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1、Module 8 Time off,Unit 1 I can hardly/a:/believe were in the city centre.,1.知识目标:掌握单词及短语:hardly,take up,point out,sights,thirsty,at the top of,waste2.能力目标:能听懂描述旅游景点的对话或文段;能根据所给信息介绍地方名胜。3.情感目标:培养学生对祖国山河的热爱,激发建设祖国的热情。,Learning aims:,sights/saits/n.用复数 风景;名胜,thirsty/:sti/adj.渴的,Presentation,at the top/

2、of 在的顶端,waste/weist/v./n.浪费;滥用,waste food/time/money,几乎不;几乎没占去(时间或空间)指出;指明【用复数】风景;名胜渴的在的顶端浪费;滥用,hardly/ha:dli/take uppoint out sights/saits/thirsty/:sti/at the top ofwaste/weist/,Words and expressions,You are the best!,根据首字母提示完成单词1.There was too much noise.We could h_ sleep last night.2.We saw many

3、beautiful s_ in Beijing last month.3.Tony was very t_ and he drank two glasses of water.4.Dont w_ too much time on computer games,children.5.Did Ms.Wang p_ out where you were wrong?,ardly,ights,hirsty,aste,oint,Have you ever heard of Beihai Park?Do you know where it is?,Warming up,北海公园(Beihai Park),

4、位于北京市中心区,城内景山西侧,在故宫的西北面,与中海、南海合称三海。属于中国古代皇家园林。全园以北海为中心,面积约71公顷,水面占583市亩,陆地占480市亩。这里原是辽、金、元建离宫,明、清辟为帝王御苑,是中国现存最古老、最完整、最具综合性和代表性的皇家园林之一,1925年开放为公园。是中国保留下来的最悠久最完整的皇家园林,为中国全国重点文物保护单位,是国家AAAA级旅游景区。,Look at the pictures.,lake,bridge,ancient buildings,Look at the photo and listen.What is the conversation a

5、bout?,The conversation is about going to Beihai Park.,Tony has/hasnt heard about Beihai Park.Tony guesses that the park is very popular/not very popular.Linging suggests that they spend the day there/Daming and Betty come too.Linging thinks/doesnt think the park will be busy.,Listen again and choose

6、 the correct answer.,1.Lingling is introducing Beihai Park.()2.Beihai Park is in the city centre.()3.The ancient buildings take up over half of the park area.()4.They dont allow people to swim in the lake because its dangerous.(),T,F,T,Listen to the tape and mark T or F.,T,The lake,1.Beihai Park is

7、so _ that you can even hear the birds singing.2.The park is famous for its _,bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill.3.The lake takes up _ of the park area.4.You can point out the _ of Beijing from the top of the hill.5.They do not allow people to swim _.,quiet,lake,over half,Listen again and

8、complete the sentences about Beihai Park.,sights,in the lake,Read the passage quietly and answer the questions.,1.Where are they?2.What is Beihai Park famous for?3.Where will they have a picnic?,They are in the Beihai Park.,It is famous for its lake,bridges and the ancient buildings.,At the top of t

9、he hill.,Beautiful sentences,1.这里如此的安静以致于我甚至能听见鸟儿在歌唱。2.我几乎不相信我们是在市中心。3.这个公园因它的湖、桥和山上的古建筑而闻名。4.湖占据了这个公园一多半的面积。5.我认为他们不允许人们在湖里游泳。,Its so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing.,I can hardly believe were in the city centre.,This lake is famous for its lake,bridges and the ancient buildings o

10、n the hill.,The lake takes up over half of the park area.,I dont think they allow people to swim in the lake.,1.sothat 引导结果状语从句,意为“如此,以至于”。引导结果状语从句,其中so后面跟形容词或副词的原级。2.hear sb doing 听到某人正在做某事举一反三1.Li Na is _ famous _ all the tennis fans in China know her.A.too;toB.enough;toC.as;asD.so;that2.Mrs.Smart

11、 is not strong enough to go walking up mountains.(改为同义句)Mrs.Smart is _ weak _ she cant go walking up mountains.3.我听见妹妹正在唱歌。,hardly adv.几乎不,几乎没。用于情态动词之后,实义动词之前,表示否定意义。【举一反三】I dont think fast food is good for our health,so I _ eat it.A.usually B.hardly C.always,be famous for 因而著名【举一反三】纽约以其摩天大楼出名。New Y

12、ork _ _ _ its skyscrapers.,1.take up 表示“占去(时间或空间)”。2.over=more than【举一反三】1.You have tried on several shirts.Sorry to _ too much of your time.A.take upB.tidy up C.give up D.make up2.I can read books in over three languages.I can read books in _ _ three languages.,allow sb.to do sth.表示“允许某人去做某事”。其否定形式

13、 allow sb.not to do sth.【举一反三】1.我的母亲允许我做完作业后打篮球。My mother _ me _ _ basketball after finishing my homework.,so that,I heard my sister singing.,is famous for,more than,allows to play,美文背诵,1.这里如此的安静以致于我甚至能听见鸟儿在歌唱。2.我几乎不相信我们是在市中心。3.这个公园因它的湖、桥和山上的古建筑而闻名。4.湖占据了这个公园一多半的面积。5.我认为他们不允许人们在湖里游泳。,Its so quiet he

14、re that I can even hear the birds singing.,I can hardly believe were in the city centre.,This lake is famous for its lake,bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill.,The lake takes up over half of the park area.,I dont think they allow people to swim in the lake.,Its _ quiet here _ I can even_ _

15、_ _.,I can _believe were in the city centre.,This lake _ _ _ its lake,bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill.,The lake _ _ over half of the park area.,I dont think they _ people _ _ in the lake.,hear the birds singing,so that,hardly,is famous for,takes up,allow,to swim,If you were a guide(导游)

16、,introduce a place of interest in your hometown to the visitors.,Pair-work,凤凰公园(Fenghuang Park)于1991年始建,1993年大规模建设,1994年国庆节建成并对外开放。随后逐年建设完善。因高密县城地形中间凹东西两岭高酷似民间吉祥大鸟凤凰素有“凤凰城”之美誉而命名为凤凰公园。凤凰公园位于市区振兴街西首,占地 500 余亩,总建筑面积 7600 平方米。园内建有开放式草坪 190 余亩、水体 12 亩和凤凰阁、博物馆、百花园、动物园、松柏亭、近水亭、笑春亭、翠云桥等景物及历史流传至今的弥勒佛。博物馆内有自

17、汉代至民国两千多年间的刻石 20 多件,其中各级文物 2000 多件、民俗展览馆一处,展出高密三绝等传统民间艺术,是我市最大的一处集休闲、娱乐、观光为一体的综合性公园。,You can say it like this:Welcome to the Fenghuang Park.It lies in the Zhenxing Street,Gaomi.It has a history of over twenty years.The park is famous for,The lake takes up.There is/are also.It is sothat everyday I hope youll have a good time here!,My harvest,1.本单元的单词、短语和句子。2.如何介绍旅游景点。,I love you,China!,Homework,必做:Remember the new words,phrases and sentences by heart.,选做:Do you like Fenghuang Park?Write a passage about it.,


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