[高二英语]选修8 Unit1 A land of diversity Language points.ppt

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1、1.It also has the distinction(of being the most multicultural state in the USA),having attracted people from all over the world.,加州与众不同之处在于它是美国最能体现多远文化的一个州.,重点句型,multi多,multiculture:多元文化,multimedia:多媒体,distinction n.差别;区分;卓著;adj.distinct 清晰的;明显的;明确的He has a distinct gift for drawing.他有很明显的绘画天赋。You s

2、hould make your writing distinct.你应把字写清楚。win a distinction for 因而获功勋,be distinct in.from.在某方面与不同(as)distinct from 与不同(的)make a distinction between 对加以区分win a distinction for 因而获功勋without distinction 无差别地;一视同仁地 翻译句子There is a distinct possibility that shell be your teacher next term.Those two ideas a

3、re quite distinct from each other.【答案】她下学期当你们老师的可能性非常大。这两种观点截然不同。,联想拓展,高手过招,2.However,it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.然而,土 著美国人很可能在一万五千年前就在加州生活 着。(1)是指从外表、迹像上进行 判断,有可能发生。possible指客观上有可 能,含希望小的意味。的 可能性比possible大,表示“很可能,十有八 九”。,考点提炼,like

4、ly,probable,(2)likely 作主语,常用句型是:。(3)possible和probable都不以人作主语,常用句型有:_ 或;probable只能用 句型。,人/物,It is likely that.或sb./sth.is,likely to.,It is possible(for sb.)to do sth.,It is possible that.,It is probable that.,注意:likely 比较级为 likelier,最高级为 likeliest,e.g.She is _ to succeed.她有可能会成功.=It is likely that sh

5、e will succeed.,likely,This is a _ story.这是一个有可能发生的故事.,likely,3.Two centuries later,the Spanish had settled in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of what we now call the United States.两百年后,西班 牙人定居在南美洲大多数地区以及现在美国所 在的西北沿海。(1)此句中的of后面所引导的是一 个_。在英语中介词一般是不能带宾语 从句的,但对于个别例外的词来讲,是可以自

6、带从句作宾语的。,考点提炼,宾语从句,再如课文例句:When the first people arrived in what we now know as California,宾语从句=all that(the place that)we now know as California.定语从句George Washington was born in _ is now the state of Virginia.which B.where C.that D.what=George Washington was born in the place that is now the state

7、of Virginia.,D,(2)what此时用作,可以用来引导、或。注意what的用法:当主句和从句同时缺少主语、宾语或表语时才可以用what。what也可以相当于定语从句的“”。,连接代词,主语,从句,宾语从句,表语从句,先行,词+引导词,4.It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups,but simply a mixture of many races and

8、 cultures.人们认为这种多国 籍的融合是如此巨大以致于不久就不会有主要 的种族或文化团体,而只是多元文化的融合。,It is believed that It is said that It is hoped that It is supposed that It is suggested that It is reported that.一般可改为:sb is believed to(have done)do sth但不可以这样 It is reported that some European countries are flooded severely.It is hoped t

9、hat the cost of medical care can be cut down.,5.People from different parts of the world,attracted by the climate and the lifestyle,still immigrate to California.被这里气候和生活方式所吸引的来自世界各地 的人们也移民到了加利福尼亚。,6.California is the third largest state in the 序数词可以修饰形容词的最高级 The Yellow River is the second longest r

10、iver in China.可以修饰比较级的词:no/a little/a bit/any/slightly/by far/far/much Youre standing too close to the camera.Can you move _?A.a bit far B.a little farther C.a bit of farther D.a little far,B,导练互动重点单词1.means Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by

11、 means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times.(回归 课本P2),观察思考 Every means has been tried.每种方法都试过了。All possible means have been tried.所有可行的方法都试过了。This plan must be put into practice by all means.这个计划必须付诸实施。Can you solve the problem by this means?你能用这种方法解决这个问题吗?,归纳总结means表示“”,其单复数同形。当means

12、作主语且有 等词修饰时谓语动词用单数;有some,several,many,few等词修饰时谓语动词用。means一般用于以下搭配:by all means尽一切办法;一定;务必;(表示答应)当然可以by any means无论如何by means of用,依靠by no means决不;并没有by this means用这种方法,方法,方式,手段,every,each,复数,by no means=not a bit 决不By no means _ give in to the terrible circumstances at that time although faced with g

13、reat difficulty.A.they will B.will they C.they would D.would they注意放在句首时主句使用部分倒装。means 方法、手段、工具,单复数同形,多和介词by 搭配。way 方法,普通用语。可用于任何处理事物的方式。多于介词in搭配。method 方法,理论,指合乎逻辑或系统的方法。多和介词with 搭配。,D,e.g.teaching method 教学方法Only _ this method can you get much benefit from it when reading.A.in B.on C.with D.byWe l

14、ook forward to the day when the motor car has been replaced by some less dangerous_ of transport.A.means B.methods C.ways D.manners,C,A,1)We express our thoughts _ words.A.by this means B.by all means C.by no means D.by means of2)-May I have a look at your book?-_.A.By this means B.By all means C.By

15、 this way D.By any means3)Every means _ been tried,and all means _ well now.A.have;go B.has;go C.have;goes D.has;goes,means,D,B,B,2.majority Of the first Spanish to go to California,the majority were religious men,.(回归课本P2)观察思考 The majority is/are doing his/their best.大多数人都尽心尽力。The majority of my fr

16、iends have gone abroad.我的大多数朋友都出国了。A majority of workers now work five days a week.现在多数工厂每周工作五天。,归纳总结majority _。(1)majoritycthe majority 作主语时,谓语动词用单复数皆可。(2)the majority of+名词,表示“多数”,其后的谓语动词取决于of之后的名词。(3)majority常由great修饰。(4)majority的反义词是minority,意为“少数,少数派,少数票,少数人”,复数形式是minorities,意为“少数民族”。,n.大多数;大半,

17、major adj.主要的,重要的,较大的,较多的;主修的;n.主修科目;主修学生;v.主修(in)minor adj.较小的;不重要的,(5)in the/a majority 占大多数 get a majority获得多数票 have a majority over sb.获得多于某人的票数,战胜某人 a great majority 大多数 by/with a majority of 23456 以大多数(赢得),即学即用(1)他以71票的优势赢得了该席位。He won the seat with.(2)她在董事会以110的多数票当选为公司董事长。She was chosen as th

18、e president of the company 110 in the board.(3)多数人喜欢电脑胜过电视。seem to prefer computer to TV.(4)多数人赞成这个建议。The majority the proposal.,a majority of 71,votes,by a majority of,The majority of people,was/were in favour of,The majority _ for the budget.The majority of students _ hard-working.The majority of

19、the damage _ easy to repair.,is/are,are,is,1)At the meeting,young people were _.A.in majority B.in the majority C.of majority D.of the majority2)The majority of students _ trees in the fields and some are carrying water.A.is planting B.was planting C.are planting D.were planting3)The majority _ with

20、 me.A.agrees B.agree C.are agreed D.is agree,majority,B,C,B,3.occur Yes.It didnt occur to me that.(回归课 本P5)观察思考 At the beginning of June an event occurred.六月初发生了一件事。It occurred to me to visit my parents.我突然想去探望父母。That sound does not occur in my language.我的语言里不存在那个音。,归纳总结occur _。occur to sb.发生在某人身上It

21、 occurs to sb.to do sth.某人想起做某事sth.occurs to sb.sth.strikes es to sb.It occurs to sb.that-clauseIt strikes sb.that-clause,vi.发生;出现;存在,某人突然想起,即学即用(1)事故发生在五点钟。(2)她突然想到她可能会收养一个无家可归的孩 子。(3)同一个主题在她的许多作品中都有。,The accident occurred at five oclock.,It occurred to her that she might adopt,a homeless child.,Th

22、e same theme occurs in many of her,works.,4.percentage Today,Chinese-Americans live in all parts of California,although a large percentage have chosen to stay in the“Chinatowns”of Los Angeles and San Francisco.(回归课本P2)观察思考 1)A high percentage of the college students have parttime jobs at home and ab

23、road.不管是在国内还是在国外,大多数的大学生一 边学习一边打工。,2)What percentage of his income is paid in(以.形式)income tax?他收入的百分之几拿去交个人所得税?3)A good/great/large/heavy percentage of school books now have pictures.现在大多数教科书有插图。,归纳总结percentage _。(1)percentage前不用具体的数字修饰,但可以被high,low等形容词修饰。(2)percent百分之,相当于“%”,其前面往往用具体数字修饰。(3)“a perc

24、entage of+n.”在句中作主语时,谓语动词的单复数根据名词的单复数形式而定。,n.百分比;百分率;部分;某一比例,The result is expressed _(以百分比)._(比例越来越大)of the population own their own houses._(大部分)people came._(百分之五十的学生)came from workers family.,as a percentage,An increasing percentage,A large percentage of,50 percent of students,5.diversity=variet

25、y 多样性、变化a diversity of vegetablesdiversify vt.使多样性,使不同diversify ones skills/interestsWe should diversify lessons to attract more students.A company should diversify.,6.population 人口 The population of China_ large.And 70%of the population of China_ peasants.表示整体人口时谓语动词用单数,表示部分人口 时谓语动词用复数。而形容人口的多少通常用

26、large/small。对人口的多少进行疑问时,可用 Whats the population of?Whats the population of Guangdong?have a population of 有多少人口 China has a population of 1.3 billion.an increase/growth in population 人口,is,are,7.However,some survived these terrible times,and today there are more Native Americans living in California

27、 than in any other state.,幸免,幸免于难 Only 12 of the 140 passengers _.在140名乘客中只有12人幸免于难。,survive,survived,挺过来,挣扎过下去e.g.I dont think I _ another Year as a teacher;just too stressful.,could survive,比(某人)长寿,比(通常指亲人)活的更长e.g.Harry _ his wife by three months.哈里比他妻子多活了三个月。,survived,8.declare vt.1)to make known

28、 publicly or officially 宣布,宣告主席宣布了选举结果。The chairman declared the results of the election.警方现在已经对这个地区的毒贩宣战了。The police have declared war on drug dealers in this area.法官宣判这个窃贼有罪。The judge declared the thief guilty.,2)to state with great forces so that there is no doubt about the meaning 宣称,声称,断言 她郑重宣布

29、她对此事一无所知。She solemnly declared that she knew nothing about it.请表明你的立场。Declare your position,please.她声称自己无罪。She declared herself to be innocent.他声明此事属实。He declared that it was true.,9.mix n.混合 V.混合,混乱We have to come up with a mix of policies to please the voters.(折中)You can mix yellow and blue togeth

30、er tomake green.We can not mix work with pleasure.mixture n.混合物,混合体这种饮料是三种不同饮料的混合物。The drink is a mixture of 3 different sorts of drinks.a mixture of sadness and anger/water and oil,vi.混合,使结合 Oil and water dont mix.Oil doesnt mix with water.Tom and John mix like oil and water.I got/was mixed up at f

31、irst.头脑混乱He was mixed up in the scandal.(丑闻)牵连到Dont get mixed up with them.与交往,有联系Success is a _ of a sharp mind and hard training rather than just talking.A.mixture B.thought C.time D.action,A,重点短语1.make a life Some died or returned home,but most remained in California to make a life for themselves

32、 despite great hardship.(回归课 本P2)观察思考 The problem is how they make a life.问题是他们如何习惯于新的生活方式。We make a living by what we get;we make a life by what we give.我们通过得到些什么来谋生;通过给予某些东 西来适应生活。,归纳总结make a life意为:。come to life突然苏醒;突然开始工作;突然变得活跃live/lead a.life过着生活come back to life苏醒过来;恢复生气full of life充满生气make/e

33、arn a/ones living谋生start/make a new life开始新生活for life终生,一生,终身to the life栩栩如生,逼真,习惯于新的生活方式、工作等,即学即用(1)他们去了西部地区,决心去适应新生活。They went to the West and decided.(2)他靠卖菜为生。He selling vegetables.(3)救援队使婴儿苏醒过来了。The rescue team.,to make,a life there,earned/made a/his living by,brought the baby back to,life,2.ke

34、ep up In 1911 immigrants from Denmark established a town of their own,which today still keeps up their Danish culture.(回归课本P2)观察思考 I hope the fine weather will keep up.我希望好天气能保持下去。If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your house.如果你不继续付款,你的住房就可能保不住了。Do you still keep up your Spanish

35、?你还坚持说西班牙语吗?We must keep up with the times.我们必须跟上时代步伐。,Tom _ _ the plan.(汤姆反对这个计划)_ _ will go to Shanghai after graduation.(大多数人毕业后都会去上海)3._ _ _ _ students can pass the exam.(少数学生能通过这次考试)4.We _ _ _ _ ten years.(我们已经合作10年了)5._ _ _ _ travel is by plane.(旅行的最快方式是乘飞机)6.We _ _ _ the enemy.(已向敌人宣战),object

36、ed to,The majority,A small percentage of,have teamed up for,The quickest means of,declared war on,Fill in the blanks.,7.The manage asked the workers to _ _ the work.(经理叫工人继续工作)8.A good idea _ _ me all at once.(我突然想到一个好主意)9._ _ _ that the sports meet will be held as planned.(人们相信运动会会照计划进行)10.He could

37、t speak,but made himself understood _ _ _ signs.(他虽然不会说话,但能 通过手势让别人知道他的意思)11.These two designs are almost _.(这两种设计几乎是一样的),keep up,occurred to,It is believed,by means of,identical,12.Write in a style _ _ your subject.(用与你的题目相称的题材写)13.This book _ _ _ _ _ its readers.(这本书对其读者产生了巨大的影响)14._ _ _in the con

38、cert hall.(音乐厅内不准吸烟)15.The King forbids us _ _ _.(国王禁止我们外出.)16.Is there _ _ _ his guilt?(有什么根据证明他犯罪)17.The weather _ _ _ get better tomorrow.(明天天气一定会变好),appropriate to,made a great impact on,Smoking is forbidden,from going out,any evidence for,is bound to,18.I _ _ _ _ how to solve the problem.(对于如何解

39、决该问题,我跟他意见 不一致)19.I found the house without _ _.(我毫不费事地找到了那座房子)20.The exchange rate is _ _ _ today.(今天的兑换率对我们有利),differed with him on,any bother,in our favor,Homework,1.Finish“Learning about language”on page 4.,2.Look at the following Map of the U.S.A.Write a short passage.,The United States of Amer

40、ica is located in the south of North America with its two youngest states Alaska in the northwestern part of North America and Hawaii in the central Pacific.It is bounded by Canada on the north and Mexico on the South with the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west.,Thanks&bye _,


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