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1、科技论文的选题.写作和评价视频教程,科技论文写作2,科技论文的结构The structure of scientific paper,题目 Title 作者 Author作者单位和地址 Affiliation and address 摘要 Abstract关键词 Key words引言 Introduction材料与方法 Materials and methods 结果 Results讨论 Discussion致谢 Acknowledgments(optional)引文 References附录 Appendices(optional),The IMRAD article:Introducti

2、on,Methods,Results And Discussion,AbstractIntroductionMaterials and MethodsResultsDiscussion,摘要,摘要是论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述 作用:让读者尽快了解论文的主要内容为科技情报人员和计算机检索提供方便 内容:目的、方法、结果和结论,引言,目的是向读者交代本研究的来龙去脉,其作用在于唤起读者的注意,使读者对论文先有一个总体的了解。引言包含的内容:研究的理由、目的和背景 理论依据、实验基础和研究方法 预期的结果及其地位、作用和意义,Introduction,The introduction def

3、ines the subject of the report.It must outline the scientific purpose(s)or objective(s)for the research performed and give the reader sufficient background to understand the rest of the report.Care should be taken to limit the background to whatever is pertinent to the experiment,Introduction,Why wa

4、s this study performed?observations and literature What knowledge already exists about this subject?confirmations,conflicts,and gaps What is the specific purpose of the study?hypotheses and experimental design,Introduction,It is the width and shape of the boxes that is importantThe structure is gove

5、rned by the Results boxIntroduction begins much broader:making firm contact with the selected audience,at the logical contact pointBetween start and end of Intro,background info.and previous work are woven together to justify the studyIntroduction ends with the aim of the present study,Introduction:

6、the five stages,1.General statements about the field of research to provide the reader with a setting or context for the problem to be reported and claim its centrality2.More specific statements about the aspects of the problem already studied by other researchers,laying a foundation of information

7、already known3.Statements that indicate the need for more investigation to create a gap or research niche for the present study4.Very specific statements giving the purpose or objective of the authors study5.Optional statement(s)that give a value or justification for carrying out the study,Spatial D

8、istribution of Litter and Microarthropods in a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem,1In most deserts of the world,transitions between topographic elements are abrupt and watercourses which are dry most of the time tend to dissipate their occasional waters within local basins.2Occasional torrential rainfall,c

9、haracteristic of most desert regions,washes loose debris into watercourses or transports this material,depositing it in and along the shores of ephemeral lakes.3These physical processes result in a redistribution of dead plant material(litter),affect the distribution of soil water and create a heter

10、ogeneous biotic community.4Therefore,before the dynamics of desert ecosystems can be adequately understood,the spatial relationships must be clarified.,5There have been few studies of litter distribution and/or soil fauna in any of the worlds deserts(Wallwork,1976).6Wood(1971)surveyed the soil fauna

11、 in a number of Australian arid and semi-arid ecosystems.7Wallwork(1972)made some studies of the microarthropod fauna in the Californian Mojave desert and Edney et al.(1974,1975,1976)studied abundance and distribution of soil microarthropods in the Mojave desert in Nevada.8In the Chihuahuan desert,W

12、hitford et al.(1975,1976,1977)described the spatial relationships for many groups of organisms,but soil microarthropods remain unstudied.9The lack of such information represents a gap in our knowledge of desert ecosystems.10As part of our continuing program of studies of the structure and dynamics o

13、f Chihuahuan desert ecosystems,we designed the study reported here to understand the relation-ship between litter redistribution and the spatial distribution and composition of the soil microarthropod community.,引言,引言要写得深入浅出,以使大部分本专业的读者都能看懂,即使你的正文或许只有少数专家才能看懂。作者不应表示谦意 如实评述,防止吹嘘自己和贬低别人,Introduction,S

14、tyle:Use the active voice as much as possible.Some use of first person is okay,but do not overdo it.Structure:an inverted triangle-the broadest part at the top representing the most general information and focusing down to the specific problem you studied,实验材料和方法,目的和作用 结果得出的准确性和严谨性;可重复验证 材料的表达主要指对材料

15、的来源、性质和数量,以及材料的选取和处理等事项的阐述。方法的表达主要指对实验的仪器、设备,以及实验条件和测试方法等事项的阐述实验过程描述,Methods and Materials,Function:You explain clearly how you carried out your study in the following general structure:The subjects used Description of the sdudy site The experimental design The protocol for collecting data How the d

16、ata were analyzed,Methods and Materials,Style:It read as if you were verbally describing the conduct of the experiment.You may use the active voice to a certain extent,although this section requires more use of third person,passive constructions than others.Avoid use of the first person in this sect

17、ion.Remember to use the past tense throughout.The Methods section is not a step-by-step,directive,protocol as you might see in your lab manual.,实验结果,包括给出结果,并对结果进行定量或定性的分析。写作要点:以图、表等手段整理实验结果,通过数理统计和误差分析说明结果的可靠性、再现性和普遍性,进行实验结果与理论计算结果的比较,说明结果的适用对象和范围,分析不符合预见的现象和数据,检验理论分析的正确性等。,实验结果,切忌伪造数据;不要随意舍去与自己料想不符

18、或相反的数据;分析逻辑严谨,切忌牵强;不能空泛议论;对实验过程中发现的实验设计、实验方案或执行方法方面的某些不足或错误,也应说明,以供读者借鉴。,实验结果,文字、图、表;线条图、柱状图;如何引图表 例1:Germination rates were significantly higher after 24 h in running water than in controls(Fig.4).例2:干旱处理导致两种植物叶片的相对含水量明显下降(图2)。例3:图3显示经干旱处理的黄柳和垂柳叶片其F在各个水势梯度中基本保持稳定。,实验结果,Avoid sentences that give no

19、information other than directing the reader to the Figure or Table.例1:Table 1 shows the summary results for male and female heights at Bates College 例2:图3显示了不同类型植物盖度下E的动态变化情况,例3:图3显示了不同类型植物盖度下E的动态变化情况,根据图3可见,不同类型植物盖度下E的动态差异较大,不同类型植物盖度下E的动态差异较大(图3),,Results,The results section should summarize,but no

20、t interpret,the results obtained Figures and tables frequently will help the reader to understand more easily than a written description.Obviously the same data should not be presented in two different forms,Results,Each figure or table should follow the first reference to them in the text.All figur

21、es and tables must be called out or referred to before they are explained in the textThe graphs should be referred to as FiguresDo not present raw data.Printouts of EXCEL worksheets with raw data are NOT acceptable tables!,Results,All figures and tables should have descriptive titles and should incl

22、ude a legend explaining any symbols,abbreviations,or special methods used Figures and tables should be self-explanatory,Results,The Anatomy of a Table,Results,The Anatomy of a Figure,Results,The Anatomy of a Figure,讨论,这一部分要客观地分析所得到的结果,自然而然地引出你的主要结论内容:1)研究结果说明了什么问题,得出了什么规律性的东西,解决了什么理论或实际问题;2)对前人有关本问题

23、的看法作了哪些检验,哪些与本研究结果一致,哪些不一致,作者做了哪些修正、补充、发展或否定;3)本研究的不足之处或遗留问题;4)研究建议,讨论,概括准确:对论文创新内容的概括应当准确、完整 措词严谨:肯定和否定要明确,不能模棱两可,含糊其词。结论与引言相呼应 不作自我评价,Discussion,Function:The function of the Discussion is to interpret your results in light of what was already known about the subject of the investigation,and to exp

24、lain our new understanding of the problem after taking your results into consideration,Discussion,Do your results provide answers to your testable hypotheses?If so,how do you interpret your findings?Do your findings agree with what others have shown?If not,do they suggest an alternative explanation

25、Given your conclusions,what is our new understanding of the problem you investigated and outlined in the Introduction?If warranted,what would be the next step in your study?,Discussion,Do not waste entire sentences restating your results;Do not introduce new results in the Discussion.Use the active

26、voice whenever possible in this section.Use of the first person is okay,but too much use of the first person may actually distract the reader from the main points.,致谢,致谢的对象:凡对本研究直接提供过资金、设备、人力,以及文献资料等支持和帮助的团体和个人。不要对作者中列出的人员致谢不要对编辑、审稿人致谢,Acknowledgments,If,in your experiment,you received any significa

27、nt help in thinking up,designing,or carrying out the work,or received materials from someone who did you a favor by supplying them,you must acknowledge their assistance and the service or material provided.,参考文献,为撰写或编辑论著而引用的有关图书资料“顺序编码制”和“著者-出版年制”只著录最必要、最新的文献 只著录公开发表的文献 采用标准化的著录格式,参考文献,采用顺序编码制时,在引文处

28、,按它们出现的先后用阿拉伯数字连续编码,并将序码置于方括号内,视具体情况把序码作为上角标,或者作为语句的组成部分。“笔者在文献1中,在Richard S.Crandall2和Porponth Sichanugrist等人3工作的基础上”在文后参考文献表中,各条文献按在论文中的文献序号顺序排列,References,The references list only the papers or other publications that were directly referred to in your paper.References should be cited in one of tw

29、o ways in the text:(1)Mention the authors names as part of your sentence followed by the year of publication in parentheses;(2)Place authors names and the year of publication in parentheses following ideas or results from the study.,References,Brown and Wilson(1992)performed a set of experiments dem

30、onstrating variability in host specialization.A phylogenetic tree of the yucca moth family indicates the important role of host-plant association in the evolution of this group(Brown et al.1994).The references gives an alphabetical listing(by first authors last name)of the references that you actual

31、ly cited in the body of your paper.,参考文献,切忌间接引用或引用二次文献;尽量引用本学科的最新文献;尽量引用国际著名刊物上发表的文献;国内作者参考文献存在的问题:参阅文献量少,所以文献引用少;只引用自己的论文;有些文献有意回避或故意不引用。,参考文献,For articles:Fox,J.W.1988.Nest-building behavior of the catbird,Dumetella carolinensis.Journal of Ecology 47(?):113-17.For Books:Bird,W.Z.1990.Ecological as

32、pects of fox reproduction.Berlin:Guttenberg Press.For chapters in books:Smith,C.J.1989.Basal cell carcinomas.In Histological aspects of cancer,ed.C.D.Wilfred,pp.278-91.Boston:Medical Press.,附录,为了体现整篇论文材料上的完整性,但写入正文又可能有损于行文的条理性、逻辑性和精练性,这类材料可以写入附录段。附录段大致包括如下一些材料:1)比正文更为详尽的理论根据、研究方法和技术要点更深入的叙述,建议可以阅读的参

33、考文献题录,对了解正文内容有用的补充信息等;,附录,2)由于篇幅过长或取材于复制品而不宜写入正文的资料;3)不便于写入正文的罕见珍贵资料;4)一般读者并非必要阅读,但对本专业同行很有参考价值的资料;5)某些重要的原始数据、数学推导、计算程序、框图、结构图、统计表、计算机打印输出件等。,Appendices,Function:An Appendix contains information that is non-essential to understanding of the paper,but may present information that further clarifies a

34、 point without burdening the body of the presentation.An appendix is an optional part of the paper,and is only rarely found in published papers.,Appendices,raw data maps extra photographs explanation of formulas specialized computer programs for a particular procedure full generic names of chemicals

35、 or compounds that you have referred to in somewhat abbreviated fashion or by some common name in the text of your paper.diagrams of specialized apparati.,科技论文写作3,科技论文的结构The structure of scientific paper,题目 Title 作者 Author作者单位和地址 Affiliation and address 摘要 Abstract关键词 Key words引言 Introduction材料与方法 M

36、aterials and methods 结果 Results讨论 Discussion致谢 Acknowledgments(optional)引文 References附录 Appendices(optional),主要章节功能回顾,What did I do in a nutshell?AbstractWhat is the problem?IntroductionHow did I solve the problem?Materials and MethodsWhat did I find out?ResultsWhat does it mean?DiscussionWho helped

37、 me out?Acknowledgments Whose work did I refer to?Literature CitedExtra Information Appendices,The IMRAD article:Introduction,Methods,Results And Discussion,AbstractIntroductionMaterials and MethodsResultsDiscussion,主要章节功能图示,引 言 讨论 讨论 材料和方法 结果,科技论文分类,学术性论文进一步分为 原始研究论文 Original paper 全长论文 Full-length

38、 paper 快讯 Rapid communication 简讯 Short communication 综述 Review,综述,科技综述和述评是对某一学科或专题的科技文献资料进行综合分析研究进而归纳整理的综合叙述和评论,综述,综述的文章结构 摘要 前言 既往状况 现状分析 发展趋势 结语 参考文献,综述,前言:简要地陈述编写该科技综述的原因、目的、意义以及与本课题有关的背景情况。如资料来源、科技形势和参与单位等。有的综述也可以不标明前言这类小标题。,综述,既往状况:如历史的、各阶段的发展状况及特点;原有的基础、水平、条件等纵向回顾的有关内容。,综述,现状分析:广泛、系统地叙述该科技领域的已

39、有成就。对于不同学派观点和争论的意见以及悬而未决的问题,也应进行客观的反映。,综述,发展趋势:介绍目前正在进行的工作、初步的结论和研究工作的新动向;对该学科的展望和发展前景的预测。,综述,结语:简要表述作者对这些文献资料研究所得的概括性结论、存在的分岐意见以及有待解决的问题等。,综述,文献资料一定要全面;有述有评,并有很清晰的观点;以科学问题为主线安排论文结构和层次,切忌“流水帐”;重点是综合论述学科存在的问题和解决办法、发展趋势和前景展望建设性意见和建议,科技论文规范表达,层次标题 量名称和量符号计量单位 数字,层次标题,IntroductionMaterials and Methods 2

40、.1 Materials 2.1.1 Samples 2.1.2 Chemicals 2.2 Methods3 Results,量名称和量符号,量名称 速度(v)、直径(d)、功率(P)1)通用的量名称,按国家标准量和单位规定的选用,切勿使用已废弃的量名称。2)学科或专业的量的名称,用全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定公布的。目前全国名词委已公布出版了40多个学科的名词术语,请作者注意选用。,量名称和量符号,量符号用标准规定的量符号;打印稿,量符号必须用斜体字母(pH值除外);量符号的大小写不能随意;V是体积,是速度;P是功率,p是压力;等等;在全文中某一个字母代表的量应是惟一确定的;不能把化学元

41、素符号作为量符号使用;量符号尽量与缩写词区分开。,计量单位,使用法定单位 我国法定计量单位是以国际单位制(SI)单位为基础,根据我国国情加选了一些非SI单位构成的国际通用符号 国际符号是指用拉丁字母或希腊字母表示的单位或其字头。如:kP(千帕)、kg(千克)、N(牛顿)等单位符号用正体字母,计量单位,要注意区分单位符合和词头符号的大小写:1,一般单位符号为小写体,m、t、g等;L(升)例外;2,来源于人名的单位,其符号的首字母大写,A、Pa、J;3,词头符号中表示的因次为106及以上,用大写体,如 M(106,兆)等;4,表示的因次为103及以下,用小写体,如 k(103,千)、(10-6,微

42、)、n(10-9,纳)等。,计量单位,组合单位符号的构成规则 相乘组合单位符号,力矩单位Nm或Nm;相除组合单位,热容单位为J/K或JK-1相除组合单位符号中的斜分数线“/”不能多于1条,当分母有2个以上单位时,分母就应加圆括号,传热系数单位W/(m2K),不能写成W/m2/K或W/m2K。,计量单位,组合单位符号的构成规则 组合单位中不能夹有单位的中文符号 例如m3/秒、mg/(kg天)等组合单位中允许有计数单位(如元、只、人、把、个、株、粒、颗等)和一般常用时间单位(如月、周(星期)等)不应把一些不是单位符号的“符号”作为单位符号使用。单位前的数值,一般应控制在0.11 000 之间,数字

43、,汉字数字与阿拉伯数字凡是可以使用阿拉伯数字而且又很得体的地方,均应使用阿拉件数字。使用阿拉伯数字的场合:1)公元世纪、年代、年、月、日、时刻。如:20世纪90年代;1999年1月15日;12时5分18秒。1999年在任何地方都不能写作99年。,数字,使用阿拉伯数字的场合:2)计量单位和计数单位前的数字。木料 5 m3;羊 2只,3个特点,2条意见,200多人。3)纯数字,包括整数、小数、分数、百分数、比例,以及一部分概数。4)产品型号、样品编号,代号或序号。5)文后参考文献著录中的数字。,数字,使用汉字数字的场合 1)定型的词、词组、成语、惯用语 第一,二倍体,星期五,“十五”计划,第一作者

44、 2)相邻2个数字连用表示的概数 一两千米,二三十公顷,四百五六十万元(注意:其间不用顿号(、),数字,使用汉字数字的场合 3)带有“几”字的数字表示的概数 十几,几百,三千几百万,几万分之一 4)各国、各民族的非公历纪年及月日 5)含有月日简称表示事件、节日和其他特定含义的词组中的数字“一二九”运动,五四运动,“一一七”批示。,数字,3 245 3245 3.141 5 3.1415 0.85.85 12.15亿 12 亿1千5百万 0.250,0.500,0.757A 0.25,0.5,0.757A;2030 kg 20到30 kg;(505)%505%;19952000年 1995200

45、0年;两三次 23次;,数字,52%55%5255%;20万30万 2030万;3 h4h 20 min 34 h 20 min(12.50.5)mm 12.50.5mm;60 m40 m 6040 m 45,42,37 mm 45 mm,42 mm,37 mm,数字,英文数字和阿拉伯数字的用法句子开头用英文数字而不能用阿拉伯数字;单位是符号时一律用阿拉伯数字;3 g;6 m;8 yr;18 s 等文字叙述中小于等于10的数一般用英文,大于10的数用阿拉伯数字,两者同时有的时候都用阿拉伯数字;,数字,英文数字和阿拉伯数字的用法 m=5 kg;m=5 kilograms;m=five kg;m=

46、five kilograms;a 25-kilogram sphere;a 25 kg sphere;a 25-kg sphere;from 18 to 28 kg;from 18-28 kg,科技论文撰写过程和注意事项,撰写前根据成果的重要程度和自己的写作水平,判断选取的发表刊物;详细阅读所选取的刊物的投稿说明,成文时严格按照投稿要求写作;,科技论文撰写过程和注意事项,撰写前再次确认相同或相近的成果没有被发表;同其他作者,特别是导师,共同讨论所要撰写的论文应包含哪些实验结果和结论;确认这些结果和结论确实能够解决一个科学问题。,科技论文撰写过程和注意事项,选择合适期刊的重要性 如果稿件投向了不

47、适合的期刊简单退稿,稿件内容“不适合本刊”;编辑对稿件内容了解少;容易“误判”;即使发表,但是容易被埋没。,科技论文撰写过程和注意事项,如何选择合适期刊 发表范围是否相符;读者群和显示度;学术质量和影响力;录用率是否适当;编辑和印刷质量;是否收取发表费。,科技论文撰写过程和注意事项,阅读“作者须知”期刊的宗旨和发表范围;不同栏目论文对长度、章节顺序等要求;投稿要求,包括形式、份数、图表要求等;是否同行评议:发表周期、决定周期等;体例格式具体要求等。,科技论文撰写过程和注意事项,撰写 先草拟一个提纲;引言-参考文献;材料和方法-参考文献;结果 讨论-参考文献;摘要;题目。,科技论文撰写过程和注意

48、事项,Self-Revision by the Author(s)GLOBAL;PARAGRAPH;LINE EDITING;MISCELLANEOUS。,科技论文撰写过程和注意事项,Self-Revision by the Author(s)GLOBAL check the sequence of ideas/background/content in each section for logical progression(your topic sentences should do this).check for a strong relationship of ideas betwee

49、n the Introduction(what we knew before our study)and the Discussion(how our study changes or supports our previous understanding).,科技论文撰写过程和注意事项,Self-Revision by the Author(s)PARAGRAPH check that each paragraph has a coherent topic sentence,most often as the lead sentence.in each paragraph do the ot

50、her sentences support the topic sentence?check the transitions between paragraphs to ensure they are logical and smooth.,科技论文撰写过程和注意事项,Self-Revision by the Author(s)LINE EDITING check for correct use of terminology.can you change a passive verb construction to an active verb?eliminate superfluous le


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