Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille.ppt

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《Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille.ppt(64页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Face to Face with Hurricane Camille,Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille,Teaching Objectives,To learn how the writer gives a vivid description of actions in terms of lexical,sentential and textual level;To learn how Americans fight against the hurricane,Background Information,Hurricane(the N

2、orth Atlantic Ocean):An extremely violent tropical storm,attaining speed greater than 75 miles per hour.Use girls names to identify hurricanes in the Atlantic,Caribbean,and Gulf of Mexico since 1953.The names were given in alphabetical order.In 1980 a hurricane was given a mans name(Hurricane David)

3、Hurricane season begins June 1 and ends Nov.30.,similar terms,typhoon:a very violent tropical storm which occurs over the West Pacific Ocean and China seas.Typhoons are given serial numbers.(台风)cyclone:a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round,which occurs over the Indian Ocean.

4、(龙卷风)tornado:a violent wind storm consisting of tall column of air(funnel cloud)which spins round very fast and causes a lot of damage(陆龙卷),翻译不同的“风”,我们享受着湖面上吹来的凉爽的微风。We are enjoying the cool breeze that comes from the lake.一阵大风吹走了我的帽子。A gust of wind blew my hat off.这船的桅杆被强风吹断了。The ship lost her mast

5、s in the gale.,Hurricane Camille,Hurricane Camille(August 17,1969)is said to be the worst storm ever to hit mainland United States.With winds in excess of 200 mph and tides over 20 feet,Hurricane Camille smashed into the Mississippi Gulf Coast on Sunday night,the 17th of August and continued its dev

6、astating path until the early hours of Monday,the 18th.The combination of winds,surges,and rainfalls caused 256 deaths and$1.421 billion in damage.,apartment building in Mississippi before and after Camille,Whats the type of the text?,narration(the telling of a story)characters(people):-Pop Koshak-G

7、randma Koshak-John Koshak-Janis Koshak-Seven children-Charles,a friend-neighbors-pets,conflict/struggle:people-people people-nature people-society people-themselves protagonist(hero)-antagonist(enemy)John Koshak,Jr.-the hurricane,What is the story about?,It describes the heroic struggle of the Kosha

8、ks and their friends against the forces of a devastating hurricane Camille.,What does the writer focus chiefly on-developing character,action(plot),or idea(theme)?The story focuses mainly on action,but the writer also clearly and sympathetically delineate(描绘)the characters in the story.,How did the

9、author present the event?,The event is presented in order of their occurrence,following the natural time sequence of the happenings.chronological order,General pattern of narration:introduction(time,place,characters,background);development(suspense,tension)climaxconclusion(denouement),Where is the c

10、limax of the event?Para.27 Why do you think so?Because from there on the story moves rapidly to its conclusion.,Whats the theme(the idea/purpose behind the story)of the story?,“We lost practically all our possessions,but the family came through it.When I think of that,I realize we lost nothing impor

11、tant.”The most important thing is the spirit fighting against the difficulties which could never be taken away.Family safety is more important than material possessions.,Organization of the text,Part I(para.1-6):preparation for the hurricane(introductory paragraphs:the time,place and background of t

12、he conflict-man versus hurricanes)Part II(para.7-27):details of their struggle against the hurricanePart III(para.28-35):getting help and rebuilding community Part IV(para.36-39):revealing the theme,the title:face to faceConfronting one anotherThe confrontation is generally with something dangerous,

13、difficult or hard to resolve.,A Detailed Study of the Text,The news brings him face to face with the truth about his daughters disappearance.This was the first time Id ever come face to face with poverty.,What do you think of the title?,It is succinct and presents the article as vividly and forceful

14、ly as possible to attract the attention of readers.The phrase“face to face”connotes a sense of urgency and danger.The would-be readers would not control themselves to finish reading it in a breath.,Detailed Study of Section One(1-6)Before the hurricane,1)Does the first paragraph have a topic sentenc

15、e?(First sentence)2)How is the paragraph developed?(facts and reasons)(to show how he knew that the hurricane would be bad.)3)What is the function of the last sentence?(introduction of some other characters and transition to the most important point-why he decided not to abandon his home),4)Find out

16、 vivid words describing the hurricane.Lash:(wind,rain,or water)to strike with great force;dash against.The waves lashed the smooth cliffs.The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of China.Suddenly rain lashed against the windows.Pummel:to beat or hit with repeated blows,esp.with

17、the fist.The thief was pushed and pummeled by an angry crowd.He trapped the man in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds.,5)What was John Koshak Jr.s job?He is a self-employed businessmanMagna product-the name of his company6)Why did the writer choose this family?implication:How g

18、reat the loss it would be if the house was destroyed.Why did John decide to stay and face the dangers of a devastating hurricane?His present house was in a better condition than his former house.(They were not in real danger),Blends,motel(motor+hotel)boatel(boat+hotel)brunch(breakfast+lunch)chunnel(

19、channel+tunnel)海底隧道slurbs(slum+suburbs)slanguage(slang+language)cafetorium(cafe+auditorium)兼作礼堂的自助餐厅 talkthon(talk+marathon)filmusical(film+musical)comsat(communications+satellite),Were elevated 23 feet.We are 23 feet above sea level.yard:(abbr.yd)unit of length,equal to 3 feet(36 inches)or 0.9144 m

20、etre 码 bother:cause any damage,A good:a general intensive,meaning“full”足足(程度数量)我们足足等了三个小时.昨晚Bill在酒馆里喝得烂醉.从这到火车站足足有五个小时的车程.他父母亲狠狠地揍了他一顿.We waited for a good three hours.Bill had a good drink at the pub last night.It is a good five hours to drive to the railway station.His parents gave him a good beat

21、ing.,batten down and ride it out,batten a long board used for fastening other pieces of wood to batten down-to fasten covers over the hatches of a ship,especially in preparing for a storm.e.g.Theres a storm coming,so lets batten down the hatches.to ride it out-to stay afloat during a storm without t

22、oo much damage-metaphor:comparing the house in a hurricane to a ship fighting a storm at sea.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.,8)What preparations did they make?Topic sentence in Para.5 methodically(systematically and orderly)(mains:principal pipes

23、 water mains:water supply)Filled bathtubs and pailsfor waterChecked out batteries and flashlightsfor lights Portable radiofor contact of the outside world,for information Fuelfor electric power Generatorfor power Refrigeratorfor foodIn places where earthquakes or floods often occur,people should lea

24、rn how to prepare and cope with them.,9)How did the author describe the clouds?Whats the implication?scud(esp of ships,etc or clouds)move quickly and smoothly(swiftly)(尤指船舰或云彩)高速而平稳地移动;急行,急驶 The yacht was scudding along before the wind.那艘快艇正乘风笔直疾驶.clouds scudding across the sky 在天空中掠过的飞云.The speed o

25、f these clouds is an indication of the swiftness with which the storm is approaching.,10)Why did the neighbor come to the Koshaks?,Sit Out:坐着看完,待到(散场).I didnt enjoy the play,but we sat it out.等到结束,静等到底.Theyll try to sit out the crisis.Well sit it out to the very end.坐在户外.Its so nice to sit out when

26、the sun is warm in winter.,How many onslaughts did the hurricane make on the Koshaks?on the first floorthe house was leaking.They used all kinds of utensils to fight against the water.on the staircase When the sea water reached the house,they retreated to the staircase,Detailed study of Section 2(7-

27、27),3.in the bedroomWhen the stairs were broken,they retreated to the bedroom.(p 19-20)interposition 1)giving additional information about the devastating force of the hurricane,implying if anyone could survive,it must be a wonder.2)creating suspense,4.in the TV room When the bedroom walls collapsed

28、,they had to retreat to the TV room.,Focusing on the description ofWindWater&rainHurricane forceHouse Peoples reactions,wind,(para 7)Wind and rain whipped the house.(a metaphor:Strong wind and rain were lashing the house as if with a whip.This sentence describes the manner of wind blowing)(para 7)As

29、 the wind mounted to a roar.(the word mount shows that the sound was increasing,dynamic).(para 8)The roar of the hurricane now was overwhelming.(this sentence gives a static description).(para13)The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away.(This sentence uses a simile to give a

30、 concrete image)(para 19)it shot out winds of nearly 200 m.p h.(the speed of the wind)(para 21)Seconds after the roof blew off the house(it tells the power of the wind)(para 24)the wind tore out one wall and extinguished the lantern.(para 27)the wind slightly diminished.(The force of the wind became

31、 weak.),Mount,to gradually increase,rise,or get bigger:The childrens excitement is mounting as Christmas gets nearer.Mounting:gradually increasingmounting anxiety/excitementmounting debtsto fix something on a wall,in a frame etc.,so that it can be viewed or used:The childrens work has been mounted o

32、n cards and put up on the walls of the classroom.The CCTV camera is mounted above the main door.,Rain&water,(7)The rain seemingly driven right through the walls(8)Water rose above their ankles.(9)a blast of water hit the house,flinging open the door and shoving them down the hall.The water was risin

33、g by the minute.(a sudden powerful stream;push roughly;push quickly and violently)That water tasted salty.(11)the water too deep to flee on foot(impossible to escape)(13)water inched its way up the steps.(move slowly)(17)water lap at the steps(touch gently and make a soft sound)(21)the slashing rain

34、(driving;having great force)(27)The water began receding.(moving away),那雨水好像能穿墙透壁,往屋里直灌。,一股水浪冲击过来。撞开了大门,把两人都掀倒在地板上。,海水漫过一级一级的台阶,海水渐渐地漫上了楼梯,倾盆大雨,fling:to throw violently or with force.;to move,to put quickly or violently.投,掷,猛冲,急冲,嘲弄,讥笑Fling mud at sb.污蔑某人,毁谤某人To fling down;toss.投掷;急抛Fling proprietie

35、s away.抛开礼俗Fling off ones pursuers甩开追踪者Fling out in a rage怒气冲冲地离去,shove,-push with a quick,rather violent movement用力推,挤;猛推 He dragged her out to the door and shoved her into the street.The car wont start.Can you give it a shove?,Inch:n.vt.vi.move very slowly,carefully,or with difficulty The climber

36、inched up the vertical rock.The police were searching the area inch by inch.译:救护车慢慢地穿过人群。他把车一点一点地往前开。书架上堆满了书。The ambulance inched its way through the crowd.He inched the car forward.Every inch of shelf space was crammed with books.,The hurricane(para18-27),(para 18)The hurricane,in one mighty swipe,

37、lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air.(swipe:a big,hard,sweeping blow)(lift:as a strong person personification)(skimto throw so as to cause to bounce swiftly and light.It shows how powerful the hurricane was)(para19)the stormin its concentrated breadth of some 7

38、0 miles it shot out winds of nearly 200 m.p.h.and raised tides as high as 30 feet.Along the Gulf Coast,it devastated everything in its swath:19,467 homes and 709 businesses were demolished or severely damaged.It seized a 600,000 gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped it 3 miles away.It tore three large

39、 cargo ships from their moorings and beached them.Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them.在飓风中心纵横约70英里的范围内,其风速接近每小时200英里。掀起的浪头高达30英尺。海湾沿岸风过之处,所有东西一扫而光.19467户人家和709家小商号不是完全被毁,便是遭到严重破坏.高尔夫港一个60万加仑的油罐被狂风刮起,摔到3.5英里以外。三艘大型货轮被刮离泊位,推上岸滩。电线杆和20英寸粗的松树一遇狂风袭击便像连珠炮似的根

40、根断裂。(para 27)The main thrust of Camille had passed.(direct and forceful attack),Snap:1)break suddenly with a sharp cracking noise.He shifted his weight and a twig snapped.Every minute or so I could hear a snap,a crack and a crash as another tree went down.2)Move to a position quickly with a sharp so

41、und.The bag snapped open.3)Speak in a sharp,unfriendly way.“I dont know her”,Roger snappedIm sorry,Cassy,I didnt mean to snap at you like that.4)Lose patience and calmness,become angry.He finally snapped when she prevented their children from visiting him one weekend.5)A snap decision,action:taken t

42、oo quickly without careful thought.I think this is too important for a snap decision.A snap election/judgment译:她双手抓住管子,试图将它折成两截。他啪地一下把笔记本合上。Grant第一次也是唯一的一次失控了。She gripped the pipe with both hands,trying to snap it in half.He snapped the notebook shut.For the first time and only time Grants self-cont

43、rol snapped.,House,(para 7)the house began leaking(para 8)The house shook,and the ceiling in the living room was falling piece by piece.The French doors in an upstairs room blew in with an explosive sound,and the group heard gunlike reports as other upstairs windows disintegrated.(para 9)Then the fr

44、ont door started to break away from its frame.but a blast of water hit the house,flinging open the door(para 13)The house shuddered and shifted on its foundations.Water inched its way up the stairs as first floor outside walls collapsed.(shook suddenly)(para 18)The bottom steps of the staircase brok

45、e apart.One wall began crumbling(shatter)on the marooned group.,楼梯底层的几级台阶断裂开来。有一堵墙眼看着就要倒向这群陷入进退维谷境地的男女老少。,House,(para 22)Debris flew as the living-room fireplace and its chimney collapsed.With two walls in their bedroom sanctuary beginning to disintegrate(para 24)A second wall moved,wavered,it toppl

46、ed on him.The house,shuddering and rocking,had moved 25 feet from its foundations.(para 26)The floor tiltedA third wall gave way.地板倾斜了。又一面墙倒塌了。,French door,French door(8):(especially AmE)=FRENCH WINDOW最早起源于欧式建筑中一种门体的设计风格,是指非常优美、左右对开、中间无梁的两扇门体,Disintegrate-collapse,crumble.fall apart break into many

47、small pieces and is destroyed 分解,碎裂Is society beginning to?Since the Soviet Union ed,the cold war came to an end.gun-like reports:loud explosive noises like guns being fired,Maroon(18):vt.Leave abandoned,isolated,or helpless.Im left feeling lonely,sad and marooned.I am temporarily marooned at home b

48、y my injured knee.译:鲁宾逊在岛上孤零零地生活了若干年,他勇敢地活了下来。After years of being marooned on the island,Robinson made himself a brave survivor.,Give way(26),1.let oneself be overcome(by sth)被(某事物)制服:屈服于,不再坚持陷於绝望.Give way to grief/despair.2.to break under pressure;collapse.断裂;倒塌;垮掉卡车过重把这座桥压坏了The bridge gave way un

49、der the weight of the lorry.Her legs suddenly gave way and she fell to the floor.她两腿突然支持不住摔倒在地板上3.be replaced by sth 被某事物代替 Steam trains gave way to electric trains.,People,Actions(para 12)As they scrambled back.(para 21)The children huddled in the slashing rain.Grandma implored,”lets singshe carrie

50、d on alone for a few bars,then her voice trailed away.huddle-crowd,push,or nestle close together,as cows do in a storm,especially because they are cold or frightened挤作一团;蜷缩 vt.聚集 n.挤在一起的人 e.g.We lay huddled together for warmth.Trail away:grew dimmer and stopped(para 26)The larger children sprawled o


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