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1、初中英语七(上)教材与教法解读,Tell me,I forget.Teach me,I know.Involve me,I learn.,Part I,新旧教材对比,新旧教材对比,(一)整体降低难度,原牛津7A教材2个模块,6个单元。,现七年级(上)8个单元。,(二)增加单元数,减少单元学习容量,原牛津7A有9个板块,现删除了Vocabulary板块,重新设计Checkout评价板块。调整后每单元为8个板块。,(三)调整单元板块结构,(四)语法难度降低,容量减少,(五)调整“Study Skills”板块内容,牛津初中英语关于语音的知识散见于全六册的Study skills部分,义务教育教科书

2、英语(译林版)集中在七年级安排语音的基础知识,包括音标、语音语调、重音等。在处理语音知识方面,本套教材的特点是:,牛津初中英语每单元以卡通漫画(Comic strip)导入,义务教育教科书英语(译林版)保留此特色。,(六)增强材料的趣味性,鼓励学生的创新精神,第5单元 Lets celebrate!中介绍了一些中外传统节日。将原教材该单元Task中关于Halloween的内容改为介绍中国春节(the Spring Festival),通过对比学习中外节日,可以帮助学生更好地体验中西文化的异同。,(七)介绍中外文化的知识,培养跨文化交流的意识和能力,英语课程基本理念(2001年),1.面向全体学

3、生,实施素质教育。2.整体设计目标,体现灵活开放。3.突出学生主体,尊重个体差异。4.倡导积极学习,采用活动途径。5.改进评价体系,促进学生发展。6.开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道。,英语课程基本理念(2011年),注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的 价值。2.面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异。3.整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习的渐进性和持续性。4.强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。5.优化评价方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力。6.丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习的渠道。,综合语言运用能力,情感态度,学习策略,文化意识,语言技能,语言知识,国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意

4、志兴趣动机,交际策略资源策略调控策略认知策略,跨文化交际文化理解文化知识,话题功能语法词汇语音,写读说听,英语课程总目标,教学建议1面向全体学生,为每个学生学习英语奠定基础2注重语言实践,培养学生的语言运用能力3加强学习策略指导,提高学生自主学习能力4培养学生的跨文化交际意识,发展跨文化交际能力5结合实际教学需要,创造性地使用教材6合理利用各种教育资源,提高学生的学习效率7组织生动活泼的课外活动,拓展学生的学习渠道8不断提高专业水平,努力适应课程的要求,Part II,七(上)Unit 5 教学设计,Unit 5 Lets celebrate!,Unit 5 单元总体目标,一、语言知识目标语音

5、:会读并分辨八个双元音,记住拼读规则,并能在单词中认读。词汇:记住并能在情境中运用本单元所有的四会 单词、词组。语法:会用“wh-”questions 来询问信息。话题:会就节日话题进行交际。,二、语言技能目标 听:能听懂有关节日话题的语段和简短的故事。说:能与老师或同学就节日话题交换信息;能参 与简单的角色表演等活动。读:能读懂本单元的有关节日的短文与对话。写:能用本单元学到的英语词汇与句子简单描 述春节或其它中外传统节日。,语言知识与语言技能是综合运用语言的基础。,三、学习策略目标交际策略:能抓住机会用英语与别人交流有关节日的 信息;必要时借助身体语言;遇到困难会 求助。调控策略:能把握本

6、单元学习重点与难点,主动反思 不足。资源策略:能借助工具书、图书馆、网络等了解更多 有关节日的信息与知识。认知策略:能积极思考,主动探究,借助联想学习和 记忆所学知识;能主动比较中西方节日进 而了解中西文化差异。,四、情感态度目标有明确的学习目的和了解世界各地节日的 愿望和兴趣。乐于参与讨论与活动;敢于用英语进行表达。3.能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。4.遇到问题时能主动请教,勇于克服困难。5.对中国传统节日有更深刻的了解。,五、文化意识目标 能用英语简单介绍中西方的传统节日和不同的庆祝方式,初步了解中西方文化差异。,课时安排建议,Comic strip+Welco

7、me to the unit(1 课时)Reading(1-2 课时)Grammar(1 课时)Integrated skills(1 课时)Study skills(1 课时)Task(1 课时)Self-assessment 中的内容可穿插到各板块中处理,或者待整个单元教学结束后组织学生进行自我评价。,Period 1,Comic strip+Welcome to the unit,What holiday/festival do you like best?What do you do on that day?,Lead-in,Chinese New Year(Spring Festiv

8、al),firecrackers,red packets,Mid Autumn Festival,mooncake,eat,enjoy the moon,s,Dragon Boat Festival,rice dumplings,eat,have boat races,get Christmas presents,sing Christmas songs,Christmas Day,Christmas tree,Father Christmas,turkey,Thanksgiving Day,have a big dinner with the family,Halloween,pumpkin

9、 lanterns,candies and chocolates,eat,a ghost,dress up as,Monkey King,dress up as,What festival is it?,People in the USA eat turkey on _.At_,we can get red packets from our parents.Jim likes_ because he likes eating moon-cakes.,Thanksgiving Day,Spring Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival,At _,they can open t

10、heir Christmas presents.Sandy likes _ because she likes eating rice dumplings.People often dress up as a ghost at_.,Christmas,Dragon Boat Festival,Halloween,What is your favourite festival?,Why do you like it?Because,what do we usually do on that day?,Pairwork,Group work,Work in groups to tell your

11、friends about your favorite festivals.You can use the following to help you:Hello!My name is My favorite festival is Because On that day,I can,Period 2-3,Reading,Unit 5 Lets celebrate.,If they do not give us a treat,we can play a trick on them.,Trick or treat,knock on,shout,giveas a treat,play a tri

12、ck on sb,wear masks,paint faces,mask,Dress up,tooth,sharp,ee,cut out,Pumpkin lantern,have Halloween parties,Read and answer,What is the letter mainly about?How does Wendy like this festival?,Read and complete the note,HalloweenDate:31 _Activities:_ up Wear _ or paint their _ Make _ Play _ Have a _ i

13、n the evening.,T or F?,People in the USA celebrate Halloween in October.Halloween is not much fun for children.People make lanterns out of oranges.Children play“trick or treat”with their parents at Halloween.People have a party on the morning of Halloween.People enjoy nice food and drinks at Hallowe

14、en.,T,F,F,F,F,T,Finish P60 B3&B4,All about Halloween,dress up&wear masks,paint faces,make pumpkin lanterns,play“trick or treat”,have a party,enjoy nice food and drinks,Oct.31,What sentences in the letter tell you that Wendy like Halloween?,1.Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.Tha

15、nk you for sth doing sth,Thank you for _(帮助我).,Lets learn!,e.g.Thank you for _(你的自行车).,your bike,helping me,Thank you for _.,2.We dress up and wear masks.dress up 乔装打扮 dress up as打扮成e.g.They dressed up to join the party.He will dress up as a tiger.wear 穿、戴e.g.The girl is wearing a flower on her head

16、.,e.g.The woman _.The boy beside the woman _.,2.If they do not give us a treat,we can play a trick on them.,give sb.a treat 意思为“招待某人”,Mr.Wang often gives us a treat of fruits.,王老师经常用水果招待我们。,give sb.a treat of sth.=give sb.sth.as a treat,Mr.Wang often gives us fruits as a treat.,play a trick on sb 对某

17、人做一个恶作剧,那个小男孩经常对同学恶作剧。,The little boy often plays tricks on his classmates.,Grandma gives us _.,_,3.We always have a party on the evening of,_ the,on,_,of,morning,noon,afternoon,evening,night,在的早晨/中午/下午/晚上/夜晚,On the morning ofIn the morning on,I.Lets talk about,dress up,wear,masks,paint,pumpkin lant

18、erns,play,trick or treat,knock,shout,give,treat,give,trick,on the evening,have a party,food and drinks,II.Talk about other festivals,watch TV,Chinese New Year,enjoy fireworks,get some lucky money,eat dumplings and lots of nice food,wear new clothes,Mid-Autumn Festival,eat mooncakes,watch the moon,ea

19、t rice dumplings,Dragon Boat Festival,have a dragon boat race,Christmas,have a Christmas tree,have a lot of presents,sing Christmas songs,Thanksgiving Day,eat turkey,III.Group work,Work in groups of four.Two are Chinese students and the other two are from the west.Try to tell one another about your

20、traditional festivals.Act it out.,Period 4 Grammar,Asking wh-questions,What do you want to know?,Picture this!,P62 B&C,1.are you going on holiday?We are going to Guilin.2.is your birthday?It is on 13,November.,Where,When,Help Millie form questions with the correct questions words.,3.is that person i

21、n a special costume?That is Kitty.4.man is Toms father?The one in a black jacket.,Who,Which,5._ book is this?It is Miss Lis.6.do you celebrate Christmas?We have a party and give each other presents.,How,Whose,8.do you buy mooncakes?Because the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming!9.do you eat at the Dragon

22、 Boat Festival?We eat rice dumplings.,Why,What,Welcome to Kittys party!,Youre invited to Kittys birthday party.Day:SundayDate:5th DecemberTime:4 p.m.Place:her home,Work in groups of four and talk about going to Kittys party.The questions below may help you.,What do you want to buy for her?Why do you

23、 buy for her?Where can you buy the presents?When do you want to go shopping?,How do you celebrate her birthday?Who else comes to her birthday party?Where do you have the birthday party?Which present may she like best?,Period 5Integrated skills,Lead-in,How do people in the west celebrate Halloween?Wh

24、at festival is the most important to Chinese people?How do people celebrate Chinese New Year?,lion dance,Chinese dinner,fireworks n.,music and dance,Listen to the host and help Wendy finish the table below.,Help Wendy complete the postcard.,February 6 Dear Millie,Happy New Year!I am on holiday in_.T

25、he Chinese people here always have a party to celebrate _.,There are lots of interesting things at the party.The _ starts first.People take a lot of photos.Then people can have a nice _.At night,they watch the _.After that,there is a _ show.,What do you do to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Beijin

26、g?All the best,Wendy,Speak up,Mum:You seem very happy,Millie.Millie:Yes,Mum.We have a“Festival Week”at school.Mum:Really?What do you do?Millie:We have shows about different festivals around the world.Its interesting.,Mum:Great!Where do you have the shows?Millie:At the school hall.Mum:Good.Have a nic

27、e day!,What activities do you have at school?Work in pairs and talk about one of them.Use Millie and Mums conversation as a model.,Speak up,Mum:You seem very happy,Millie.Millie:Yes,Mum.We have a at school.Mum:Really?What do you do?Millie:We have.Its _.,Mum:Great!Where do you _?Millie:.Mum:Good.Have

28、 a nice day!,Do Chinese people celebrate Western festivals?How?,Discussion,Use Wendys postcard as a model.Write a postcard to your pen-friend in America to tell him/her about the celebrations of a western festival in Nanjing.,Write a postcard!,Period 6 Study Skills,Vowels,Read the following words.,F

29、ind New Friends!(match the names and the vowels),May Moira FlowerMikeTonyJuliaClareZure,Tongue Twisters(What are your new friends doing?),1.May is making a cake for the painter waiting in the rain.2.Mike is flying my kite high in the sky and he feels tired.3.Moira is enjoying her toys with a boy.4.T

30、ony is going home with a bowl after boating.,5.Flower turns around with a towel in her mouth.6.Julia doesnt really hear with her ears.7.Clare is feeding her teddy bear on a pear near the chair.8.Zure is surely taking a tour to cure the poor patients.,Make sentences with the words given.,play,say,gre

31、at,lake They say they are playing on the great lake.2.light,ride,bike,bright Simon is riding a bike with a bright light.3.boy,toilet,toy He put the toy boy in the toilet.4.coat,yellow,no He has no yellow coats.,5.blouse,cloudy,brown She got a brown blouse on a cloudy morning.6.near,dear,here My dear

32、 grandma lives near here.7.their,pear,chair Dont put the pear on their clean chair.,Say the rhyme!,My birthday is in May.They will come to my home to sing and _.The dog sits beside the chair,eating a yellow and juicy _.Give me the toy,I will be the happiest _.,4.Just go to say“hi”And dont ask _.Join

33、 us in the tour And you will enjoy yourself for _.6.If you dont know,I will never let you _.7.Oh,my dear!They are celebrating the Chinese New _!,Period 7 Task,My favorite festival,Festivals around the world,What is your favorite festival?,Millies favorite festival is Spring Festival!,Lets think!,1.W

34、hat is Spring Festival?2.When is Spring Festival?3.Who celebrate it?4.How do people celebrate it?,Spring Festival,What is the Spring Festival?,How do people celebrate it?,an important holiday in China,family members get together,have a big dinner,most Chinese families celebrate it,watch TV(the Sprin

35、g Festival Gala),always in January or February,get presents(new clothes&red packets),let off fireworks,Spring Festival,The Spring Festival is an important holiday in China.Most Chinese families _ it.It is always in _ or _.It is often cold at this time of a year,but people are happy.Family members _

36、and then have a big _.After dinner,people like to _.,There is a great Spring Festival Gala on TV every year.Children have lots of fun on this day.We get presents.Usually our parents get _ ready for us,and we get _ from our grandparents,aunts and uncles.We like to let off _ at night.They are really w

37、onderful!,Your favorite festival?,Make a writing plan and write about your favorite festival.,?,Useful expressions,is an important holiday in/forIt is in/onIt is,but There is/are on TVWe/They like toUsually we get have lots of fun,Self-assessment,Result:I need to spend more time on _.,Thank You!Bye!,


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