人教英语八年级下册Unit4 Section A Grammar Focus 4C课件.pptx

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1、Section A Grammar Focus-4C,1.o review how to give advice to others:(句型)Why dont you do sth?You/He/She should do.You/He/She could do.2.o understand how to use the conjunctions:“so that”,“although”,“until”.3.o learn to care for others(学会关爱他人),Teaching aims:,Task 1:Game 如果知道,请快速站起来说出答案,上很多课后辅导班,have to

2、o many after-school classes,不得不学习到很晚,与我最好的朋友吵架了,dont get enough sleep,get into a fight with my best friend,有太多家庭作业,have too much homework,have to study too late,没有得到足够的睡眠,problems(烦恼),Step 1 Revision,与父母交流,talk to your parents,更早睡觉,go to sleep earlier,给朋友说对不起,say sorry to your friends,(如果知道,请快速站起来说出

3、答案),advice(建议),Task 2:Competition,One apple,one problem.一个苹果代表着一份问题,点开才知道是什么哟!,Choose one lucky apple,and read the dialog.选一个幸运苹果,读对话。,2,5,4,3,6,7,1,8,9,Step 2 Lead in,学科网,-You look tired.Whats the matter?I studied until midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep.,-What should I do?Why dont you

4、 forget about it?Although shes wrong,its not a big deal.,-What should he do?He should talk to his friend so that he can say hes sorry.,学科网,Maybe you could go to his house.I guess I could,but I dont want to surprise him.,你能将图片与短语配对吗?A.cant have a petB.copy my homeworkC.borrow my clothes D.spend time

5、on the phone,C,B,D,A,Step 3 Presentation,Task 3 Group-work,完成4a,用although,so that或until填空。完成后,两人一组核对答案,并在全班同学面前说出自己的答案。注意:although常用于句首,so that,until常用于句中。,Step 4 Practice,1.A:Whats wrong?B:My sister borrows my clothes without asking.What should I do?A:Well,you could tell her that this makes you ang

6、ry _ shell ask you next time.,2.A:I dont have any friends at my new school.What should I do?B:_ you dont have any now,youll soon make some.,3.A:Im worried about my school grades.Whats your advice?B:You shouldnt wait _ the last minute to study for a test.,4.A:Mike is my best friend,but he always copi

7、es my homework.What should I do?B:_ hes your best friend,you should still tell him that copying others homework is wrong.,Although,Although,until,so that,1.读4b中的问题,你认为方框中哪些建议是合适的呢?请将序号写在横线上(可多选)。,,a,b,i,c,f,d,e,g,h,1.Im very shy.2.My sister and I fight all the time.3.My sister spends all e

8、vening on the phone.4.My cousin borrows my things without returning them.5.My parents wont let me have a pet.,Task 4 Pairwork,1.Themeetingdidntstart_everyonewasthere.A.becauseB.untilC.whyD.if2.-Readitaloud_theclasscanhearyou.A.althoughB.ifC.sothatD.when3.Althoughitsraining,_theyarestillworkinginthef

9、ields.A./B.butC.andD.so4.-Excuseme.Isitmyturnnow?-Notyet.Pleasewaitonthechair _ yournameiscalled.A.andB.althoughC.sinceD.until5._hewasverytired,hecontinuedworkinginhisoffice.A.SinceB.AlthoughC.AssoonasD.Because,Exercises:,Task 5,What did we learn in this class?,(这节课我们学到了什么?),Step5 Summary:,1.提供建议的句型

10、小结Why dont you do.?你为什么不做呢?You should do.你应该做Maybe you could do.或许你可以做You could tell sb.that.so that.你可以告诉某人以便Although you.,you will.尽管你,你将会You shouldnt do.until.你不应该做直到You should tell sb.doing.is wrong.你应该告诉某人做是错误的,although意为“尽管;虽然”,相当于,它所引导的从句不能与等连用,从句常用(句号/逗号)隔开。so that意为“以便”,从句中常使用will/would/can/could等动词。until作介词,意为“直到;到为止”,后可接表的名词(如:until 10 oclock)。,though,but,逗号,情态,时间,2.although,so that,until的用法,Homework,Write the Grammar Focus three times.Finish 4c.,Thank you for listening!,


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