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1、unit 2,人教版七年级英语上册单元全套课件,This is my sister.,Section A 1a-2d,目 录,Section A Grammar Focus-3c,Section B 1a-1d,Section B 2a-2c,Section B 3a-Self Check,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,Section A 1a-2d,To learn the names of family members.To listen and understand the conversations about family members.,Langua

2、ge Goals,To know your family members better,and be able to introduce them to your friends.,Emotional Goal,Warming-up,My family,I,father,mother,parents,sister,brother,grandfather,grandmother,grandparents,Match the words with the people in the picture.,1.mother_2.father _3.parents _4.brothers _5.grand

3、mother_6.grandfather _7.friend _8.grandparents_9.sister _,1a,a,c,b,h,f,e,i,d,g,Listen and circle the words you hear in 1a.,mother _2.father _3.parents _4.brothers _5.grandmother _6.grandfather _7.friend _ 8.grandparents _9.sister _,1b,Hello!My name is Paul.Lets see my family.,Pauls family,Whos she?,

4、Shes my sister?,This is my father.,This is my mother.,These are my parents.,These are my brothers.,Thats my grandmother.,Thats my grandfather.,Those are my grandparents.,Role-play the conversation in 1a.Then talk about the other people in the picture.,A:Thats my family.Those are my parents.B:Whos sh

5、e?A:Shes my sister.Oh,and these are my brothers.,1c,She is my sister.,Who is she?,Pair work,She is my mother.,Who is she?,Listen and circle the words you hear.,parents mother father sister brother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents,2a,Listen again.Match the names with the people in the pict

6、ure.,1.Jenny_ 2.Jack _ 3.Tom _ 4.Bob_ 5.Linda_ 6.Mary_,2b,d,c,a,b,e,f,Ask and answer questions about the photo in 2b.,Whos she?,Shes Cindy.,Whos he?,Hes her father.,2c,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,


8、状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,状元成才路,Who is he?,He is Jack.,Who is she?,She is his sister.,Role-play,Role-play,Who is he?He is father.,Who is she?She is his sister.,Role-play the conversation.,2d,Sal

9、ly:Good morning,Jane.Jane:Good morning,Sally.Sally:Oh,Jane,this is my sister Kate.Kate,this is my friend Jane.Kate:Nice to meet you,Jane.Jane:Nice to meet you,too.Are those your parents?Kate:Yes,they are.Jane:And whos he?Sally:Hes my brother,Paul.Jane:Oh,I see.Well,have a good day.Sally/Kate:Thanks.

10、You too.,Listen and complete the conversation.,S:Good morning,Jane.J:Good morning,Sally.S:Oh,Jane,this is my _ Kate.Kate,_ is my friend Jane.K:Nice to meet you,Jane.J:Nice to meet you,too.Are those your _?K:Yes,they are.J:And _ he?S:Hes my _,Paul.J:Oh,I see.Well,have a good day.S&K:Thanks.You too.,s

11、ister,parents,brother,this,whos,Other family members:,uncle kl 伯伯/叔叔/舅父/姑父/姨父,aunt nt 婶婶/舅母/姑姑/姨母,Other family members:,cousin kzn 堂(表)兄/弟,堂(表)姐/妹,Language points,This is my sister.这是我的姐姐(妹妹)。,(1)This is.用来介绍他人的常用句型,意为“这是”。介绍离说话人比较远的第三者时,可以用“That is”,意为“那是”。当被介绍的人不止一个时,用“These are”或“Those are”来表达。th

12、ese意为这些,是this的复数形式;those意为那些,是that的复数形式。,This is my friend Tom.这是我的朋友汤姆。Thats Jim.那是吉姆。These are my parents.这是我的父母。Those are my grandparents.那是我的(外)祖父母。,(2)在打电话用语中,This is.表示“我是”,用于介绍自己。Hello,this is Lingling speaking.你好,我是玲玲。,(3)“That is”可以缩写成“Thats”,但是This is,these are和Those are均不能缩写。,1.Mary,_is m

13、y friend,Lucy.Nice to meet you,Lucy.A.that B.this C.these D.those,【运用】,B,完成句子。1.妈妈,这是我的朋友,汤姆。Mum,my friend,Tom.2.那些是我的祖父母。my grandparents.,this is,Those are,Whos he?他是谁?(1)who意为“谁”,是疑问代词,用于句首引导特殊疑问句,常用来询问人物关系或身份等,其宾格形式是whom。Whos the man?那个人是谁?Hes my uncle.他是我的叔叔。,(2)who作表语时,常用于“Who+be+主语”结构中,系动词be随主

14、语的人称和数的变化而变化:主语是第三人称单数时用is,主语是复数时用are。Who is this man?这个人是谁?Hes Toms father.他是汤姆的父亲。Who are these girls?这些女孩是谁?They are Joan and Kate.她们是琼和凯特。,【运用】,_ is she?She is my mother.AWhatBWho CHow DIt,B,I.用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Lucy,Mary and Linda are my good _(friend).2.Look at the photo.Those are my _(grandpar

15、ent).3.Is _(these)your sister?4.They _(be)my father and mother.5.Mr.Black has(有)three _(brother).,friends,grandparents,this,are,brothers,Exercises,II.按要求完成句子,每空一词。,1.That is her aunt.(改为复数句)_ _ her aunts.2.Are these your brothers?(改为单数句)_ _ your brother?,Those are,Is this,3.Nancy is my cousin.(对画线部分

16、提问)_ _ Nancy?4.Who is he?(改为复数句)_ _ _?,Who is,Who are they,III.连词成句。1.my,is,Bill,This,friend,(.)_ 2.are,grandparents,Those,his,(.)_3.is,she,Who,(?)_,This is my friend Bill.,Those are his grandparents.,Who is she?,This is my family photo.Look!_ are they?They are my _.Who is he?He is my _.That is my _

17、.And this is my _.I have a happy family.We love each other.,Who,grandparents,father,mother,sister,.根据图片及句意完成短文。,Mum,I m going on a picnic with my friends today.Have _ good day.A.a B.an C./,中考链接,Have a good day,意为过得愉快。,Summary,Think:,1.Do you know these words?family,grandfather,grandmother,grandparen

18、ts,father,mother,parents,sister,brother,who,this,these,that,those.,2.How many people are there in your family?Who are they?,3.How to introduce your family members?,Rememberthenewwords.Draw a picture of your family.In the next class,take the picture and introduce it with the words and sentence patter

19、ns learned in this class.,Homework,Section A Grammar Focus-3c,To learn how to use demonstrative pronouns and personal pronouns.To learn to introduce your family members.,Language Goals,Learn to use demonstrative pronouns and personal pronouns to introduce your family members.,Emotional Goal,my famil

20、y photo,Warming-up,Who is he?He is.,Who are they?They are.,This is my mother.,This is my father.,These are my parents.,Grammar Focus,This is an apple.,That is an apple,too.,These are bananas.,Those are cherries.,Grammar focus,1._ my father,and _ my mother.这是我的爸爸,那是我的妈妈。2._ my parents,and _ my friend

21、s.这些是我的父母,那些是我的朋友。3._ he?Hes my brother.他是谁?他是我的哥哥。4._ she?Shes my sister.她是谁?她是我的姐姐。5._ they?They are my cousins.他们/她们是谁?他们是我的表兄弟/她们是我的表姐妹。,This is,those are,These are,that is,Whos,Whos,Whore,Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.,A:That _ my family.Thats my mother.B:_ he?A:_

22、my father.B:Whos _?A:Shes _ sister.B:And who _ they?A:_ my grandparents.,Whos,my,Hes,is,are,she,They are,3a,Look at the picture.Make sentences with the words in the three boxes.,this that thesethose,my your,father mothergrandfather grandmotherparents grandparentsbrother sister,3b,I,Those are my pare

23、nts.,I,Ask and answer questions about the photos.,Whos he?,Hes my grandfather.,Whos?,3c,Make conversations in pairs according to the example.,Language points,指示代词(demonstrative pronoun)是表示指示概念的代词,即用来指示或标识人或事物的代词。指示代词与定冠词和人称代词一样,都具有指定的含义,用来起指示作用,或用来代替前面已提到过的名词。,例:This is an apple tree.这是一棵苹果树。That is

24、 an orange tree.那是一棵桔子树。It s a nice picture.Whos in it?非常漂亮的照片,上面的人是谁?It s me.是我。The pen doesnt work.It s Lily s.这支钢笔坏了。它是莉莉的。,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。,【运用】,1._(this)boys are from China.2.Are _(that)your parents?Yes,_(he)are.3.What sover there(在那边)?It s a bus.,These,those,they,that,I.句型转换。1.That is my broth

25、er.(变为复数句)_ _ my brothers.2.It is a nice picture.(变为复数句)_ _ nice pictures.3.Are these your sisters?(变为单数句)_ _ your sister?,Those are,They are,Is this,Exercises,4.Are those your friends?(做肯定及否定回答)Yes,_ _.No,_ _.5.Hes my father.(对画线部分提问)_ he?6.Theyre my grandparents.(对画线部分提问)_ they?,they are,they aren

26、t,Whos,Whore,A:This _ my family.B:Whos he?A:_ my father.B:_ she?A:_ my mother.,are,they,are,is,thanks,whos,is,hes,shes,II.从方括中选择恰当的单词补全对话。,is,Hes,Whos,Shes,B:_ those your grandparents?A:Yes,_ _.B:_ that your brother?A:Yes.Hes my brother,Dale.B:Oh,I see.Well,have a good day!A:_!You,too.,Are,they are,

27、Is,Thanks,.翻译下列句子。,1.这是我的祖父母。2.那是你的妈妈吗?是的,她是。3.那些是你的书吗?是的,这些是我的书。,These are my grandparents.,Is that your mother?,Yes,she is.,Are those your books?,Yes,they are my books.,Summary,1.Whats the meaning of these words?this,that,those,they,parents,grandparents,it,2.Use this,that,these,those to introduce

28、your family.,This isThatsThese areThose are,用下列句型介绍一下你的一张家庭照片。,Homework,Section B 1a-1d,To learn to talk about family members.To listen and understand the conversation about family members.To learn to introduce family members.,Language Goals,To know your family members better,and to love your family

29、.,Emotional Goal,These/Those areThis/that is Who is/are He/She is They are,Free talk:talk about the picture with your partner.,dad,uncle,daughter,daughter,brother,mom,aunt,sister,son,cousin,grandma,grandpa,Add the words in the box to the family tree.,sister son cousin grandpa mom aunt,1a,Match the w

30、ords with the pictures.,mom,brother,dad,cousin,grandparents,grandmother,grandfather,aunt,uncle,mother,father,cousin,cousin,I,brother,I am Gina.,(daughter),(son),Ginas family,Complete the family tree.,Listen and check()the words you hear.,grandpa_ grandma _ cousin _ dad _ mom _ uncle _ aunt _ brother

31、 _ sister _ friends _,1b,Match the answers with the questions.,1.They are my grandpa and grandma.2.Hes my uncle.3.Yes,she is.4.No,they arent.5.Shes my friend.,A.Whos she?B.Are those your grandparents?C.Who are they?D.Whos he?E.Is this your cousin?,Listen again.Which picture are Jiang Tao andTom talk

32、ing about?,1c,Listen and fill in blanks.Then role play with your partner.,A:This is a _ of my family.This is my_.B:_ he?A:_ my uncle.B:And is _ your cousin?A:Yes,shes my cousin Jiang Shan.And _ _ her friends.B:_ they?A:Theyre my _ and _.,photo,aunt,Whos,Hes,she,these,are,Whore,grandpa,grandma,Draw a

33、 picture of your family and friends.Tell your partner about your picture.,1d,Fill in the blanks,and role play with your partner.1.Look!This a p_ of my brothers.2.This is my a_,Mary.Shes my fathers s_.,icture/hoto,ister,unt,3.Is Bob your u_?Yes.Hes my moms b_.4.Jenny is my sister.Shes my dads d_.5.Is

34、 that boy your brother?No.Hes my c_.,aughter,ousin,rother,ncle,Language points,grandparent/grnpernt/n.祖父(母);外祖父(母)。grandparent相当于grandfather or grandmother,为单数形式,指一个人;grandparents相当于grandfather and grandmother,意为“祖父母;外祖父母”,为复数形式,指两个人。例:They are my grandparents.他们是我的祖父母。,【拓展】这是一个合成词,由“grand+parent”构成

35、。类似此结构的合成词还有:grandfather(外)祖父,grandmother(外)祖母grandson(外)孙子,granddaughter(外)孙女。,可数名词的复数形式:a.可以直接以数字计算的名词称为可数名词,可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。b.对可数名词来说,当表示一个人或事物时用单数形式;表示两个或两个以上的人或事物时则用复数形式。,c.单数可数名词变为复数名词有以下规则:,(1)一般情况下在名词后面加-s。pencilpencils,sistersisters,(2)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,先将y改为i,再加-es。family families,(3)以s,x,ch,sh结

36、尾的名词后加-es.watchwatches,boxboxes(盒子),(4)以f或fe结尾的名词,先将f或fe改为v,再加-es knifeknives(小刀),(5)以o结尾的名词,有的加-es,有的直接加-s。tomatotomatoes(西红柿),hero heros(英雄)photophotos(照片),(6)特殊情况,无规则可循。manmen(男人),person people(人),【运用】,单复数专项练习1.parent _ 2.sister _3.photo _ 4.family _ 5.watch _ 6.zoo_7.cousin _ 8.dog _9.wife _ 10.

37、radio _,parents,sisters,photos,families,watches,zoos,cousins,dogs,wives,radios,I.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.Look!My s_ is a lovely girl.2.My b_ likes football very much.3.Bob is her son and she is Bobs m_ 4.My fathers parents are my g_ 5.There are four people in my f_,ister,rother,other,randparents,amily,Exer

38、cises,II.单项填空。1.Whos she?_ AShe is my sister BHe is my brother CI am Gina DShe is in China 2.Your fathers father is your _ Agrandfather Bgrandmother Cparent Dsister,A,A,3.Mike,_ is my sister Mary.Mary,_ is my friend Mike.A.she;he B.he;she C.this;that D.this;this4.Tommy and I_ good friends.A.am B.is

39、C.are D./,D,C,.单句改错。,1.This are a photo of my family.2.Is these your family?3.Who is they?4.Do you know he?5.He is my sister.,_,is,_,this,Who is he/she?,or,Whore they?,_,him,He is my brother.,or,She is my sister.,Summary,1.Who are in your family?,2.把下面单数名词变为复数:brother,grandparent,tomato,photo,lady,k

40、nife,orange,woman,3.Draw a picture of your family tree.,1.Draw a photo of your family and introduce your family members.2.Remember the new words in this class.,Homework,Section B 2a-2c,To learn the expression of family members.To learn inverted sentences.To learn the usages of singular verbs and plu

41、ral verbs.,Language Goals,To talk about your family members and to be familiar with your friends family.,Emotional Goal,grandmother,grangfather,sister,father,mother,Warming up,Who are they?,Find the male and female first names in this unit and write them.,Jiang Tao,Tom,Bob,Jack,Alan,Eric,John,Paul,B

42、ill,Dale,Cindy,Mary,Linda,Jenny,Jane,Kate,Helen,Sally,Li Lan,Jiang Shan,2a,Find the first names and last names.,Mary,Miley,Jiang,Yifan,Smith,Wu,Kate,Brown,Coco,Jane,Jack,Chan,First name:Mary,Miley,Yifan,Kate,Coco,Jane,Jack,Chan,Last name:Jiang,Smith,Wu,Brown,Chan,Pair work:Look at the picture,and ma

43、ke conversations with your parner.,Here/there is/are.Who is/are.She/he is.They are.,Read about Jennys family and circle the names.,My FamilyHi,Im Jenny.Here are two nice photos of my family.My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo.These are my parents,Alan and Mary.In the next picture a

44、re my brothers,Bob and Eric.These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin Helen.Coco is in my family,too.,2b,Check the sentences true(T)or false(F)?If false,how to correct?,1.Jennys grandparents are both in the picture.2.Jenny is Marys mother.3.Helen is Cindys sister.4.Bob is Helens father.,T,F,

45、Mary is Jennys mother.,F,Helen is Cindys cousin.,F,Bob is Jenny and Cindys father.Hes Helens uncle.,Read and fill in the blanks.,1.My grandparents are in the _ photo.2.My brothers are _ and _.3.Coco is _.,first,Bob,Eric,a dog,2c,Read the passage again and complete the sentences.,1.My name is_.2.Alan

46、 and Mary are my_.3.Bob and Eric are my _.4.Cindy is my _.5.Helen is my _.6._ is the name of my dog.,Jenny,parents,brothers,sister,cousin,Coco,Read the passage and retell it.,My Family Hi,Im Jenny.Here are two nice photos of my family.My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo.These are m

47、y parents,Alan and Mary.In the next picture are my brothers,Bob and Eric.These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin Helen.Coco is in my family,too.,1.Here are two nice photos of my family.这里有两张我家人的漂亮照片。此句为倒装句,正常的语序应该是“Two nice photos of my family are here”当句子以here,there等副词开头时,要用倒装句,即“Here/The

48、re谓语动词主语(名词)”。,Language points,其中谓语动词的形式要看后面主语而定,后面主语是复数,谓语动词要用复数,后面主语是单数,谓语动词也要用单数。例:Here is the news.这里有一条消息。,【拓展】倒装句的结构,【运用】1.看!这是你的钢笔。Look!your pen.2.它们在这儿。Here.3.这里有三床被子。three quilts.,Here is,they are,Here are,photo/ft/n.照片photo的复数形式是photos。photo是photograph的缩写形式,主要指用照相机拍出来的“照片”,take a photo 照相,

49、拍照。例:This photo is very old.这张照片很旧了。This is a photo of my family.这是我家的一张家庭照。photo的复数形式是photos.,next/nekst/adj.&n.下一个(的);接下来(的)例:I hope we can do better next time.我希望下次我们能够做得更好。拓展:next 作副词,表示“然后,接下去”。例:What can we do next?然后我们做什么?,【运用】,1.In the next picture _ my brothers and sisters.A.are B.is C.am D

50、.Be2.Is that a photo his family?A.toB.of C.for D.with,A,B,选择题,I.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1.This is a(照片)of my family.2.The(女孩)is my good friend.3.(这儿)is a pen for you.4.I have a little(狗).5.Whats in the(下一张)picture?,photo/picture,girl,Here,dog,next,Exercises,II.单项选择。1.Look!Here your pencils and eraser.A.is B.a


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