五年级下册英语ppt课件 Unit8 Buying clothes第一课时 沪教牛津版三起.ppt

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1、Unit 8 Buying clothes,第一课时,Do you know all these clothes?,Do you know all these colors?,pink,red,purple,blue,orange,green,What are these clothes?Do you like them?Which one do you like?Lets learn this unit together!,sweater,Lets go shopping!,OK!,I like the yellow one!,There are two sweaters,which one

2、 do you like?The red one or the yellow one?,coat,I like the pink one!,There are two coats,which one do you like?The pink one or the blue one?,trousers,因为裤子的裤腿永远是成双的,所以英语中裤子永远都是复数形式。一条裤子:a pair of trousers,I like the black one!,which pair of trousers do you like?The black one or the white one?,shoes,

3、一双鞋:a pair of shoes,shoe,I like the brown one!,which pair of shoes do you like?The green one or the brown one?,size,尺码,尺寸,sweater,which,shoes,sweater,coat,size,trousers,What is this/are those?,Its a./These are.,dress,shorts,2.What is Ben going to try on?,Read and answer.,1.Where are kitty and Mrs Li

4、?What are they doing?,Mrs Li:Which dress do you like,the blue one or the pink one?,Kitty:I like the pink one.Pink is my favourite colour.I like the blue one too.Its beautiful.,Mrs Li:You can try both on.,Kitty:Thats great!,最喜欢的,太棒了,Mrs Li:Which pair of trousers do you like,the white one or the brown

5、 one?,Ben:I like the brown one.,Mrs Li:Here you are.Its your size.,Ben:OK.Ill try on the trousers.,试穿,2.What is Ben going to have?,Read and answer.,1.Where are kitty and Mrs Li?What are they doing?,He is going to try on a pair of brown trousers.,They are at the shop,they are shopping.,Tick the corre

6、ct answers.,Which dress does Kitty like?,Tick the correct answers.,Which is Kittys favourite colour?,Tick the correct answers.,Which pair of trousers does Ben like?,Read and write True or False.,1.Kittys favourite colour is pink.2.Ben likes the white trousers.3.Mrs Li said Kitty can try both the pin

7、k dress and the blue one on.,Find two partners,read this dialogue in role.,Action!,S1:Which(pair of).do you like,the.one or the.one?,S2:I like the.one.,For girls,S1:Which dress do you like,the pink one or the blue one?,S2:I like the blue one.,For boys,S1:Which pair of shoes do you like,the blue one

8、or the white one?,S2:I like the white one.,Which dress do you like,Shishi?the blue one or the white one?,I like the blue one.,You can try on.,OK!Thats great!,Here are some traditional clothes from China,唐装(中式服装),唐装,是根据马褂为雏形,加入立领和西式立体裁剪所设计的服饰。由于唐朝对海外的巨大影响,在宋代时,“唐”就已经成了东南海外诸国对中国的代称。历宋、元至明,外国将中国或与中国有关的

9、物事称之为“唐”。不仅以“唐”作为“中国”之地的代称,而且称中国人为“唐人”。中国人的历史情结很深。唐朝在中国历史上是一个强盛的朝代。在海外的华侨华人往往称自己是“唐人”,他们聚居的地方便称为“唐人街”。唐人街最早叫“大唐街”。1673年,纳兰性德渌水亭杂识:“日本,唐时始有人往彼,而居留者谓之大唐街,今且长十里矣。”1875年,张德彝在欧美环游记中称唐人街为“唐人城”,其通英语,英语称唐人街为Chinatown。唐人街的历史比英语名称Chinatown要早几个世纪,所以外国人便把中国的一切文化冠以唐,中式服装叫做“唐装”。,Here are some traditional clothes

10、from India.,一个典型印度女性的着装通常包括长衬衣加宽松窄脚裤和面纱以及装饰了宝石、昆单宝石镶嵌法合金珠宝、金丝绣(zari)、水晶、钱币、例山绣、镜面和彩镜色瑰绣(sequin)的褶裙(ghagra)和紧身古丽再盖上搭帕(dupatta)。印度女性民族服包括真丝纱丽、镜面古丽、彩色裙子和衬衣裤套装。,裹裙(dhoti)是印度最古老最本土的服饰。早在吠陀时代,男性的裹裙覆盖了从腰部到小腿或小腿根部的裹裙。裹裙是用一根腰带在前面打结固定。有钱有地位的男性腰带在两端结成球形,并饰以精致的刺绣。长衬衫和长袖风衣则来自于贵霜王国统治者月氏人的贵霜服,一件褶饰长袖及膝衬衣,颈口开缝且进行简单或

11、复杂的装饰,这种款式源自骑马的游牧文明,也被大多数斯基泰人和伊朗人穿着,跟安息人的服饰特别像。长袖紧身单层长风衣都是用最上等的面料制作,有着精致的花纹,穿在长衬衫的外面,显示了着装者的身份。,Here are some traditional clothes from Japan.,和服,和服(,kimono),是日本的民族服饰。江户时代以前称吴服,语出古事记、日本书纪、松窗梦语,在称为和服之前,日本的服装被称为“着物”,而日本古代所称的“吴服”是“着物”的一种。和服可分为公家着物和武家着物。现今所谓和服实即古时之小袖,小袖的表着化始自室町时代,贵族的下着白小袖逐渐成为庶民的表衣。“着物”除了

12、包括“吴服之外还包括肩衣袴、源自平安时代的狩衣等等,这些都非源自吴服,而是源自本土的传统服饰。十二单则是由奈良时代的裳唐衣加以改良而成,之后又有变化和创新。和服起源可追溯至公元3世纪。到了奈良时代,日本遣使来中国,获赠大量光彩夺目的朝服。次年,日本效仿隋唐服饰,至室町时代,和服在沿承唐朝服饰基础上改进,而和服腰包则是受基督教传教士穿长袍系腰带影响而创造。,Sentences:Which one do you like?The.one or the.one?I like the.one.You can try them on.,Words:size which coat trousers sweater shoes,1.Read the dialogue 3 times and recite.,2.查阅更多关于服装的知识信息,了解相关知识。,


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