力提升训练,One possible version:Dear Amanda,Im glad to tell you what I eat every day.In order to keep healthy,I eat lots of healthy food.For breakfast,I like eggs and milk.For lunch,I like tomatoes,carrots and rice.For dinner,I like bread,salad and porridge.Fruit is important for our health.I like bananas,apples,oranges and so on.What do you like to eat every day?Hope to read your email soon!Yours,Yang Xue,Unit 6 能力提升训练,


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