Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写.ppt

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《Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写.ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Topic 5 How to Write an Outline for Research Paper,When you build a house you should have a ground plan first and an outline is your ground plan for“building”your research paper.,论文提纲的编写是论文写作过程中基本的十分重要的一步,是在论文写作之前对全文的整体构思,它帮助我们大致确定论文的基本结构和各部分之间的逻辑关系。因此,它是一种尝试性的构建论文框架的过程。,The definition and function

2、of an outlineThe procedure of preparing an outlineThe general contents of an outlineThe principles for writing an outline,What is an outline?,An outline is a basic writing plan which consists of a series of phrases or sentences and shows the main points that the paper will cover and the order in whi

3、ch these points will be mentioned.,What is the function of an outline?,An outline gives the writer a specific guidance as to what kind of supporting details you should look for in your further research and where you can fit them into the context of your paper.The readers,on the other hand,benefit fr

4、om the outline as a complete and detailed table of contents.,II.The procedure of preparing an outline,Having a satisfactory thesis statement;Reviewing all your note cards and bringing related materials together under some general headings;Arranging these headings according to the development of your

5、 thought;Forming a logical preliminary outline;Discussing your preliminary outline with your advisor.,What is a thesis statement?(主题陈述),A thesis statement is usually a single sentence that will give you a central focus for organization of your paper.,A thesis statement is usually put in front of you

6、r outline in a declarative form that summarizes the central idea of the paper you will write.,Samples of thesis statement,Sample 1Topic:Pair work Design and Learners InterestThesis statement:Learners interest in pair work is increased by well designed pair work exercises.,Sample 2,Topic:Naturalism i

7、n Dreisers Sister CarrieThesis statement:Influenced by naturalism,Sister Carrie typically reflects Dreisers view of nature and man in the social environment of his time.,III.The general contents of an outline,Two major formats of outline;Two major types of outline,What are the two major formats of o

8、utline?,The standard outline systemThe decimal outline system,Sample of the standard system,I.The two reasons for A.The first reason 1.The women a.They would(1)The time(a)The technology(b)The public(2)The place b.They could 2.The men B.The second reasonII.The reasons against,Sample of the decimal sy

9、stem,1.The two reasons for 1.1 The first reason 1.1.1 The women would could 1.1.2 The men 1.2 The second reason2.The reasons against,Whey preparing your outline format,you should pay attention to 2 points:Numbering;Indentation,What are the two major types of outline?,Topic ou

10、tline(主题式提纲)Sentence outline(句子式提纲),Topic Outline,In a topic outline,each heading and subheading is a word or a phrase,but often only short phrases throughout,which takes less time and space.,Sentence Outline,In a sentence outline,each heading and subheading is a complete sentence,which has greater

11、clarity and precision.,Sample of a topic outlineRasputins Other Side,Thesis statement:After six decades of being judged a demonical libertine,Rasputin now deserves to be viewed from another point of view-as a man who was intensely religious,who passionately desired peace,and who deeply devoted to hi

12、s family and friends.,I.The ambiguity of the real Rasputin A.His birth B.Popular historical view 1.His supporters 2.His detractorsII.Rasputins religious feelings A.His rich nature B.His simple peasant faithIII.Rasputins desire for peace in Russia A.B.,Sample of a sentence outline,Thesis statement:(同

13、上)I.The real Rasputin is difficult to discover.A.The birth of Rasputin coincided with a“shooting star”.B.The popular historical view of Rasputin portrays him as primarily evil.1.Supporters called him a spiritual leader.2.Detractors called him a satyr.II.Rasputin had intense religious feelings.A.He h

14、ad a rich nature.B.He had a simple peasant faith in God.III.Rasputins passionate desire for peace in Russia revealed itself in several ways.A.B.,IV.The principles for writing an outline A.There must be at least three layers of development in your outline:the thesis statement,the headings and the sub

15、headings and always begin your outline with a thesis statement;,B.All the headings at the same level should be in parallel form( the same grammatical structure);C.No heading or subheading can stay alone;D.Never get a topic outline mixed with a sentence outline.,Exercise of Outline Writing Dire

16、ction:Below is a part of an outline from a students paper.Read the following headings carefully and try to find whats wrong with them and then correct the mistakes.,.How to review with a classmate A.Deciding what is most important B.Finding relationship of most important points C.Questioning each ot

17、her and verify answers D.Class notes.What do you consult the teacher in an interview A.B.,Questions to be discussed:,What is an outline and why do we have to prepare an outline for a research paper?Why is a thesis statement important for outline writing?What are the two basic types of outline?What a

18、re the principles for writing an outline?,A Sample of Outline,Title:French Revolution in A Tale of Two CitiesThesis Statement:An analysis of Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities against the background of the French Revolution helps deepen the readers understanding of the novel.,Outline:I.A general i

19、ntroduction to the author Charles Dickens A.His family B.His education C.His way to success D.His worksII.A glimpse of A Tale of Two Cities A.gist of novel B.Literary information,III.The French Revolution A.Causes of the Revolution B.An overview of the revolutionIV.Revolution in A Tale of Two Cities A.Contemporary reception of the novel B.France and England in the novel C.Victorian images of the Frence Revolution V.A help in understanding the novel,


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