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1、Training OfCandle,Candle holder,Prepared by Hero Tu,The content of Training培训内容,Foreword 前言Terminology and definitions 产品术语及定义Introduction 产品简介Cautionary Labeling 警示标识Workmanship/Construction 产品工艺/结构Measurement and Material 产品测量及材料要求Safety Requirement/Performance 安全要求/产品性能Case Study 案例分析,This traini

2、ng material is only used for internal training including general inspection knowledge of Candle,Candle holder,but do not include all aspects of Candle,Candle holder products requirement 该培训材料只适用于蜡烛,蜡烛烛台的一般检验相关知识的内部培训,但并不包扩蜡烛,蜡烛烛台所有方面技术要求。The text of the training material covers aspects of safety,ins

3、pection,basic knowledge of attachment,material,and designing.该培训材料包含产品安全,检验,配件,材料和设计的一般知识。The related national standards 相关标准:ASTM:PS59-02 Provisional Specification for Fire Safety for candles ASTM:F2058 Specification For cautionary Labeling For Candle Burned in Home RAL-GZ 041 Quality Inspection Sp

4、ecifications for Candles 16CFR 1500.44 Flammability Test for Candleholder,Foreword前言,To well understand candle inspection,we need to learn some candle-related terminology.为更好理解蜡烛的检验,需要学习相关术语。Paraffin Wax A waxy,white or colorless,solid hydrocarbon mixture used to make candles,wax paper,lubricants,an

5、d sealing materials.石蜡,一种蜡质的白色或无色的固体碳化氢混合物,用于制做蜡烛、蜡纸、润滑剂和密封材料。Wick A cord or strand of loosely woven,twisted,or braided fibers,as on a candle or an oil lamp,that draws up fuel to the flame by capillary action.灯芯,烛芯一条编织、缠绕或编得很松的纤维,用于蜡烛或油灯上通过毛细引力使燃料升成火焰。Filled container candle A candle produced and us

6、ed within the same vessel 罐蜡,被放置在容器中使用的蜡烛Fuel Pool Pool of molten base material 蜡烛本体融化后所形成的池状区域。,Terminology and definitions产品术语及定义,Candle Flashover Condition where the base materials vapors ignite over the entire fuel pool.蜡烛跳火-底部材料的蒸汽点燃整个油池的现象。Secondary Ignition A self-Sustained flame other than t

7、hat on the intended wick that occurs during candle use,including flash over.二度燃烧-使用蜡烛时不在烛芯的自身维持下的火焰,包括跳火。End of useful life When the candle ceases to support combustion and the candle flame goes out on its own,as intended,and can not be re-lit.使用寿命终结-蜡烛停止燃烧,火焰按设计自己熄灭,且不能重新点燃。Tea-light Candle,which w

8、ill be burnt up in a non-flammable container,e.g.made from metal,glass or plastic.茶叶灯,放置在不易被燃烧的铁皮,玻璃或塑料容器中使用的蜡烛。,Terminology and definitions产品术语及定义,Definition 定义 What is Candle?何谓蜡烛?Candle-A solid,usually cylindrical mass of tallow,wax,or other fatty substance with an axially embedded wick that is b

9、urned to provide light.蜡烛通常是由动物油脂、蜡或其它脂肪物质构成的固态柱状物体,轴心中有烛绳,被点燃以照明。Typical styles of candle 常见的蜡烛类型 Taper/锥形蜡烛,Pillar/柱状蜡烛,Votive/奉献型蜡烛,Floating/漂浮蜡烛,Tea-light/茶叶灯型,Wax Containers/罐蜡,Gel/果冻蜡烛,Terra Cotta/陶土罐蜡,Introduction 产品简介,Candle holder 蜡烛烛台The holder is intended for the following style candle.(T

10、aper,pillar,tea-light,etc.)蜡烛烛台用于以下类型蜡烛:锥形,柱形,和茶叶灯形等。Capacity-Number of candles 容量-蜡烛数量Type of base(Individual legs,smooth base,etc.),Candle Holders or Lanterns usually made of Glass,Ceramic,Metal Or Wooden 底座类型(单个支架,平滑底座等),通常由玻璃,陶瓷,金属或木材制作蜡烛烛台或者成灯笼状。,Introduction 产品简介,Workmanship/Construction 产品工艺/

11、结构,Workmanship(For all sampling candles)工艺Smooth finish,free from dirt,dust,and foreign matter 蜡烛表面应光滑,无污垢 Free from cracks or fractures 无破碎,裂缝Good overall appearance 整体外观良好 Construction 结构Shape conforms to labeled shape 产品与标贴形状相符Wick is properly centered and is not visible along the shaft of the ca

12、ndle 蜡烛灯芯应居中,沿边不能看到Multiple wicks are adequately spaced from each other and from the edge of the candle.多个烛芯的蜡烛的烛芯和烛芯及烛芯和蜡烛边沿留有充分间隔 Wicks extends the entire length of the candle and beyond the tip 烛芯延伸到蜡烛全长并超出其顶端,Cautionary Labeling 警示标识,Cautionary Labeling As per ASTM F2058-00,visual inspection on

13、labels,the candle shall bear the following equivalent wording.WARNING:To Prevent Fire,Burn candle within sight.Out of the reach of children and pets.Never burn a candle on/near anything that can catch fire.警告:为防火灾,在视线范围内燃烧蜡烛,放于小孩和宠物接触不到的地方,不可在容易起火的地方燃烧蜡烛。Warning statement should be preceded by an ex

14、clamation point contained within an equilateral triangle.警告语前须有一置于等边三角形内的感叹号。Other Information Keep wick trimmed to”before lighting candlesPlace the candle on heat resistant surface or with appropriate candle holder that has sufficient space to retain the wax spillageRemove the holder after cooling,

15、the container may be hotFor outdoor use only(if applicable)Country of origin,Measurement and Material 产品测量及材料要求,Weight 记录蜡烛的长宽高等:相同类型(尺寸,颜色)的蜡烛只测量一件;检验时至少记录两套成品蜡烛重量.Paraffin Point of Fusion check 石蜡熔点 According to the manufacturers instruction or specification,check the temperature range of paraffin

16、 point of fusion for records 依照说明书或制造规格要求,检查并记录蜡烛融化时的温度。Paraffin wax and Palm Content check 固体石蜡和棕榈含量 Report the%of paraffin wax and palm according to the manufacturers instruction or specification,these results are for reference only 依照说明书或制造规格要求记录固体石蜡和棕榈的百分比,结果仅供参考。Wick content check 灯芯成分检查 Should

17、 be 100%cotton.The cord material of the wick should be identified(Metallic/Polymeric).应为100%纯棉。灯芯材料须说明(金属/聚合体),含铅的烛芯禁止被使用。,Flame height Check 火焰高度检查Acceptable Flame Height 可接受的火焰高度Should Not Less Than 0.25”(6.4mm)But Never Exceed 3”(76.2mm)Tea-light Should Not Be Higher Than 0.75”(19mm).Outdoor Cand

18、le Is Exempted From This Requirement.Flame measurement 测量方法,Safety Requirement/Performance 安全要求/产品性能,Stability/Balance Check 稳定性检查(Note:Freestanding candles or candles supplied with holders only)(注意:只适用于独立式的或带有烛台的蜡烛)According to standard of ASTM PS 59-02,place the unlit candle on the inclined surfac

19、e in the orientation most likely to cause tipping.(test together with candle holder,if applicable)依照ASTM PS 59-02标准的要求,将未被点燃的蜡烛以最容易引起倾倒的方向放置在倾斜测试台面上。(带有烛台的蜡烛,蜡烛与烛台须装配一起进行检测)Should not tip over at a minimum angle of 10 degrees to the horizontal.将样品置放于10度的斜面上不翻倒。Not applicable Easter,Paschal,Sacrament

20、al and Altar candles.不适用于复活节,逾越节,举行圣典和祭拜所用的蜡烛。,Safety Requirement/Performance 安全要求/产品性能,Burning Performance 燃烧性能Test 2 sets of samples.Place the candle in a holder/plate with the wick in a straight/upright position and burn for 30 minutes at a time 抽检2套样品,将蜡烛放入烛台或托盘中,并使烛芯保持垂直向上的位置燃烧30分钟/一个燃烧周期。In be

21、tween burning cycles,allow candle wax to cool for 10 minutes,trim wicks in accordance with the manufacturers instruction(1/4”)between each cycle and no pouring of molten wax during burning.在每个燃烧周期间,令蜡烛冷却10分钟,并按照说明书的要求修剪将烛芯(一般剪至1/4英寸),且在燃烧过程中不要将融化的蜡油到出。Total four burning cycles during onsite testing.

22、Record the following burning characteristic during each cycles,which will cause failure of performance.检验过程共燃烧四个周期。记录以下每个周期导致燃烧性能不合格的燃烧特征。,Safety Requirement/Performance 安全要求/产品性能,Burning Characteristic that will cause failure of performance 致使燃烧性能不合格的燃烧特征Excessive smoke release/smoky flame 产生过多烟/火焰

23、冒烟Excessive flame height 火焰过高Falling wick or off-center burning 烛芯燃倒落/烧偏离中心Liquid wax release through side wall/Side wall collapse从侧面流油/侧面烧塌Excessive dripping/Liquid wax overflow 过分流油/蜡油溢出Self-extinguishing 自动熄灭Determine if there is a possibility of secondary wick formation from debris in the wax,ca

24、ndle coatings or decoration or the container.判断是否会由灯芯残片,蜡烛涂层或装饰物,或容器形成另外的蜡烛心Does the wick bend during burning 灯芯燃烧时是否弯曲Does the wick form a loop that dips back into the wax pool.灯芯是否烧成曲线伸到油池Flame or wax splutters or spits.火焰或蜡烛劈啪响或喷溅Any other event that can cause an increase or decrease in the burni

25、ng characteristic.其他能影响燃烧性能的现象,Safety Requirement/Performance 安全要求/产品性能,Secondary Ignition 二度燃烧 Demonstrates no unintended ignition of secondary ignition sources such as embedded decorative material,raffia,ribbons,or other decorations during normal burn.The sample is allowed to burn completely to th

26、e end of the wick.Embedded decorative material does no sustain a flame when removed from the candle and tested separately.The decorative material is placed on a horizontal surface and a flame is applied to the edge for a maximum of 10 seconds.End of life(Filled container candles only)Container does

27、not crack,melt,or exhibit other degradation when candle ceases to support combustion.Flammability 可燃性 All decoration such as raffia,ribbons,or other decorations around the base of a candle demonstrate a burning rate not exceeding 0.10 inches per second when tested as specified in 16 CFR 1500.44,正常燃烧

28、时无二度燃烧物质引起非设计的燃烧,如植入的装饰材料,纤维,丝带或其他饰物。让蜡烛充分地烧到蜡烛烛芯的底部。将植入的装饰材料从蜡烛中取出单独进行测试不得产生持续的火焰。装饰材料放于水平面,并用明火燃烧其边缘位置不超过10秒。寿命终结(只对带容器蜡烛)当蜡烛停止燃烧时,容器不可产生破裂,融化或呈现其他的不良现象。按16 CFR 1500.44测试时,所有装饰物的水平燃烧速率均不得超过0.10英寸/秒。,Safety Requirement/Performance 安全要求/产品性能,External Surface Temperature Test 外表面温度测试 Only perform tes

29、t on sample with candleholder by recoding temperature during Test 9.Periodically check the surface temperature warm,hot,very hot.Warm:37C-42C;Hot:42C-60C;Very Hot:60C or above.只测试带烛台的样品:记录燃烧测试时的温度。周期性地检查表面温度-暖:37C-42C;热:42C-60C;非常热:60C 或以上.Porosity check for Candleholder 烛台多孔性测试 Shall not allow abso

30、rption of wax into holder.烛台不允许吸入蜡油。Flammability Test for Candleholder(16CFR 1500.44)烛台可燃性测试(16CFR 1500.44)Holder cup does not ignite within 5 seconds of direct flame contact(only applicable to materials in direct contact with candle).蜡烛烛台与火焰直接接触5秒内不会点燃(只适用于与蜡烛直接接触的材料)。Demonstrates a horizontal burn

31、 rate not exceeding 0.10inches per second when tested using method described in 16CFR 1500.44 Each component is tested separately for material other than glass/ceramic.Holder material does not crack or break when test candle is burned in its entirety(Glass/Ceramic materials)根据16CFR 1500.44 描述的方法测试,对

32、于玻璃/陶瓷以外的每个烛台的材料分别进行检验,其燃烧速率均不得超过0.10英寸/秒。当蜡烛全部充分燃烧完时,玻璃/陶瓷材料容器不可出现裂缝或破裂现象。,Safety Requirement/Performance 安全要求/产品性能,Thermal Shock Testing on Container 冷热冲击测试 place the container in an oven 90C for 30 minutes and plunge into cold water( 20C)for 1 minute x 2 cycles.将被测样品放在烤箱内在90C左右

33、高温下烘烤30分钟取 出,然后放入20C左右冷水中一分钟取出为一个循环,两次 Only applicable to Glassware holder with no cracks or broken occurs 此测试只适用于玻璃容器,测试后无裂痕或破裂现象。Toxicological Hazard 化学毒性危害 Complies with the following guidelines for maximum allowable content of leach able lead and cadmium:铅 与镉等重金属含量必须符合相应法规。US FDA(If marketed in

34、USA)Warning statement or Symbol is visible and is affixed to either the packaging,labeling,or the sample.If California Proposition65 limits are exceeded.包装或产品本身须附带警告语或标识。,Safety Requirement/Performance 安全要求/产品性能,Case Study 案例分析,The importance of Quality Assurance质量保证的重要性Evaluate product performance/

35、Safety 评定产品性能/安全性 There has been an increase in household fires caused directly by candles and though inappropriate use of candles is partly to blame,candles and candleholders have also been found to be unsafe.Therefore,it is necessary to evaluate their safety.直接由蜡烛引起的家庭失火一部分因为使用不当,也有是蜡烛和蜡烛容器本身不安全。R

36、esponsibility 责任 Supplier responsibility is to ensure the supplied product is correct and complies with the relevant product safety regulations and standards to the importing countries.供应商要保证提供正确产品,产品须符合进口国家的安全规定和标准。,CASE-NEWS FROM CPSC案例-来自美国消费品安全委员会的消息,CASE-NEWS FROM CPSC案例-来自美国消费品安全委员会的消息,CASE-No

37、tifying From EU/United Kingdom 案例-来自欧盟消费品安全通报,Product:Category:Decorative articlesProduct:Candles-Star Lytes Rose Garden Scented candle Brand:Star LytesType/number of model:Rose Garden ScentDescription:113g/4oz Rose Garden scented candle(pink)in a dimpled glass jar,contained within cardboard packagi

38、ng.Country of origin:United States Danger:product poses a risk of fire because:-secondary ignition may occur in the candle as a result of a secondary wick being formed after carbon debris accumulates in the wax pool.This is a significant safety hazard as the candle is no longer under control.This se

39、condary ignition causes the side and base of the container to overheat which could result in personal injury i.e.burns,-secondary ignition can also be caused as a result of the glass shattering,the spreading of fire to surrounding items by virtue of an enlarged flame height,wax spillage as a result

40、of shattering all of which constitute safety hazards.s Measures adopted by notifying country:Voluntary withdrawal from the market and recall from consumers by the importer.,CASE-Notifying From EU/Sweden案例-来自欧盟消费品安全通报,Product:Category:Decorative articlesProduct:Candles-Burner Brand:UnknownType/number

41、 of model:W4-N4(on the label of Slovak distributor),W-4(on the label of Polish producer),EAN code:5903722183189Description:A white candle in a white plastic container,packed per 30 pieces in a cardboard box with a transparent cover.Country of origin:Poland Danger:Fire and burns The product poses a r

42、isk of fire and burns due to uncontrolled combustion and melting of the plastic parts.The warning from the producer“Light on fireproof base”is not sufficient as the melted plastic and wax can ignite other neighboring articles.Measures adopted by notifying country:Withdrawal from the market and recal

43、l from consumers ordered by the authorities.,CASE-Notifying From EU/Finland案例-来自欧盟消费品安全通报,Product:Category:Decorative articlesProduct:Gel candle Brand:Geleljus med DekorationType/number of model:Number of model:21017,EAN code:7392870210171Description:Gel candle in a glass container.Height:35 cmCountry of origin:China Danger:Fire The product poses a risk of fire because it easily tips over and the glass container may break.Measures adopted by notifying country:Voluntary withdrawal from the market and recall from consumers by the importer.,Thanks,THE END,


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