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1、猪皮肤疾病的鉴别诊断,表皮层,真皮层,基底层:主要为角质化细胞,棘 层:为多边形细胞,粒 层:为扁平细胞,角质层:为角质化细胞,乳头层,网 层,皮肤的结构,另:鼻还有透明层,均由结缔组织组成,分布有血管、神经、淋巴管及相关的表皮附件,皮肤的功能,维持体液、电解质及大分子物质的平衡,防御化学因素、物理因素、微生物的损害或侵入,感受触觉、压觉、痛觉、痒觉及温度变化,免疫调节,维持体温,猪的皮肤病病因,感染性,非感染性,细菌性,病毒性,真菌性,寄生虫性,环境性,营养性,遗传性,肿瘤性,杂 病,细菌性:渗出性皮炎、链球菌病、耳坏死、螺旋体病、面部坏死、脓肿、丹毒、巴氏杆菌病、乳腺炎、水肿病、炭疽、恶性







8、,渗出性皮炎(ExudativeEpidermitis or Greasy pig disease)Exudative epidermitis is a generalized dermatitis that occurs in 5-to 60-day-old pigs and is characterized by sudden onset,with morbidity of 10-90%and mortality of 5-90%.The acute form usually affects suckling piglets,whereas a chronic form is more c

9、ommonly seen in weaner pigs.It has been reported from most swine-producing areas of the world.,渗出性皮炎,The generalised form.,A localised lesion of greasy pig disease.,This may be cannibalised.,EXUDATIVE EPIDERMITISSubacute exudative epidermitis affecting the face,limbs and ventral abdoment in suckling

10、 piglets.,EXUDATIVE EPIDERMITISExudative epidermitis.This young pig shows the characteristic greasy lesion on the ventral abdomen.,EXUDATIVE EPIDERMITISChronic exudative epidermitis over the entire body in weaner pig approximately 5 weeks old.,链球菌病,Pigs Kissing,链球菌病,猪链球菌病是一种人畜共患的急性、热性传染病,由C、D、E及L群链球

11、菌引起的猪的多种疾病的总称。表现为急性出血性败血症、心内膜炎、脑膜炎、关节炎、哺乳仔猪下痢和孕猪流产等。猪链球菌感染不仅可致猪败血症肺炎、脑膜炎、关节炎及心内膜炎,而且可感染特定人群发病,并可致死亡,危害严重。猪链球菌病可以通过伤口、消化道等途径传染给人,这种病原体早已长期存在猪群身上,因为外界环境发生的变化使得病原体发生变异,从而突破种群障碍,开始从猪传播给人。,螺旋体病leptospirosis,Leptospirosis is a disease of domestic animals caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Leptospir

12、a.These organisms have a world wide distribution and cause economic loss primarily through reproductive wastage.Losses are greatest in animal populations kept under the intensive farming systems found in the developed world.Specific strains are maintained by different domestic animal hosts,e.g.serov

13、ar hardjo is maintained by cattle and serovar bratislava is maintained by pigs.Leptospirosis is a zoonosis which primarily affects people working in agriculture and related occupations.,丹毒,Swine erysipelas is an infection characterized by diamond shaped skin lesions and in the chronic form,by vegeta

14、tive endocarditis and arthritis.It is caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae.,Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae,Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae,Grams stain,high power.Vegetative endocarditis lesion,showing the gram-positive filaments typical of this organism.,Columbia agar,48h,aerobn.,Antemortem findings:Hi

15、gh morbidity Fever in acute stages Conjunctivitis and vomiting in some cases Bright and alert,squealing in pain on movement Pig is lethargic and stops eating Raised red and edematous rhomboid wheals(acute and chronic forms)Sloughing of skin in the area of the rhomboid lesion Swollen joints and lamen

16、ess(chronic stage)Sudden death in excited animals,急性型 Acute type(麻疹型):全身皮膚形成菱形丘疹,臀部皮膚形成隆起淡紅色菱形皮疹,SWINE ERYSIPELASAcute severe skin form of swine erysipelas with extensive small raised pink/red lesions some developing dark scabs.,Acute swine erysipelas,note the typical raised pink lesions with diamon

17、d shaped dark red/black central areas.,Erysipelas skin lesions,close-up.,Swine erysipelas.Diamond shaped skin lesions.,慢性型 Chronic type(関節炎型):関節炎起立困難呈豚,Erysipelas rhomboid lesions on a dolphin skin,Erysipelas is transmitted by direct contact with infected animals or their excreta.The photo shows the

18、 hand of an infected handler.,Resolving cellulitis caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae following treatment with doxycycline and ciprofloxacin.,Vesicular stomatitis,Viral disease of swine,cattle,horses and occasionally man.The disease is caused by two antigenically distinct types of virus namely I

19、ndiana and New Jersey types.Vesicular stomatitis in swine is most commonly manifested by snout and foot lesions.,Antemortem findings:Incubation 2 4 days Fever Lesion on the tongue(Fig.)and snout Lesion in the interdigital space or coronary band Refusal of food but acceptance of water Weight loss Lam

20、eness and exungulation,Vesicular stomatitis virus,purified from an infected cell culture.This is an important pathogenic virus of cattle,causing fever and vesicles in the mouth and on the feet.Negatively stained virions:note that they are clearly bullet shaped just like rabies virus.Magnification ap

21、proximately x40,000.,Vesicular stomatitis.Detachment of epithelium of the pig tongue.,Blanched areas on the hard palate,dental pad and gums.,Swine vesicular disease(SWD),A contagious viral disease of swine clinically indistinguishable from vesicular stomatitis,foot and mouth disease and vesicular ex

22、anthema of swine.Antemortem findings:Incubation 2 4 days Fever 40 41C Snout(Fig),oral and feet vesicular lesions Lameness,Early lesions on coronary band of foot.,Old lesions on foot with partial separation of hoof.,Old lesions on recovered pig showing banding growing out of hoof.,Swine vesicular dis

23、ease.Snout vesicular lesion.,Vesicular lesions on snout.,Recently ruptured blister on rim of snout.,Recently ruptured blister on foot.,Separation of horn following rupture of blister.,Ruptured vesicle on snout and tongue.,Lesions on coronary band,bulb of heel and supernumerary digit.,Recently ruptur

24、ed vesicle on interdigital space.,Ruptured vesicles on coronary band.Separation of bands.,Vesicular exanthema of swine(VES),An acute,contagious,viral disease of swine manifested by the formation of vesicles.Vesicular exanthema is indistinguishable from the other swine diseases such as FMD,VS and SVD

25、.,Antemortem findings:Incubation:24 days Large number of hogs are affected.Heavy mortality in suckling pigs Blotchy rash in unpigmented skin(exanthema)Vesicles on the snout and in the mouth.Ruptured vesicles result in erosions Loss of weight Walking on their knees(Fig.122)and lameness Squealing when

26、 forced to move Postmortem findings:Vesicles on mucous membranes and skin,Vesicular exanthema.Pig walking on knees due to pain from the vesicular lesion on the feet.,Foot and Mouth Disease(FMD,Aphthous fever),FMD is a contagious,viral disease of swine,cattle,sheep,goats and pigs and other cloven foo

27、ted animals.The disease in pigs is mild and is important as being a potential danger for transmission to cattle.,Antemortem findings:Incubation 3 15 days.Pigs that are fed food wastes contaminated with FMDV may show signs of infection in 1 3 days.Snout(Fig.116)and tongue lesions very common in pigs

28、Dullness and lack of appetite Salivation and drooling Detachment of the skin on a pigs foot(Fig.)Shaking of feet and lameness due to leg lesions Some strains of FMD in swine do not show vesicles but show erosions.,FMD.Vesicle on the snout in a pig.,FMD Detachment of epithelium on the pigs foot.,Afri

29、can Swine Fever(ASF),ASF is a highly contagious viral disease of domestic pigs manifested by fever,blotching of skin,haemorrhage of the lymph nodes,internal organs and haemorrhage of the gastrointestinal tract.It is observed in acute and occasionally subacute and chronic forms.,Antemortem findings:I

30、ncubation:3 15 days Fever(up to 42C)Laboured breathing,coughing Nasal and ocular discharge Loss of appetite and diarrhoea Vomiting Incoordination Cyanosis of the extremities and haemorrhages of skin In chronic stage,emaciation and edematous swelling under the mandible and over leg joints Recumbency,

31、African swine fever.Blotchy skin,cyanosis and haemorrhage.,巴氏杆菌病,猪呼吸道疾病常伴有不产毒巴氏杆菌的感染。这种细菌本身可导致肺炎,但多数情况下是作为二次感染继发于地方性肺炎(EP)或繁殖呼吸综合症(PRRS)之后。易感1018周龄生长猪。,症状 母猪与仔猪:少见。断奶猪与生长猪 急性发病:严重的急性肺炎,影响全部肺组织。体温升高。流鼻涕。死亡率升高。呼吸加快。皮肤变色,尤其是耳端皮肤(由毒素或心包感染引起)。,亚急性发病:肺炎较轻,但常伴有心包炎和胸膜炎。咳嗽。流鼻涕。瘦弱。死亡率升高。,Pasteurella multocida

32、,Infected cat bite:Pasteurella Multocida,Pasteurella Multocida infections develop in approximately 80%of those bitten by cats.The redness is characterized by onset within 24 hours of the bite.Amoxicillin clavulanate or Penicillin V are the first-line antibiotic agents.,乳腺炎,很多种细菌的原发感染都会引起乳房炎,其它疾病引起的继


34、猪的粪和尿当中普遍存在,它可能引起整个猪群的问题。这种病原在猪场当中无所不在,应该算是一种环境性病原。,葡萄球菌和链球菌乳房炎 这种病通常不如大肠杆菌乳房炎严重,并且仅影响个别母猪的个别乳腺,病猪通常不表现病症。但严重的急性葡萄球菌感染会导致乳房肿胀、变硬,并向母猪血液中排放毒素。通常只有一个乳房会感染。与大肠杆菌不同,这种病原并非环境性病原,而是源自皮肤,甚至可能是母猪自己的乳头泌乳孔。有证据显示,这种病原可在猪体内以亚临床感染的形式存在,奶牛和羊身当中也有类似情况。这种亚临床感染在分娩时或分娩之后可转为临床发病。,杂类细菌 除上述两类以外的细菌。例如假单胞菌,其感染可引发严重的乳房炎和败血

35、病,且具有抗药性。幸运的是这种感染很少见。,母猪 急性发病:分娩时或分娩前出现食欲不振。明显病态,不让仔猪哺乳。体温升高。眼睑粘膜呈砖红色。患病乳房呈红色,肿胀,触痛。整个乳房变色,但以患病乳房为主。慢性发病(常见于干奶母猪):乳房组织中有硬块,但无触痛。可能从里面溃烂到表面,成为潜在的传染源,将疾病传染给其它母猪。,Porcine Dermatitis and Nephropathy Syndrome(PDNS),With PDNS pigs remain alert with the above dime-sized,raised often raw skin lesions most a

36、bundant on the rear legs and belly.The kidneys of these pigs are very enlarged,often more than three to four times the normal size.Pigs may die or spontaneously recover.,Clinical signs,PDNS occurs mainly in growers and finishers,12 to 14 weeks of age and sporadically in other age groups.The most str

37、iking sign in live clinically affected pigs is the appearance of extensive purplish red slightly raised blotches of various sizes and shapes over the chest,abdomen,thighs and forelegs.,Over time the blotches become covered with dark crusts and then fade leaving scars.The pigs are depressed and may h

38、ave a fever.They are usually reluctant to move eat,lose weight.Sometimes they breath heavily.Most pigs with skin lesions die.Oedema or fluid may be seen on the limbs and around the eyelids.Superficial lymph nodes may be enlarged.Diarrhoea in some pigs.,PDNS occurs mainly in growers and finishers,12

39、to 14 weeks of age and sporadically in other age groups.The most striking sign in live clinically affected pigs is the appearance of extensive purplish red slightly raised blotches of various sizes and shapes over the chest,abdomen,thighs and forelegs.Superficial lymph nodes may be enlarged.Diarrhoe

40、a in some pigs.,Over time the blotches become covered with dark crusts and then fade leaving scars.The pigs are depressed and may have a fever.They are usually reluctant to move eat,lose weight.Sometimes they breath heavily.Most pigs with skin lesions die.Oedema or fluid may be seen on the limbs and around the eyelids.,Skin lesions associated with PDNS,LETS HAVE A REST!,


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